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wherever she goes. Who doesn't know some body as like her " as two peas ?" She's every where, in every thing; has" a word in season," and out, and for that matter the 'outs' have it. Nothing going on, that she isn't there, and hasn't something to say, with her short steps but a great many of them. Only glance at that wonderful chicken of hers, and she's all of a clutter; ruffles her feathers, and looks so she thinks-very formidable. She is too tough to eat, or she would have been guillotined long ago.

That gray individual is older than "MACK," and he's a dozen; the Meg Merrilies of the Roost. Quite a Malte Brun is she in her way, for what she does not know about the Geography of Corn-cribs, Cornfields, Cherry trees, Melon patches, and rare picking generally, isn't worth knowing. Posted in all that pertains to nestling, scratching, and roosting places, she unites in her venerable self the Mrs. Partington and the Paul Pry of Hendom. Not a brood of chickens does some more favored sister lead triumphantly off, but she sets up an apology for a cluck, spreads her tail, puts on an extra frill, and, looking as matronly as possible-who would think it?-lays claim to half the chickens-the only thing, by the by, she can lay. Having outlived her youthful weaknesses, she has

utterly forgotten she ever was a pullet, and is very severe upon every little indiscretion among the poultry. Her age is her protection, and she makes the most of her privilege, grows garrulous precisely as she grows foolish, and is as captious and consequential as an old Dowager.

Longer Biographies of "bipeds without feathers," have been manufactured out of less material than the adventures of this venerable PARTLET would supply. In her youth, an accident, or, to be briefer, an axe, deprived her of her toes; and then, just to think of it! what perils by club and stone, and mop and broom, she has encountered; what imminent danger from hungry hawks she has escaped; what weasels have poached her innocent eggs! Nearly abducted by Reynard; quite looked out of countenance by an Owl; half frozen" that cold winter;" almost drowned in the wash-tub; and what a family she has reared in her day, that were all "well to do," until they were well done. What themes for pathos and patriotism; what opportunities for ode and episode would

these incidents furnish!

It rains this morning, and half a score of cocks in red and yellow uniform, stand in the corners of the fences, under the wagon, or the lee of an old plough,

heads drawn into feather mufflers, and looking, with their drenched and drooping plumes, like Militia Captains on parade day, when Barometers and water are reported "falling." There is not a crow of defiance, or triumph, or complacence; not a call-you have heard it, and I cannot describe it, unless it is like a laugh in a muff-to the 'women folks,' at the discovery of some rare delicacy, real or imaginary, in the freshly-raked earth; imaginary, for it must be confessed they are "gay deceivers," some of them, and call very affectionately, when they find no corn.

Observation, both of Cocks and Capitalists, enables me to say, that any "Rooster," having from three pecks to one and a half bushels of some current grain at command, can come into this neighborhood, and among eighty or so (counting chickens) of the feathered race, be THE courted, caressed, and clucked about, of the whole roost; but an awkward invention is 'but,' for an awkward necessity-let him take care of his corn.

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Small lawyers very Johnsonian; red-visaged Bonifaces very Boswellian; officers of the Army all Brigadiers; "Martinets" of the Navy very peremptory; little Quakeresses very modest; mothers very bustling, and gossips very busy-all are represented among

that parti-colored, cackling, clucking, crowing rowd of Locomotive MILLS for the grinding of all sorts of produce, and called "for short" HENS.

These "small deer" are vocal but not musical, unless one has an ear for sawing and filing. Their language is too rich in consonants-too decidedly Saxon; and because, I suppose, no William the Conqueror ever broke shell, and thus made his debut into breathdom, it is without the softening accents of the Norman-French. Harsh as it is, however, no one can deny to it expressiveness, and, sometimes, eloquence the great cry when an egg is laid is as good as an announcement in the London Times, thus: "Mrs. SPECKLED, of an EGG." The alarm, when a wing somewhat too broad sweeps over the Farm-Yard, is as significant as the old Saxon Tocsin. The call of something" found," is quite as intelligible as the Town Crier with his bell. The defiant voice of the Cock is a challenge in honest vernacular, and the triumphant crow is a "hurrah" in plain English. The Mother's incessant 'cluck, clucking,' with her family, is veritable "baby-talk," while her tones, gathering the callow wanderers together, are as full of love as an old Ballad. And the notes of the chickens! There is not a rural sound softer and

sweeter than the home-note of the little creatures, when nestled at night beneath the Mother's brooding wing. Were it translated into the language of "Paradise Lost"-that subdued " yeep, eep, eep "--it would be, beyond a doubt, the word defined by some Webster yet unborn, "perfect happiness at home, and home once more!"

Chicken Pie.

THE transition from chickens on the perch to chickens in the pie, seems more natural and easy according to Whateley and Newman than it is according to Poultry. I abominate Chicken-pies as edibles, but, be assured, from no "fellow feeling." I love to see them, to think of them, but not to eat them. I would as soon make a meal of reminiscences, or call for a Metaphor, "rare done," at dinner. They are suggestive; they are melancholy-Chicken-pies are; they bring to mind days that went down long ago at home; the capacious and burnished tin pan, wherein "mother"—your mother and mine-used to bake them aforetime; the old family table, round

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