Imágenes de páginas
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SECTION I. The Dawn of History - Uncertainty of Tradition-Aid

afforded by recent studies-Ethnology, Philology, etc.- Primitive

Home of Mankind - The three great races-The first Migrations-

Commencement of Civilization - China - The Euphrates - The Ham-

ites in Egypt.

SECTION II. Direction of Pre-historic Growth-Rudeness of early races
- Character of the Primitive Man - Testimony of language - Imper-
fection of Turanian Growth-Seen in China - Superiority of Indo-
European races.

SECTION III. Gradual Development - Condition of the first Men-Es-
tablishment of the Family - Patriarchal Authority- The Growth of
Monarchy-Origin of the Priesthood — Development of both in Chal-
dea and Egypt-Influence of War and Commerce.

SECTION IV. Ancient Monarchies - Five Monarchies on the Euphrates

and Tigris-The Scythian, the two Hamitic, the Assyrian and the

Medo-Persian Monarchies - Testimony of the ruins - Mysterious and

Singular character of Egypt-Moses and the Jewish State - Tyre

and its Commerce.

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SECTION VI. The Roman Republic Character of the Romans-Greeks
and Romans compared — Roman constancy.


SECTION VII. Greece and Rome-The influence of each on the future
of mankind - Chronological history from B. C. 500 to B. C. 133-The
great career of the Roman Republic.

SECTION VIII. Decay of the Republic - Unhappy effects of conquest
and wealth on Roman character-Death of the Gracchi - The Civil

Wars - Marius, Sylla, Crassus, Pompey, Julius Cæsar-The Senate
Suspends the Constitution and ends the Republic-Death of Cæsar.

SECTION IX. The Roman Empire - Impossibility of restoring the Re-

public - Triumvirate and wars of Augustus, Antony and Lepidus —Au-

gustus Emperor of the World.


SECTION X. Influence of Christianity-The Jewish State - Influence on
it of Egypt, Asia and Greece - The New Morality of Christianity —
The persecution it provokes - Its growing influence on life and man.
Unhappy effect of state patronage.


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SECTION XI. The services of Great Men to Mankind - Difficulties of
progress among the Ancients-Assistance rendered by Great Men —
Office of early Poets - Of Legislators - Philosophers, Socrates, Plato,
Aristotle Orators, Demosthenes and Cicero - Influence of Great con-
querors on progress - Alexander the Great - Hannibal the unfortunate
- Cæsar, the successful — Brutus, the Patriot-Augustus the Emperor
-The elements of greatness in all men-Jesus Christ the Perfect Man.

SECTION XII. The Christian Era-Chronological history of the Emper-



SECTION XIII. Rise of Modern Nations - Incursions of Barbarians -
Their settlement in Gaul - Spain, Africa, Italy and Britain- - Mahomet
and the great success of his followers - Charlemagne and the Popes ---
Failure to found a Western Empire.

SECTION XIV. The Feudal System - Results from the condition of the

Empire and the character of the invaders - Rise and character of Chiv-

alry - The Crusades.

SECTION XV. The Liberties of the People-Influence of the Crusades-
Revival of Commerce and Learning.

SECTION XVI. The Situation on the Discovery of America.

SECTION XVII. Conclusion - Summary of Progress -The work assigned

to America.

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Geographical ignorance of the Ancients - Columbus and his Ideas - His

difficulty in getting a hearing - Queen Isabella of Spain - Sets sail for

the New World-Why he thought it Asia—Origin of the name America.


HISTORY FROM 1492 TO 1763....

Various Discoveries - Sir Humphrey Gilbert fails twice to establish a Col-
ony-Sir Walter Raleigh - Settlements in Florida-Jamestown-Land-
ing of the Puritans-Other Settlements-Liberal character of Colonial
Governments-Colonies resist oppression-Indian Wars-French Wars
-Training they give the Colonies-Capture of Louisburg-Braddock's
Defeat-Colonists as Soldiers.

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