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HIND. He was born about 1537,* and died on board his ship near Porto Bello, Jan. 28, 1596. JOHN WINTER, Vice-Admiral, in the Elizabeth. He continued in the voyage till the passing of the Straits of Magellan, when a storm, which for its fury and duration, had never been known to him or his companions, made every heart quail but the Admiral's, and compelled him, for his own safety, as he contended, to forsake the voyage and return to England. How many returned with him, we have no means of knowing, at present.

To form an estimate of the violence of the tempest which deprived Drake of all his ships but that in which he himself was, one must recur to the original Journal of the voyage before noticed. That the reader may have an idea of that curious work, and lest he may never see it, a short extract will here be introduced. The writer of the Journal was in the Admiral's ship, to which it applies.

"For such was the present danger by forcing and continuall flawes, that we were rather to looke for present death then hope for any deliuery, if God almightie should not make the way for vs. The winds were such as if the bowels of the earth had set all at libertie; or as if all the clouds vnder heauen had beene called together, to lay their force vpon that one place: The seas, which by nature and of themselues are heauie, and of a weightie substance, were rowled vp from the depths, euen from the roots of the rockes, as if it had beene a scroll of parchment, which by the extremity of heate runneth together: and being aloft were carried in most strange manner and abundance, as feathers or drifts of snow, by the violence of the winds, to water the exceeding tops of high and loftie mountaines. Our anchors, as false friends in such a danger, gaue ouer their holdfast, and as if it had beene with horror of the thing, did shrinke downe to hide themselues in this miserable storme; committing the distressed ship and helpelesse men to the vncertaine and rowling seas, which tossed them, like a ball in a racket. In this case, to let fall more anchors would auaile vs nothing; for being driuen from our first place at anchoring, so vnmeasurable was the depth, that 500. fathome would fetch no ground: So that the violent storme without intermission; the impossibility to come to anchor; the want of opportunitie to spread any sayle; the most mad seas; the lee shores; the dangerous rocks; the contrary and most intolerable winds; the impossible passage out; the desperate tarrying there; and ineuitable perils on euery side, did lay before vs so small likelihood to escape present destruction, that if the speciall providence of God himselfe had not supported vs, we could neuer haue endured that wofull state: as being inuironed with most terrible and most fearfull judgements round about. For truly it was more likely that the mountaines should have beene rent in sunder, from the top to the bottome, and cast headlong into the sea, by these vnnatural winds, than that we, by any helpe or cunning of man, should free the life of any one amongst vs.

Notwithstanding, the same God of mercy which delivered Tonas out of the Whales belly, and heareth all those that call vpon him faithfully, in their distresse looked downe from heauen, beheld our teares, and heard our humble petitions, ioyned with holy vowes. Euen God (whom not the winds and seas alone, but euen the diuels themselues and powers of hell obey) did so wonderfully free vs, and make our way open before vs, as it were by his holy Angels still guiding and conducting vs, that more then the affright and amaze of this estate, we received no part of damage in all the things that belonged vnto vs.

"But escaping from these straites and miseries, as it were through the needles ey (that God might haue the greater glory in our deliuery) by the great and effectuall care and trauell of our Generall, the Lord's instrument therein; we could now no longer forbeare, but must needes finde some place of refuge, as well to provide water, wood, and other necessaries, as to comfort our men, thus worne and tired out, by so many and so long intollerable toyles: the like whereof, its to be supposed, no traveller hath felt, neither hath there ever beene, such a tempest (that any records make mention of) so violent, and of such continuance, since Noahs flood; for as hath beene sayd, it lasted from September 7. to October 28, full 52 dayes.”

Though this extract be long, we have given but the closing part of the description of the storm. When we consider that it was winter in that region,

*The time of Sir Francis Drake's birth has usually been fixed at 1515; but from genealogical and other investigations, it appears that he must have been born as early as 1537.

and the nature of those seas, the storm (of which we have heard so much,) which overtook Columbus sinks into comparative insignificance.

We cannot close this lengthened digression, (if so it may be considered,) without an extract from a Poem on the Death of Drake by CHARLES FITZGEFFREY; who in the following passage seems to have had the wild scenes of Terra del Fuego, in a dismal winter's night, vividly before him :

"Huge mountain islands of congealed ice,
Floating (like Delos) on the stormy main,
Could not deter him from his enterprise,
Nor blood congealing winter's freezing pain,
Enforce him, coward like, turn back again:
Valor in greatest danger shines most bright,
As full-faced Phoebe in the darkest night."

JOHN THOMAS, captain of the Marigold. He was lost with all his company, after the expedition had passed the Straits of Magellan, in the terrible tempest, just described, among the islands of Terra del Fuego.

JOHN CHESTER, captain of the Swan. He probably continued throughout the voyage.

THOMAS MOONE, captain of the Christopher. He was with Drake in his early voyages to South America, and seems always to have been with him and to have followed his fortunes as long as he lived, and to have died almost at the same time with his beloved commander; not however from disease like him, but by the hand of his enemy, being killed by the Spaniards. THOMAS DRAKE, the youngest brother of the Admiral. He does not appear to have been in any command at the outset of the voyage, but was soon after raised to the command of one of the ships. At this time he was probably about 18 years of age. He continued with his brother in most of his voyages afterwards, was with him in his last voyage, and in command of a ship. From him are descended the Drakes of Buckland, and of several other places in the south of Devonshire.

FRANCIS FLETCHER, chaplain to the expedition. He kept a journal of the voyage, a copy of which in MS. is said still to be seen in the British Museum, and from which the account before mentioned is supposed to be principally made up.

EDWARD CLIFFE, who sailed in Capt. Winter's ship, and returned with him. He left a good account of his voyage.

JOHN DRAKE, who for being the first to discover a Spanish treasure-ship was rewarded by the Admiral with his gold chain, "which he usually wore." He does not appear to have been of the Admiral's immediate family, but was very probably a near relative. He was afterwards a captain in Fenton's disastrous expedition, was cast away in the mouth of the Rio de la Plata, fell into the hands of the Indians, thence into the hands of the Spaniards, and was not heard of after.

HENRY DRAKE. Of his relationship to the Admiral we have no certain knowledge, nor are we certain that he was one of the "great voyage." He was in the last voyage, was present when a cannon-shot from the castle of Porto Rico passed through Sir Francis's ship, while he with his principal officers were at supper, which shot struck his seat from under him, mortally wounding Capt. Brute Browne and Sir Nicholas Clifford. "This," says Dr. Thomas Fuller, "I had from the mouth of HENRY DRAKE, ESQ., there present, my dear and worthy parishioner lately deceased." FRANCIS PRETTY.' About this individual there has been of late much controversy; whether or not he was one of Drake's company, and if he was, whether he was the author of the "Famous Voyage," (as that around the world was styled,) first printed by Hakluyt, in 1589. We have not space here to go into an examination of that question, and shall only remark, that it is possible he may have been one of Drake's company. Some have made him a Frenchman; but that opinion we entirely reject. It is certain that he sailed with Cavendish, and wrote an account of his voyage. The two voyages

of Drake and Cavendish were printed in connection, which may have given rise to an error. Dr. Twiss, in his late examination of the Oregon Question, has, to our mind, set the matter in a clear light. GEORGE FORTESCUE, probably a connection of Drake, and perhaps of the family of Bartholomew Fortescue, Esq., whose daughter Gertrude married Sir Bernard Drake of Ash. This George Fortescue left a MS. account of the voyage, or at least some part of it, as we are informed by Dr. Fuller. He was a captain under his old commander in the West Indies, in 1585, and died during that expedition.

THOMAS DOUGHTY. One of those, who, if we can credit Herrera, went out as a gentleman, "to learn navigation" and naval warfare, without any particular office. He became mutinous before the fleet arrived on the coast of Brazil, and was finally tried, condemned, and executed on a small island in the harbor of Port St. Julian. "In the Iland," says the writer of the voyage, "as we digged to burie this gentleman, we found a great grinding stone, broken in two parts, which wee tooke and set fast in the ground, the one part at the head, the other at the feet, building vp the middle space with other stones and turfes of earth, and engraved in the stones the names of the parties buried there, with the time of their departure, and a memoriall of our generalls name in Latine, that it might the better be vnderstood, by all that should come after vs." He was buried with Mr. Oliver, who had just been killed by the Indians.

THOMAS HOOD, mentioned only in connection with the case of Doughty. THOMAS BLACOLER, afterwards in the expedition of Fenton. The name is spelt with variation. There are those bearing it now in New England. JOHN GRIPE. Perhaps a mistake for "John the Greek."

LEONARD VICARY, who was an advocate for Doughty. The name of Vicary, though not common in New England, is to be met with, and has probably been known in Massachusetts since 1680. In that year, SETH, according to Farmer, was admitted a freeman of Hull; and he adds, "this name has been in New Hampshire within a few years."


CRANE, perhaps Ralph Crane, who afterwards served with Fenton, in

THOMAS CHESTER, also a witness in the case of Doughty.

OLIVER, the master-gunner in the fleet, killed by the Patagonians. THOMAS CUTTLE, belonging to the Admiral's ship, with the rank of captain. JOHN DOUGHTY, a younger brother of Thomas, who was executed. JOHN BROWN, a trumpeter, an evidence against Doughty. JOHN COOK. It is doubtful whether any one of the company bore this name, yet a MS. bearing it has been made use of in a collection of voyages, the whole purport of which seems to be an attempt to cast a stain on the proceedings of Drake in the case of Doughty. It is supposed to have been written by some one present in the fleet, and the name of the transcriber may have been taken for the author. A John Conyers is mentioned by Mr. Barrow as "an annotator on " the original narrative, now in the British Museum. JOHN FRYE, who, with more courage than discretion, jumping on shore in Africa, was seized by the Moors and carried off. He finally returned to England.

EDWARD BRIGHT, a chief accuser of Thomas Doughty.

THOMAS GOOD, prominent in the case of Doughty.

JOHN BREWER, one of the company who landed on the island of Mocha with the Admiral, and were attacked by the Indians. He received seventeen wounds, yet recovered, and sailed afterwards with Cavendish.

HUGH SMITH, mentioned in connection with the affair of Doughty. RICHARD MINIVY, who was killed by the Spaniards near Cyppo, Dec. 19, 1578.

ROBERT WINTER. Perhaps the same called Winterly in one account, and Winterhie in another.

PETER CARDER, who with seven others separated from the Admiral at the western mouth of the Straits of Magellan, during the tempest before men

tioned. In an open boat they succeeded in repassing the Straits, coasted the continent to Brazil, through every variety of suffering, until Carder alone was left alive. He finally reached England after nine years' absence, and was admitted to the presence of Queen Elizabeth, who heard from his own mouth the tale of his adventures. Purchas got from him the account which we have, and which he published in "his Pilgrims."

WILLIAM PITCHER, who was one of the companions of Carder, and lived to reach the coast of Brazil, where he died from drinking too freely of water, when near dead of thirst.

JOHN AUDLEY, one of those who favored Doughty's mutinous conduct.
WARRALL, also deeply concerned in the mutiny.

ULYSSES, probably an African, servant to Capt. Winter.

COBB, [Caube in the narratives] with Winter or Thomas.

CHARLES, also with Winter or Thomas, but once mentioned.

ANTHONY, also with Winter or Thomas, and but once mentioned. WILLIAM HAWKINS, perhaps a brother of Sir Richard Hawkins, and son of Sir John Hawkins, Kt. He was afterwards vice-admiral under Capt. Fenton, in the expedition of 1582.

JOHN DEANE, a witness in the case of Doughty. Whether he continued throughout the voyage or not, is unknown.

JOHN MARTYN, afterwards Capt. John Martyn or Martin of Plymouth, and Martin of Bridgetown near Totnes, who had male issue living

son of

there in 1620.

THOMAS CLACKLEY, boatswain in the Admiral's ship.

JOHN SARICOLD, one of the important evidences against Doughty. EMANUEL WATKYNS. His name, with Saricold's and several others, is signed to certain articles going to prove the guilt of Doughty.

GEORGE CARY, a musician. The same probably called Gregory Cary, in the documents in Barrow's Worthies. He attested to the mutinous conduct of Doughty.

HENRY SPINDELAY, gunner in Capt. Chester's ship.

JAMES SYDYE, mentioned only in Doughty's case.

WILLIAM SEAGE, mentioned only as above.

JOHN DAVIS, whose name the great northern Strait will ever perpetuate, who was perhaps in Capt. Winter's ship, though we are not sure of the fact; but in 1595, he said he had then "thrice passed the Straits of Magellan," which renders it quite certain that he must have sailed with Drake in his voyage of circumnavigation, as there is no other way of accounting for his having "thrice passed those Straits."

Thus out of "164 able and sufficient men," we have about one third of them by name; and from a passage in "Barrow's Naval Worthies" we are led to hope, that "twenty-nine" other names will yet be recovered. Should they come to our hand, we may at a future time make an article respecting them also.*

* Mr. Drake has in a forward state for publication a full account of Admiral Drake and his Voyages, containing some important facts hitherto unpublished.-Editor.


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"The persons aboue named past from hence [in] the shipp aboue mentioned, and are, according to order, registred heare. Dated, Searchers office, Grauesend, 30th May, 1656.



"Theese were Landed at Boston in N. E. the 27th of the moneth, 1656.

J. E."


[The following is an exact copy of the original minutes, made at the examination of the Quakers, at the court in Boston above specified. Hutchinson refers to the books of the Court in his account or notice of this affair; but whatever may there be found to justify his remark that the Quakers made "rude and contemptuous answers," no one will allow that any thing of the kind was contained in these original minutes, to justify any such conclusion. They are here presented to illustrate, as far as they may, this dark page of our early history. This document is the more important, as it appears to be one of the earliest, if not the earliest paper in relation to the proceedings against that people. They came into New England in July preceding their apprehension and trial, and were twelve in number. The issue of their examination being matter of history, it will not be necessary to go into the details here. The inquirer after truth may consult Hutchinson, Neal, Hazard, Bishop, and others for them.]

The eight names against which is the letter Q had a Q set opposite to them in the margin of the original paper containing the account, denoting, as is supposed, that the individuals were Quakers. It is said in Sewall's History of the Quakers that there arrived at Boston two other Quakers in July of this year, namely, Mary Fisher and Ann Austin, who were very ill treated on their arrival, by Gov. Bellingham, though there was yet no law against Quakers.

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