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lively Word, and rightly and duly hath given his Son our Saviour administer thy holy Sacraments. Jesus Christ, not only to die for And to all thy people give thy us, but also to be our spiritual heavenly grace; and especially to food and sustenance in that holy this congregation here present; Sacrament. Which being so di that with meek heart, and due vine and comfortable a thing to reverence, they may hear, and them who receive it worthily, receive thy holy Word; truly and so dangerous to those who serving thee in holiness and righ-will presume to receive it unteousness all the days of their life. worthily; my duty is to exhort And we most humbly beseech you in the mean season, to consi thee, of thy goodness, O Lord, to der the dignity of that holy Myste comfort and succour all those tery, and the great peril of the unwho, in this transitory life, are in worthy receiving thereof; and so trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, to search and examine your own or any other adversity. And we consciences, (and that not lightly, also bless thy holy name, for all and after the manner of dissemthy servants departed this life in blers with God; but so) that ye thy faith and fear; beseeching may come holy and clean to such thee to give us grace so to follow a heavenly feast, in the marriagetheir good examples, that with garment required by God in holy them we may be partakers of thy Scripture; and be received as heavenly kingdom: Grant this, worthy partakers of that holy O Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, Table. our only Mediator and Advocate. The way and means thereto is Amen. First, to examine your lives and When the Minister giveth warning for conversation by the rule of God's the Celebration of the Holy Communion commandments; and wherein so. (which he shall always do Sunday, or some Holy day, immediately ever ye shall perceive yourselves preceding) he shall read this Exhorta- to have offended, either by will, tion following; or so much thereof as, word, or deed, there to bewail in his discretion, he may think conveyour own sinfulness, and to con


upon the

DEARLY beloved, on day fess yourselves to Almighty God, next, I purpose, through God's with full purpose of amendment assistance, to administer to all of life. And if ye shall perceive such as shall be religiously and your offences to be such as are devoutly disposed, the most com-not only against God, but also fortable Sacrament of the Body against your neighbours; then ye and Blood of Christ; to be by shall reconcile yourselves unto them received, in remembrance them; being ready to make restiof his meritorious Cross and Pas-tution and satisfaction, according sion, whereby alone we obtain to the uttermost of your powers, remission of our sins, and are for all injuries and wrongs done made partakers of the kingdom of by you to any other; and being Heaven. Wherefore it is our du-likewise ready to forgive others ty to render most humble and who have offended you, as ye hearty thanks to Almighty God, would have forgiveness of your our heavenly Father, for that he offences at God's hand: For other

wise the receiving of the Holy a case would not be moved? Who Communion doth nothing else would not think a great injury but increase your condemnation. and wrong done unto him? Therefore if any of you be a Wherefore, most dearly beloved blasphemer of God, an hinderer in Christ, take ye good heed, lest or slanderer of his Word, an ye, withdrawing yourselves from adulterer, or be in malice or envy,this holy Supper, provoke God's or in any other grievous crime indignation against you. It is an repent ye of your sins, or else easy matter for a man to say, I come not to that holy Table. will not communicate, because


And because it is requisite that I am otherwise hindered with no man should come to the Holy worldly business. But such exCommunion, but with a full trust cuses are not so easily accepted, in God's mercy, and with a quiet and allowed before God. If any conscience; therefore, if there be man say, I am a grievous sinner, any of you, who by this means and therefore am afraid to come; cannot quiet his own conscience wherefore then do ye not repent herein, but requireth further com-jand amend? When God calleth fort or counsel, let him come to you, are ye not ashamed to say, me, or to some other Minister of ye will not come? When ye God's word, and open his grief; should return to God, will ye exthat he may receive such Godly cuse yourselves, and say, ye are counsel and advice, as may tend not ready? Consider earnestly to the quieting of his conscience, with yourselves, how little such and the removing of all scruple feigned excuses will avail before and doubtfulness. God. They who refused the Or, in case he shall see the People neg-feast in the Gospel, because they ligent to come to the Holy Communion, had bought a farm, or would try instead of the former, he shall use this their yokes of oxen, or because DEARLY beloved brethren, on they were married, were not so I intend, by God's excused, but counted unworthy of grace, to celebrate the Lord's the heavenly feast. Wherefore, Supper; unto which, in God's according to mine office, I bid behalf, bid you all who are here you in the name of God, I call present; and beseech you for the you in Christ's behalf, I exhort you, Lord Jesus Christ's sake, that ye as ye love your own salvation, will not refuse to come thereto, that ye will be partakers of this being so lovingly called and bid-Holy Communion. And as the den by God himself. Ye know Son of God did vouchsafe to how grievous and unkind a thing yield up his soul by death upon it is when a man hath prepared the cross, for your salvation; so a rich feast, decked his table with it is your duty to receive the all kinds of provision, so that Communion in remembrance of there lacketh nothing but the the sacrifice of his death, as he guests to sit down; and yet they himself has commanded: Which who are called (without any if ye shall neglect to do, consider eause) most unthankfully refuse with yourselves. how great is your to come. Which of you in such ingratitude to God, and how sore

punishment hangeth over your ness and the shadow of death heads for the same, when ye wil-that he might make us the chilfully abstain from the Lord's Ta-dren of God, and exalt us to ever ble, and separate from your breth-lasting life. And to the end that ren who come to feed on the ban- we should always remember the quet of that most heavenly food. exceeding great love of our Mas These things if ye earnestly con- ter and only Saviour Jesus Christ sider, ye will by God's grace, re- thus dying for us, and the innu turn to a better mind; for the ob- merable benefits which by his pre taining whereof we shall not cious blood-shedding he hath ob cease to make our humble peti-tained for us, he hath instituted tions unto Almighty God, our and ordained holy Mysteries, as heavenly Father. pledges of his love, and for a con At the time of the Celebration of the tinual remembrance of his death, Communion, the Priest shall say this to our great and endless comfort. Exhortation. To him therefore, with the Fa

DEARLY beloved in the Lord, ther, and the Holy Ghost, let us ye who mind to come to the give (as we are most bounden) Holy Communion of the Body continual thanks; submitting our and Blood of our Saviour Christ, selves wholly to his holy will and must consider how St. Paul ex-pleasure, and studying to servo horteth all persons diligently to him in true holiness and righteous try and examine themselves, be-ness, all the days of our life. Amen fore they presume to eat of that Then shall the Priest say to those who Bread, and drink of that Cup. For come to receive the Holy Communion, as the benefit is great, if with a YE who do truly and earnestly true penitent heart and lively faith repent you of your sins, and we receive that holy Sacrament; are in love and charity with your so is the danger great. if we receive neighbours, and intend to lead a the same unworthily. Judge new life, following the commandtherefore yourselves, brethren, ments of God, and walking from henceforth in his holy ways; draw that ye be not judged of the Lord; repent ye truly for your sins past; near with faith, and take this holy have a lively and steadfast faith Sacrament to your comfort; and in Christ our Saviour; amendmake your humble confession to your lives, and be in perfect cha-Almighty God, devoutly kneeling. rity with all men so shall ye be meet partakers of those holy Mysteries. And above all things, ye must give most humble and hearty

Then shall this general Confession be made, by the Priest and all those who are minded to receive the Holy Communion, humbly kneeling. ALMIGHTY God, Father of

thanks to God the Father, the our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker Son, and the Holy Ghost, for the of all things, Judge of all men : redemption of the world by the we acknowledge and bewail our death and passion of our Saviour manifold sins and wickedness, Christ, both God and man; who which we from time to time most did humble himself, even to the grievously have committed, by death upon the cross, for us mise- thought, word, and deed, against rable sinners, who lay in dark-lthy divine Majesty; provoking

most justly thy wrath and indig- If any man sin, we have an nation against us. We do ear-Advocate with the Father, Jesus nestly repent, and are heartily Christ the righteous; and he is sorry for these our misdoings; the the propitiation for our sins. 1 remembrance of them is grievous John, ii, 1, 2.

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Lift up your hearts.

Answer. We lift them up unto the Lord.

unto us; the burthen of them is After which the Priest shall proceed, intolerable. Have mercy upon saying, us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive is all that is past; and grant, hat we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life, to the honour and glory of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then shall the Priest (the Bishop, if he be present) stand up, and turning to the People, say,

Priest. Let us give thanks unto our Lord God.

Answer. It is meet and right so to do.

Then shall the Priest turn to the Lord's
Table, and say,

IT is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give, ALMIGHTY God, our heaven- thanks unto thee, O Lord, [*Holy ly Father, who of his great Father,] Almighty everlasting mercy hath promised forgiveness God. of sins to all those who with hearty" repentance and true faith turn unto him, have mercy upon you; pardon and deliver you from all your sins; confirm and strengthen!THEREFORE with Angels and Archangels and with all the you in all goodness; and bring! you to everlasting life, through company of heaven, we laud and Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

T Then shall the Priest say, Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith unto all who truly turn to him. COME unto me, all ye that travel and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you. St. Matt. xi. 28. So God loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. St. John, iii. 16.

according to the time, if there be any Here shall follow the proper Preface, specially appointed; or else immediately shall be said or sung by the Priest and People,

magnify thy glorious name; ever more praising thee, and saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory: Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High. Amen.

T PROPER PREFACES. Upon Christmas Day, and seven Days after.

BECAUSE thou didst give Jesus Christ, thine only Son, to be born as at this time for us; Hear also what St. Paul saith. who, by the operation of the Holy This is a true saying, and wor-Ghost, was made very man, of the thy of all men to be received, that substance of the Virgin Mary his Christ Jesus came into the world Mother; and that without spot of to save sinners. 1. Tim. i. 15. sin, to make us clean from all sin : Hear also what St. John saith. Therefore with Angels, &c.

• These words [Holy Father] must be omitted on Trinity Sunday.


BUT chiefly are we bound to

¶ Upon Euster Day, and seven Days three persons in one substance For that which we believe of the praise thee for the glorious believe of the Son, and of the glory of the Father, the same we resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord: For he is the Holy Ghost, without any difference or inequality with Angels, &c.



Then shall the Priest, kneeling down at the Lord's Table, say, in the name of all those who shall receive the Com

very Paschal Lamb, which was offered for us, and hath taken Or else this may be said, the words away the sin of the world; who [Holy Father] being retained in the by his death hath destroyed death, introductory Address. and, by his rising to life again, FOR the precious death and hath restored to us everlasting merits of thy Son Jesus Christ life: Therefore with Angels, &c. our Lord, and for the sending to Upon Ascension Day, and seven Days us of the Holy Ghost the Com. forter; who are one with thee in THROUGH thy most dearly thy eternal Godhead: Therefore beloved Son Jesus Christ our with Angels, &c. Lord; who, after his most glorio resurrection, manifestly appeared to all his apostles, and in their sight ascended up into hea-munion, this prayer following: ven, to prepare a place for us; that WE do not presume to come to where he is, thither we might also this thy Table, O merciful ascend, and reign with him in Lord, trusting in our own righteglory: Therefore with Angels, &c. ousness, but in thy manifold and Upon Whitsunday, and six Days after. great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord; according to whose crumbs under thy Table. thou art the same Lord, whose most true promise, the Holy Ghost came down as at this time property is always to have mer. from heaven, with a sudden great Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy ey: Grant us therefore, gracious sound, as it had been a mighty dear Son Jesus Christ, and to wind, in the likeness of fiery drink his blood, that our sinful tongues, lighting upon the Apostles to teach them, and to lead bodies may be made clean by his them to all truth; giving them! cur souls washed body, and both the gift of divers languages, through his most precious blood, and also boldness with fervent and that we may evermore dwell zeal, constantly to preach the in him, and he in us. gospel unto all nations; whereby we have been brought out of darkness and error, into the clear light and true knowledge of thee, and of thy Son Jesus Christ: Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon the Feast of Trinity only, may

be said,



When the Priest, standing before the Table, hath so ordered the Bread and Wine, that he may with the more readiness and decency break the Bread before the People, and take the Cup into his hands; he shall say the Pray er of Consecration, as followeth :

ALL glory be to thee, Almighty God, our heavenly Father, WHO art one God, one Lord; for that thou, of thy tender mernot one only person, but cy, didst give thine only Sun Je

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