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Subjects Taught, and Order of Lessons for Each Week.

The figures, 1, 2, 3, 4, signify the first, second, third and fourth lessons in each week.

Where two alternative subjects are named, one is to be taken one week, and another the following week.

Reference to a text-book means that whatever drawing-book is in use in the schools shall be drawn from, as a distinct exercise.

* All the classes marked thus are to draw upon the blackboard when the lesson is suitable to such an exercise; one-third of the class to draw each lesson, so that the whole class will have drawn upon the board every three lessons.








Free-hand outline from cards, charts, and blackboard-lessons, the first copies. Memory-lessons, drawing previous exercises from memory. Definition of plane geometry to be learned by heart, and illustrations drawn. Dictation-lessons of right-line figures and simple curves.


1. From cards or charts. 2. From blackboard. 3. Memory and dictation alternately. 4. Geometric definitions.

The more advanced copies in cards, charts, and blackboard-lessons. Memory and dictation lessons (without illustrations). Object-lessons, illustrated by drawings. Geometrical definitions, drawn on a large scale.


1. From cards or chart. 2. From blackboard. 3. Memory and dictation alternately. 4. Object-lessons and geometric definitions alternately.

Free-hand outlines of ornament and objects, from blackboard. Lessons in text-book. Map-drawing. Memory and dictation lessons. Geometrical exercises,-plane geometry up to 50 problems of constructional figures.


1. Objects from blackboard and drawing from text-book alternately, 2. Memorydrawing and dictation-exercises, alternately. 4. Geometrical and map drawing alternately.

Free-hand outline drawing, from solid models. Geometrical drawing, up to the end of the course. Design in geometric forms, from the blackboard. Memory-drawing. Map-drawing. Dictation-lessons.


1. Model-drawing, from object. 2. Geometrical and memory drawing alternately. 3. Map-drawing and design, alternately.

Model and object drawing, with exercises in perspective, drawn by the free hand. Object-lessons, illustrating historical art and architecture. Shading from models and copies. Harmony and mixture of colors. Design from natural foliage.


1. Model shading and object-lessons alternately. 2. Lessons in color, and exercises in design alternately.

Perspective by instruments. Shading in chalk and color, from models, and natural objects and foliage. Design in color and shadow. Projection. Lectures on painting, sculpture, and architecture.


1. Perspective and projection alternately. nately.

2. Painting or shading, and design, alter

Object-drawing and design. Ornamental design. Historical lessons. Advanced dictation and memory lessons. Lessons in teaching drawing. Perspective, advanced. Designing blackboard examples.


1. Object-drawing and design alternately. 2. Perspective and dictation or memory lessons, alternately. 3. Lessons in teaching drawing occasionally.

The paper was discussed by Hon. B. G. NORTHROP, New Haven, Ct.

Mr. NORTHROP presented his resignation of the office of President of the Association, but was persuaded to reconsider his action.



The Association was called to order by the President.

Mr. HENKLE, of Ohio, presented the following list of names for honorary membership in the Association:

Hon. Wм. GASTON, Mayor of Boston.



} of

of the School Committee of Boston.

A. BRONSON OLCOTT, Concord, Mass.

Hon. HENRY BARNARD, Hartford, Ct.

EDWARD SHIPPEN, Pres. School Board, Philadelphia.

ARINORI MORI, Embassador from Japan to the United States.

The gentlemen named were unanimously elected honorary members.

The President. Ladies and Gentlemen, before we close the labors of this meeting of our Association, it affords me great pleasure to introduce to you the Honorable Embassador from the Empire of Japan to the United States of America, Mr. ARINORI MORI, who has consented to say a few words respecting the educational movement in his own country. [Applause.]


Mr. Mori said:—It gives me great pleasure indeed, Mr. President, to be here. I have taken great interest in the educational movement in this land. I shall be happy to inform you of the recent movement in regard to education in Japan. You may have heard that we have had a social and political revolution in Japan, four years ago. At that time education was not considered of the first importance; but those who represent the new government struggled for the advancement of our nation. Formerly, foreign relations were not thought of primary, but only of secondary consideration. But recently, the government has decided to take every opportunity for our progress by adopting foreign improvements and introducing employments.

That was just at the opening of our educational movement. Then they saw it was necessary to establish a Bureau of Education; and about a dozen teachers have been engaged. Most of them are from this country. The people of Japan have become better acquainted with foreigners and have become very anxious to tolerate different religions.

They have found their struggles of very little use until this time, because of the little knowledge of foreign languages. Our language is poor, and is limited within ourselves, because we have no occasion to use it for higher purposes; and it became very short. Then the government began to send a good many youth to different countries abroad, to learn their language; particularly, also, to learn every kind of art and science; and in all, there have been sent out as

many as five or six hundred. Some of them have returned, and they are now in the government service. They have informed the government that, without having good education at home, our civilization can not be obtained. The information received by the Japanese youth who have returned from abroad had a very good effect upon the minds of the officers of the government; but still, the higher officers of the government, who have never seen foreign lands or foreign habits and institutions, could not realize the importance of it.

But the intercourse having increased very largely, they could not help to decide that those high officers in the government should better go abroad and learn themselves; although it was very hard on the part of the government to send those high officers. For instance, the embassador who recently came here, IWAKURA, is the acting Prime Minister of Japan; and without him our government finds it very hard to get on. But they made the decision that until the return of these high officers home they would do very little things, and do nothing almost. [Laughter.]

You will therefore understand that our schools are something different from those you have here; but those high officers who have come here have been, I am very glad to inform you, fully convinced of the importance of education of youth, both male and female. [Applause.]

They have a commissioner among their party from the educational department. He has left here some time ago, and gone to Europe. A good many gentlemen of this country have helped him very heartily and sincerely, so that he obtained very valuable information; and he informed me one day, before he left here, that he had found a great deal of profit in visiting this country, not to himself alone, but he had seen the necessity, he said, of introducing the English language as much as possible [Applause] into Japan, and that foreign teachers, principally from this country, should be employed. And without these steps of foreign education, he said nothing could be done. I have heard the same words from every one of the embassadors. Railroads, they said, were important, but still education was first. [Applause.]

Here is another thing that I wish to say, which I heard from the Mayor of Yeddo, who arrived last evening. He has about a million people under his care, and he is anxious to see them start in every direction of progress. But he said that the intercourse between natives and foreigners was the principal element of education. But this intercourse can not be had generally until we adopt or teach the English language. He has started many schools before he left Japan; yet he said that since he had come here and seen the real state of things, he has been fully convinced of the importance of education. He has many plans and purposes to be accomplished on his return. He said that some things might well be deferred for education; other things must be left at present; we can not undertake too many things at once. Those are the remarks made by him, and I have given the remarks of the embassadors and commissioners; yet they are the first pupils to enter the western schools. But on their return I have no doubt they will immediately work for that end. We have started a good many schools, and many female schools also. [Applause.] From various sources I have collected information on the subject; and I must say that the whole nation has turned its mind to the subject of ed

ucation; but, on account of the want of teachers, they are yet unable to have a sufficient number of schools and material for them in the way of books, etc.

It has been our endeavor to recommend to the government of Japan, and also those embassadors who came here, that before we start any definite plan of education, we better consult the prominent educators and learned gentlemen of this country, and also in Europe, on the subject, and that we should first start a good number of female schools and make teachers principally, in different parts of the country. That suggestion was taken into consideration and seemed to be very valuable. But that was only my own idea; but if it were not too much for me to hope, I would say that for our education in Japan I would be glad to have experienced and learned educators, both gentlemen and ladies, contribute to me, or to the government of Japan, any suggestions they may have upon this subject. It seems very important to me to start well, if it were only for the destiny of Japan alone; but it will have great influence over the whole of Asia. If we fail in Japan, in any undertaking, it is so much loss to the whole of Asia. I consider Japan the gate to the whole of Asia. [Applause.] And therefore, I beseech you, sir, and gentlemen and ladies, to have the kindness to favor me with any suggestions that you can give me upon this subject; or your influence, either directly or indirectly.

So far, I have received from you important kindnesses, and I have been almost overwhelmed with my joys and gratitude for them. My acquaintances have been helping me more than I expected, especially the U.S. Commissioner of Education in Washington; and I hope I may receive any communication on the subject through that gentleman, that I may lay it before the government of Japan and the people.

I do not know any more to say, and am sorry to say my language is not very intelligible, which I hope you will excuse. I will say only this, that my feeling is very strong on the subject of education, and I thank the members of this Association for their kind attention with my most deep-felt heart. [Applause.]

The President. On behalf of this Association, I wish to extend to the Minister from Japan our sincere thanks for the honor he has conferred upon us by his presence, and for the very great pleasure he has afforded, in speaking to us such words of information respecting his country. And I will also add, what I need not express, that he has our warmest sympathy and our blessing for the success of that great movement in his country. [Applause.]

A request having been made that Mr. MORI should utter a few sentences in his own language, he cheerfully complied, remarking as he concluded: As I said, our language is so very poor that it will become useless very soon. I expect that when foreign schools are established throughout our country, the English language will become predominant, and our own language will be very much diminished, and finally become a kind of curiosity; and what I say now is in the part of that curiosity. [Laughter and applause.]

Mr. Z. RICHARDS, Washington, D.C., Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, presented the following report:

Inasmuch as, through the kind and overruling providence of God, the National Educational Association has been permitted to hold this its twelfth annual meeting, in the fourteenth year of its existence, in the City of Boston, we

would, in the first place, render unfeigned thanks to our Heavenly Father for His goodness and watchful care in permitting a few of the original members of this Association to meet on this occasion and welcome to their number so many noble and distinguished co-workers; and we would further thank our Heavenly Father for the manifest influence of His guiding spirit in producing such remarkable unity of feeling and action in our deliberations.

Also the following:—

WHEREAS, Congress has passed through the House of Representatives, and has under consideration in the Senate, a measure: First, setting apart the net proceeds of the sale of the public lands for educational purposes, reserving onehalf of the annual profit of these lands as a permanent fund, and disbursing the other half, together with accruing interest, annually, among the several states for a term of years, on the basis of illiterates, as a method of aiding most those states that need most, and afterwards on the basis of the entire population;

WHEREAS, this aid is bestowed upon such conditions only as are calculated to secure, with the greatest certainty, the object proposed, the universal education of the people; thus in no way interfering with the constitutional or traditional relations of the general government to the several commonwealths; and

WHEREAS, we are profoundly impressed with the necessity of this aid to overcome the ignorance which is so perilous to the country; and

WHEREAS, we can see how it will aid in giving a new impulse to education in the most intelligent communities; and

WHEREAS, this action of Congress is a recognition of the principle of national aid to education, which this Association has emphatically recommended; therefore,

Resolved, That this Association heartily commends the action taken by Congress, and calls upon the friends of universal intelligence and virtue in the land to give this bill their hearty support, as one the importance of which is not outweighed by that of any other measure before Congress.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Association are hereby extended to Hon. Mr. PERCE, of Miss., and Hon. GEO. F. HOAR, of Mass., and the other members of Congress to whose active efforts are due the introduction and prospects of success of this important measure at the national capital.

Resolved, That we recognize the great importance of education in art, and that we most earnestly recommend to the boards of education and the teachers of the country the early adoption of measures looking to its introduction into all our schools.

Resolved, That in the careful special preparation of the great mass of teachers we have the only guaranty of the success of our public school system, and that we desire earnestly to urge forward all well-directed efforts to this end, through the establishment of normal schools of the different grades, of institutes, and such other instrumentalities as the pressing needs of the country demand.

Resolved, That the introduction into the public schools of correct methods of instruction in the elements of science is a subject demanding immediate and most careful attention.

WHEREAS, the profession of teaching stands at the source of all other occupations; and

WHEREAS, in the United States the subjects connected with education must, in order to the efficient support of schools, be understood by the people generally; and

WHEREAS, many of the subjects connected with teaching and the organization and support of schools require extended and profound examination under great difficulties; and

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