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pendicular and inacceffible walls. Its fires are difpofed in the cafe mated walls, fo as to produce their greateft poffible effect on the enemy, without being liable to be either filenced, or even hurt by him. It is in thefe cafemates the foldiers are lodged, and do their duty; a service so safe and easy, as not to require a numerous garrifon.

Were the enemy even to scale the wall, he would ftill have acquired nothing. The ground would be difputed inch by inch; and beyond thefe cafemated walls, he would meet with other entrenchments. Thus doubly and triply fortified, thefe places would ftill acquire additional ftrength, from the fuperior folidity of their conftruction, and of their materials. Their vaults fhould not be covered with pebbles, and three feet deep of earth, by which they are apt to rot, without being always bomb-proof; but their builders would avail themselves of the excellent maftics, fo much improved for these twenty years paft; by whofe means the works become effectively bomb-proof, and their vaults are no more liable to rot. Thefe are the chief advantages pointed out by M. de Montalembert, in this first part of his work.

In the fecond part he propofes to enter into yet more curious and interefting details, concerning the fortification of irregular places; and to give very minute and ample plans of his cafemated caponieres, which he terms, formidable pieces; nor will he neglect the fortification of fea-ports. This fecond part will also be enriched with a new and original tract on field-entrenchments, and on lines of circumvallation.

His defigns are grand and interesting; but we must content ourfelves with having mentioned them, and leave their practicability and intrinfic merits to be appreciated by the competent judgment of officers and engineers.

Iaf Mecanica o Trattato dei Rimedi naturali Mecanici. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lodi.

DOCTOR Anthony Arigoni, a physician of Lodi, and author of this valuable work, in order to fhew that the human body is formed for labour and exercife, without which its health can nei ther be preserved, nor recovered when loft, enters into a phyfiological confideration of the body, and particularly of the force of its mufcles, and mentions a porter at Lodi, who carries nine hundred pounds weight of flax-feed, on even ground. He then proceeds to a view of the effects of exercife, and its influence on health; to a minute detail of gymnaftic exercifes, according to the ancients; explains the probable effects of each from mechanical principles; relates the remarkable cures of fome foldiers bit by a mad wolf; of a canon, fpitting blood, and cured by running; and treats of the effects of leaping, dancing, of the fciamachia, in which he places great confidence; and of hunting.

In the fecond volume, he fpeaks of riding on horfeback; of ar. tificial horfes; of the fainter exercife in carriages, and in veffels ; of fwinging; of electricity; of fome cures performed by it, related by Dr. Longi of Piacenza; of mufic, and its powerful influence on the affections of the mind, and confequently on the health of the body; of frictions; of the cold bath, to whofe virtues the famous cure of Proetus' daughters, by Melampus, ought, in Dr. Arigoni's opinion, to be infcribed; of cold baths, in 1774, introduced at Lodi,


where they are faid to have already performed fome confiderable cures; of fwinging; and of hot baths.

The work concludes with general directions to be obferved in corporeal exercises.

Unterricht von der Allgemeinen Kräuter-und Warzel-trocknung, I. Theil, von Zugemüfen, Sallaten, und Gewürzen, wie folche getrocknet und in Kartufe verpackt werden follen, mitgetheilt von J. Georg Eifen, Paftor zu Torma, in Liefland; or, Inftructions concerning the Method of drying Herbs and Roots. Part I. of Pulfe, Salladings, Drugs, and the Way of drying, preferving, and packing them; communicated by the reverend M. Eifen, Minifter at Torma, in Livonia. Svo. Riga. (German.)


Tis well known, that the prefervation of the health of numer ous bodies of foldiers and failors depends, in a great measure, on a vegetable diet. The difficulty is to preferve herbs and plants fresh, with their flavour and virtues unimpaired; to fore them up within a fall compafs; and to keep them, even in damp places, from rotting. This difficulty appears in this very useful and meritorious tract to be effectually removed; fince, by the method propofed and explained in it, herbs are faid to be cured in a fhort time; all their nourishing and wholesome virtues are preferved, and their fubftance concentrated within so small a compass, that a horse, for instance, carrying twenty puds (of forty pounds weight each pud) transports the fubitance of eight hundred puds of fresh herbs; and that a foldier may carry fufficient provifions of herbs for one or even two months, in his pocket, and may every day regale himfelf with a foup of fresh herbs.

Should thefe affertions, on a farther trial, prove to be facts, one of the most effential deflerata, for failors efpecially, will be accomplished; and a service done to every commercial nation..

Ausführliche Nachricht von der gefchehenen Unterweifung der taub und fumm gebohrnen Fraulein von Mehding, &c. mit eingefreuten pedagogifchen Anmerkungen: or, a minute Account of the Inftruction given to Mifs Mehding, a young Lady born deaf and dumb, &c. with pædagogical Remarks. 8vo. Leipzig. (Germán).'


VERY attempt towards leffening the degree of the sufferings, or for increafing the enjoyments of human life, is entitled to the favour and applaufe of philanthropes. And as perfons unhappily precluded, by the defects of their bodily organs, from unfolding their mental faculties and ideas, and from fharing in the fweets of focial converfation, muft be commiferated, as paffing their life, even in the midst of fociety, of friends and relations, in a fort of dark, gloomy, and perpetual folitude; the perfevering ingenuity, and endeavours of him, who by his inftructions fucceeds to releafe them from this irksome and painful ftate, deferves the warmest acknow. ledgments, not of fuch individuals only, but of all their friends, relations, and of mankind in general.

With a fond approbation we have, therefore, of late years, reflected on the meritorious attempts of feveral ingenious and bene volent men, to introduce deaf and dumb perfons to one of the chief enjoyments of life. Those of a gentleman at Edinburgh, for inftance, recommended to public attention by the refpectable author VOL. XLII. Nov. 1776.



of a Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland; fome fimilar, and equally fuccefsful ones, lately made at Paris; and now one by the reverend Mr. Otto Benjamin Lafius, at Burgdorf, in the duchy of Zell.

The young lady he took under his tuition knew already what is called the finger-alphabet. He began with providing her, by writing tasks, with an adequate ftock of words and notions, for focial intercourse; and when he was fatisfied of her having thoroughly comp ehended his information, he proceeded to his religious inftruction. The most difficult task was to explain to her the proper ufe of the particles of fpeech, and the difference of the auxiliary verbs to be, and to have. From her written answers, however, the appears to have fully comprehended them, by her understanding. The whole account is inftructive and entertaining, especially for philofophers, attending to the gradual progrefs of the human mind; that of her inftruction in the truths of religion, is even highly interesting and pathetic.

By his unwearied affiduity for two years, the was enabled to converfe properly by writing, and to give a satisfactory account of her religious ideas and fentiments.

To the relation of his own method and fuccefs, our author has fubjoined the Effays of Meffrs. Bond, Wallis, and Solbrig, on the fame fubject.

FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. Das Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf and Pottendorf, befchrieben von Aug. Gottlieb Spangenberg; or, the Life of Count N. L. of Zinzendorf. 6 Vols. 8vo. (German.)

OUNT Zinzendorf's life has been fo eccentric, active, and remarkable, that an authentic, impartial, and concise account of this founder of a new religious fociety, would be acceptable to many readers. The prefent voluminous work is, indeed, written by one of his most intimate acquaintances, but appears often partial; and is fo intolerably prolix, that 1852 pages contain the hiftory of his life only to the year 1750; and make, of course, by far, not yet a complete work.

Das Merkwürdige Leben des berühmten Fürften Menfchikow; or, the memorable Life of the celebrated Prince Menfchikow. 8-vo. Leipzig. (German.)

Menfchikow rofe, by Peter's favour, from a pastry-cook's apprentice, to the rank of prime minifter of the Ruffian, and of a prince of the Roman empire. His chief merit for acquiring this degree of favour, appears to have been an inexhauftible ftock of patient fub: miffion to the fudden fallies of that monarch's paffionate temper : he hoarded up immenfe riches by his rapacity and extortions; and was by his exceffes involved in difgrace, tortures, punifliments, and final ruin.

To this tranfient meteor, raised and depressed again by a freak of fortune, the character of his confort may ferve for a friking contraft. She was fenfible, virtuous, and peculiarly folicitous to fecure her children an excellent education.


De uyllandifche Kapellen vorkommende in Afien, Africen, en America, verzammeld en beschreeven door Pieter Cramer; or, the exotic Infects extant in Afia, Africa, and America, collected and defcribed by Peter Cramer, one of the Directors of the Society at Flushing. Large 4to. with very elegant, coloured Plates. Amfterdam and Utrecht. (Dutch and French.)

A capital work for entomologifts.

Pharmacoperia Auftriaco Provincialis. 8vo. Vienna... Containing a lift of the fimple remedies, with fhort notes; their preparation; and the prefcription of the compound remedies that are always to be kept ready in the fhops, for immediate ufe. Several of these, are new, and peculiar to the Vienna practice.

Ezame dell' Articolo di Palermo, citta della Sicilia, publicato nell' Opera ch'ella per titolo Encyclopedie, ou Didionaire raisonné, fatto da Bafilio de Auftria, Palermitano, &c. 8vo. Palermo.

On account of the badnefs of the roads, and the ferocity of the inhabitants, the interior parts of Sicily were, for a long time, very little frequented by foreign travellers, and therefore little known abroad. The author of the article PALERMO, in the Parifian Encyclopedie, had confulted only Echard, who had copied an error of Chiufole. Thus mifled, he reprefented Palermo as a city in ruins, of which almost nothing remains, except the memory and the name; upon which a zealous Palermitan patriot has here taken up his pen in defence of the flourishing state of his native city and country, and especially complains of the expreffion of the Encyclopedie, that Sicily, at prefent, contains nothing confiderable but its mountains, and its tribunal of inquifition.

Il Piemonte Cifpadano Antico, ovvero Memerie per fervire alla Notizia del medefimo, e all' Intelligenza degli antichi Scrittori, Diplomi, e Documenti, che lo concernono; cum varie Difcuffione di Storia e di Critica diplomatica, e con Monumenti non piu divulgati, di Jacobo Durandi. 4to. Torino.

A work highly esteemed in Piedmont for the accuracy of its anti. quarian difquifitions.

Vue fur les Senfations, par un Profeffeur de Mathématiques en l'Univerfité de M. 8vo. A Milan.

Some new ideas, with critical ftrictures on Mr. Locke's and Mr. Condillac's tracts on the fame subject.

Mémoire fur les Diffolvans de la Pierre, avec quelques Problemes de Chymic, par M. Duhaume, M. D. 4to. Paris.

The author of this Memoir fhews what has been already done, and what yet remains to be done, towards finding a menftruum capable of diffolving the stone in the bladder, without hurting the Bladder itself.

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Traitement-contre le Tenia, ou Ver Solitaire, pratiqué à Morai în Suifle, examiné et éprouvé à Paris. 4to. Paris.

An efficacious noftrum, examined, approved, and purchased for the benefit of the public; and here publifhed, by order of the French government.

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A Letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith, LL. D. being an Examination of several Points of Doctrine laid down in his Inquiry into the Nature and Caufes of the Wealth of Nations." 410. Is. 6d. Almon.


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N this Letter Governor Pownall enters upon an examination of feveral pofitions maintained by Dr. Smith, in his Inquiry into the Nature and Caufes of the Wealth of Nations; fome of which the writer confiders as queftionable objects of fpeculation, and others as theoretical refinements, that might prove of dangerous confequence, if admitted to influence the practice, and regulate the commercial tranfactions of fociety. As difcuffions of fuch an abftract nature, however, are not interesting to the generality of readers, and especially as we would avoid anticiFating any obfervations which would come with greater propriety from the gentleman to whom the Letter is addreffed, we thall decline delivering our opinion of the various points which are agitated. But it would be unjuft not to acknowledge, that Governor Pownall difplays an acuteness of remark, a clearness of comprehenfion, fuch ingenuity of argument, and fo much politeness, as claim the moft candid attention of the author of the Inquiry.

Take your Choice! 8vo. 15. 6d. Almon,

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The alternatives with which we are here prefented are, prefentation and refpect,' or impofition and contempt;' with annual parliaments and liberty,' or long parliaments and flavery.' We need fay nothing more of thefe Itale and exhausted fubjects, than that the author treats them with all the warmth of one who is an enemy to the prefent eftablishment.

Letters on the American Troubles; tranflated from the French of M. De Pinto. Svo. Is. 6d. Boofey..

These two Letters deferve to be confidered among the most fenfible productions which have appeared relative to the conteft with America. The author difproves the abfurd pretenfions of the colonists with great clearness and ftrength of argument, at the fame time that he confirms the expediency of reducing thote deluded people to fubmiffion by force of arms, when the more. pacific means of reconciliation proved ineffectual.


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