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Let our just censures

Attend the true event, and put we on

Industrious soldiership.


The time approaches,

That will with due decision make us know

What we shall say we have, and what we owe*.
Thoughts speculative their unsure hopes relate;
But certain issue strokes must arbitrate 5:

Towards which, advance the war.



[Exeunt, marching.

Within the Castle.

Enter, with Drums and Colours, MACBETH, SEYTON, and Soldiers.

Macb. Hang out our banners on the outward walls; The cry is still, They come: Our castle's strength Will laugh a siege to scorn: here let them lie, Till famine, and the ague, eat them up:

Were they not forc'd with those that should be ours, We might have met them dareful, beard to beard, And beat them backward home. What is that noise? [A cry within, of women.

Sey. It is the cry of women, my good lord. Macb. I have almost forgot the taste of fears: The time has been, my senses would have cool'd

4 What we shall say we have, and what we owe.' I think, with Mason, that Siward only means to say, in more pompous language, that the time approached which was to decide their fate.

5 Arbitrate, determine.

6 It has been understood that local rhymes were introduced in plays to afford an actor the advantage of a more pointed exit, or to close the scene with additional force. Yet, whatever might be Shakspeare's motive for continuing such a practice, he often seems immediately to repent of it; and in this tragedy, as in other places, has repeatedly counteracted it by hemisticks, which destroy the effect, and defeat the supposed purpose of the antecedent couplets.

To hear a night-shriek; and my fell1 of hair
Would at a dismal treatise rouse, and stir
As life were in't: I have supp'd full with horrors;
Direness, familiar to my slaught'rous thoughts,
Cannot once start me.-Wherefore was that cry?
Sey. The queen, my lord, is dead.

Macb. She should have died hereafter;

There would have been a time for such a word2.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time3;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.--

Enter a Messenger.

Thou com'st to use thy tongue; thy story quickly. Mess. Gracious my



my fell of hair,' my hairy part, my capilititium. Fell is skin, properly a sheep's skin with the wool on it. Thus in King Lear:

'The gougeres shall devour them flesh and fell.'

A fell-monger is still the denomination of a dealer in hides.

2 There would have been a time for such a word.' Macbeth might mean that there would have been a more convenient time for such a word, for such intelligence. By a word certainly more than a single one was meant. Thus in King Richard II.:

The hopeless word of, never to return,
Breathe I against thee.'

Un mot sometimes means a sentence also in French: and we still say 'word was brought' when intelligence is meant.

3 The last syllable of recorded time' seems to signify the utmost period fixed in the decrees of heaven for the period of life. The record of futurity is indeed no accurate expression; but as we only know transactions, past or present, the language of men affords no term for the volumes of prescience in which future events may be supposed to be written.

I shall report that which I say I saw,
But know not how to do it.


Mess. As I did stand

Well, say,


my watch upon

the hill,

I look'd toward Birnam, and anon, methought,
The wood began to move.


Liar and slave 4!

Mess. Let me endure your wrath, if't be not so: Within this three mile may you see it coming; I say, a moving grove.


If thou speak'st false,
Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive,
Till famine cling5 thee: if thy speech be sooth,
I care not if thou dost for me as much.-

I pull in resolution; and begin

To doubt the equivocation of the fiend,

That lies like truth: Fear not, till Birnam wood Do come to Dunsinane ;-and now a wood

Comes toward Dunsinane.-Arm, arm, and out!—
If this, which he avouches, does appear,

There is nor flying hence, nor tarrying here.
I 'gin to be a-weary of the sun,

And wish the estate o' the world were now undone.—
Ring the alarum-bell:-Blow, wind! come, wrack!
At least we'll die with harness on our back.

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4 [Striking him]' says the stage direction in the margin of all the modern editions; but this stage direction is not in the old copies it was first interpolated by Rowe; and is now omitted on the suggestion of the late Mr. Kemble. See his Essay on Macbeth and King Richard III. Lond. 1817, p. 111.

5 To cling, in the northern counties, signifies to shrivel, wither, or dry up. Clung-wood is wood of which the sap is entirely dried or spent. The same idea is well expressed by Pope in his version of the nineteenth Iliad, 166:—


Clung with dry famine, and with toils declin'd.
Harness, armour.


The same. A Plain before the Castle.

Enter, with Drums and Colours, MALCOLM, old SIWARD, MACDUFF, &c. and their Army, with Boughs.

Mal. Now near enough; your leavy screens throw down,

And show like those you are:-You, worthy uncle,
Shall, with my cousin, your right noble son,
Lead our first battle: worthy Macduff, and we,
Shall take upon us what else remains to do,
According to our order.


Fare you well. Do we but find the tyrant's power to-night, Let us be beaten, if we cannot fight.

Macd. Make all our trumpets speak; give them all breath,

Those clamorous harbingers of blood and death.

The same.

[Exeunt. Alarums continued.


Another Part of the Plain.


Macb. They have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly, But, bearlike, I must fight the course1.-What's he, That was not born of woman? Such a one

Am I to fear, or none.

Enter young SIWARD.

Yo. Siw. What is thy name?


Thou'lt be afraid to hear it.

7 The first folio reads upon's.

1 "

But, bearlike, I must fight the course.' This was a phrase

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at bear-baiting. Also you shall see two ten dog courses at the great bear.'-Antipodes, by Brome.

Yo. Siw. No; though thou call'st thyself a hotter


Than any is in hell.


My name's Macbeth.

Yo. Siw. The devil himself could not pronounce

a title

More hateful to mine ear.


No, nor more fearful.

Yo. Siw. Thou liest, abhorred tyrant; with my


I'll prove the lie thou speak'st.


[They fight, and young Siward is slain. Thou wast born of woman.

But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn, Brandish'd by man that's of a woman born. [Exit.

Alarums. Enter MACDuff.

Macd. That way the noise is:-Tyrant, show thy face:

If thou be'st slain, and with no stroke of mine,
My wife and children's ghosts will haunt me still.
I cannot strike at wretched kernes, whose arms
Are hir'd to bear their staves; either thou, Macbeth,
Or else my sword, with an unbatter'd edge,

I sheathe again undeeded. There thou should'st be;
By this great clatter, one of greatest note

Seems bruited 2: Let me find him, fortune!
And more I beg not.

[Exit. Alarum.

2 Bruited is reported, noised abroad; from bruit, Fr. So in King Henry IV. Part II. :—

his death

Being bruited once,' &c.

Any noise or report is called a brute by the writers of Shakspeare's age. Thus Baret:-' False brutes or reportes. Falsæ voculæ.The brute or common reporte was in old time,' &c.

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