Imágenes de páginas


'PEN PICTURES AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES of Old Settlers of St. PAUL, FROM 1838 UP TO AND INCLUDING 1857.' By Major T. M. Newson, St. Paul, author of Thrilling Scenes Among the Indians,' etc.

This book of seven hundred and fifty pages, the character of which is described in the above title, is a valuable contribution to the history of the northwest, prepared by a man whose knowledge, education and ability as a writer have fitted him for the task he has so

successfully accomplished. He is among the

best known of the literary men of the west and is a member of the editorial staff of the St. Croix Valley Standard. Of the book itself the following has been aptly said: "There is probably no way in which the average American can get so clear, comprehensive and correct view of the growth of that marvel of prog: ress, Minnesota, as to read a book entitled 'Pen Pictures,' just put forth by that western litterateur, Major T. M. Newson of St. Paul. There is not a dull page in it-hardly a page that is not full of interest even to the thoughtful stranger. The book is written with the editorial swing of the veteran journalist; the pictures are vivid with color, graphic with form and movement, vital with life, picturesque and breezy, and new stories and incidents embellish every page. Nobody can read the book without getting an excellent idea of the frontier methods of development, of the struggles, exposures, privations, quarrels and amusements of a new settlement. It is quite dramatic, with all the vigor and rapid actions of a play."

RECOLLECTIONS OF EMINENT MEN: WITH OTHER PAPERS.' By Edwin Percy Whipple. With an introduction by Rev. C. A. Bartol, D. D. Published by Ticknor & Co., Boston. The place held by E. P. Whipple in American literature for so long a time, and his

acquaintance through many years with the men described in the above title, give to his recollections an unusual value. The introduction is such an analysis and description of Mr. Whipple as author and man, as those who best knew him will best appreciate, because of its justness and truth. The work is one of rare interest, and takes us close to the men of eminence of whom it treats-to Choate, to Ag. assiz, to Emerson, Motley, Sumner, Ticknor, Ar

nold, and many others of whom we all delight to read. The sketches are traced in that rapid, easy grace of which Mr. Whipple, as an essayist, was so rare a master. Analysis, description and anecdote are commingled so well that one never tires; and the insight into the life of these, our teachers, becomes a lesson of itself. itself, and rewards one well for the purchase, The essay on George Eliot alone is a book in if nothing else should be read. The collection is one that will take a permanent place in American literature.

'A MEMOIR OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON.' By James Elliot Cabot. Vols. I and II. Published by Houghton, Mifflin & Company, Boston and New York. Received from Cobb, Andrews & Co.

Mr. Emerson, as man, as poet and as philosopher, will always be a new and entertaining theme for American readers. He is one of the favored few in the world of letters who never grow old; and his departure from the scene of his labors and his triumphs has by no means lessened the general interest in him. self or his works. In these two volumes the whole story of his life is told in such manner that, while his best admirers must be satisfied, those who are disposed to criticise must feel that the verdict is just. The work has been performed by the literary executor of Mr. Emerson, and the author has therefore had

material not accessible to anyone else-material of which he has made judicious use. The purpose held in mind by Mr. Cabot can be best stated in his own words: "My object in this book has been to offer to the readers and friends of Emerson some further illustrations, some details of his outward and inner history that may fill out and define more closely the image of him they already have, rather than to attempt a picture which should make him known to strangers, or set him forth in due relation to his surroundings, or to the world at large." And yet a careful perusal of the book will prove that this object not held in mind has been accomplished as well as the one that was. The result is the story of a strong, simple, pure life; of a man whose impress was laid upon his generation for all time; and a story, too, that gives all the facts as they properly belong-shading nothing, withholding nothing and adding nothing that does not of right and justice there belong. Mr. Cabot's life of Emerson, we are sure, will become the standard, no matter how many others may appear.


attempt. The center-thought of the whole is that the early chapters of Genesis of themselves form an allegory that contains within itself "a history of creation, of the pre-glacial man, of the Aryan race, and of the Asiatic deluge." "Great as is the value of this history," continues he, "it has been preserved merely as a vehicle in which to transmit a record of the first revelation made by the Deity to man through the Aryan race; the duty laid upon that race to promulgate it, their neglect of that duty, and their consequent removal by God from the civilized world." This theory is ingeniously carried out, and one cannot but become interested in following it through step by step, no matter how widely he may dispute either premises or conclusions. All possible aids that could be obtained in support of the theory have been sought out and carefully used--geology, astronomy, history, and "the traits of human nature." The book is of deep interest, whether as a study or pastime for the student. It abounds in illustrations.

'A HISTORY OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS.' By Edward Stanwood. Published by Ticknor & Co., Boston.

Not only as a hand-book of political reference, but as a complete record of National politics, this book must prove itself of great value, and fill a place in the reference libraries that no other one work of which we have knowl edge can fill. While it professes to be "little more than a record of the circumstances of such elections, and of whatever had an appreciable influence upon the result of each elec tion," it is in reality more, for it points the way to many things not expressed or described, and gives the story of our great contests in an unbiased manner, and an unusual fairness of statement, and with as great fullness as one would wish in a work of its purpose. Great care and

MYTH.' By Lorenzo Burge. Published by good judgment have been exercised in the Lee & Shepard, Boston.

We have given the above title and sub-title in full, because a full description of the contents of the book is given therein, with greater condensation than another than the author would dare

selection of material and the choice of authorities. A full history of the electoral system is given, followed by the contest of each fourth year, up to the election of Garfield in 1880; with an appendix describing the conventions

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of 1884. Some of the chapter headings are as follows: "Jefferson and Burr," "An Election in War Time," " The Era of Good Feelings," "The First Dark Horse, "The Democrats Reunited," "The Kansas-Nebraska Contest," "The Last Struggle for Slavery," "The War Election," "The Greeley Campaign," "The Disputed Election," etc. Many side notes of information are scattered all the way through, making it one of the handiest and most useful books the student of American history can possess.


TO-MORROW.' By William Barrows, D. D., author of Twelve Nights in the Hunters' Camp, Oregon: The Struggle for Possession,' 'The Indian's Side of the Indian Question,' etc. Published by Roberts Brothers: Boston. Received from Cobb, Andrews & Co., Cleveland.

We have already referred to Dr. Barrows' qualities for work of this character, and little more need be added in connection with that point, except to say that in this new and brightly written book he has kept up to the high level of his reputation and given us one of the most charming books of the year. Its purpose, to use his own words, is "to answer questions." It was his opportunity some years ago to reside for a number of years west of the Mississippi, and since then he has made many visits to that region, collecting information of a varied character, which he is now sending forth for the edification and instruction of the people. Some idea of the character and scope of the work may be gained from the following citation of several chapter headings: "How Large is the West?" 'Surprising Distances in the United States;" "The Six Growths of the United States;" "Ancient Chicago;" "Wild Life on the Border; " "Pioneering in Education;" "Lynch Law;" "The Railway System of the West; "The Empire of the Future," etc., etc. The topics under consideration, so varied in character and wide in range, have been so skillfully handled that they seem almost as one, and the information conveyed is so stated and fortified that one


feels sure that it is correct. The style of Mr. Barrows is easy and graceful, modeled after that of no one, and yet with a touch of Irving in his descriptive passages. Each theme is treated as though it was the outcome of earnest study, and those who know the author's methods of research and verification need not be told that he has made himself master of his subject before attempting to discuss it before others. The book is not only instructive but pleasing and entertaining, not only to the student of history but to the general reader as well. It throws new light upon the great west, a region that is only, at last, coming to be appreciated and understood.

'A GIRDLE ROUND THE EARTH: HOME LETTERS FROM FOREIGN LANDS.' By D. N. Richardson. Published by A. C. McClurg & Company, Chicago.

One never tires of circumnavigating this old globe of ours, provided he be in good company and has an experienced and able guide. In the trip above described, which has been reproduced for us in most attractive shape, both have been furnished and the beaten old path takes on a new attraction. Mr. Richardson has not only the eye of an artist and soul of a philosopher, who feels it his duty to learn all he can concerning the people among whom he is thrown, but also the pen of a trained literary man, and can charmingly describe that which falls under his observation. He was not compelled, after the manner of Puck, to girdle the earth in forty minutes, nor like Jules Verne's fanciful traveler, in eighty days, but had the full season of a year at his command. Leaving Chicago he rapidly passes through the new lands of the new west, gives us a most graphic description of life on board during the long days and nights in crossing the Pacific, lingers long and with interest in Japan and China, opening many new views in those lands in which we all have so great interest because so little known, carries us on to Java, Ceylon and thence to India, Arabia, Egypt, Palestine, Asia Minor, Constantinople, Roumania, Austria, Italy, Rome, the Alps, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia, Paris, England and

home. While many of the well-worn roads have been described, they are presented with a graphic freshness that makes them seem new, while scores and hundreds of incidents and experiences altogether new are presented. In these days when people are so deeply interested in learning how others live, that they may learn how to live themselves, such books have a peculiar value. We are transplanted almost bodily to the scenes that are described, so faithful are Mr. Richardson's description of manners and social life and custom. His book is bound to secure a hold upon the interest and attention of the people.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AS A MAN OF LETTERS.' By John Bach McMaster of Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. In American Men of Letters Series,' edited by Charles Dudley Warner. Published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York.

This recent addition to a series already famous and valuable treats the sage of the Revolution in a light in which he has seldom been viewed that of a literary man as disconnected from those varied achievements of philosophy, diplomacy and statesmanship by which he has been best known. The result adds not only to our admiration of this many sided man, but presents him in some positions and features altogether new, for modern research and analysis have changed somewhat the outlines of even this familiar form. It is surprising to learn how much Franklin really wrote amid the various cares and labors of life, and how much of that which he did write has preserved a usefulness and freshness running far beyond the age in which he wrote. Those who have been readers of Mr. McMaster will understand the care, fairness and yet courage with which his theme has been treated. He has sketched Franklin as he really was, and not as someone else may have conceived him to be. The series to which this volume belongs is one of the ablest and most entertaining of modern contributions to the history of literature, and abundantly justifies the great success it has already achieved.

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'MEN, PLACES AND THINGS.' By William Mathews, LL.D., author of Words: Their Use and Abuse,' 'Oratory and Orators,' 'Literary Style, and Other Essays,' etc., etc. Published by S. C. Griggs & Company, Chicago.

The good work already performed by Professor Mathews, in the series of books this wellknown publishing house has given to the world, has created for him a wide circle of readers who are sure to make a success of any publication he may send forth. In this volume of essays that find their subjects here, there and everywhere, he has not only made sure of holding that circle already won but of increasing it in no small degree. The range of subjects is wide, embracing descriptive papers upon Wirt, Bulwer, Dumas and Napoleon; a chapter on "The Weaknesses of Great Men," with others upon "The London Pulpit," "The House of Commons," Diaries," "Worry," "The Extremes of Dress," "The Tricks of Types," "What Shall We Read?" and a large number of others needless to enumerate in this connection. The style is vivid, entertaining and characteristic of the author, abounding in anecdote; while the book is without a dull page from end to end. Many facts are embodied that will be new to the majority. Bright, refreshing and full of information. Men, Places and Things' is a fit companion to the books already sent from Professor Mathews' pen-which is certainly high praise in any sense of the word.

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ing subject of which he treats. As Judge Baldwin aptly says in his introduction: "The state is remarkable for the number and extent of its earthworks, no spot of equal size on the globe having so many and so extensive monuments of earth." The fact that Professor Read has undertaken the prepara. tion of such a book, and that the Western Reserve Historical society has placed upon it such stamp of approval as is implied in its publication, declares all that need be said in sup. port of its exactness, truthfulness and general care in discussion. A large number of plates are presented, giving one as correct an idea of the relics secured from the past ages as could be gained from a personal examination of the articles themselves. It is a timely book, in this year of centennial celebrations, and presents the best and most complete statement of the subject that has yet been made. It will become standard authority, and no student of archæology can do without it.

THE STORY OF ASSYRIA: From the Rise of the Empire to the Fall of Ninevah: (continued from the Story of Chaldea.') By Zenaide A. Ragozin, member of the Societe Ethnologique of Paris, corresponding member of the Athenee Oriental of Paris; member of the American Oriental society. (In The Story of the Nations series). Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Received from the Burrows Bros. Co., Cleveland.

No more valuable series of historical works has been given to the public than this Story of the Nations series that the Putnams are pub. lishing, and which has been crowned with such ample success. Commencing with man's first knowledge of his race, the record of each empire as it arose, extended its power, ruled and fell, has been told by the foremost historical writers of the day-not in outline or with reference only to salient points, but thought fully, fully and with such degree of detail as the knowledge now extant will permit. Chaldea, Carthage, ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Germany and all the great peoples of the world are to be found in this series. The history of Assyria is one of the most interesting

of them all, and aided by the many cuts with which it is illustrated, becomes of absorbing interest. Modern investigation has done much in the way of enlightenment as to the life and labors of this ancient race, and the author amply shows that he has informed himself as to all that the age has discovered. To the student or reader who desires to compass the history of the world in moderate space, this series is recommended as furnishing all that is desired; and that, too, by the pens of men who have made life studies of the themes they discuss.

'LIFE OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL.' By E. E. Brown, author of lives of Garfield, Grant, O. W. Holmes and others. Published by D. Lathrop Company, Boston.

This interesting sketch of the life of James Russell Lowell, the poet, is not as full as it may in time be, as the time for a full biography, we hope, may leave between us and it many years of active life for the man and poet. But Lowell has had his career in sight of very few of his countrymen. We have got to calling him our greatest American poet, one of our foremost American citizens, almost statesman -we have so little use for that word. And yet how few of us have that speaking acquaintance with either his life or his work that marks the popular writer or man. The knowledge we lack of him has prompted the desire for a Life while the life is yet with us. The author happily draws from Mr. Lowell himself and his friends not only his facts but largely the statement of them. The man appears in the book as he is in the active world. The book is all the more welcome because of what it lacks. Mr. Lowell is one of the few American poets who are appreciated by the generation in which they live, and will be honored by those who come after him. The style of the author is

entertaining, and the book is readable as well as valuable in a biographical sense.

Pamphlets and other minor publications received:

The Pioneer Period of Western New York: being largely Reminiscences of the Struggles

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