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On the bough of an apple tree.
Little Jane May

Said to him, "Pray

Throw down an apple for me!"

2. Jack then said, “No;
All that there grow
Here I shall want for myself;
Any that fall

Yours you may call."
O, what a greedy young elf!

3. Then came a crack,
Crash!—and, good lack!

Down tumbled Jacky. But, ah!

Kind little Jane

Pitied his pain,

And carried him home to mamma.

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1. THE nursery was very pleasant with its fire. Before the fire was a strong fender to keep Nelly from going too near.


2. She had three dear friends who were almost always to be found in the nursery, Julia the doll, Tabby the cat, and Hannah the nurse.

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3. All round the fire were tiles with pictures on them, and there was a story to every picture. Hannah knew all the stories, and used to tell them to Nelly.

4. Tabby was black, with white paws, and a little white star under her chin.

She loved to sleep before the fire when she was tired of play.

5. At first, Julia the doll had beautiful curly hair. But it was short and ragged now, as if a mouse had gnawed it. Still, Nelly loved the poor doll just as well for all that. Every day she washed dolly's face, and brushed her hair and taught her the letters.

6. "I would take off this torn dress, dear, and give you a nice new one," said Nelly; "but I can't get it off. Hannah sewed it on too tight."


7. One day Julia the dear dolly was naughty, and would not say "round O" and crooked S"; so she had to stand in the corner, with her face to the wall, while Nelly played with her Noah's ark.

8. She set Mr. Noah and his wife and the

horses and cows and dogs and cats and birds all in a long row on the floor.

9. Some of the robins could not stand up on the carpet; so they were put on the roof of the ark, with one leg on each side.

10. Just as Nelly was trying to make the last bird stand on its feet, in came the cat. Tabby ran with one bound from behind the door, and knocked them all over with her paw.

11. "Naughty, naughty Tabby!" said Nelly; "you know I never let you play with my Noah's ark. Come right here to me. I must scold you."

12. But Tabby was rolling Mr. Noah over and over, first with one paw and then with the other; and at last she caught him in her mouth, and ran away with him.

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