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enforces his reasonings in a very able and argumentative manner. completion of many of his prospective conjectures evince the justness of the principles on which they are founded-diplomatic politics: the consideration by which a statesman should be guided, consisting of two elements; 1st, An accurate knowledge of the peculiar relations of each State; 2dly, The talent of estimating the capacities, characters, and views of the great leaders in these States. The first constitutes the science, the second the art of Politics; both must be combined.


Oct. 30. In the 29th Letter in Forbes's Life of Beattie, he says, speaking of his great work, "The Essay on Truth,"-"There is another thing in which my judgment differs considerably from that of Drs. Reid and Campbell; they have great metaphysical abilities, and they love the metaphysical sciences. I do not. I am convinced that this metaphysical spirit is the bane of true learning, true taste, and true science." There is much to the same purpose in various other letters, and it certainly furnishes the true character of his work but surely all this is absurd. If we are misled by reasonings, without the intervention of the feelings, by reasoning alone can the errors be detected or removed? and unless things are inconsistent with themselves, or the mind is so constructed as to believe contradictions, this may be affected. To assume for granted the very principles contested, and to interest by declamation the feelings in their maintenance, is perfectly childish; and can please and satisfy only the superficial. Such is his work, and such I think are his principal admirers. Mrs. Montagu is to me very nauseating.

Nov. 9. Called on Major Paston. Coke of Holkham has 56,000 acres in Norfolk, and about 25,000l. a-year. He declared to Major Paston, that he never had 5007. which he could call his own, to play with.

Nov. 13. Went to Norwich, and gave my vote for Coke and Windham at the Norfolk Election. Pleased with a trait of Windham at the booth yesterday. A country fellow hesitating to take the bribery oath, had been for some time attacked with great eagerness by both parties on the subject, with various arguments; he seemed quite perplexed. Windham stepped forward. "My honest friend," he said, can you or can you not with a safe conscience take the oath? If not, I would rather lose the election, than you should kiss the book."

Nov. 15. Read some of Addison's Translations from Ovid; hard and stiff, without the fire of Dryden, or the correct spirit and sweetness of Pope. Addison has unfortunately taught us to despise himself.


MR. URBAN,-The following letters were selected at hazard a few years since, from a large mass of correspondence and papers, bound in three folio volumes, which had belonged to the late Sir Hugh Bateman, Bart. and subsequently to his nephew Capt. Hugh Bateman, by whose permission they were copied. These volumes contain the domestic correspondence of the family of Bateman of Hartington, co. Derb. from the year 1600 down to the year 1729, together with several letters from Lord Fairfax, Sir Charles Egerton, Speaker of the House of Commons, and others, as also various local and historical documents. This family settled at Hartington about the beginning of the sixteenth century, and at the period of the civil wars they joined the Parliamentary or Roundhead party, of whose proceedings many interesting facts are *Two Letters of this collection were subsequently printed in Ellis's Original Letters, 2d series, vol. ii. pp. 358, 372.

adduced in the correspondence. One of the members of this family, Robert Bateman, became Chamberlain of the City of London, and one of its representatives in Parliament. He died in 1645, and is often referred to in the letters of his cousin, Hugh Bateman of Bakewell. By his second wife Robert Bateman left four sons, three of whom were Aldermen of London, and were all knighted May 29, 1660 (together with the rest of the Corporation), by Charles the Second, on the occasion of their Address to his Majesty on his Restoration; a remarkable proof that Charles did not permit any feelings of resentment against those who had been opposed to him, to interfere with his general offers of reconciliation. The pardon of Hugh Bateman, Barrister of Gray's Inn (son of Richard Bateman of Hartington, Esq. son of Hugh Bateman, brother of the Chamberlain) is preserved among the correspondence, and is here annexed, as a specimen of the form used on this and similar occasions :

IN PURSUANCE of the gratious declarac'on of his excellent Maiesty and my Soveraigne Lord, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Given vnder his Maties signe manuell and privie signet at his Court at Bredae, the of April last, and vpon the first of May instant, ordered by the Com'ons to be printed and published, I, Hugh Bateman, of Gray's Inn in the County of Middlesex, Esq. doe with most humble and harty thankfullness lay hold upon his Maiesties free and generall pardon by the said declarac'on graunted, and I doe hereby publiquely declare, that I doe lay hold upon that his Maties grace and favour, and that I am and will Continue his Maties Loyal and obedient Subiect, In Testimony whereof I have herevnto subscribed my name this Eight and Twentieth day of May, in the twelueth yeare of his Maties raigne, one Thousand Six hundred and Sixty. RUH BATEMAN.* This declarac'on was publiquely made and subscribed, the day and yeare above said, by the above named Hugh Bateman, before me,

HAR. GRIMSTON, Speaker of the house of Com❜ons. The lineal descendant of this family, Hugh Bateman of Hartington, Esq. was created a Baronet in 1806, and by his death in 182, the title became extinct. See more respecting this family in Playfair's Family Antiquity, vol. vii. p. 819, Lysons's Derbyshire, p. lxvii. and three original letters from Sir H. Bateman to Lysons, among the collections of the latter in the British Museum.

[blocks in formation]

(Bateman MSS. No. 26.) From Sir Charles Egerton to Walter Lord Aston.


Heare is a red dere parke to be taken in, and the place now asined is contrare to direcktiones of the letteres sent downe to that purpose, as i heare; for thaye intend to take it in rownd aboute Eland Loge, and therewth inclose the springes, bothe from the Comaners and manne hunderedes of fallow dere; wherin thaye doo not consider the inconvenience of the los of that water so inclosed, wch will be more preiudis to the fallowdere, being manne in number, then benifitt to the red dere, being few besides, your Lordship knoweth, it will vtterly deface the faryest Lannd of Redewod, and strat the hunt land betwene Agareslye parke, and it; so that all the Chases there will rise in the dimelles but if it plese you to apoynt that Parke in the furthest end of Brownes Hurne, it will stand in the remotest angell of the woodes, wheare the gayme being turnd write towardes Eland Laund, it cannot but make the fayrest and longist Chase ouer the verre midell and heartt of the forrest. Allso much timber may be saued therein, if you plese to ioyne the new parke to the ould payle of Agarslye; so that wth one payle you maye deuid them asundere and although there be no springes there, yett there be pooles allredde cast, wch being skowred will suffise.

* He died in 1682, and was buried in All Saints Church, Derby, where is a monument to him. Lysons, p. 117. Playfair's Fam. Antiq. vii. 819.

Mye Lord, i praye pardon my bouldness in this intelegence, for thatt i nether am, nor am worthe to be an offeser, wherof to render you this acownte; but it prosedes from the dutifull respecte i hertele beare to his Magestes intended plesures heare: wth my disire to doo you servis.

Your Lors to Comand,

Newboro, this 15th of Aprill, 1635.

To his verre hon' frend the Lord Water Aston, at his house

in Mulberre Garden, p'sent thes.


(No. 29.) From Hugh Bateman, of Bakewell, co. Derb. to his
brother William Bateman.


My loue with my Father's and Mother's remembred vnto you, and to the rest of our freinds, hopeing you are all in good health, as wee are all at this p'sent time, I prayse God! Brother, wee receiued a letter from my Unckle Reddiard, wherein hee writ vnto vs that he had bought you a suite and cloake, wch cost iijl. xvis. iiijd. wch money my Father hath sent vp to my vncle Reddiard, by Mr. Nicolson, with a letter. I pray you, good Brother, to be Carefull both of your Mr busines and of your owne Creditt, and beware of Euell Company, for the times are dangerous here in the Countrey, and I know, by experience, far more dangerous in the Citie. But I trust you will remember what my mother hath alwayes said vnto you, whome I know hath euer geuin you good Councell, and pray vnto the lord to direct you in all your wayes, and to keepe you safe from that sicknes wch wee heare is increasing in the subbourbs, but trust it is not neare you in any place, nor I hope in god that it will not be, neither to you nor to any other of god's people, but that the lord will be pleased to looke downe with the Eyes of his mercy vpon you and vs all, and to say vnto his Angell, as hee said in the time of kinge Dauid, stay thy hand, it is Enough, wch I pray God to grant vnto vs all. And in the meane whyle, I pray you let vs here from you, both of the sicknes, how it is, and likewise how you doe, and how my Cosin, Hugh Bateman, doth, whom I desire to be remembered vnto, and I pray you let vs here how you like althings, and if you thinke it a place Conveinent for Brother Richard, I pray you write to my Father for him; and soe at this tyme I commit you to God's p'teccon, who is best able to keepe vs all, and rest, and euer will rest, your louing brother HUGH BATEMAN.

Middleton, this 16th of May, 1636.

(No. 32.) From the same to the same.


Middleton, this 14th of October, 1638.

I haue nowe receiued my sworde from Ridge, and the hilte is very firme and well done. But the blade hath eyther bine Broake at the upper ende, and soe ground lesse, or else it hath bene exchanged, but to say wheather I can'ot. I thanke you for your paynes taken in it, and alsoe for the handle you sent mee, but I acknowledge myselfe in a fault in not sendinge you the money that you laid fourth for it; but I pray you excuse mee, for 1 delayed it soe longe because I could not meete with such a messenger as I would send you the money bye: my Cosen Hugh Bateman doth intend to be at London within this fortnight, and then at his coming you shall receiue both that you haue laid fourth allredy, and also some more, which I entreat you to bestow vppon 2 hattes, the i. for my selfe, and the other for my sister. I would haue them both blacke, and likewise both blacke naples silke bands, of the best and newest fassion that is; I pray you lett them be both good ones, of 16 or 18 sh. a hatt. But I must desire you to buy them eyther vppon saterday, or else on munday morninge, that they may be sent downe this returne, or else lett them alone, and write mee two words to satisfie mee to the contrary; if you haue not soe much money as is to pay for them, desire your Mr to lay down soe much as the cost, or else goe to my vncle Riddiard, and borrowe soe

much of him, and you shall be sure to receiue it, eyther by my Cosin Hugh
Bateman, or else by some other trusty messenger, that I will be sure to send it
by. I haue sent you a measure of a thred how broade my sister would haue
hers of the brimes, and alsoe how wide in the head, and soe likewise another
measure for my owne; the longer thredde is measure for hers, the length of it
for the breadth of the brimes ouercrosse, and from the knott to the shorter
ende for the widenesse in the head, and soe alsoe the shorter threade for mine;
soe with my loue remembred vnto you, to your Mr and Mrs, my vncle Willia'
and Ante Riddiard, and all the rest of our freinds, trusting in god you are all
well, as wee are all at this p'sent, I cease to trouble you any further, and rest,
committinge you to the p'tecc'on of the Almighty, your louinge brother

To my louinge and kind brother William Bateman, at the
Boares-heade in Catteaton-streete, giue this.

(No. 33.) From the same to the same.


I could haue wished your company with vs at Middleton Bakewell, the 20th day of Nouember last past, because that that day, it pleased god soe to dispose of mee, that I betrawthed my selfe vnto a wife, whome I trust in god I shall haue comford off, and shee of mee; shee was Mr. Richard Newton's daughter of Bakewell, whom I make no question but you haue hearde of before this time. I trust in god I haue a p'uident wyfe, and one that feares god; and as for outward estate, I trust in god, I haue and shall haue a reasonable competate meanes to maintain myselfe and that familie which doth and shall belonge vnto me, in such sorte as I haue bine brought vp in, and accordinge vnto my calling, wch, I thanke god, hath bine sufficient, and soe I hope it will still contineu, god make mee thankefull! Brother, I haue sent you by Ridge, Ashbourne Carrier, a paire of gloues, and halfe a crowne in siluer, rapped in the gloues; the gloues I wish you to weare in remembrance of mee and the occas'on I bestow them of you at this time. My wyfe remembers her loue vnto you, and to the rest of her freinds in London vnknown; my Father and mother are both very well, I thanke god, with my Brothers and sisters, and all the rest of our freinds here in the Country; soe with my loue remembred vnto you, with the rest of my freinds, desiringe to heare from you, of the receite of this my letter and tokens, I cease to trouble you any furder, and rest your louinge brother HUGH BATEMAN,

Bakewell, this 22th of december, 1638.

To my louinge and kinde brother, Willia' Bateman, at the
Boars-head in Catteaton-street, deliu' this.

(No. 39.) From the same to the same.



Bakewell, the 31st of January, 1641. and to the rest of our


My loue with my wyfes remembered vnto freinds, trustinge you are all in.... health, as wee are all at this p'sent time, I prayse god received your letter, with the tokens you sent, namely the lemmons, and the peece of siluer you sent my sonne, for the which I giue you many thankes; as alsoe for the remonstrance you sent mee, Wee haue heard much bad newes of late, I pray god bee mercifull vnto vs all, and turne it to better for the time to come! I pray you remember mee to my Cosen Robert Bateman, and my Ante his mother is very ill, I pray god restore her, if it be his will, to her former health againe! It hath pleased god to call out of this mortall life our ould Grandfather Riddiard; hee dyed at Elton, vppon fryday morni'ge last, about 5 of the clocke, and was buryed at Youlgraue, vppon Saterday; lord grant us all to be fitted for the like occasion! My mother in lawe remembers her loue vnto you; shee hath sent you by this bearer, Mr. Nicolson, 18. and my wyfe an other 1s. and I haue sent you iijs. desiring you to accept of the same, as small tokens of our loues vnto you. Wee haue bine very doubtfull, here in the Countrey, how it will please god to GENT. MAG. VOL. I.

3 P

deale with vs for peace, and you cannott but haue had greatt cause of doubte in the City; I pray god turne all to his glory, and to the Comford of those that loue and feare his name! I should be very glad to receiue some better newes from you, soe soone as you can; soe at this time I cease to trouble you any further, and rest, committing you to the p'tec'con of the Almighty, your louing brother, HUGH BATEMAN.

(No. 43.) From the same to the same.


I received your letter, with the Sugar loafe you sent mee, for which I giue you thankes, as also for your loue to my ssonne, and other your tokens. I am very glad of your safe returne to London; I pray god keepe you and vs from all ill affected persons! our Armes are gone out of our County, both Trayned and priuate. There hath beene some stir at Manchester this weeke, as wee here, betwixt my lord Strange and the towne, but as yet little hurt done, onely, as we are informed, 2 Townesemen kild, and some 8 of my lorde Strange his Company. At Sheafield they are very stronge; S' John Hotham hath sent them 500 men, and armes for 500 more, soe that they put themselues into a posture for their owne defence, but as yet they haue noe opposition: wee are all at peace in our County for the p'sent, I prayse god; soe with my loue, with my mothers and wyfes remembred vnto your selfe, my Cosen Robert Bateman, with the rest of our freinds with you, I rest and shall remaine, Your louinge brother HUGH BATEMAN.

Bakewell, this 28th of Septe'ber, 1642.

To my louinge and kinde brother William Bateman, at the
Boares-heade in Catteaton-street, deliv' this.

(No. 44.) From the same to the same.


My true loue, with my wyfes, remembred vnto your selfe, with the rest of our good freinds with you, with desire of all your good healthes in the lord; I received your letter, with what you sent mee thereinclosed by John Garratt, for wch I shall rest thankefull and engaged vnto you, for the times are soe that I dare not write soe largely vnto you as I would; this Gentleman, Mr. Greaues, whome I make bould withall for the carridge of this my letter, can certifie you of truth of what newes wee haue in darbisheire; my Father and Mother, with all the rest of our freinds here, I praise god, are well; if you can with convenience, and that you perceiue you may sent theim safe, eyther in some packe by the Carrier or otherwayes, to buy mee a case of very good brasse pistols,* with snap lockes, and not wheele lockes, ayther new or ould, soe that they be firme good, and I will, god willinge, send you the money, what the shall cost, by the next returne. My mother in law reme'breth her kindly vnto you; I haue here inclosed sent you vs. as a small token of my loue vnto you. I pray god blesse and kepe you all, and vs likewise, and put a good end to these destracted times in this kingdom, to the reioyceinge both of king and kingdome; soe in hast I rest your truly loving Brother, HUGH BATEMAN.

Ashbourne, this 29th of Nov'ber, 1642.

Brother, Mr. Greaues disapoynted me of the Carridge of this letter, soe that I can not send to you in that manner as I would haue done, for my case of pistols, wch I desire you send mee with all speede; I thinke the most saffest way will be thus; deliu' theis pistols from Mr. Robert Bateman, Chamberlain of the City of London, vnto his Cosen, Hugh Bateman, of Bakewell; wch I hope you may doe without exception.

To my louinge and kinde brother William Bateman,

at the Boares-head in Catteaton streete.

These pistols are still preserved in the family.

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