Imágenes de páginas

of United Americans to achieve this, the most patriotic work of modern times, not only without the sacrifice of a single dollar by any member who may take part in the accomplishment, but with more than ordinary assurance of actual profit. And where is the mechanic who cannot lay aside from his earnings one dollar a month for a purpose so gratifying to his patriotism, and by which he will secure to himself and his family a final restingplace, of beauty and sublimity, under the very shadow of the monument to Washington, a monument in the erection of which he himself participated?

To the members of our fraternity, the completion of such a work by themselves would be justly a source of ineffable pride, and to the Order itself a high and distinguished honor. A Washington monument on such a scale, erected by the Order of United Americans, will place our brotherhood before the eyes of the whole world, in a position at once dignified and admirable, in the honor of which each individual member will take a part.

With a view to preliminary measures for the carrying out of this plan for providing a cemetery for the brethren of our Order, and the erection therein of a monument to Washington, the Chancery of the State of New-York have adopted the report of a committee, embracing the general plan, and directed this brief synopsis thereof to be transmitted to the members of the Order in every State, that all who wish may participate in the work on equal terms, and also to inform the brothers that books for subscription for lots will be opened in each Chapter, on and after the day of next, each subscriber being limited to ten lots.

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The first instalment of $4 on each lot to be paid on the first Monday in 1852, at which time certificates of purchase will be issued, and payment endorsed.

The remaining instalments will be due quarterly. as follows:-July 1st, 1852, $4; October 1st, $3, January, 1853, $2; April, $3; July, $4; October, $3. January, 1854, 82; April, $3; July, $4; October, $3. January, 1855, $2; April, $2; July, $4; October, $2;-thus completing the payment of each subscribtion of $45, in a manner so convenient as to be within the reach of every member of the Order.

A Board of Trustees, consisting of one chancellor from each Chapter, to be elected by the Chancery, will be organized, whose duty will be to procure a location and purchase the ground, (Cypress Hills Cemetery being recommended;) obtain an act of incorporation by the Legislature; dispose of the lots in the cemetery; make the necessary contracts; and transact all such business pertaining to the effectual and speedy erection of the work as may properly come under the control of said Board of

Trustees, the said trustees being required to report quarterly the amount of all moneys received and paid, and once in each year a full statement of all the proceedings, and the actual condition of the work; which annual report will be immediately published, for the information of subscribers and the public.

As this circular is published for the purpose of ascertaining to what extent the members of our Order will favor so glorious an undertaking, it is distinctly understood that no steps will be taken, and no expense incurred chargeable to subscribers, until at least two thousand lots shall have been subscribed; and it is plain to perceive that as soon as confidence in the plan is fully established by the commencement of the work, the demand for lots will increase, and the completion of the whole structure be insured.

Another clause in the original report provides, that if any member shall purchase, and duly pay the first instalment on a lot, and shall thereafter be deprived by sickness of the means of paying the subsequent instalments; or if his family by his death shall be rendered unable to pay the subsequent instalments, the said lot shall not be forfeited, but shall be conveyed with a perfect title to his widow and family, for their especial use and benefit.

WASHINGTON'S BIRTH-DAY.-The preparations for this glorious anniversary, which the Order of United Americans have snatched from oblivion, are going forward on a scale that promises to be equal to the great occasion. About thirty Chapters in this city and Brooklyn have united officially in the arrangements, besides which, New-Jersey will send down a very large delegation, amounting, it is said, to at least five hundred. The Chapters from the rural districts of this State will also send in their delegations, which will assist in swelling the procession.

Several of the Chapters that we have heard of-viz., Washington, Decatur, Charter Oak, and Wayne-are preparing elaborate allegorical and other devices, to be drawn on magnificent cars by six, eight, and ten horses.

The Common Council, we believe, have not made any arrangements for a public demonstration on that day, nor have we heard of any other class of our fellow-citizens moving in the matter; thus the day will be wholly our own, and it becomes our duty to do it full justice.

The Chapters in Brooklyn will make a

strong turn-out, and take their place in line, escorted by Captain Morgan's company, the Putnam Continental Guard.

We have not seen the programme, but learn that the line will be formed at Washington Parade Ground, under the direction of General Henry Storms, and, after marching through some of the streets in that vicinity, will pass down on the west side of the town to Canal or Chambers street, thence to Broadway, down Broadway, around the Park, up Chatham street to the Bowery, through the Bowery to Astor Place, thence to Broadway and Metropolitan (late Tripler) Hall, where the oration will be delivered by the Hon. William W. Campbell. If the weather should be favorable, we anticipate the most splendid demonstration ever made on the Washington anniversary; should the weather be very stormy, the ceremonies will be confined to the Hall. The Annual Birth-day Ball of Washington Association takes place at Metropolitan Hall in the evening.

CALIFORNIA. Our brethren are always glad to hear from the gold region, and we cannot give them a better item from there at the present time than the following, which we cut from the San Francisco Sunday Dispatch. The Order is going ahead nobly on the Pacific side of the farm.

"O. U. A.-The rapidity with which this Order has increased in this city, gives assurance of the determination that Americans will have true and unmistakable evidences of nationality predominate wherever their power extends, and give the impress of true republicanism to future generations. In this it is the duty of every true American in California to join. The large proportion of our present population which is foreign to our institutions, needs to have a proper direction and example set, from which to mould their opinions and principles, especially when it is a well-known fact that there are now in this community many who sneer at all things American, and who would rejoice in the dissolution of this republic. The endeavor to entrench on old established institutions in the older States, called this Order into existence, and the present prosperity of the Order gives unmistaken assurance that the principles which form its basis—those of liberty and equality, the principles of free thought and free action, the uncontroled operation of will and intellect, subject only to the dictates of a moral and religious conscienceare engraved upon the hearts and faith of our people, and are destined to remodel and to give life and energy to the old creeds and systems of


"The world can see what our nation is, and the signs of the times figure, but faintly perhaps, what it is to be. But to give concentration and energy

to the principles which have made it what it is, and which will make it what the old, effete world little dreams of, with all its experience, some such association as the one spoken of seems necessary.

"There are among us a population, born and bred under the baleful influence of monarchy, whose prejudices, drawn in with their mothers' milk, are as tenacious as the life which that has cherished. They are perfectly willing to profit by all the advantages which our institutions offer, but they never fail to decry and abuse, and affect to despise the principles and institutions which have made them princes from being serfs.

"An instance of this despicable prejudice occurred not long since, in one of our houses kept by a regular John Bull. One of the xylographed cards printed by us for B. C. Horn, had been displayed upon the wall. The vignette exhibited Commerce, in the form of a ship in the distance; then the American eagle, with the motto, 'E Pluribus Unum' in his beak, and Liberty supporting our national flag, with the standard resting upon the British crown, bull's head, and coat of arms. This, it must be confessed, was not very flattering to the vanity of the subjects of Victoria;' but, in consideration of our decided and unmistakable triumph over the British marine, in our steamers, our clippers, and our yachts, it cannot be called improper, out of character, nor in bad taste. Nevertheless, this card was torn down and destroyed by the proprietor and a British friend, and the assertion made, that they would give none of their patronage to any office which would thus insult the dignity of Great Britain!

"This fact is not much, but it shows how necessary it is for Americans to cultivate and cherish our beloved institutions, and show, by our public as well as our private adhesion, the strong faith we have in their truth and efficacy.

"When starvelings, driven from the realms of monarchy to find a home and bread beneath our free institutions, take upon themselves the vindication of the miserable pretense of the divine rights of kings, and the glory of the subject's starving for the honor of monarchy, it will appear evident enough that our own citizens need to concentrate and make potent their belief in the saving virtues of republicanism. All success, therefore, to the Order of United Americans."

A REAL NORTH AMERICAN.-New-York Chapter, No. 41, of this State, received into its membership, a few weeks since, Mr. George Copway, the celebrated chief of the Ojibbeway tribe of Indians. Mr. Copway is well known to the world, as one of the pure aboriginal blood, who, having embraced Christianity, and adopted the habits and customs of civilization, has exhibited a high order of intelligence, and become already popular as a writer. Mr. Copway has devoted a great portion of his time and talents in awakening in the minds of the pale-faces a proper sense of duty towards the remaining tribes of red men. We are happy to find the name of so estimable a man enrolled among

our American brotherhood, and hope to be enabled to enrich our columns with an occasional article from his unique pen.

THE SPREAD OF OUR PRINCIPLES.-New advocates of the principles of our Order are constantly springing up in all parts of the country, and editors who, three years ago, would have shrunk from an expression of sympathy with any thing distinctly American in its character, now come forward fearlessly, and not only promulgate but defend our doctrines, and encourage our labors. How much of this is attributable to the decided tone of this magazine, we leave others to judge; but we can assert that, in numerous instances, not only the spirit but the text of our columns have been employed by editors, not heretofore suspected of any extraordinary attachment to the American code.

The fact is, in this country of free suffrage, every thing is measured by the amount of political influence that it is supposed to exercise, and partisan leaders will foster and cherish that which promises to give them the most effective support; "the balance of power" is what they seek, whether it be American or foreign; and now that our Order is becoming so numerous as to constitute that balance, with strength enough to punish demagogues, it is natural that the wire-pullers should turn to us with an eye of favor. The O. U. A., however, asks no humility or favor from them; it is able to take care of itself and them also. It has a specific, straightforward duty to perform, and from that duty it can neither be cajoled nor coerced.

The following extract from the Newark Daily Mercury, (N. J.,) exhibits the estimation in which the Order is held in that city:

"O. U. A.-We are pleased to learn from one of the members of the Order of United Americans,' that they are fast accomplishing their views in successfully placing their association on a foundation sure as the Rock. Although there are many who doubtless look upon them as entertaining somewhat selfish and illiberal views in relation to foreigners, yet we cannot learn why they should not enjoy similar privileges with their opponents, or with those very societies that most object to the establishment of the doctrines proclaimed by this Order. The Irish have their Friendly Sons of St. Patrick,' and their 'Shamrock Societies;' the English, their 'St. George's;' the Scotch, the 'Thistle; the Welsh, their St. David's; the French, their 'St. Denis;' the Jews, their 'Hebrew,' and other nationalities theirs; and why

should Americans, 'natives, and to the manor born,' here in their own home, be debarred from the enjoyment of associative rights, to which foreigners are entitled, and have laid claim?

"This Order now numbers about five hundred in this city, being about one half the number in the State. There are, we believe, some fifteen Chapters, and these intend celebrating the birthday of the Father of Liberty' in a truly national and becoming manner. They will be assisted by the various Continental companies in the State. An oration will be delivered in some suitable building, and the exercises generally will, we presume, be of the same gratifying nature heretofore observed in our city on the occasion of celebrations by this Order. We shall be pleased to chronicle the statistics of this body, if furnished by a member of the Order."

CHAPTER PROCEEDINGS.-We should take great pleasure in noticing the movements of Chapters on all public occasions, if supplied with the requisite information to enable us to do so. Our Order is so far extended, and subdivided into so many parts, that it is impossible to learn from mere personal efforts all matters of importance going forward; and we should feel much indebted to the officers of

Chapters and committees of arrangement, on all occasions of interest to the Order at large, if they will send us notice of what they purpose doing. By this means, our members will be kept informed of what is in prospect, and the Chapter-rooms be better filled when addresses or other interesting ceremonies are to take place. We make no charge for notices of this kind; our object is to give all the publicity possible to such matters as require publicity.

TRENTON, N. J.-We have been requested to state that Chancellor Whitney, of NewYork, has been engaged to deliver the address before the Chancery of New-Jersey and the people of Trenton, at that city, on the evening of March 9th.


CONTINENTAL CHAPTER. - This thriving Chapter held a public meeting and flagpresentation, on the occasion of their third anniversary, at the First street Methodist Church in this city, on the 18th inst., at which the ceremonies were of a most interesting character. A large audience of ladies and gentlemen were present, and addresses were delivered by Chancellors Boyce and Munn. Continental Chapter is much indebted to the activity and zeal of its representative, Chancellor E. B. Brush, for its

present condition of prosperity and efficiency; and his usefulness in the Order at large will, we trust, be properly appreciated.

FLAG PRESENTATION.-On the 17th inst., Warren Chapter was the recipient of a magnificent silk flag, the pure stripes and stars of the nation, prepared as a present by the Warren Association. The ceremonies of presentation took place at the chambers of the Chapter, in Court street, near Fulton, Brooklyn, in the presence of a large assembly of ladies and gentlemen; after which, the whole party was entertained with a superb invitation ball and supper. Chancellor Whitney, of Franklin Chapter, presented the flag on behalf of the Association, and it was received in a neat address by Chancellor Paige, of Warren.

PUTNAM CHAPTER, No. 8, held a public meeting at Rutgers Female Institute, in Madison street, on the evening of the 12th inst., at which Chancellor Morton, by request, repeated his classic lecture on the "Elements of our National Decay." The large lecture-room of the Institute was densely filled with a highly respectable audience of ladies and gentlemen, and the address was listened to with evident marks of approval and delight. The committee of Putnam Chapter are entitled to much credit for the handsome manner in which their duties were performed.

ALBANY.-We learn from Chancellor D. K. Seaman, who is spending the legislative season at the capital, that our brethren at Albany are in good heart and spirit, and that both Liberty Tree and Star-spangled Banner Chapters are increasing rapidly in numbers. Chancellor Seaman anticipates that there will be at least six Chapters in Albany by the first of January, 1853, and measures are now in progress for instituting a Chapter at Troy. This information is cheering.

DAY SESSIONS OF CHANCERY.-In conformity with a resolution adopted in January last, the Chancery of the State of New-York will meet on Monday, the first day of March next,

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AMERICAN CHAPTER, of Jersey City, is preparing for another public demonstration in that city, to take place in a few days. Keep the ball rolling.

NEWARK.-After partaking in the ceremonies of the 23d in this city, the brethren of Newark, N. J., intend to close the day with appropriate ceremonies at their Hall, Morris Buildings, in Broad street, in the course of which Brother Bradley, of Excelsior Chapter, of Newark, will deliver an oration on the Character of Washington. The ceremonies will be public.

WAYNE CHAPTER, of this city, will receive a banner, to be presented by the Wayne Association, on the 19th inst. The ceremonies will take place at Knickerbocker Hall, corner Twenty-third street and Eighth avenue.


The names of the S. and C. C. of Chapters will be inserted at $2 per annum.


Wm. W. Osborn, G. S.-Chas. E. Gildersleve, G. C. C. Alpha, No. 1, Saturday, cor. Broadway and Grand street.

Geo. W. Mount, S.-Simeon Baldwin, C. C. Washington, No. 2, Thursday, cor. Grand and Ludlow sts. F. Fitzpatrick, S.-James A. Travis, C. C. Warren, No. 3, Tuesday, Court st., near Fulton, Brooklyn. Manhattan, No. 4, Thursday, corner Avenue C and 4th st. Lawrence, No. 5, Thursday, cor. 128th street and 3d Av. American, No. 6, Monday, 360 Broadway. Columbia, No. 7, Thursday, cor. Bleecker and Morton sts. Putnam, No. 8, Wednesday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts. Franklin, No. 9, Friday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts. T. L. Thornell, S.-J. S. Shelley, C. C. Paulding, No. 10, Tuesday, corner 23d st, and 8th Av. Marion, No. 11, Friday, Court st., near Fulton, Brooklyn. Continental, No. 12, Thursday, 327 Bowery.

E. A. Schermerhorn, S.-Wm. P. Armstrong, C. C.
Mount Vernon, No. 13, Wednesday, 149 Bowery.
Hancock, No. 14, Wednesday, c. Bleecker and Morton sts.
John Sharkey, S.-Aug't W. Mead, C. C.
Liberty, No. 15, Friday, 149 Bowery.

Decatur, No. 16, Thursday, cor. Broadway and Grand st.
Lexington, No. 17, Monday, Low's Building, Brooklyn.
National, No. 18, Tuesday, 149 Bowery.
Adams, No. 19, Wednesday, Haverstraw.

Ethan Allen, No. 20, Tuesday, c. S. 1st & 4th sts., Wil'b'g.
Perry, No. 21, Thursday, corner 23d street and 8th Av.
Charter Oak, No. 22, Monday, 327 Bowery.

Fort Washington, No. 23, Yonkers.

Woodhull, No. 24, Wednesday, Jamaica, L. I.

hampe, No. 25, Thursday, corner Grove and Hudson sts. Plymouth, No. 26, Thursday, Court st., near Fulton, Br❜kn. Bunker Hill, No. 27, Friday, cor. Bleecker and Morton sts. Excelsior, No. 28, Tuesday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts. Independence, No. 29, Wednesday, National Hall,

G. L. Haight, S.-Thomas H. Pallister, C. C.
Schuyler, No. 30, Friday, 327 Bowery.
Westchester, No. 31, Wednesday, at Tarrytown.
Savonia, Na, 32, Saturday, Rossville, S. L

Oneida, No. 33, Thursday, 149 Bowery.
Worth, No. 34, Wednesday, Astoria, L. I.

Jasper, No. 35, Monday, corner Bleecker and Morton sts.
Niagara, No. 36 Friday, 149 Bowery

Wm. B. Smith, S.-Edward O. Burling, C. C American Star, No. 37, Thursday, Ramapo, Rockland co. Magna Charta, No. 3, Thurs., cor. Court & Sackett, B'n. William Hunt, S.-George C. Blanke, C C. Zachary Taylor, No. 39, Wednesday, 3d Av., near 58th st.

Tappan, No. 40, Monday, Piermont.

New-York, No. 41, Friday, corner Grove and Hudson sts, Huguenot, No. 42, Friday, Port Richmond, S. I.

E Pluribus Unum, No. 43, Wed., c. Bowery and Broome sts. Liberty Tree, No. 44, Friday, Commercial Buildings, Albany. Union, No. 45, Thursday, Fort Chester.

Ringgold, No. 46, Tuesday, Greensburg, Dobbs' Ferry. Ironsides, No. 47, Friday, corner Grand and Broadway. American Eagle, No. 48, Mamaroneck, Wednesday. Jefferson, No. 49, Tuesday, corner 29th street and 8th Av. Oneachta, No. 50, Poughkeepsie, Thursday.

Valley Forge, No. 51, Wednesday, 149 Sixteenth street. Wayne, No. 52, Tuesday, corner Grove and Hudson sts. Peekskill, No. 53, Tuesday, Peekskill,

Fort Greene, No. 54, Wed., Granada Hall, Myrtle Av., B'n. R. D. Hart, S.-A. B. Melville, C. C.

Empire, No. 55, Friday, 187 Bowery.

Star Spangled Banner, No. 56, Wednesday, Albany.
United States, No. 57, 283 Grand Street.
Constitution, No. 58, Smithville, L. I.


John H. Lyon, G. S.-J. B. Cleveland, G. C. C. Pioneer, No. 1, Friday, Morris' Buildings, Newark. James R. Sanford, S.-Henry Babbitt, C. C.

Clark, No. 2, Monday, Rahway,

Nathan Hale, No. 3, Thursday, Morris' Buildings, Newark.
Morgan, No. 4, Tuesday, Hoboken.

Jersey Blue, No. 5, Monday, New-Brunswick.
American, No. 6, Tuesday, Franklin Hall, Jersey City.
Washington, No. 7, Wednesday, Orange.
American Eagle, No. 8, Tuesday, Paterson.

Geo. L. Sneden, S.-Andrew Van Bussom, C. C.
Monmouth, No. 9, Thursday, Freehold.

American Flag, No. 10, Tuesday, Morris' Buildings, New❜k.
Liberty, No. 11, Wednesday, Bergen.
Columbia, No. 12, Saturday, Madison.

Excelsior, No. 13, Monday, Morris' Buildings, Newark.

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Alpha, No , Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, O. U. A. Hall, corner Ludlow and Grand streets. Columbia, No. 2, Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock, corner Hudson and Grove streets.

Lady Washington, No. 3, Monday evening, 7 o'clock, O. U. A. Hall, corner Ludlow and Grand streets. Lady Putnam, No. 4, Monday evening, 7 o'clock, No. 360 Grand street.

Pocahontas, No. 5, Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, Fountain Hall, 149 Bowery.

Lady Perry, No. 6, Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, corner of 29th street and 8th avenue.

New-York, No. 7, Wednesday afternoon, corner Lispenard street and Broadway.

-, No. 8,

La Motte, No. 9, Thursday evening, 7 o'clock, Allen, near Grand street.

Lady Champe, No. 10, Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock, corner Hudson and Grove sts, Ash and Hall. Liberty Star, No. 1, Newark, New-Jersey, Wednesday evening, 7 o'clock, Morris' Buildings, Broad st.

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