Imágenes de páginas
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On behalf of Mr. JULIUS H. TUTTLE a photograph was exhibited of a map "Copied out of an Original lent by M2 Stoughton & Bulkeley Agents of Boston," now in the possession of the John Carter Brown Library; and the following paper was communicated:

1 Plymouth Colony Records, xi. 129, 144.

2 Massachusetts Colony Records, vol. iv. pt. ii. pp. 30-31; Diary of John Hull, Transactions and Collections American Antiquarian Society (1857), iii. 203-204; 3 Massachusetts Historical Collections, i. 52-53.

See p. 4 note 1, above. 4 See p. 4 note 1, above. See p. 24 note 2, above. • See p. 52 note 2, above.

7 See p. 56 note 2, above.

8 See p. 69 note 2, above.

• See p. 82 note 2, above.


In the material preserved to us, from colonial days, only a few manuscript maps of New England, or some of its parts, among those known to have been made before Philip's War, can be found. Entries in town and in our Colony records show the existence at the time of maps, as well as plans of grants by the General Court, most of which have long since disappeared. These records have also saved for us the names of many surveyors, or artists, who eked out their livelihood by measuring lands and making draughts or plots of their work.

An interesting paper relating to a map of the country by one of their number, of which the following is a copy, is on file in the State Archives:


BOSTON Januarij ye iith 1676

Sr these are to request your Care to procure me Sattisfaction for Drawing a Draft or plott of ye Country that I drew from that wch you Brought me being y Coppie thereof and so you will oblidge yo1 Servant to Comand JAMES TAYLOR

11: January 1676

It is ordered yt the Treasurer pay unto Mr James Taylor tenn shillings mony for his drawing a Copie of draft or plott of the Country wch ye Comissions sent to his Majtie had wth them past


Council Act as to paying James Taylor 10s


for copy of Map 11 Janu1y 1676


Savage says, "James [Taylor], Reading, may have been that surveyor, much employ. in 1671 and 2, d. at R. 1703."2 In 1676, there was a James Taylor, living in Springfield, who may have been the same person, and perhaps the artist mentioned above as well as the one who assisted Mr. Pynchon, of Springfield, in the survey given below. On April 19, 1671, Mr. Taylor laid out land near the Plymouth line, granted by the General Court to William

1 Massachusetts Archives, lviii. 92a.

2 Genealogical Dictionary, iv. 261; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, ii. 48.


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