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is in some measure incarnate in every soul that breathes, he readily rises to the conception of a soul completely filled with the divine influence, the God-man."

Evidently such a faith as this may affect education in either one of two ways. It is likely to fill narrow and ignorant minds with such a sense of their present sufficiency as will prove a serious bar to schools, to study, and to mental cultivation; while it is likely to inspire the broad-minded and the intelligent with high ideals and to energize them to make strenuous efforts. Fortunately the Quakers, for the most part, have illustrated the second of these tendencies. With his "view of the possibilities of human nature," says Dr. Wickersham, the Quaker "deems it his duty to make himself, body and mind, a fit temple for the indwelling of the Divine Spirit. Hence, to be consistent with himself, he must be a friend to all art that purifies and ennobles, to all science that broadens and enriches, and to all education that instructs, develops, and perfects. If at any time the Society of Friends, or its individual members, have seemed to discourage education, it was either because the logic of their religious doctrines was not fully understood, or because they feared the effect of that abuse of learning which 'puffeth up,' magnifies self, and in its self-importance refuses to give heed to the humble teachings of the 'still small voice' in the soul." (Pp. 24-23.)

William Penn was a liberally educated as well as a broad-minded man. He shared to the full the most enlightened sentiments of the society to which he belonged. Liberal extracts could be made from his writings showing that in respect to education he was far in advance of his time. Just before leaving England for America Penn wrote to his wife as follows about the education of his own children:

For their learning be liberal; spare no cost; for by such parsimony all is lost that is saved; but let it be useful knowledge, such as is consistent with truth and godliness, not cherishing a vain conversation or idle mind; but ingenuity mixed with industry is good for the body and mind too. I recommend the useful parts of mathematics, as building houses or ships, measuring, surveying, dialling, navigation; but agriculture is especially in my eye. Let my children be husbandmen and housewives; it is industrious, healthy, honest, and of good example.

At a later day he wrote concerning his American province:

Upon the whole matter I undertake to say that if we would preserve our Government we must endear it to the people. To do this, besides the necessity of presenting just and wise things, we must secure the youth; this is not to be done but by the amendment of the way of education, and that with all convenient speed and diligence. I say the Government is highly obliged; it is a sort of trustee for the youth of the Kingdom, who, though minors, yet will have the Government when we are gone. Therefore, depress vice and cherish virtue, that through good education they may become good, which will truly render them happy in this world and a good way fitted for that which is to come. If this is done, they will owe more to your memories for their education than for their estates.

Naturally, therefore, in the frame of government or charter that he drew up for his colony, written in England early in 1682, he made provision for education as follows:

Twelfth. That the governor and provincial council shall erect and order all public schools and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laudable inventions in the said province.

And, fourthly, a committee of manners, education, and arts, that all wicked and scandalous living may be prevented, and that youth may be successively trained up in virtue and useful knowledge and arts.

The following also was one of the laws agreed upon in England:

Twenty-eighth. That all children within this province of the age of twelve years shall be taught some useful trade or skill, to the end none may be idle; but the poor may work to live, and the rich, if they become poor, may not want.

These provisions were duly accepted by the colony. Moreover on December 4, 1682, the first general assembly of the colony sat at Chester. Chapter LX of the "Great Law" that it enacted contained this provision with respect to education:

That the laws of this province from time to time shall be published and printed, that every person may have the knowledge thereof; and they shall be one of the books taught in the schools of this province and territories thereof.

The frame granted to the colony in 1683 contained a provision relating to education not found in that of the previous year. After stipulating that the governor and provincial council shall erect and order all public schools it proceeds

That one-third part of the provincial council, residing with the governor, from time to time shall, with the governor, have the care of the management of public affairs relating to the peace, justice, treasury, and improvement of the province and territories, and to the good education of youth, and sobriety of the manners of the inhabitants therein as aforesaid.

Chapter CXII of the laws enacted by the second assembly, which sat in Philadelphia March 10 of the same year, reads as follows:

And to the end that poor as well as rich may be instructed in good and commendable learning, which is to be preferred before wealth—

Be it enacted, etc., That all persons in this province and territories thereof, having children, and all the guardians and trustees of orphans, shall cause such to be instructed in reading and writing, so that they may be able to read the Scriptures and to write by the time they attain to twelve years of age; and that then they be taught some useful trade or skill, that the poor may work to live, and the rich, if they become poor, may not want; of which every county court shall take care. And in case such parents, guardians, or overseers shall be found deficient in this respect, every such parent, guardian, or overseer shall pay for every such child five pounds, except there should appear an incapacity in body or understanding to hinder it.

This was providing (1) that all children should be taught to read and write by the time that they were 12 years of age; (2) that they should be taught some useful trade or skill; and (3) that compulsion should be resorted to if necessary in order to accomplish universal education. For some reason this law, so far in advance of the ideas then current,

was disapproved of by William and Mary, but it was reenacted by the governor and assembly in 1793. Dr. Wickersham thinks that it became a dead letter, because it was omitted from subsequent frames of government. He supposes, however, that it was enforced for a time, and refers to the records of the early courts for proof. following entry is one of many that might be quoted:


At a court of quarter sessions held at Chester, for said county, on the twenty-third day of the 12th mo., 1702-3, Robert Sinkler petitioned this court that his present master John Crosby was to teach him to read and write, which he hath not freely performed, ordered that John Crosby put the said servant to school one month, and to instruct his said servant another month.

The frame of government granted by Governor Markham, 1696, contained the following provisions:

That the governor and council shall erect and order all public schools and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laudable inventions in the said province and territories.

That the governor and council shall from time to time have the care of, the management of, all public affairs relating to the peace, safety, justice, treasury, trade, and improvement of the province and territories, and to the good education of youth, and sobriety of the manners of the inhabitants therein as aforesaid.

That the provincial authorities were not slow to take practical action is shown by these records:

At a Council held at Philadelphia, ye 26th of ye 10th month, 1683. Present: Wm. Penn, Propor & Govr., Theo. Holmes, Wm. Haigue, Lasse Cock, Wm. Clayton.

The Govr and Provll Councill having taken into their Serious Consideration the great Necessity there is of a School Master for ye instruction & Sober Education of youth in the towne of Philadelphia, Sent for Enock flower, an Inhabitant of the said towne, who for twenty Year past hath been exercised in that care and Imployment in England, to whom haveing Communicated their Minds, he Embraced it upon the following Terms: to Learne to read English 4s by the Quarter, to Learne to read and write 6s by ye Quarter, to learne to read, Write and Cast accot 8s by ye Quarter; for Boarding a Scholler, that is to say, dyet, Washing, Lodging, & Scooling, Tenn pounds for one whole year.

The Friends' Public School of Philadelphia, now known as the William Penn Charter School, dates from 1689. The original name bore the current English sense of the name public sehool. The following records relate to the master of this school:

August 1, 1693: Thomas Meaking, keeper of the free school in the town of Philadelphia, being called before the lieutenant governor and council, and told that he must not keep school without a license. Answered that he was willing to comply, and to take a license. Was therefore ordered to procure a certificate of his ability, learning, and diligence from the inhabitants of note in this town by the sixteenth instant, in order to the obtaining a license, which he promised to do.

December, 1699: Thomas Makin voted to be clerk of this assembly, at 4s per day.

1705, November 3d: The petition of Thomas Makin, complaining of damage accruing to him by the loss of several of his scholars by reason of the assembly's using the school house so long-the weather being very cold-ordered that he be allowed the sum of three pounds over and above the sum of twenty shillings this house formerly allowed him for the same consideration.

The Friends' Public School was chartered in response to a petition addressed to the governor and council dated December 10, 1697. The following quotation shows the spirit of the document:

The humble petition of Samuel Carpenter, Edward Shippen, Anthony Morris, James Fox, David Lloyd, William Southby, and John Jones, in the behalf of themselves and the rest of the people called Quakers who are members of the Monthly Meeting, held and kept at the new Meeting-house, lately built upon a piece of ground fronting the High street, in Philadelphia aforesaid, obtained of the present Governor by the said people, sheweth: That it hath been and is much desired by Many, that a school be set up and upheld in this town of Philadelphia, where poor children may be freely maintained, taught and educated in good literature, until they be fit to be put out apprentices or capable to be masters or ushers in the said school. And forasmuch as by the laws and constitutions of this government, it is provided and enacted, that the Governor and Council shall erect and order all public schools, and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laudable inventions, in the said Province and Territories; therefore, may it please the Governor and Council to ordain and establish that at the said town of Philadelphia, a public school may be founded, where all children and servants, male and female, whose parents, guardians, and masters be willing to subject them to the rules and orders of the said school, shall from time to time, with the approbation of the overseers thereof for the time being, be received or admitted, taught and instructed; the rich at reasonable rates, and the poor to be maintained and schooled for nothing. And to that end a meet and convenient house or houses, buildings and rooms, may be erected for the keeping of the said school, and for the entertainment and abode of such and so many masters, ushers, mistresses and poor children, as by the order and direction of the said Monthly Meeting shall be limited and appointed from time to time.


As bounded by the charter of 1662, Connecticut extended westward on the parallel of 41° north latitude to the South Sea. Two years later Charles II, author of this charter, gave to his brother James, Duke of York, the Dutch province of New Netherlands, thus jumping the Connecticut grant. Moreover, the charter which the same King gave to William Penn in 1681 bounded Pennsylvania on the north by the beginning of the three and fortieth degree of northern latitude, which was finally adjudged to mean the forty-second parallel, thus jumping Connecticut a whole degree from the Delaware River five degrees westward. Connecticut yielded to the inevitable in the IIudson Valley and in New Jersey; but in due course of time she prepared to contest with Pennsylvania the possession of the overlapped degree beyond the Delaware. Settlers from Windham County, Conn., began to migrate to the Wyoming Valley while the French and Indian war was in progress, but permanent settlements were not effected until about 1769. These operations were conducted principally under the auspices of the Susquehanna Company, which was at first a private affair, but was afterwards incorporated and protected by the State. There now ensued a most interesting passage in the history of Western colonization, with which we are not concerned. In time 17 townships, known in Pennsylvania history as the "certified townships," were surveyed and occupied.

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In 1782 a Federal court adjudged the territory in dispute to Pennsyl vania. Up to that time the settlers had been subject to the jurisdiction of Connecticut. This first population, subsequently strongly reenforced from home, gave to the region in the midst of which it is placed, and in fact to the whole State, an educational impress that it has never lost.1 Dr. Wickersham speaks of the system of free public schools that the Connecticut settlers established in the valley of the Wyoming as having an important bearing upon subsequent educational history. Pennsylvania, as a province, he says, of course had nothing to do with establishing these schools; in principle they were an advance upon the schools then existing in Connecticut, and in most essential respects were similar in design and management to the public schools of the present day. This influence, as well as the Connecticut man's alertness to education at the time, is well illustrated by the first action in relation to schools that was taken, as follows:

At a meeting of the Susquehanna Company, held at Hartford, Conn., 28th December, 1768, it was voted to lay out 5 townships of land within the purchase of said company on the Susquehanna of 5 miles square each; that the first 40 settlers of the first town settled and 50 settlers of each of the other towns settled shall divide the towns among themselves, reserving and appropriating 3 whole shares or rights in each township for the public use of a gospel ministry and the schools in each of said towns, and also reserving for the use of said company all beds and mines of iron ore and coal that may be within said townships.

It was also voted to grant to Dr. Eleazer Wheelock a tract of land in the easterly part of the Susquehanna purchase 10 miles long and 6 miles wide for the use of the Indian school under his care: Frovided, He shall set up and keep said school on the premises.

The Indian school was not established. Dr. Wheelock became the founder of Dartmouth College instead. The other features of the plan were speedily carried out. Premising the observation that this interesting chapter really belongs to the history of education in Connecticut, we may permit Dr. Wickersham to tell the story. His account is here considerably abridged.

The 3 shares in each township, amounting to 960 acres, were devoted mainly to schools, but in part to the support of the ministry. The funds arising from the sale of the lands, as in so many other similar cases, were badly managed; but in some townships they still exist and are applied to the original purpose. The New England town-meeting plan of managing schools and other town affairs was followed. The mode of proceeding is thus described:

A school meeting was called by public notices posted in the district. The inhabitants of the district met and elected, in their own way, three of their number to act as a school committee, which committee hired teachers and exercised a general supervision over the schools. The teacher was paid by the patrons of the school in proportion to the number of days they had been sent to school. A rate bill was made out by the teacher and handed to the committee, who collected the money.

'See Hinsdale, The Old Northwest, Chap. VII; also Wickersham, Chap. IV.

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