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Fruits of the temperate region are everywhere in abundance--the Coastal Plain furnishing a great many peaches, berries, and melons for the markets of

This bridge connects New York and Brooklyn. It is one of the finest engineering feats in the world. (Find out all you can about its construction.)

Philadelphia and New York. Which States are engaged in tobacco-raising? What can you tell of tobacco? (Pages 127 and 131.) Richmond is the tobacco market for this section, although tobacco is shipped from several of the seaports.

Fishing is an important industry. The dredging and tonging of oysters is an enormous industry and engages a great number of men. (Page 61.)

Twelve thousand boats are annually licensed by the State of Maryland to engage in this industry in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The season lasts from September to April; during this time from 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 bushels are brought to market, "shucked," and shipped to every city and town in the United States and Canada. What can you tell us of Baltimore? (Page 131.)

The Middle Atlantic States are especially engaged in mining, manufacturing,

and commerce.

NOTE.-The maps, page 133, tell you just what States and localities are especially engaged in mining and the manufactures which grow out of the mining products. For other

Locate the coal, petroleum, and iron regions. The great petroleum region of America lies in this section. What are the products of petroleum? Where are the refineries? (Page 134.) Tell some

of the cities which are in the oil regions. Name some in the western or soft-coal region. Natural gas is found in southwestern Pennsylvania; what cities lie in this region?

Scranton and Wilkes-Barre are in the heart of the only hard-coal region of any account in the world. Pittsburg is the leading center for the manufacture of For what else


New York and

plate glass in the world. is it noted? (Page 127.) Philadelphia, the two leading cities in population,are the greatest manufacturing cities in the Union. They are also noted for their printing and book-making industries. Railroads from the North, West, and South carry all kinds of raw products

[graphic][merged small]

pictures of this section see pages 55, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 84, 86, 96. which are Columbia University and

[blocks in formation]

lake and canal waterways open for the entire year? Trace some of the railroads which connect New York City with other sections; tell what products would be brought to New York? What would be taken in exchange? What can you find out about Wash-,


pire State," is the leading State in the Union in population, wealth, manufactures, and commerce. Name any lake ports. Trace the Erie Canal. Find out anything you can about it. Are the

ington? How does this section compare in population with the other sections? (Page 134.)

Name and locate the capital of each State. From the table in theSupplement find the largest city of each State.

Albany is important because of its position at the head of navigation on the Hudson, and also as Baltimore is the seat

a railway center.
of Johns Hopkins University, the most
noted Southern university.

The Plains are broken by what highlands? (Page 123.) Trace the Missouri and its three largest tributaries. Tell through which States and between which States it flows. What can you tell of the Mississippi or of the Missouri? (Page 114.) The northern parts of Minnesota and North Dakota belong to the Hudson Bay Basin. Trace and name the water-partings between this basin and the St. Lawrence and Mississippi basins.

NORTH CENTRAL STATES. The Northern Agricultural Section. Trace around this section. Tell how many and what States comprise it. Trace its shape in the air. Sketch it on the board. Sketch it into the map of United States. What country and three State-groups bound it? What lakes and what rivers are on the northern boundary? What large river on the eastern boundary? Which States border the Great Lakes? Which States border Canada? Which States are on the east bank of the Mississippi? Which on the west bank? From the relief map of the United States, tell to what two great river basins most of this section belongs. What two great slopes meet in the channel of the Mississippi River? Trace and name the three largest tributaries of the Mississippi from the east. Trace the rivers which flow into the Ohio from the North.


From their position which States must have the colder climate? Which the warmer? How do the Great Lakes affect the climate of the States which adjoin them? (Page 128.)

The entire northern and central portions of this section have extremely cold winters and hot summers. The

the streams which flow into the Great Lakes. westerly winds are usually the dry

Trace the water-parting between the Mississippi and St. Lawrence basins. Trace the water-parting between the Atlantic rivers and the rivers which feed the Ohio from the southeast. Trace the tributaries of the Mississippi from the West.

winds. Can you tell why?

What is the cold wind of this section? What the warm wind? What kind of wind blows from the east? What part of this section has an uncertain

amount of rainfall? (Page 123.) Because of this, in what great industry are the people engaged? NOTE.-Study maps, pages 130 to 134, inclusive. (The important trade centers of each industry are marked in the map by dots.)

Which parts of this section are engaged in lumbering? In which State are there few or no trees? What two cities are especially engaged in manufacturing furniture and in shipping lumber? (Page 132.) Which States are largely engaged in wheat-raising? Which cities are engaged

in making and shipping flour?

Which in shipping wheat?

This is the

great corn region of the United States, the intense heat

of the



causing the

corn to grow

and ripen rapid

ly. The pork-packing

fiber is spun and woven into linen of all qualities. The shorter fiber, called tow, cannot be used for linen, so it is spun into twine and cord. The seed, called linseed, yields a valuable oil which is used in mixing paints and in making varnish. After the oil is squeezed out the refuse is pressed into cakes which furnish an excellent food for cattle. The seeds are ground into linseed meal, which is of value in medicine.

In which of these States is fruit abundant? In which parts is tobacco raised?


What two tobacco markets

are located in this section?

(Page 131.) Which States are especially engaged in cattleraising? Which in dairying? What three cities of this region have great meat markets and packinghouses? Which States are engaged in sheepraising? As there are no large wool markets in this sec

tion, what is

done with the wool? In what localities is iron

mined? Locate the iron manufactures of this section. Which States mine considerable

industry has grown out of this prod- coal? In which part is petroleum found? In which

uct. How?

Which are the corn-growing States? Which part of this section raises little or no corn? Name and locate the corn markets. In which States are oats raised in large quantity?

Many farmers of this section are also engaged in raising sugar-beets for the manufacture of beet-sugar.

Flax is being more and more culti

vated in this section.

Flax is a plant with a single stem which grows from one to two feet high. It yields several very useful products. The most important product is the fiber or inner bark of the long stem. This

part is copper mined?

You see that the various industries connected with agriculture are the leading occupations of this section. The great milling, manufacturing, and trade centers have grown up as a result of these many and various products. The products are shipped to the Atlantic ports, to be sent to other great trade centers. Trace the water and land routes. These products are also sent to the Gulf. By what means? They are

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