Imágenes de páginas

band. St. Foix. Françoise de Cezeley. Dame de Barry. La Galerie, p. 298.

THE American Indians' death-song.

THE Peruvian's dirge over the body of his father, stolen from the Spaniards' cemetery.

HALCYONE, a Monodrama.

THE oak of the forest. Its trunk was strong, and the swine fed under its boughs; but the ivy clung round it, and as the oak decayed, the woodman, instead of lopping away the parasite plant, hewed off its broad boughs.

MYTHOLOGICAL sketches. Greenland. Lapland. Japan. N. American. Celtic. The last little known, the rest new to poetry. Also characteristic poems of their man


A LADY stayed to dress herself, instead of going to church in time. Mass was half over as she came to the church door, and a troop of little devils were dancing on her long train.

ST. JAMES of Nisibis was abused by some young girls washing at a fountain. He made them all old and ugly.

INSCRIPTION for the prison-room of Sa


THE glow-worm. Shines in the dark,like certain men of letters. "With love, the light of love." Exposed to danger, &c.

KING WILLIAM's Cove. Torbay. Where he landed. The precedent.

THE ebb tide more rapid than the flood, -so with human happiness and human vir


1 See "The Oak of our Fathers," Poems, p. 123. J. W. W. 2 See Poems, p. 230.

INSCRIPTION. Taunton and Judge Jef


FOR the market-place at Rouen.

FOR Old Sarum.4 Addressed to a foreigner. What must be the privileges of English subjects, when the old pauper there sends two Members to Parliament!

FOR St. Domingo and Mr. Pitt.

To a book-worm, that had eat my Sidney's Arcadia. Why not go to such and such books.

THE weathercock. Could I copy thee, I also might ornament the church.

FOR where Jane Shore died.

ECLOGUE. Describing the new clergyman of a village, as contrasted with his prede


BALLAD. The single combat between the dog and the murderer of his master.

THE pig. Not ugly. His eyes, pignsnies, that see the wind. His ears. His tail curled like hop-tendrils, or a lady's hair. Aptitude of parts. Pig a philosopher, and without prejudices. What is dirt? Berkleian hypothesis sublimely introduced. Pig a democrat, and right obstinate. Pig an aristocrat, seeking to profit himself dirtily. Man not so wise in life, not so useful in death. Pig the victim of society. Wild boar. Pig unfortunate. The sow-gelder's horn. Tythe pig, learned pig, brawn pig, pig's chitterlins, black puddings. Smell of the beanflowers. Bacon. Pig's ringed nose, earrings, but the pig does not conceive his to be an ornament. Pig's yoke, his cravatt,

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THE bee, a fool, because he does not want the honey, and because he will be plundered of it.3

| the protection of society. Piggy grunt not ungratefully. Remember your stye, your grains, your wash. Besides, you are so useful!

FUSELI's pictures.

MARY HAYES'S Female Biography.

THE barber. What would be the fine gentleman and fine lady without him? the counsellor, the schoolmaster, the judge? In company the judge's assertions would be confuted, but with the wig on! Without his wig he is Jove without his thunder. Venus uncestused, Phoebus unbeamed. Importance of the barber in society. INDOLENCE, I want not thee, but thy sister Leisure.

A POEM upon the necessity of writing a poem. Like Mendoça's sonnet, done in writing upon it, but to conclude with the point that so life passes in resolving how to


Ir was my faith that the spirits of good men beheld the earth, and received their fame with delight, deriving happiness from the welfare of their friends, posterity, and country. Hampden and Sidney! may I still believe this, or would not the sight of England inflict a pang to the beatified patriot? Hampden and Sidney! it is so; ye behold the patriot's effort, ye look to his triumph, and the regeneration of your native land.

To a dancing bear.4 The slave trade arguments. The animal is happier than if wild. He would have been killed if he had

A WASP trying to fly through the window. not been taught to dance. As an inferior

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BIRTH of Sommona. Codom. A Japa- young of the viper, -seeing a navy,—a renese hymn.

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view,-going to church,—and at last, hearing the division in the House of Commons.*

A cow chewing the cud. Reflection in solitude.

AMATORY Sonnets, by Abel Shufflebottom. A query whether he has not a double identity, because he sees his Delia though she is far away.

DIRGE of the American widow by the mourning war-pole."

ECLOGUE. The long road-elms on the common near Wellington cut down. They were the only shelter. A man, who was carrying his child, and his wife sat on the trunk of one, and the boughs rose over them, and gave the last shadow of the yet unwithered leaves.

Mr forefathers. A deeply interesting poem of domestic feelings might be made under this title.

SONG of the Old Chikkasah to his grandson, by the mourning war-pole of his son."

3 Ibid. p. 126," A Pindaric Ode.” Ibid." The Devil's Walk," p. 165-6. • Ibid. p. 114. 6 Ibid. 134. W. W.

I WOULD I were that reverend gentleman, | serpent neck, and reclines his head between with gold-laced hat and golden-headed cane, that hangs in Delia's parlour. For Delia sits opposite him, and his eyes are always fixed on her unblamed.1

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his wings. His wings are a little opened,
as sail-like to catch the wind; his breast
protruded like a prow. This bird is beau-
tiful from its colour and habits; for it is
clumsy in shape, and of most foul physiog-
nomy; there is such a snakishness in its eye
and head, as well as neck.

"The swan arch'd back his snakey neck,
And his proud head reclin'd
Between his wings, now half unclos'd
Like sails to catch the wind.
The waters yielded to his breast,
Protruded like a prow,

And still they roar'd as strong he oar'd
With sable feet below."-For Rudiger3

THE leaves of the holly are prickly only when they are within reach of cattle; higher smooth, more tapering, as having lost their up they preserve their waviness, but are angular points, and ending in a point. Some of the mid-height leaves, with the taper shape of the upper ones, retain three, two, or one point. The leaf is very beautiful, the middle fibre beautifully varying by its lighter hue from the dark glossy green. The lower side is pale-greyish, and shows the thickness of the leaf.1

BEAUTIFUL appearance of an ash when the moon shines through it, particularly its

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and pointed in the middle. The calix of each is a greyer green, the anthers a greyish yellow. The smell of a bush is very pleasant; but closely observed, it has an oily scent, not disagreeable, and yet powerful enough to half offend. The bees swarm over these blossoms, probably because the only ones at this time of year.

MORNING. Mist shower from the elms, and thick-leaved trees.

WHITENESS of the rocks occasioned by the lichens.

THE grass grey with dew.

In a hoar morning the cattle track their feeding path by their breath thawing the frost.

A CLOUDED morning after snow. The line of hill scarcely to be distinguished from the sky by being lighter.

RIME on the trees.

SPARKLING of the snow.

WHITE frost on the stone wall, but none on the moss in its interstices, as though the force of vegetable life repelled it.

MOVE where you will at sea, the long line

OCT. 10. Rich appearance of the fern in of moonlight still meets your eye. the wood.

WHEN the wind follows the sun, it omens

THE acorns brown ripe, or ripening yellow. fair weather, and vice versâ.

Or the various trees, I observe only the ash uniform in its fading colour, pale yellowing green. Its leaves rise very beautifully, light as a lady's plumes.

A PATH SO little frequented, that the leaves lay on it untrodden, light as they had fallen.

THE horse-chesnut rich in autumn.

In the forest of Dean, I saw no trees more richly varied than the beech, standing singly, and with room to spread.

THE leaves of the reed spread out straight on the wind, like ship streamers.

THE darker and the more tempestuous the night, the more luminous the sea to leeward of the vessel.

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ONE of the most beautiful images I ever A VESSEL when first seen at sea, appears noticed was the reflection of a mast on the to be ascending.

river at evening. Its yellow colours were vivid as life,-it waved like a coiling ser

ODD appearance of the cobwebs in a frosty pent, and the huge tail seemed to roll up morning. as the monster were menacing.

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