Imágenes de páginas

make them like horses that get the bit in their teeth, and throw their riders,

"And causes them with the force of their spurs to prick an artery, at what time the Angel of Death comes like a fatal physician to take them by the arm of the soul.)

"Thou shalt escape this rude career as the Sun passes on from the east. They shall carry before thee the honourable standard of the supreme majesty, and behind thee the spoils as marks of the victory.

"And in this race, were all the inhabitants of the world as brave as Hercules, the most undaunted of them would not have the courage to stand a moment before thee.

"God shall create a Body1 of Air that shall cry with a loud voice on his behalf, Victory! victory! there is none so stout as Aly! there is no sword like to Sulfagar, that Hero's sword with two points."

The Third Song.

"Thou from whose purity the Heaven of Unsinfulness draws its lustre, the Sun is made a crown of Glory of the shadow of thy Umbrello.

"Jesus, the great Chymist, made use of the earth of the portal of thy prudence, for red sulphur, of which he composed the Taksir and the stone3 Phale, by means whereof he understood all things, and healed all men. "The eternal Painter painted a great many images, and brought to light a great many ideas, with a design to form thy lovely countenance, but he found none that came near thy beauty.

"The Faulcon of thy Umbrello having extended his wings, has found the birds of the seventh Heaven nestling under the large feather of thy left wing.

Renown or fame.

2 "Sulphagar is the name of Haly's sword, which, the Mahomedans say, divides itself at the end with two points."

Stones of divination. The Mahometans say that when Jesus Christ was living, physic flou. rished in its highest degree of excellency, and that God gave him so many secrets of that art, that he raised the dead, and penetrated the very thoughts of men."

4 That is to say, the greatest Prophet."

"Whoever has sealed his heart with thy love, has found that his heart is become a mine of precious stones.

"The most powerful Creator of all things admired upon the sixth day of the creation that superiority of excellency which thou hast above all his other creatures.

"Upon the memorable day of thy victory, the sweat of thy hands was to thy enemies a profound deluge that swallowed 'em up like the sea.

"Thou, Vulture of the heavenly constellation, didst fly upon the blood as a dog upon the water.

[blocks in formation]


"O divine and sacred Host, who givest the Saints to drink out of the bason of Paradise, to speak something in thy praise, we must needs say that Nature is only adorned and enriched by thee.

"A thousand and a thousand years together the Heavens, considering the high price of thy pure essence, beheld the water of the fountain of Paradise muddy in comparison of that.

"As well God as Mahomet has always found thy opinion the most just the one gave thee a sword with two points, the other a most incomparable virgin.

"Had not thy perfect being been in the idea of the Creator, Eve had been eternally a virgin, and Adam a batchelor."

The Fourth Song.

"Great Saint, who art the true mansion of God, as the Prophet teaches in the Book of his sentences, thou art also the Kebleh

5 "A figure taken from the custom of the Persians to seal their mines with the king's seal and of his officers, because all mines belong to the king."

of the world and of religion, the soul of the world of Mahomet.

"Thy mouth is the treasure of sublimest sense, thou hast placed thy mouth upon the fountain of understanding and knowledge, which is the mouth' of Mahomet.

"Thou art the Pontiff who art only found worthy to enter into the sanctuary of the great Prophet, and only capable to stand upon the foot-pace of Mahomet.

"The hearts which thy victorious sword continually leads to the true Religion, are the flowers with which the vapours of the ocean of thy puissance cover the garden of Mahomet.

"Since the Sphere of the Law has been illuminated by several stars, the Moon never appeared so clear and bright, till when thou tookest upon thee the Empire of the Heaven of Mahomet.

"The Angel Gabriel, messenger of truth, every day kisses the groundsil of thy gate, as being the only way that leads to the throne of Mahomet.

"Thy grandeur above all human possibility is an impossible comparison; but if any thing may compare with it, it must be the power and authority of Mahomet.

"O sovereign King, if in the celebrating thy praises, I should study upon what once the wise Hassan did in the time of Mahomet,

"I should not dare to presume to praise thy majesty, since God himself has spoken thy eulogy by the mouth of Mahomet.

"The explication of thy being cannot proceed from the tongue of mortal men, unless we except what has been spoken of thee by Mahomet.

"But it is not the same thing with the unfolding of our own wants, for that is needless with thee. Thou knowest what they are, and thou knowest also that I am the

"An allusion to the kiss which the Mahu

devoted slave of thy house and of the family of Mahomet.

"My soul desires to fly to thee, pressed by the obligations which I have to men; do me some favour that may deliver me from my obligations to men, I conjure thee by the soul of Mahomet.

"Turn not away thy compassionate and favourable looks from my countenance. O love of my heart, cast a tender glance upon me, O heart of the heart of Mahomet.

The fifth Song.

"Minister especial elected of God for the master of the faithful, thou art the soul of the Prophet of God. We ought not to give thee any other name, O Master of the faithful!

"Thy always victorious arm has brought under the yoke the heads of the most haughty heroes of the age, O Master of the faithful!

"The treasures which Nature hides and those with which it covers the universe, are without lustre and price, to what thou liberally bestowest upon us, O Master of the faithful!

"The sparkling rubies cover themselves with earth in the hollow of the mine, ashamed of their not being bright enough to be put into thy treasures, O Master of the faithful!

"I will not say what was the difference between the gentle Zephirus and the breath of thy mouth, which refreshes the soul and the heart, O Master of the faithful!

"All that Jesus did with his breath was an emblem, but afterwards this is all. That was an emblem which signified what miracles were to be wrought by the words of thy mouth, O Master of the faithful!

'How can an understanding so short and confused as mine represent the excellency and price of thy majesty, O Master of the faithful!

"The Universal Spirit, with its sublime knowledge, cannot arrive at the portal of thy wondrous essence, O Master of the

metans say that Mahomet gave Haly, when he publicly appointed him his heir and successor, and is a prophane imitation of the manner of Christ's giving his Holy Spirit to his Apostles." | faithful!

"Were there a place more exalted than the most high throne of God, I would affirm it to be thy place, O Master of the faithful!

"That we may give thee praises worthy of thyself, it behoves us to depaint thy wonderful essence; but for that reason alone it is impossible to praise thee according to thy merit, O Father of the faithful!

"Thou art all that thou deservedst to be; but who can comprehend thy merit, unless it be thy God? O Master of the faithful!

"We beg all as poor beggars at the gate of thy Beneficence, and the kings of the world are in the number of those beggars, O Master of the faithful!

"The price of thy favours surpasses the capacity of human understanding. The weight of thy majesty and thy glory is too heavy for the shoulders of human understanding."

The sixth Song.

Being of an unconceivable puissance, the commands of Providence are executed by thy orders.

" "Tis too small a praise of thy ineffable power to call it the zenith of power, since the zenith is no more than the nadir of the power of thy porter.


"These two stars, which are the eyes the world, are two globes, which not having been thought beautiful enough to make a part of the structure of thy mansion were placed at the avenues.

"The famous bird which is placed over the roof of thy palace raises from the earth the nine vaults of heaven like a grain of wheat.

"Whatever the gulph of predestination encloses, its wonders and its prodigies came not to light, nor were made manifest but by thy commandment.

"The humble slave of thy grandeur, poor Hassan, employs himself day and night every year, every month in the country of Amul to sing thy praises.

"Devoutly he prostrates his face to the earth at the gate of thy glorious palace; he exposes to thy eyes a sick heart, of which he implores from thee the cure.

"Can a man conceal his distemper from a wholesome remedy? Certainly it is no Thou canst turn with thy piece of wisdom for a man to conceal his distemper from an infallible and sovereign

hand alone the vast celestial sphere.

"The Sun, under whose shadow and auspicious omens Nature rolls, is but a glittering beam of the clasp of thy girdle.

"The eternal fountain of which the visible ocean is not so much as a single drop, is itself but a drop to the sea of thy bounty.

"Human wit, that divided the world into four parts, is no more with thee than an atom of dust. He divides his knowledge into ten degrees, but how many degrees are required to be a canton of thy knowledge.

"The Superiour of the College of the Creation, Gabriel, with all his art and knowledge, is but a meer scholar to thee.

"The verses of the Alcoran, which assure men of the favour and mercy of God, were sent from heaven for thy sake.

"The Mahometans say that God created the world by the ministry of angels, which is drawn from the theology of the Jews."


The seventh Song.

"Glorious city of Nedgef, since thou art become the mansion of the son of the faith, thy territory is become more honourable than the country of Zemzem and Mecca the holy.


Nedgef is the true Kabeh2 for people that seek the truth, because the adamant of religion has there his habitation.

"Which is also the son of pure belief, the Master of the faithful, the Governor of the kingdom of the love of God, the chief of the citizens of the heavenly Babylon.

"O destroyer of heresy, thou art the secretary of the commandments of divine

2 The house of Abraham, to which the Alcoran commands pilgrimage once in a man's life."

inspiration, the judge of things commanded or forbidden.

"If the idea of thee the most noble in divine sense were not in the world, the world would be but an imperfect and senseless figure.

"Supreme majesty, who hast augmented the lustre of the supreme throne, all creatures incessantly praise thy name.

"The sun is less than an atom in the heaven of assemblies where thou art honoured: and the atoms are greater than the sun, upon those places of the earth where thou hast wrought thy miracles.

"The crown of Gerashid1 is cloudy and tarnished before the heron tuft of thy turban.

The throne of Fereydon is a wooden bench in comparison of thy seat.

"The glory of Solomon, who was the glory of the earth, was a small thing in comparison of thee, because it was only borrowed of the durable glory of thy servant Sel


"The infallibility of Predestination depends only upon thy conduct: she is so modest as never to set her foot before thine.

""Tis a sin to compare thee with man, for how can a lump of earth pretend to compare with a diamond of the clearest water?

"Human wit cannot find a man equal to thee, but by turning toward Mahomet. This is our firm and clear faith, and I say no


"They cry with a loud voice upon the gates of Paradise to those that come to visit thy highness, you that have repented and are become good people, receive your salary, entering there for ever.


[Indian Notion of European Faithlessness.]

"LES Sauvages ne connoissent ni le tien, ni le mien, car on peut dire que ce qui est à l'un est à l'autre. Lors qu'un Sauvage n'a pas réussi à la chasse des castors, ses

"The ancient kings of Persia of the first race and monarchs of the last."

confreres le secourent sans en être priez. Si son fusil se crève ou se casse, chacun d'eux s'empresse à lui en offrir un autre. Si ses enfans sont pris ou tuez par les ennemis, on lui donne autant d'esclaves qu'il en a besoin pour le faire subsister. Il n'y a que ceux qui sont Chretiens, et qui demeurent aux portes de nos villes, chez qui l'argent soit en usage. Les autres ne veulent ni le manier, ni même le voir, ils l'appellent le Serpent des François. Ils disent qu'on se tuë, qu'on se pille, qu'on se diffame, qu'on se vend, et qu'on se trahit parmi nous pour de l'argent; que les maris vendent leurs femmes, et les meres leurs filles pour ce metal. Ils trouvent étrange que les uns ayent plus de bien que les autres, et que ceux qui en ont le plus, soient estimez davantage que ceux qui en ont le moins. Enfin, ils disent que le tître de Sauvages, dont nous les qualifions, nous conviendroit mieux que celui d'hommes, puis qu'il n'y a rien moins que de l'homme sage dans toutes nos actions. Ceux qui ont été en France m'ont souvent tourmenté sur tous les maux qu'ils y ont vu faire, et sur les desordres qui se commettent dans nos villes, pour de l'argent. On a beau leur donner des raisons pour leur faire connoitre que la proprieté des biens est utile au maintien de la Societé; ils se moquent de tout ce qu'on peut dire sur cela. Au reste, ils ne se querellent, ni ne se battent, ni ne se volent, et ne médisent jamais les uns des autres. moquent des Sciences et des Arts, ils se raillent de la grande subordination qu'ils remarquent parmi nous. Ils nous traitent d'esclaves, ils disent que nous sommes des miserables dont la vie ne tient à rien, que nous nous degradons de notre condition, en nous reduisant à la servitude d'un seul homme qui peut tout, et qui n'a d'autre loi que sa volonté; que nous nous battons et nous querellons incessamment, que les enfans se moquent de leurs peres, que nous ne sommes jamais d'accord; que nous nous emprisonnons les uns les autres, et que même nous nous detruisons en public. Ils s'estiment au delà de tout ce qu'on peut

Ils se

s'imaginer, et alleguent pour toute raison, qu'ils sont aussi grands maitres les uns que les autres, parce que les hommes étant pêtris d'un même limon, il ne doit point y avoir de distinction, ni de subordination entre eux. Ils pretendent que leur contentement d'esprit surpasse de beaucoup nos richesses; que toutes nos Sciences ne valent pas celle de savoir passer la vie dans | une tranquillité parfaite; qu'un homme 'n'est homme chez nous qu'autant qu'il est riche. Mais que parmi eux, il faut pour être homme avoir le talent de bien courir, chasser, pêcher, tirer un coup de fleche et de fusil, conduire un canot, savoir faire la guerre, connoitre les forets, vivre de peu, construire des cabanes, couper des arbres, et savoir faire cent lieuës dans les bois sans autre guide ni provision que son arc et ses fleches. Ils disent encore que nous sommes des trompeurs qui leur vendons de tresmauvaises marchandises quatre fois plus qu'elles ne valent, en echange de leurs castors; que nos fusils crèvent à tout moment et les estropient, apres les avoir bien payez. Je voudrois avoir le tems de vous raconter toutes les sottises qu'ils disent touchant nos manieres, il y auroit de quoi m'occuper dix ou douze jours."—LA HONTAN.

[Circassian Gentlemen.]

"CEUX qui tiennent parmi eux (les Circassiens) le rang de gentils-hommes, sont tout le jour sans rien faire, demeurent assis et parlent fort peu."-TAVERNIer.


[Superstition relative to the Indian Crocodile.]

"THE Indian Crocodile is easily tamed. Some of the Malays at Batavia are so superstitious as to imagine that such a crocodile is their brother or sister. They endeavour, therefore, to save some of their provisions, that they may every day carry food to the crocodile, which approaches at their call."-FORSTER'S Note to Fra Paolino da San Bartolomeo's Voyage to the East Indies.

[Phantoms, or Estantiguas, about Munda.]

"Or dia, como tengo dicho, se ven impressas señales de despojos, de armas y cavallos; y ven los moradores encontrarse por el aire esquadrones, oyense vozes, como de personas que acometem: estantiguas llama el vulgo Español a semejantes aparencias, o fantasmas, que el vaho de la tierra, quando el Sol sale, ò se pone forma en el aire baxo, como se ven en el alto las nubes formadas en varias figuras, y semejanças."-MENDOZA.

Hawks of Noroega.

"THE Hawks of Noroega keep alive the last bird which they catch in a winter day, that he may keep their feet warm at night, and at morning they let him go, and observe which way he flies, that they may not him for the comfort he has given them."— hunt in that quarter, not wishing to hurt

Arte de Furtar.

[Vision of the two Jesuits.]

1576. Two Jesuits were going from S. Vicente, in Brazil, to N. Senhora da Conçeiçam de Itanhae. "Fazendo seu caminho estes Religiosos, fechouse a noite, & comecaram a ver ao longe, como distancia de tres, ou quatro legoas pella, mesma praia, hum fogo grande, et afastados delles outros menores, que deziam ser outo, outros, doze, a modo de figuras humanas; cuja vista comecou a metellos em medo & espanto; mas apagouse presto & desapareceo. Porem quanda menos cuidavam, tornarom a ver o mesmo portento mais temeroso, & pello mesmo modo, & tam perto de si, que claramente enxergavam ser a maneira de hum corpo humano, o qual lançava da cabeça grandes chamas de fogo, como se cada qual dos cabellos della fora a luz de huma grande tocha, mas de diversa cor: ficaram atonitos os Padres a vista de couza tam horrenda, mas com mais excesso, quando viram que abrindo as costas despedia de dentro das

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