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trained-comes at the slightest call, and is up to so many tricks."

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5. The boys remained some minutes amusing themselves with little Frisk; then went into the drawing-room, where they were kindly received by Ned's aunt, Miss Fairlie.

6. She asked George to remain to tea, which would soon be ready; and, till then, advised Ned to take him to the library, and show him some of his Chinese curiosities.

7. George thought there seemed no end of

these beautifully carved boxes, puzzles of all descriptions, Chinese lamps hanging from the ceiling, Chinese mandarins on the tables, no end of chop-sticks, and O! above all, such a beautifully carved model of a Chinese junk, enough to gladden the heart of any boy.

8. George had no envious feelings on seeing all these things, for Ned was so kind in showing them—not in a boastful way, but for his friend's pleasure. "And did you get all these things from your uncle?" said George. "No wonder you like him; he must be a kind gentleman; but it seems so odd to love any one you have never seen.'

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9. "Well, but George, how can I help loving him? Month after month I receive new proofs of his love for me. And then I seem to know him from his letters also; and I hope to see him one day; for, when he wishes me, I am to go to China, to live with him; and already he writes to me that he has prepared rooms for me, and fitted them thing he thought I would like. so much to be with him!"


up with every O, I shall like

10. "I dare say you will," replied George; you are a lucky fellow to have such a friend. Still, I say it is very odd."

11. "What is very odd, dear?" said a gentle voice; and George started as he saw Miss Fairlie, who had come into the room unnoticed by either of the boys.

12. "O, ma'am, Ned was telling me about all his uncle's kindness to him, and saying how much he liked him, although he had never seen him; and I said it was very odd to love a person you never saw!"

13. "But, George," said Miss Fairlie, "do you not? Is there no friend whom you have never seen, and yet whom you love?"

14. "I! O no, ma'am! I love my father, who is very kind to me; but then I see him daily and my mother died when I was quite a baby, so I don't even remember her.


of course there are several others I likegrandmother, for one; but then I see her often, also. But I have no unseen friend, like Ned, who showers presents on me, or perhaps I should love him, even though I had never seen him."

15. Miss Fairlie laid her hand gently on the boy's shoulder. "What if I tell you that you have a Friend in a far country, who gives you many more presents than Ned's uncle gives him; who never forgets you, nor ceases

to do every thing for your good; who writes to you kinder letters even than those Ned receives from his uncle, and who is preparing a house in the far-off country for your reception, when it is His will to take you to live with Himself."

16. At these words a light flashed on the boy's mind; he saw Miss Fairlie's meaning. Yes, he had such a Friend; but could he say he had ever thought of Him in that light? God did indeed lavish many gifts on him; yet how little he had loved Him! how little had he striven to please Him, as Ned did his uncle, by obeying His commands!

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Your dog or

readily subject to our will. your cat understands your disposition as well as your brother or your sister.

2. Give them a kick as you pass by, pull their ears or tail whenever you get an opportunity, and they will soon learn both to fear and dislike you.

3. On the other hand, speak a kind word to them, give them a morsel of food, or fondle them kindly, and they will soon treat you as a friend.

4. Any cat or dog will be your friend and love you, if you will treat it well. Kindness makes them gentle and fond, nothing else will do it.

5. It is precisely thus with wild animals. They know who their friends are as well as you know yours. They don't need to be told, and they will rarely hurt an old friend.

6. There are a great many stories about the docility of the elephant, the horse, and the dog, and the affection they have for those who treat them kindly. Even the lion, when brought under the dominion of man, becomes attached to those who are kind to him.

7. An instance of this is related of one that was kept in the menagerie of the Tower of London. He had been brought from India, and on the passage was given in charge to one of the sailors.

8. Long before the ship arrived at London, Jack and the lion had become excellent friends. When Nero-as the lion was called -was shut up in his cage in the Tower, he became sulky and savage.

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