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racter of the place has been described by George W. Curtis in his Homes of American Authors, and by F. B. Sanborn in his sketches of Emerson, Lowell, and Thoreau. It is a quiet region, inhabited chiefly by farmers and professional men, on the banks of the Concord River, and with Walden Pond and other small lakes near by.

Since 1878 the State prison for men, formerly at Charlestown, has been established in the western part of Concord, and about 800 of its present population are the convicts, officers, and employés connected with the prison.

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The lighter cements set more quickly than the heavy ones, and the natural cements, of which Rosendale may be taken as a type, only bear in tension 40 to 70 lbs. per sq. in. In mixing the cement for use in concrete, the best proportion of water is such as will make the mortar only moist, so as barely to cohere; the proportion will be about 1 of water to 4 of cement, though English Portland may require a little more water. Sand is always mixed with the cement for the sake of economy and to prevent cracking; it lengthens the period of setting and likewise diminishes the strength, in the proportion of one-half for an equal mixture, to one-fourth for a mixture of four of sand to one of cement. Ordinarily, in building, the natural cements, such as go by the name of Rosendale in the market, are mixed with 1 to 1 part of sand, while parts of sand, the character of the work influencing the engineer in his decision of the ratio. The sand and cement are mixed together dry with a shovel, and the water afterwards added. This is to obtain a thorough intermixture which would otherwise be difficult on account of the weight of the sand being less than that of an equal quantity of the cement, and, therefore, tending to float on top of it. The sand should be in coarse grains of unequal size, "pit" being better than 'bar" sand, if well washed.

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The best broken stone to use in the concrete is granite or basalt, or other hard rock, or brick-bats, of an irregular shape and not larger than a hen's egg, and free from dust. It is spread out upon a platform of boards. If gravel is likewise used, it should be placed at the bottom and the broken stone on top, and the layer should be from 8 to 12 in. thick. The mortar is then spread over it in the proportion, usually, of one-half to two-thirds the broken stone, or of the mixture with gravel. When gravel and broken stone are used together, the gravel should be about one-half the bulk of the broken stone. All the materials having been thus collected together, they are mixed with shovels and hoes working from the outside to the centre and back again twice, by which time, if skilfully done, each stone will be covered with mortar, and the mixture is ready for use. When put in its permanent place it should be well rammed, a good size of rammer being 4 ft. long, 8 in. in diameter at the foot, with a lifting handle, and shod with iron. It is let fall about six inches.-See BETON and AQUEDUCTS. (T. M. C.)

The town contains three churches-Unitarian and Trinitarian Congregationalist and Catholic-and two chapels, one Episcopalian. The Hillside Chapel," on the estate of Mr. Alcott, is used in the summer for the sessions of the "Concord School of Philosophy,' "Portland cement is mixed in the proportion of 2 to 3 which was opened in 1879, and in which lectures and conversations have been given by Emerson, Alcott, Dr. Jones, Dr. Harris, the late Prof. Peirce of Cambridge, Pres. McCosh of Princeton, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Dr. R. G. Hazard, Mrs. E. D. Cheney, and others of the Transcendental or the Hegelian schools in philosophy. The founder of this unique school (see ALCOTT) is Mr. A. Bronson Alcott of Connecticut, who has lived in Concord most of the time since 1840, and still flourishes there at a great age. His daughter, Miss Louisa Alcott, is also a resident of Concord, and so is Prof. W. T. Harris, the chief Hegelian teacher in the School of Philosophy. Several eminent American journalists -Frederick Hudson, William S. Robinson, Robert Carter, C. C. Hazewell, and F. B. Sanborn-have been residents of Concord, and Hon. George F. Hoar, Senator from Massachusetts, was born there, as were also his elder brother, E. R. Hoar, who was attorney-general in Gen. Grant's first administration, and William Whiting, who wrote elaborately in favor of Pres. Lincoln's right to emancipate the slaves under the warpowers of the Constitution. Concord was one of the centres of anti-slavery opinion for twenty years before emancipation, and had been still earlier a focus of the Transcendental movement in New England. See ALCOTT, EMERSON, and THOREAU. (F. B. S.) CONCRETE. This name is given to any mixture of mortar with fragments of stone or gravel, though it is now generally limited to that made with hydraulic mortar, or mortar made with a hydraulic cement, Certain limestones, when calcined, produce a natural hydraulic cement. As, however, the proportions of the elements vary in different pieces of the same rock, it is much better, in order to obtain a uniform product, to use the so-called Portland cement, in which the constituents are mechanically mixed in the proper proportions. This consists of a double silicate of lime and alumina about 60 parts of lime and 10 of alumina to 24 of silica, with 1 of magnesia and 2 of other alkalies, in a total of 100 parts. Carbonate and sulphate of lime should be especially excluded. This mixture should weigh 115 lbs. per bus., and bear 250 lbs. per sq. in. in tension. It should likewise be ground sufficiently fine for 85 per cent. to pass through a sieve of 50 meshes to the inch. It should feel rough, and be of a bluish-gray color, and when immersed in water of a uniform temperature for six days should show no cracks, but should set in from one to six hours. If mixed with lime it will not get so hard under water. As a test of its quality, it is recommended that blocks 14 in. sq. and 10 in. long, supported on edges 94 in. apart, should bear 150 lbs. at the centre; if more than 1 out of 3 are broken within one minute, the cement should be rejected. In Germany the usual test is for blocks of 5 sq. centimeters section to stand, under tension, 8 kilogrammes per sq. centimeter; the blocks having been for 24 hours in the air and for 27 days in water. It is there also specified that when the cement is passed through a sieve of 900 meshes per sq. centimeter, not more than 25 per cent. shall be too large to go through.


CONCUSSION. The word concussion, originally applied in surgical writings to certain symptoms of several ill-defined conditions of the brain or spinal marrow, supposed to follow severe injuries not accompanied with external evidence of actual lesions, has gradually been narrowed down until now it has come to signify rather the injury itself than the phenomena resulting from it. At present, although it is at the best a misnomer, by concussion of the brain or spine the majority of surgeons mean that, in consequence of a severe blow, or some similar injury, generally unattended with fractured bones, or with extensive wounds, one of the following four conditions of the nerve centres has been produced: 1. A disturbance in the molecular relations of the nerve tissue, not demonstrable, of course, but aptly compared to the change in the particles of a magnet which causes it to lose its power when forcibly struck by a hammer. 2. An extravasation of serum into the nerve structures, due, it is thought, to a temporary vaso-motor paralysis. 3. Actual contusion or bruising of the brain or cord with extravasation of blood. 4. Laceration or tearing of the substance of the brain or cord. It would be better to limit the use of the term concussion to the first of these conditions, to which alone it is strictly applicable. The symptoms of the second and third are due either to pressure, compression, or to subsequent inflammatory changes; of the fourth to the actual disorganization of nerve structures. They may, however, be de


scribed under this head. Although in respect to symptoms the first and slightest of these four degrees of injury is easily distinguishable from the last and gravest, the diagnosis of the exact amount of damage to nerve tissue and the differentiation of true concussion from that surgical condition known as shock are by no means easy. At the other extreme an equal difficulty is experienced in separating those cases of serous or hemorrhagic effusions, or of tearing of nerve structure, which, on account of the absence of certain symptoms, such as coma and paralysis, are included under the head of concussion, from cases of true compression of the brain. Remembering, however, that the lines cannot be drawn too strictly we may describe as follows the characteristic symptoms of these four classes of injury: 1. After a blow of medium force upon the cranium, or a fall from a height, a patient on attempting to rise staggers and falls, his skin becomes cold and bedewed with a cold perspiration, he is confused, or possibly even insensible for a short time, his face is pale and shrunken, his pulse is feeble and intermittent, his breathing sighing and interrupted. After a few moments, or at the most a few hours, reaction sets in; vomiting, indicating a return of reflex sensibility, occurs, the face becomes warmer, the pulse stronger, the mental symptoms gradually disappear, and the patient in a short time is entirely well. 2. After an injury of greater severity we have the above symptoms much intensified, especially as regards sensation and motion. The patient is oblivious to the external world, and can be aroused with difficulty. He lies motionless, or drawn up into a peculiar position, with the legs flexed on the thighs, and the thighs on the abdomen, and obstinately resumes it if he is forcibly straightened. The same conditions of pulse, skin, and respiration prevail, only more markedly, and the duration of the attack is greater, often extending over several days. 3. If the brain is contused over a very moderate area, or if the accompanying extravasation of blood is small in amount, diffused instead of circumscribed, or situated in certain regions, we may have, instead of the phenomena of compression usually seen in cases of hemorrhage into the brain substance or ventricles, simply those of cerebral irritation. The patient has muscular tremors or spasms, is morbidly taciturn or foolishly loquacious, sometimes actively delirious. The temperature is apt to be elevated, the patient obstinately unconscious, the breathing noisy. It is evident that a very slight increase of these symptoms would convert them into those of compression, coma succeeding to stupor, stertor to mere loudness of breathing, paralysis to convulsions. 4. Laceration of the brain, if not followed at once by sufficient hemorrhage to produce apoplectiform symptoms, is characterized by great restlessness, wild delirium, with moans or shrieks, general convulsions, and finally by the motor and sensory phenomena of general encephalitis.

In the treatment of all these conditions the first indication is to keep the patient quiet and at rest. Nearly all the dangers of these accidents from first to last arise from consecutive inflammation, and everything which might conduce to this should be sedulously guarded against. Stimulants, therefore, even during the early stages, should be avoided. Where there is such profound depression as to threaten death, they may be given in small doses-preferably, as spirits of hartshorn or carbonate of ammonium-and should be accompanied by the application of external dry heat, by sinapisms, hot-water bottles, warm flannels, or a current of hot air conveyed beneath the bed-clothing. After reaction has begun, cold to the head, absolute rest in a darkened room, sedatives such as bromide of potassium, a diet chiefly of milk and farinaceous articles, attention to the various secretions, the use of small doses of mercurials, or of an occasional purgative dose, and catheterism, if necessary, are the essentials of treatment. Convalescence in the graver cases is

slow, and should be favored by perfect tranquillity of body and mind.

Concussion affecting the spinal cord is probably always associated with some lesion either of the nerve fibres or of the smaller blood-vessels of the cord. The physical conditions are very different from those existing in the skull. There we have a large, inelastic, nerve mass completely filling a dense hollow sphere, to which it is closely connected throughout. Under these circumstances we can understand how force suddenly applied to the cranium may be transferred to its contents, producing great temporary disturbance or disarrangement of their particles. But the spinal cord hangs loosely in a canal extending through a segmented and markedly flexible column, being connected therewith only at the points-the intervertebral foramina-where its membranes are continuous with the sheaths of the spinal nerves. It is evident that an injury producing a violent general shock is much more likely to inflict damage by "concussion" upon the brain than upon the cord, and it is very doubtful whether the latter structure ever suffers in precisely that way.

The symptoms said to be characteristic of succussion or perturbation of the medulla spinalis, without recognizable injury to its structure or membranes, or to the spinal column, are numbness, formication, loss of power in the extremities, pallor of the face, general weakness and depression, nausea and vomiting. These, however, may all be due to the shock of the injury, to contusion of peripheral nerves, to disturbance of the sympathetic ganglia, or to other causes independent of the spine or its contents. The secondary results said to follow such injuries are distinctly due to inflammatory or degenerative changes affecting either the cord or the membranes. The chain of causation has never been satisfactorily demonstrated. An individual who sustains a severe shaking-up during a railway collision, or in some other manner, may develop, after an interval of apparent health varying from a few hours or days to two or three months or even some years, a certain group of symptoms referable to his cerebrospinal system, and in all probability originating at the time of his accident. There is no evidence, however, justifying the assumption that the original trouble in such a case was simply an uncomplicated concussion. By the time death occurs the changes found would of course be those due to long existing disease. In the only carefully recorded case of the kind the signs of spinal meningitis and myelitis were found together with a condition of the posterior columns closely resembling that seen in progressive locomotor ataxia.

The general conclusions warranted by these facts are, 1st, That there is no evidence that uncomplicated concussion of the spinal cord has taken place, while there are good à priori reasons for doubting the possibility of its occurrence.

2d, That the symptoms described as following railway concussion of the spine probably originate in some actual though slight involvement of the tissues of the cord or of its membranes at the time of the accident, but in their full development are certainly due to wellrecognized and by no means peculiar pathological conditions.

The medico-legal importance of these latter cases, upon which are often founded suits for damages, makes them especially interesting. Among the earliest phenomena observed after the interval of apparent health which has been alluded to is an alteration of the manners or temperament of the patient, who, whatever his original disposition, is apt to become gloomy, morose, and ungracious; defective vision, hearing and speech ensue; the sense of touch is affected, its delicacy being greatly destroyed; muscular movements are irregular, and the gait awkward or unsteady; paralysis of motion and of sensation may supervene, or there may be tremor associated with pricking, burning or tingling sensa

tions. Emaciation, general paralysis, and death usually terminate the case.

Passing from these cases to those in which some definite spinal injury exists, we find that here even more than in the brain it is difficult to dissociate the phenomena of so-called concussion and those of compression or of inflammation. Just as in cases where a serous or bloody exudation has taken place within the skull the symptoms of cerebral irritation pass insensibly into those of compression or of traumatic encephalitis, so in spinal injuries the alteration of sensation and motion and the disturbance of function, sometimes connected with very slight exudations or trifling hemorrhages, deepen into more or less extensive and profound paralysis, or give rise to spasms or convulsions, dyspnoea, retention of urine, fecal incontinence, priapism, and other symptoms of pressure upon or disorganization of the spine. The fact that each segment of the cord is really a distinct nerve centre makes it possible to determine accurately in these cases the exact seat and area of the lesion involved. So, too, the time of appearance and degree of severity of certain symptoms, such as motor paralysis, afford valuable evidence of the amount of involvement of the cord.

If after a spinal injury complete paralysis comes on immediately and persists, the cord is probably divided or compressed by an extensive blood-clot or by a broken vertebra. If it is merely transitory the condition has in all probability been one of slight hemorrhage into the substance of the cord. Such a case might be described as one of simple "concussion,' ," but the term, though convenient, is manifestly in


Gradual paralysis, slowly advancing, is due either to continuous hemorrhage from a small vessel or to inflammatory extravasation. It sometimes slowly disappears. If it does not, or if it increases, the inference is that some progressive disorganization of the cord is taking place and will finally cause death.

Conditions are also either precedent or subsequent. A condition precedent is one which requires the performance of some act before the estate or interest can vest. Conditions precedent are said to be favored in law. Conditions subsequent are such as upon their happening divest an estate or interest which has already vested. Conditions subsequent are not favored in law. By the rules of the common law no person was entitled to take advantage of the breach of a condition subsequent except the grantor and his heirs. If, however, a limitation was annexed to an estate, a third party could take advantage of it. Hence the origin of what are known in real-estate law as conditional limitations, which are in substance conditions after the nature of limitations.

If a condition precedent be unlawful, and therefore void, the estate depending upon it can never vest, and is never entirely defeated. If, on the contrary, a condition subsequent be void, the estate, having once vested, can never thereafter be defeated.

Where performance of a condition was possible at the time of its creation, and afterwards through the act of God has become impossible, the law will excuse it. (L. L., JR.)

CONDONATION, in general language and sometimes in legal proceedings, is used to indicate a forgiveness of almost any offence; but it is technically applied in law to the forgiveness of only one or two particular offences. In this sense it is a forgiveness of the matrimonial offence of adultery or cruelty, known by the party forgiving to have been committed, on the condition that the party forgiven shall ever afterwards conduct himself or herself properly in the marital relation. The word is usually employed in reference to adultery and is best considered from that standpoint, though it is equally applicable to cruelty. When a husband or wife has been guilty of adultery, the party offended against has generally the right to a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, on the ground that the The treatment of cases of spinal injury in which other party has failed to adhere to the obligations there is no paralysis consists in rigid confinement to entered into on the marriage. But this right may be bed, preferably in the prone position so as to favor the given up, if the party so wills, and the husband and gravitation of blood away from the back; the applica- wife may agree to live together again. In order to tion of ice-bags, hot poultices, or strong counter-irrita- constitute a condonation, however, it is not enough tion along the spine; careful attention to the bowels that the party offended shall merely make an offer of and bladder, the former being emptied by enemata, forgiveness, in case the offending party will return to and the latter, if necessary, by catheterization; and the relation of man and wife, but the offer must have the administration of small doses of iodide of potassium been actually accepted and the marital relation reand mercury. The patient should rest on a water established; but it is not necessary that the parties bed, the skin should be kept scrupulously clean, and shall continue to live constantly together in that relathe parts exposed to pressure often bathed with as- tion; as to the husband, at least, it is enough if they tringents or with stimulating liniments. Where par- have once slept together. The mere fact of living toalysis exists, the supine position is preferable, and all gether in the same house of course creates a presumption these precautions must be even more rigidly observed. that the parties have resumed the marital relation, but (J. W. W.) this presumption will be rebutted by showing that they CONDITION, in law, a clause in a contract or agree- have occupied different beds. It is considered in law ment which has for its object to suspend, rescind, or that, where the marital relation is so re-established, modify the principal obligation, or in case of a will to there is an implied condition annexed that the party suspend, revoke, or modify a devise or bequest. In forgiven shall in the future conduct himself properly real-estate law a condition is a qualification or restric--with conjugal kindness in all respects-and, in case tion annexed to an estate, whereby it is provided that he or she fails to do so, the original offence is revived in case a particular event does or does not happen, or and can be alleged as a ground for a divorce. And in case the grantor or grantee does or omits to do a par- this is not only so, if the adultery is committed again, ticular thing, the estate shall commence, be enlarged, the rule is much stronger and the party must in all be abridged, or be defeated. ways behave himself in accordance with the duties of the relation. Even an offence which is cause only for a divorce from bed and board has been held to be a reviver of an adultery which has been condoned; and comparatively slight cruelty will also give the right to break off the condonation and reassert the first wrong. The rule as to cruelty especially is less severe against the wife than the husband, owing to the greater difficulty for her to take the means of avoiding the cruelty. Condonation may be shown in other ways than by continuing to live together in the relation of man and wife; thus, the abandoning or long neglect of proceedings instituted for a divorce, and perhaps mere words of forgiveness, are sufficient evidence that the

Conditions are of various kinds. They may be affirmative or negative, copulative or disjunctive, consistent or repugnant, express or implied; all of which are sufficiently defined by their names. Conditions may also be lawful or unlawful. A lawful condition is one which does not contravene public policy or the express provisions of a statute. An unlawful condition is such as is forbidden by law. Unlawful conditions are-1, such as require the performance of some act which is forbidden by law or which is malum in se; 2, such as require the omission of some act which the law requires to be performed; and 3, such as tend to encourage such acts or omissions.

party offended has condoned the offence. The subject of condonation has not been largely the subject of legislation, and the doctrine remains generally as above stated; but its conditional quality has been abolished in a few of our States. (W. M. M.)


CONEY ISLAND, a seaside resort in the vicinity of New York, is a narrow island, 5 miles long, in the Atlantic ocean, off the S. W. corner of Long Island. It is included in the township of Gravesend, Kings co., N. Y. Coney Island creek, a narrow strait winding through a salt marsh, separates the island from the mainland and connects Gravesend and Sheepshead Bays. The island, according to old records, was once three separate islands, and at another time two; more than a century ago it extended two miles farther than at present, and is said to have abounded in foxes and rabbits. About 1800 it was used for farming and pasture, and cedars were cut from it for building small vessels. The first hotel was built in 1819. Two years later, during a violent storm, the tide rose to a height never since equalled; everything was swept away and the island left almost level and perfectly barren. A turnpike road was constructed from Brooklyn to the island in 1830, and later there was communication by a daily stage as well as by a steamboat to New York city. About 1865 a horse-car line was laid from Brooklyn, and soon a steam railroad followed. But the island did not become a popular resort until 1874, when the Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad was opened, and capitalists did much to increase the attractions of the place, especially the east end. Six steam railroads now run trains at frequent intervals from Brooklyn and from various points on New York Bay and East River, where connection is made by boat for New York city. Large iron steamboats also leave New York every half-hour for the island. The Park Commission of Brooklyn own 70 acres of land near the centre of the island, with a frontage of 2750 feet on the ocean, and an avenue 210 feet wide and 54 miles long has been laid out from Prospect Park to the 66 Concourse on the island. Near the latter, two large iron piers extend 1000 feet into the ocean, ending in 14 feet of water. The piers have a general width of 50 feet, but one is in part 85, and the other 125 feet wide. They are used for promenades, restaurants, and popular concerts. Brighton Beach Hotel is five stories high and 450 feet long, and near it is a race-course, which for five months of the year is used almost daily for horse-races. The Manhattan Beach Company own 500 acres of land, with an ocean frontage of two miles. They have two large hotels, a marine railway, and an elevated railway running to the centre of the island. During the summer season the railroads carry over 2,000,000 passengers to Coney Island, but few persons stay there more than a day at a time.

See Vol. VI. p. 228 Am.

CONFECTIONERY denotes a class of preparations in which sugar is a principal ingredient. It comprises all kinds of sugar ed. (p. 256 candies, cream and fancy ices, compotes or Edin. ed.). stewed fruits, fruit and animal jellies, etc. Two centuries ago the art of making sweet preparations was for the most part confined to apothecaries and physicians, who used sugar and honey to make nauseating medicines palatable, and pharmaceutically, in making syrups, electuaries, etc.; but the preparation of conserves and the compounding of drugs have now become distinct arts, though the separation is not entirely complete, the drug trade being dependent on the manufacturing confectioners for what are usually called medicated candies. Of these there are upward of a hundred varieties, chiefly in the form of drops and lozenges, and containing many of the standard medicines. Thus we have cachou lozenges, quinine lozenges, anti-bilious lozenges, cough drops, bronchial troches, etc. These goods are manufactured in very large quantities.

Confectionery is usually classed among the luxuries, but in the United States custom has rendered some forms of sweetmeats indispensable adjuncts to the fashionable dinner and lunch, thus placing them in the rank of articles of diet, and their use is becoming common among all classes. Many causes have contributed to this result, such as the custom of making gifts of boxes of candy at Christmas and other holiday seasons, the multifarious forms which modern confectionery has assumed, the variety of materials introduced into their composition, and the skill and attention devoted to the delicate task of flavoring them. They are thus made to conform with every taste and appetite.

Few industries have experienced more radical changes during the last thirty years. Up to the year 1851 boiled sweets were almost exclusively an English specialty, and it was the novel display in this line of the London confectioners, at the first International Exhibition of that year, that led to their introduction into other countries. The Germans appear to have been the first, or at least the foremost, to emulate the example of their insular rivals, and so well did they improve the occasion that in the Exhibition in 1862 two confectioners from across the Rhine created no little surprise by their superior display of boiled sweets and rock candies. The French artists in sugar have not developed any special skill in this branch, but have devoted themselves assiduously and with surprising success to the manufacture of chocolate and sugar bonbons, liqueurs, pastilles, and comfits, in all of which they greatly excel. In the United States, less than forty years ago, confectionery, both as an art and a business, was in a very crude state. With few exceptions, each confectioner was his own manufacturer, and his stock in trade was limited to the common varieties of stick candy, plain sugar-plums, sugared seeds, and molasses candy. Candied fruit was only made to order," and was sold at $2.50 per lb. All the fancy goods were imported from France, chiefly from Paris. In the more pretentious stores of those days the rear portion was fitted up as a saloon-parlor, where cake and ice-cream, cold meats, tea and coffee were supplied to customers. For parties, icecream was served only in the form of plain pyramids, the moulds being delivered in long, painted tin pails. In the workshop, too, simplicity prevailed. The tools and utensils were of the most primitive style, such as the hard candy kettle and brick furnace, the finger gauge, the old mortar and pestle.


In all these respects there has been a complete revolution. To the plain candies mentioned above have succeeded the dragées, patées, nougats, pastilles, fondants, fruits au sucre and liqueurs sucrés of the modern confectionery art. Chocolate occupies a prominent place, and is produced on a very extensive scale and manipulated into an endless variety of forms, giving employment to hundreds of workmen, requiring special machinery and great skill in casting the subjects, glazing and covering them. Among the most popular types are figures of fruits, vegetables, spiders, and other smaller insects, made in moulds of hammered sheet copper. Powdered sugar, beaten with the white of eggs, also enters largely into confectionery, the composition being stamped, or cast in moulds. The excellence of these productions is largely due to mechanical improvements in triturating and grinding the materials. In the class of goods known as nougats, the kernels of nuts, especially of almonds, are incrusted with honey. The patées and pastilles, also, are a favorite specialty, and they call for great ingenuity and skill in the intricate interlacing of the fruits, and in the crystallizations. Preserved sugared fruits and fruits in syrup are now important articles of diet, and they include all the favorite products of the orchard, marmalades and jellies. Much attention is given to fruits in jellies and liqueurs sucrés, the latter being graded according to quality. The low grade has about

the candy, the cake and ice-cream, the outside orders, and the restaurant or café. The latter is conducted on a more or less extended scale, the bill-of-fare often comprising fifty to sixty kinds of cake and twenty to thirty varieties of ices. For party orders the latter are served up in plain and fancy bricks, in melon moulds or other elaborate designs, with or without fruit ices, colored and set in spun sugar.

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20 per cent. of sugar and glucose, and the same proportion of alcohol, the remainder being water. A finer quality contains 40 per cent. of sugar and 30 per cent. of alcohol, and the highest grade 50 per cent. of pure sugar and 30 per cent. of alcohol. This class includes spirituous bitters, such as absinthe, elixir de longue vie, vulneraire, etc., which have been brought to great perfection in France. American confectioners manifest their superiority chiefly in the manufacture As may be expected, competition among the trade of comfits, containing fruit essences, candied fruits, has led to numerous frauds and adulterations in mapreserves and jellies; in cocoanut cakes, bars, biscuits, terials used, in order to cheapen production. Baking and paste, stick candies, caramels, gum drops, and powder, which is used in many kinds of confections, walnut candy. Most of the above are of American is often found to contain starch and alum. Ultraorigin. Comfits have been brought to great perfection marine is sometimes employed in adulterating sugar during the last ten years, owing to the introduction of and saccharine preparations, to offset the yellow machinery in their production. In the days of the old color of inferior grades of sugar; cotton seed, walnut, copper pan, fifty pounds of well-finished comfits or and chestnut oils are sold for olive oil. Oil of lemon, dragées were considered a full day's work, whilst at the as well as others, are adulterated with fixed oils and present time a skilled workman can superintend a alcohol, and sometimes with turpentine, the latter dozen revolving steam-pans, capable of turning out being difficult to detect on account of its similar comfrom three to four tons a week. The new system has position and specific gravity. Chocolate is often mixed not only cheapened production, but is much cleaner with starch, wheaten flour, and other articles, and gluthan the use of fire-heat, and is attended with less risk cose is made to do duty for sugar in making caramels. of fire. These advantages have thrown the manu- Gelatine and glue often find their way into gum goods, facture into few hands, who make this class of goods a especially those known as "A. B. goods," starch into specialty. The new comfit or dragée pans are made lozenges, lard into chocolate; terra alba, or plaster of either to oscillate or revolve, both forms being equally Paris, is used in adulterating candies solely to increase suitable for the purpose. In the packing and wrap- their weight, and certain much more dangerous chemping of confections great taste is displayed, the style icals are sometimes used in coloring candies. The of boxes used being an important item in the make- most of the above-named adulterants are comparatively up of the bon-bons. The manufacture of boxes and harmless, and their introduction is mainly due to the other goods of this class is a separate industry, and of popular demand for cheap candies; but certain coloring late years has grown into large proportions. Steam-matters are positively pernicious, and their use deserves appliances are in use in all large establishments, as the severest penalties. well as benches, containing six, eight, and even ten machines, with rollers of various patterns, all set in gear. Each of these machines is provided with a lever and clutch wheel, so that one or all can be worked at Then there are machines for beating, kneading and mixing materials; for cutting, chopping, and slicing; for grinding, rolling, and grating; ice-crushers, cream-freezers, corking machines for bottling fruit juices and preserves, revolving ovens, steam-kettles, the saccharometer for testing sugar, etc., etc. These contrivances effect a vast economy in time and labor, as compared with the old methods. Twenty years ago, for instance, it was quite an exploit to cut a sevenpound boil of acid drops with scissors and round and press them flat in half an hour, whilst with the machine now in use a boy can do the same work and turn out the goods in better shape in five minutes. These improvements cover all the details of the laboratory, except where hand-work is indispensable to the quality of the goods, and have completely revolutionized the business. The quality of standard goods is greatly improved, necessitating corresponding changes in classification. Articles which a few years ago were imported from Paris or Vienna are now manufactured here in excess of the home demand, and are being exported to London and to Central and South America. Even ornamental work which a few years ago was prepared only by Parisian confectioners has become a home industry, the importations being mostly confined to samples. In pastillage work there are at least two hundred hands employed in the United States, chiefly in New York and Philadelphia. The product is shipped to all parts of the United States and the British Provinces.


In the management of the mercantile parts of the business the same progress is everywhere perceptible. Stately warehouses, filled with an almost endless variety of goods, and crowded manufactories attest the magnitude of the wholesale branch of the business, whilst handsome retail stores, with their bewildering display of confections in every conceivable style and form, give equal evidence of the increased popular demand. The retail branch, in the leading establishments, is usually divided into four departments, viz.

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Sugar is the base of all confectionery, and it therefore ranks first in importance among the materials used by the trade. There are two kinds-namely, the natural product of the cane, sugar beet, maple tree, and a few of the palms; and glucose, or grape sugar, which, as known to commerce, is artificially produced from starch by the action of sulphuric acid. Glucose is undoubtedly destined at no distant day to become a prime factor in the confectioner's economy. Glucose differs from cane sugar in not being readily crystalliz│able, and also in the smaller yield of sweetness. Its great value in the confectionery art consists in the fact that when added in the proportion of seven to ten per cent. to cane sugar, and boiled with it, it destroys the tendency of the latter to return to the crystallized form; in other words, it removes the grain, and thus dispenses with the employment of cream of tartar or acids for this purpose. On this account it is extensively used in the manufacture of "A. B. gum goods,' lozenges, "kisses," cocoanut preparations, and creams. It also gives to cream and pulled candy a certain waxiness-a desirable quality-and adds to the keeping properties of caramels, cough candies, and clear fruit drops, all of which have a tendency to become sticky when exposed to the air. Though its introduction has encountered much opposition, on the ground that it is an unhealthy adulterant, it is now conceded by competent chemists to be harmless and even nutritive; whilst in making confections of the class referred to above it is decidedly an advantage when not used to the comparative exclusion of cane sugar. American glucose is made from corn, and has been greatly improved of late by being thoroughly freed from the sulphuric acid with which it is prepared. In Europe. there are some ninety glucose factories, but there it is produced from potatoes. That manufactured in France stands higher in the market on account of its being freer from acid; but it does not appear to possess any more sweetening power than the products of the United States or of Germany. On the other hand American glucose has the advantage of being fifty per cent. cheaper.

One of the first requisites in the successful production of confectionery on a large scale is a knowledge

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