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This is just what is needed for the children entering this year. On ten strong tag cards there are thirty pictures and names which occur most frequently in the first readings at school, together with four separate copies of each name to match with names on cards.

Suggestions for using are printed on the backs of the envelopes.

Sets of 50 envelopes, 5 copies of each card, are put up in neat boxes. Price, 75 cents.

For sale by the J. L. Hammett Company, 352 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.



"The pay of school teachers in Oregon," savs the Oregonian, "is far below the average for the United States. The monthly average, according to a circular recently issued by the State School Department, is $42.95 for males and $33 75 for females. The average for the United States for males is $47.37 and for females $40.24 Massachusetts pays the highest, $136.03 for male, and South Carolina the lowest, $23 44. The District of Columbia pays the highest, $69, to females, and North Carc

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lina the lowest, 821.40. Averages on the Pacific Our Flower Friends.

Coast are: California, males, $80.19; females,
$65 42; Idaho, males, $58 52; females, $46.31;
Washington, males, $44.56; females, $38.14.
The saving point about the low wage-scale of
Oregon, is that the monthly average for Mult
nomah County is far above that of the United
States. It is $65 for males and $45 for females.
A natural result of this liberal scale is that
Multnomah County has the best schools in the


The "School Library" arrived while I was at home on my vacation, consequently I was

I unable to reply before this late date.
I am
much pleased with the books. Both print and
paper surpassed my expectations.

EMMA G. CARY, West Stockbridge, Mass.

Last year I sent you two orders for books and the children were highly pleased with them. The enclosed order is for a school library. The amount is the same as that of your libraries, but some of the books in your libraries I cannot use. Hence I make my own list. If you could see the way they have worked to earn this little amount, you would feel satisfied that your very choice books are

By ANNIE CHASF. Large Type Edition. Illus. Boards, 30 cents; Cloth, 40 cents.

Buds, Stems and Roots.

By ANNIE CHASE. Large Type Edition. Illus. Boards, 30 cents; Cloth, 40 cents.

A charming book for the little folks, encouraging a love of plant life, yet giving valuable information for stories.

Nature Stories for Youngest Readers.

By ANNA CHASE DAVIS. Boards, 30 cents; Cloth, 40 cents
Embellished with colored photographic illustrations.

"You are to be congratulated upon the illustrations in your Nature Stories for Youngest Readers.
Little children will get more from these than from the text, as good as it is."

HENRY T. BAILEY, State Supervisor of Dawing, Mass.

Introduction to Leaves from Nature.

By MRS. M. A. B. KELLY. Illus. Price, Boards, 30 cents; Cloth, 40 cents.

Printed in large type and graphically illustrated.

The very simple lessons presented in this little volume are intended as an introduction to the series well appreciated here in Hawaii nei. I can-Leaves from Nature's Story-Book. The exercises are graded as far as possible, so as to bring truly say that your publications are the most before the eye of the child, a new word or two as he advances. uniformly high class in every respect of any

house I have dealt with

H. M. WELLES, Honolulu, H. I.
(Prin. Kauluwela Sch.)


The book for which I wrote a few days ago has been received, and I like it very much indeed. I am not a child by any means; but 1 did not have these stories to read when I was, hence I feel as though I have missed great things. I shall, however, try to redeem the time in that 1 shall when it is possible get one or more of these stories until all shall have been obtained. By looking over my library I find I have, including the number ordered to-day, just twenty-one of these stories and works. You see there are fifty-one yet to be obtained

ROBERT P. HAMLIN, Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C. WORTH THINKING ABOUT. The system needs help in adapting itself to the changes in temperature. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine to keep the blood rich and pure, create an appetite, give good digestion and tone and strengthen the great vital organs. It wards off malaria, fevers, and other forms of illness which so readily overcome a weak and debilitated system in the fall. It cures all forms of blood disease, like scrofula, salt rheum, boils and pimples, overcomes dyspepsia, catarrh and rheumatism, strengthens the nervous system and gives refreshing sleep.

3rd Grade.

Stories from Garden and Field.

Illus. Price, Boards, 30 cents; Cloth, 40 cents.

It must be welcomed by teachers and children everywhere as "just the thing" that has been needed.
-Primary Education.

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The Five Cent Classics are specially adapted to furnish aid in your Reading, History, Geography and Nature Lessons, and you will also find them a marvellous help in discipline.

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Order by number. Each number contains about 32 pages of choice illustrated literature, bound in strong mani la covers. Price, 5 cents a copy, 60 cents a dozen, postpaid.

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Nature Songs for Children *

By Mrs. Fanny Snow Knowlton.

This is a charming collection of Children's Songs admirably adapted to the
Kindergarten, Primary School and Home.

There are sixty-five songs in the book, divided into groups as follows: The Months, Flower Songs, Bird Songs,
Games, Miscellaneous Songs and Sacred Songs.

The words are in the main, by distinguished authors and all were selected with great care. The melodies are simple and within the compass of the child's voice.

It cannot too strongly be said that these songs are exceedingly appropriate for the home circle. They are just what musical mothers are looking for. Teachers of singing classes for children will also find them invaluable. The size of the book is 8 x 10 1-2 inches. 110 Pages. Handsomely bound in gray cloth. PRICE, POSTPAID, $1.00.

MILTON BRADLEY CO., Springfield, Mass.

New York.


Kansas City. Chicago Agents, THOMAS CHARLES CO., 195-197 Wabash Ave.

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OUR SCHOOL SOUVENIRS Are the best ever offered. Two cards tied together with silk ribbon. The first card printed in colors, with appropriate border designs and teacher's name, etc.; the second card contains the names of pupils. We have the FLAG SOUVENIR with American flag in bright colors. The CHRISTMAS SOUVENIR with green holly leaves and red berries and appropriate Christmas wish; also several other designs. Illustrated catalogue free. Samples sent for 2 cents each.

FAMOUS PICTURES for picture study. For use on special days, etc. Large pictures, beautifully engraved and printed on heavy plate paper, size 5 x 8. Hundreds of subjects-famous men and women, authors and their. homes, historical buildings and events, famous paintings, etc. 10 pictures sent postpaid for 10 cents with full catalogue.

A great variety. Beautiful floral and

SCRIPTURE TEXT CARDS. scenery cards. 15 samples for 10 cents.

40 for 25 cents, postpaid.

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Superb Pictures From Life. Published
Monthly at $1.50 a year of 12 numbers.

Printed on one side so that each can be detached
and mounted on cardboard.



We have just published a set, In Colors, of the DOMESTIC ANIMALS, price, 30 cents, and will send "Animals" and this set to every one who will send $1.60 before January ist. Mention this paper.

For 10c. and this coupon we
will send a Sept. Number and
also a copy of OUR TIMES.

Send for our new 100-page catalogue of teachers' books and aids. We have everything for teachers.

E. L. KELLOGG & CO., 61 E. 9th St., New York.


This is a Regular Department of the

By which You and Your Friends may


With all that is Fresh, Vital, Experimental and Suggestive in


It is interesting to know that the KINDERGARTEN MAGAZINE as an official organ begins the eleventh year of publication. The KINDERGARTEN MAGAZINE announces as associate editors and co-workers for the coming year the following representative, progressive and altogether SPECIMEN substantial school men and women: Dr. Henry Barnard, Hartford; James L. Hughes, Toronto; Richard G. Boone, Ypsilanti; Henry Sabin, Des Moines; Geo. P. Brown, Bloomington; C. B. Gilbert, Newark; Bettie A. Dutton, Cleveland; H. H. Seerley, Cedar Falls; Geo. Griffith, Utica; Samuel T. Dutton, Brookline; F. D. Dressler, University of California; Sarah C. Brooks, St. Paul; Walter L. Hervey, New York City; G. F. Reigart, Ethical Culture School; Sarah Louise Arnold, Boston; Dr. C. C. Van Liew, Los Angeles State Normal School. A special feature of the MAGAZINE for the coming year will be a Normal Training Department, bringing experimental, typical and suggestive programs of work. The motto of this unique journal, edited by Amalie Hofer, is "Pledged to make the Kindergarten free to all children and to support all allies of Elementary Education, including Manual Training, Farm Schools and Domestic Science.'





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