Imágenes de páginas

Hoisting engineers are not required to undergo annual physical examinations. Records are now being kept of the inspections of the hoisting equipment, including ropes and sheave wheels. The sides of the cages are not enclosed and no gates have been provided for use across the open ends of the cages when men are riding. Positive stopblocks have been provided at the surface cage landings; a commendable improvement. Safety catches are examined daily but no tests are made to determine their effectiveness. Signals cannot be given from the cages as reported previously.

1. Motors in the tipple should be of the dustproof type. It is recognized that such motors may be difficult to obtain because of war conditions. Therefore, for the present, measures should be taken to minimize the possibility of dust accumulations or dust clouds about motors. Any replacements of or additions to, the present motors should be of dustproof type, if practicable.

2. Thorough cleaning of coal dust from the tipple should be done frequently, preferably daily.

3. The wooden coal-storage bin should be made fire-resistant, or fire doors should be installed at effective points in the shafts.

*4. The shaft linings should be fireproofed, or adequate protection should be provided against fire.

5. Hoisting engineers should undergo annual physical examinations. The physician's report of such examinations should be posted.

*6. The sides of the cages should be fully enclosed, and gates should be provided for use across the open ends of the cages when men are riding.

*7. Tests should be made at least every 2 months and a written record kept of the test; preferably, drop tests should be made.

8. A signal device should be arranged at the surface and bottom landings so that signals can be given from the cages.


The conditions in the wash house and lamp house were essentially unchanged except the naphtha for safety lamps is kept in an approved container. The wash house still has only one exit and a disinfectant to prevent the spread of foot infections has not been provided.

1. There should be at least two exits from the wash house.

2. The wash house should have facilities for preventing the spread of foot infection. If foot baths are used the disinfectant should be changed daily.


Materials and timbers were neatly and safely stored, and roads and paths were free of obstructions in the surface yards.

Fire protection on the surface as previously reported was adequate and oil is safely stored.

Surface buildings and surrounding areas were neat and orderly except for coal-dust accumulations in the tipple. Illumination was adequate in all surface buildings.


The room-and-pillar method of mining is followed, pillars are not extracted, and about 50 percent of the coal is recovered.

There is no systematic method of timbering in effect at the mine. In several instances it was noted that timbering was not carried close enough to the working faces to afford adequate protection. Safety posts or temporary cross bars are not being used. An adequate supply of cap pieces of suitable size was on hand. Roof is tested by sounding with a pick, and no roof-testing rods are provided for officials or men working at the face.

*1. A method of systematic timbering should be adopted and a plan thereof posted; the timbering method should be strictly enforced.

*2. Timbers should be set as close as practicable to all working faces and a sufficient number of safety posts or temporary cross bars should be set in all face areas before coal loading is begun.

*3. Officials should test exposed roof in working places visited and roof along haulageways with a special roof-testing rod. Special testing rods should also be provided for the use of men working at the face.


The explosives-storage magazine has not been altered, and has not been barricaded on all sides as previously recommended. Also, the space between

the inner and outer walls has not been filled with sand, and the area surrounding the magazine has not been cleared of dry grass and brush. The door, however, is locked with two five-tumbler padlocks and "Danger" signs have been properly posted. Screened ventilators have not been provided.

The detonator magazine complies fully with Bureau of Mines requirements. Permissible explosives primed with detonator and fuze are still used to blast the coal. Fuze is ignited by means of a carbide lamp.

Explosives are safely transported and stored underground. The timing of shots is dependent upon various lengths of fuze; hence, shots are fired in rapid succession. No fire runs are made after blasting and no tests for gas are made before or after firing.

*1. Shots should be fired only with electric detonators of proper strength; permissible shot-firing units should be used.

2. Shots should not be fired in rapid succession.

*3. Fire runs should be made after blasting and tests for explosive gas should be made before and after firing.


The mine is ventilated by means of a reversible-type fan described in the previous inspection reports. The fan was operated blowing and was delivering 61,000 cubic feet of air a minute. As previously reported, the fan is installed underground 100 feet south of the air shaft. The fan is not enclosed by an incombustible housing, and no explosion doors or weak wall construction is provided to allow for pressure relief in the event of an explosion. The volume of air being circulated has increased since the previous inspection due to cleaning falls in air courses as recommended.

The quantity of air was adequate except in the 21 and 22 south entries off 4 west and 18 and 19 south off 4 west, where less than 6,000 cubic feet a minute was found passing through the last crosscut.

The air is directed to the working faces over one continuous course, and the general method of ventilation was the same as reported after the September 1942 inspection. Stoppings in entries were of wooden construction, and doors were erected singly and equipped with latches. All doors, however, were self-closing, an improvement since the previous inspection. In some instances, crosscuts are at intervals exceeding 60 feet. No stoppings are built in room crosscuts and line brattice is not used. The air passes through old workings that are not regularly inspected before reaching the working sections. Haulage roads and hoisting are in return air.

A relatively small amount of methane was being liberated in the mine during this inspection. However, a sample collected during the September 1942 inspection contained 0.38 percent methane, a sufficient amount to warrant rating and operating the mine as gassy. Also, numerous oil wells have been driven through this coal bed in this mine, some of which are liberating methane. These conditions call for constant vigilance by mine officials and emphasze the necessity of maintaining adequate ventilation at all working faces.

The mine is recognized as gassy by the State department governing mining. No gas was detected during the inspection by means of a permissible flame safety lamp. It was stated that no gas has been detected since the mine was opened.

Preshift examinations are made, and the fire bosses use permissible flame safety lamps. Face bosses likewise use permissible flame safety lamps, however, these men continue to ride into and out of the mine on a locomotive.

TABLE 1.-Analyses of air samples collected, June 5-6, 1944

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Analyses of air samples given in table 1 show that ventilation was inadequate in the 4 west section as the air contained less than 20 percent oxygen and more than 0.5 percent carbon dioxide.

*1. The fan should be installed on the surface in a fireproof housing and be offset at least 25 feet from the nearest side of the mine opening.

2. Ample pressure relief or explosion doors should be provided.

*3. The quantity of air reaching the last open crosscut in any pair of working entries should be at least 6,000 cubic feet a minute.

*4. Entry stoppings should be constructed of incombustible material.

*5. Main doors should be erected in pairs to form air locks; they should not be provided with latches.

*6. A split ventilation system utilizing air crossings should be used instead of doors for conducting ventilation in all main passageways.

*7. Intervals between crosscuts should not exceed 60 feet.

8. Gob-wall or tight board stoppings should be used in room crosscuts.

*9. Places should not be worked on an air current that has passed through abandoned workings that are not or cannot be regularly inspected.

*10. Haulage and hoisting openings and main and intermediate haulageways should be on intake air. It is recognized, particularly in view of war conditions, that changes in ventilation to comply with this standard are of such magnitude that it would be impracticable to carry them out at present. However, such changes should be made as soon as feasible.

*11. All entries, rooms, or sections that cannot be well ventilated and inspected, or are not used for coursing the air or transportation, should be sealed by strong fireproof stoppings.

12. Mine examiners should not use locomotives for transportation when making inspections.

13. Air in which men are required to work or travel should contain at least 20 percent oxygen and not more than 0.5 percent carbon dioxide.


Accumulations of coal dust were noted along haulage roads and in rooms. Dusty atmospheres were prevalent during cutting and loading operations. No means are used to allay this dust.

Dust samples collected during the previous inspection indicated that additional rock dusting was required. No samples were collected during this inspection; additional rock dusting has not been done, so the condition is unchanged.

*1. Water or a wetting solution should be applied to the cutter bars of mining machines and the loading heads of conveyors to allay the dust.

*2. All open, unsealed places in the mine should be thoroughly rock-dusted to within at least 40 feet of the faces so that the incombustible content of the resultant dust will be 65 percent plus an additional 1 percent for every 0.1 percent of methane in the mine air.

*3. Dust accumulations should be loaded into cars and removed from the mine.


The surface haulage tracks are well maintained. However, frogs, switches, and guardrails are not blocked; some of the switches are not equipped with switch throws. This also applies to conditions underground. Car droppers do not wear safety belts when handling railroad cars at the tipple, as previously reported.

Haulage roads throughout the mine are generally dirty. Clearance is inade quate and shelter holes are not provided. A clearance of 12 inches is being maintained on the trolley wire side as recommended.

Cars are still being pushed and trip riders ride on the front end of trips. Trip riders also jump on and off moving trips. As previously reported, no trip lights are used, and tocomotives are not equipped with gongs and do not carry jacks or other suitable rerailers.

Men continue to ride on the trolley wire side of man-trips, and some employees were noted leaving the trip before it came to a full stop.

1. Track switches on the surface and underground should be complete with switch throws; the rod extending from the bridle bar to the throw should be covered so as to eliminate stumbling hazards.

2. Frogs, switches, and guardrails should be blocked; this applies to surface and underground.

3. Car droppers handling railroad cars at the tipple should wear safety belts. 4. Haulage roads should be kept free of coal spillage and debris.

* 5. On all haulage roads, there should be a continuous clearance on the side opposite the power wires of at least 30 inches between the nearest obstruction to the farthest projection of any moving equipment.

* 6. Shelter holes should be provided along all haulageways on the clearance side at 60-foot intervals. Crosscuts properly cleaned out are suitable.

* 7. Pushing cars or trips should be eliminated insofar as possible; no trips should be pushed on main haulageways, except at partings or in an emergency. 8. Trip riders should be prohibited from riding on the front bumpers of pushed trips, and from jumping on and off trips while they are in motion.

*9. A permissible trip light should be used on the rear of all trips and on the front end of cars being pushed.

* 10. Locomotives should be equipped with warning gongs and should carry jacks or other suitable rerailers.

11. Men should not ride on the trolley wire side on man-trips.


No major changes have been made in the electrical system and equipment since the previous inspection. A dead-front switchboard has been provided for the 2,300-volt generator on the surface; so, guarding the front of the board is unnecessary.

As previously reported, the underground motor-generator substation was not equipped with fireproof doors.

Telephone lines are installed in many places on the same side of the entry as power wires, and in some instances, they are in contact with bare feeder lines. This is a hazardous condition, since the telephones are not equipped with fuses and the casings are not grounded. Nips on cutting machines, loading machines, drill and locomotive cables are not equipped with fuses. Trolley wires are not guarded at all places where men are required to pass under them. The trolley lines are not sectionalized or guarded at man-trip stations.

The frames of mining machines, loading machines, and electric drills, are not grounded, and no fuse protection is provided for the mining and loading machines. Temporary cable splices are made with splicing rings, and covered with friction tape. These splices appeared mechanically and electrically strong, but they are considered permanent.

The thread bars of electric drills have been fully guarded, an improvement since the previous inspection.

Permanent pump installations are not housed in fireproof rooms, and the wiring is poorly installed. No fire protection is provided. The frames of the pump motors, however, have been grounded.

All electrical equipment underground is of the nonpermissible type.

1. The underground substation should be equipped with fire doors arranged to close automatically in case of fire.

* 2. Telephone lines should be installed on the side opposite the power wires, and the telephones should be equipped with fuses and ground connections.

*3. Nips of mining machines, loading machines, drill and locomotive cables should be equipped with fuses.

4. Trolley wires should be sectionalized at man-trips stations, and the power should be cut from the line when men load and unload. In addition, the trolley wire should be guarded, at these stations.

5. Trolley wires less than 6% feet above the rail should be guarded at all places where men are required to pass under them.

*6. The frames of mining machines, loading machines, and electric drills should be grounded.

7. Proper fuse protection should be provided for mining and loading machines. 8. Permanent cable splices should be made by competent persons in underground or surface repair shops; splices should preferably be vulcanized.

9. Permanent pump installations should be in fireproof rooms.

10. Wiring for pump installations should be properly installed on insulators, and proper fuse protection should be provided.

11. If possible, permissible junction boxes should be used in making connections at the working faces.

*12. The use of nonpermissible electrical equipment in the face regions requires that each working place be carefully examined for gas immediately before the equipment is taken into or operated in the place, and at least every 30 minutes while the equipment is in the face. The general air of the place should not contain more than one-half of 1 percent methane, and if more than 1 percent methane can be found in cavities in the roof, the equipment should not be taken

into or operated in the place until the pocket of gas has been removed by additional ventilation.

13. Any replacement of equipment, so far as feasible, should be of permissible type.


The cutter chains of mining machines were not equipped with locking devices or guarded when machines were being moved. Also, the belt and gear drives on pumps were not guarded.

The V-belt drive on the shaker-screen motor was still not guarded. Also, the various gear and belt drives in the shop have not been equipped with guards. All hand tools observed were in good condition.

1. Mining machines should not be loaded on their trucks or moved unless they are equipped with adequate locking devices for the cutter chains, and the exposed bits at the cutter bar should be guarded or removed.

*2. All belt and gear drives in the tipple and shop should be guarded.


Fire extinguishers and dry sand in containers are provided at the underground substation. No other improvements have been made in fire-fighting facilities. Oil is stored in 50-gallon drums in open crosscuts and room necks.

1. Adequate fire-fighting facilities should be provided at strategic locations underground.

*2. Underground storage places for oil and grease should be of fireproof construction.

*3. Oil and grease kept in face regions or other working locations should be in portable, closed metal containers.


The emergency escapeway in the air shaft is a well-maintained and properly railed stairway. Signs indicating the way of escape are posted.

The system of checking men into and out of the mine does not provide a positive means of identifying the personnel underground.

All of the employees use carbide lamps, and smoking underground is permitted; both are fire and gas ignition hazards.

About 90 percent of the men wear hard hats, and about 80 percent wear safetytoe shoes. No goggles were observed.

*1. A check-in-and-out system should be adopted that will provide positive identification, upon the person of every individual underground. An accurate record of the men in the mine should be kept in a place that will not be affected in the event of an explosion.

*2. All employees should use permissible electric cap lamps, and smoking in the mine should be prohibited.

*3. All employees should wear safety-toe shoes; safety hats should be worn by all underground employees and also surface employees doing work where there is danger from falling objects.

*4. Goggles should be worn by all employees doing work where particles are likely to fly.


No safety organization is maintained, and no safety inspector is employed. Following is the company's accident experience for 1942 and 1943:

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