Imágenes de páginas

stead; (?) sous les auspices de Maineduc, ils ont vu ses disciples former les mêmes vœux pour cette Jerusalem céleste, pour ce feu purifiant, (ce sont leurs expressions, je les ai entendues de leur bouche même,) pour ce feu purifiant, qui ne doit embraser l'univers par la révolution Françoise, que pour rendre triomphantes par-tout,et dans Londres même comme dans Paris, l'égalité et la liberté des Jacobins."-Ibid. vol. 5, p. 299.

These are all the passages in this author which relate to Avignon: and they are sufficiently curious.

I have a note somewhere from Bernino, showing that the old heretics had a masonic way of recognizing each other. What Barruel says of the Knights Templars is monstrous, even so as to outrage common sense. His notion respecting Manicheism is more plausible, and I should like to believe it. It would account for the strange disappearance of a mythology which was not ill conceived, and a good deal better than the Popery which extinguished it. The Abbé says that Manes deserved to be flead alive-for which charitable opinion I should like to have a square half-inch of his posteriors condemned to this operation.

Ecrasez l'infame. I observe that in one place where Voltaire goes on speaking of the wretch, the word is feminine,-elle- | what therefore if it mean, as is most likely, the church, the church of Rome being the only one he knew,-the whore? and by this appellation?

With regard to the derivation from the Templars, he relates a story most incredibly absurd, upon the authority of a person "aujourd'hui un grave magistrat, qui, reçu Franc-Maçon dès l'année 1761, avoit d'abord passé une grande partie de sa vie dans le secret des loges." He gave me, in fact, says the Abbé, "des notions plus claires sur la

distinction des Rose-Croix et de leurs trois grades, l'un purement chrétien, le second appellé des Frondeuns, ou de la cabale, le troisième de la religion purement naturelle. Un objet spécial de ce troisième grade étoit, 1. de venger les Templiers, 2. de s'empa

rer de l'lle de Malte pour en faire le berceau de la religion naturelle. Il me dit làdessus des choses que l'on a peine à croire; il me dit, par exemple, en termes exprès, ‘A la fin de 1773, ou dans le courant de 1774, la loge dont j'étois alors Vénérable reçut du grand Orient, une lettre qu'il nous assuroit être la copie de celle que lui avoit écrite le Roi de Prusse. Elle ne devoit être communiquée qu'aux chevaliers de la Palestine, aux chevaliers de Kadosh, et au directoire Ecossois. Elle me parvint par les loges de la correspondance; quoiqu'elle eut déjà été lue dans quelques loges elle n'avoit cependant encore reçu que trois signatures. Par cette lettre on nous exhortoit à signer, en execution du serment que nous avions fait, l'obligation de marcher à la première requisition, et de contribuer de nos personnes, et de toutes nos facultés morales et phisiques à la conquête de l'Ile de Malte, et de tous les biens situés sous les deux hémisphères qui avoient appartenus aux ancêtres de l'ordre maçonnique. On annonçoit comme but de notre établissement à Malte, la possibilité d'y former le berceau de la religion naturelle.' En lisant cet article, je dis à l'auteur de ce mémoire; mais si j'écris cela, on ne me croira pas on vous croira ou non, répondit-il, mais, j'ai vu et reçu la lettre, que ma loge pourtant refusa de signer. J'ajoute, moi; on le croira ou non; mais j'ai ce mémoire, et je suis bien sûr qu'il est d'un homme très-estimé et très-estimable.”—Tom. 4, p. 130.

Professor Robison shows, with much more probability, that the lodges were made use of by the Jacobites.1

"EN nuestros tiempos he visto yo un hombre agigantado en Andalucia de extraordinarias fuerças, que le llamaban por ironia el Niño que detenia el movimiento de una rueda de molino, impelida de copioso

1 Perhaps it is hardly necessary to add that all these extracts are from the Abbé's Memoires

pour servir a l'Histoire du Jacobinisme. Londres, 1797-8. 8vo. 4 vols.-J. W. W.

cance de aguas."— MARQUES DE SORITO. | from 1737 to 1746; from 1801 to 1810 they Exam. Apol. p. 12.

"THE effect of Mr. Wm. Smith's bill for repealing the laws in force against the revilers of the Trinity, appears to be this; that while men are subject, and properly subject, to criminal prosecutions for any libel upon the sovereign, his ministers, or others, they may now libel their God with impunity!"—Anti-Jacobin,1 July, 1813, p. 46.

CHURCH Reformers, "who out of a well meaning desire to make the lamp of truth dart its rays with the greater splendour, snuff it so nearly that they extinguish it quite, and leave us nothing but the stink of its snuff."-SIR G. MACKENZIE's Essays, p.


"CHURCHES do like coy maids lace their bodies so strait, that they bring on them a consumption, and will have the gate of heaven to have been only made for themselves." -Ibid. p. 28.

"It is a remark of Clarendon's that there is scarce any language which can properly signify the English expression-Good nature."-SPRATT's Obs. on Sorbiere.

RUPTURE Society. Redhead Yorke says that when he was raising a regiment for service during the last war, he was obliged to reject nearly 200 men in the vigour of life, and in every other respect fit for the service, except that they had this infirmity.

THE Controversy about standing or sitting during psalm-singing. Lord Monboddo thought that man lost his tail by the habit of sitting, forgetting dogs, cats, and monkeys.

INCREASE of madness. The orders on lunatic petitions were 484 in the ten years

A curious defence of Astrology in this num. ber by J. W. Puckle. Vide.-R. S.

were 1139. But this may be as well ascribed to the increase of property.

LA BEATA DE CUENCA was wife of a countryman in the village of Villar del Aguila in that diocese. She said that Christ had consecrated her body, and as in the Eucharist, converted her body and blood into his own. She found believers who worshipped her, carried her in procession through the streets to the church with tapers, &c. and offered incense to her in the church as to the sacrament, kneeling before her. The Cura of the parish, another neighbouring priest, and two friars, were prime agents in these follies. The dissensions which it occasioned were not less remarkable than the cause. Some theologians argued that the thing was impossible, considering the ordinary providence of God, because if it were true, a greater prerogative would have been conferred on the Beata than on M. Sanctissima, the mother of God; and because in this case bread and wine would not be the only element of its elements, which it was a thing certain in divinity that they were. Others admitted the possibility, as a necessary consequence of Omnipotence, but deemed the proof deficient. Others again appealed to the character of the Beata as sufficient proof. It was very properly settled by the Inquisition. She died in their secret prisons,-her image was placed on an ass at a public auto da fé, and in that manner carried to be burnt, some of her accomplices were whipped and banished, or suspended from their functions, or sent to the galleys. (In Charles IV.'s reign.)

CLARA, the Beata of Madrid, pretended to be bedridden, and to live wholly upon the wafer. She obtained a bull permitting to make the vows as a Capuchine nun, and dispensing from the clausure and living in community, because of her infirmities. It was at length discovered that the whole was a scheme for getting money, which the dupes who visited her left in large sums to be by

[blocks in formation]

IN a true and faithful account of the Island of Veritas (1788), which is a Unitarian Utopia, one of the laws is "once in every three months, let some part of the Alcoran of Mahomet be read, and let the minister make such commentaries thereon as he thinks proper."

It is said of S. Francisco de Paula, that though he appeared fat and florid, he was in reality nothing but skin and bones-this appearance being a gift of grace. Compare him to certain writers. Acta SS. April 2, p. 110.

"UN notable casa, y digno de que no se nos quede en el tintero."- PEDRO SIMON, p. 203.

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Thou happy Kyria daughter of Abijah.
Ve Ruach Elohah sister of Jehovah,
Manness of the man Jeshuah
Out of the pleura Hosannah."

Moravian Hymns, 1769. Hymn 95. Here quoted from the Satirist, but to be believed even though coming from that quarter.

MISMANAGEMENT of reviews in the British Critic and some others, the same book has been twice reviewed with opposite characters-mere carelessness!

1809. A PROPHET frightened the people of Bath and Bristol by declaring that the two cities would be overwhelmed on the 31st of March.

"WHY may we not improve that waste land of divisions which are in fields, wherein the landmark is set, and make the same of different fruits, that so those excellent liquors

of cyder and perry may as plentifully abound in England as wines in many foreign parts, or orange trees in Italy ?" DR. LAMBE"The Helmontists' brewingbook."—p. 21. 28.45.

WOLSEY had prepared a stone coffin for himself which lay as lumber in a room adjoining St. George's chapel, and was given by the king, for the body of Lord Collingwood. His coffin therefore is as remarkable as Nelson's.

AT Largo in Fifeshire, an institution for the support of twenty old men of the name of Wood, upon a liberal foundation. This family and namesake feeling,-Dulwich College,-Winchester.

THE S. Raphael, one of the Spanish line of battle ships taken by Sir R. Calder, being too bad for a sheer-hulk was purchased by Mr. Hawker of Plymouth to serve for a dry dock, the stern to be cut off, and a pair of gates hung in its stead. A ship of the like class was used for the same purpose, some years ago in the Thames, and made a profit

able return to the undertaker. The St. ter, it is obvious that by placing props, or Raphael sold for £1780.

But this is the iron age. The N. Chronicle, vol. 25, p. 219, contains a description of a wrought iron moveable caisson with a rudder for docking a ship while riding at her moorings, in any depth of water, leaving her keel dry in three hours, without removing her stores or masts.

The floating dock of iron is half an inch thick, 220 feet long, 64 wide, and 30 deep, weighing about 400 tons, or when immersed in water 350, and rendered nearly buoyant by an air receptacle which surrounds, and which is capable of suspending the whole weight with great exactness, and which is rivetted to it in such a manner as also to strengthen the caisson, and support the principal shoars from the ship. There is a stanch | six feet wide on the top for the workmen to stand upon and also to strengthen the cais


While light it draws nine feet of water. When taken to the ship intended to be docked, the water is to be let into it at an opening or plug hole in the bottom, and it is to be suffered to sink until the upper part is even with the surface of the water; the air tube still keeping it buoyant. A small quantity of air is then to be discharged, by opening a plug hole in the air receptacle, until a quantity of water is let in, just sufficient to sink the caisson below the ship's bottom. This being effected, the caisson (nearly buoyant) is then to be raised to the surface of the water by ropes made fast from the caisson to each quarter of the ship. A pump placed within the caisson is then to be worked by a steam engine of twelve horse power, placed in a barge alongside, which will empty it in three hours, and reduce the draft eight feet of water, that is from twenty-six to eighteen feet, when she may be carried up into shoal water if required, or alongside wharfs, or jetty heads of the dock yards. The ship's sides and bottom tending to fall outwards by their own weight, and the sides and bottom of the caisson tending to be forced inwards by the external pressure of the wa

shoars, between, both will be supported, while the ship will ride with all her stores on board, and masts standing, nearly as easy as when in water. Should inconveniences be apprehended at any time from blowing weather, the caisson may be cast off and let fall to the bottom, where it cannot be injured; and whence it may be raised to the ship's bottom again with as little labour as weighing an anchor. The caisson will be twelve feet above water when there is a first rate ship in it,—this is a sufficient height to prevent the sea breaking over. By this plan a ship may have her bottom examined and be out of dock again in six hours. A caisson capable of docking a first rate will not cost more than £20,000; judging from the duration of wrought iron salt pans, it will last twenty years without repair, and when worn out it will break up and sell for one third of its original cost.

In the next page. Hollow iron masts— stronger, lighter, more durable, less liable to injury than wood, and easily repaired at sea. It weighs twelve tons, and costs £540. A wooden one weighs twenty-three, and costs £1200. It is made to strike nearly as low as the deck, to ease the ship, when a wooden mast would be cut away. It is also a conductor,—a bolt from the bottom being carried through kelson and keel. This is not all -yards, bowsprits, chain shrouds and stays of iron are recommended, and finally the whole hull.

CAST iron coffins were made at some of the Yorkshire founderies some thirty years ago, packing one within another like nests of pill-boxes, for convenience of carriage; but they did not get into use.

1779. A MR. CONSTABLE of Woolwich passing through the churchyard there at midnight, heard people singing jovially. At first he thought they were in the church, but the doors were locked, and it was all silent there:-on looking about he found

THE Country between Colchester and Harwich visited annually by large flocks of rooks, who stay about two or three months, lodging in the woods at night, and then return to the rookeries in Norfolk, eighty miles dis

some drunken sailors who had got into a large | endowment) for the blind, which enable them family vault, and were regaling with bread, to distribute £4,500 yearly! 1809. cheese, tobacco, and strong beer. They belonged to the Robust, man of war, and having resolved to spend a jolly night on shore, had kept it up in a neighbouring alehouse till the landlord turned them out, and then they came here to finish their evening. They had opened some of the coffins in their dare devil drunkenness (which the N. Chronicle calls jollity), and crammed the mouth of one of the bodies with bread, and cheese, and beer. Constable with much difficulty prevailed on them to return to their ship. In their way one fell down in the mud, and was suffocated, as much from drunkenness as they, and many were picked up as they lay helpless on the ground.

real danger.
their shoulders and carried him back to sleep
in company with the honest gentlemen with
whom he had passed the evening.

The comrades took him on

ABOUT forty years ago the Dutch introduced potatoes in Bengal, and sold them in Calcutta at five shillings a pound! This they were enabled to do by the fondness of the English for what they are used to in their own country, and by keeping secret the mode of culture. Other persons planted, but the haulm or stem shot up so rapidly and grew so high that it spent the plant. The Dutch cut it down several times in the early part of the season, and thus forced the plant to produce its fruit under ground. It is said that the potatoe has now accommodated itself to the climate there, and is getting into general use. Comm. to the Board of Agriculture, vol. 6, p. 1.

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Jan. 1809. THE rain froze as it fell, and in London the umbrellas were so stiffened that they could not be closed. Birds had their feathers frozen so that they could not

Jan. 4, 1809. THERE being only four cod in Billingsgate, a fisherman gave fourteen guineas for them, and salmon soon after was sold at a guinea a pound!

PROSTITUTION.-Girls bought as property. One dealer has three establishments - at London, Bath, and Cheltenham, shifting the stock according to the season! Where according to relative proportions the children of dissenters ought to be ten, in fact they are only three.-Panorama, vol. 6, p. 41.

Half the prostitutes compelled to work in the day for part of their maintenance, so overstocked are the streets, and thousands of women who have plenty of work "try their chance," as they call it.-Ibid. vol. 6, p. 875.

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A girl who had been four years on the town begged to be taken into custody at a watch house, and was denied by the men in attendance, because "she had no charge brought against her." The beadle of St. 4,320,000 Bride's urged them to take her in for the 16,240,000 night,—and at last provided her a lodging.


S. Isles adjacent to the coast 1,055,080 | In the morning, after various delays and

W. Isles


851,200 examinations before parochial officers, the 153,600 poor girl consented to go voluntarily as a 643,840 culprit to the Lord Mayor, and thence to the House of Correction, and was even entrusted with the order from the magistrate

CHRIST'S Hospital has funds (from private

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