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Mr. Surrir, resumed the consideration of the REPORT ON THE PUBLIC LANDS general appropriation hill, and several amendments made in Committee of the Whole, having been concurred in, the question came up on concurring in the amendment striking out the appropriation for the outfit of a minister to France A debate arose on this question, in Mr. CLAY, from the Committee on Manufac which Messrs. SMITH, FOOT, WEBSTER, FOR- tures, made, to the Senate, the following report: SITIL, HOLMES, and HATNE, participated; du- The Committee on Manufactures have been ring which a message was received from the instructed by the Senate, to inquire into the exHouse of Representatives, requesting the at-pediency of reducing the price of public lands, tendance there of four Senators, viz: Messrs. and of ceding them to the several States within EWING, BUCKNER, TIPTON, and GRUNDY, to which they are situated, on reasonable terms. give testimony in the trial of Samuel Houston, Far from desiring to assume the duty involved then pending, for an assault on WILLIAM STAN- in this important inquiry, it is known to the SeBERT, member of that House. On motion of nate that a majority of the committee was desirMr. WEBSTER, leave was given to the four ous that the subject should have been referred named Senators to attend, and the Senate then to some other committee. But, as the Senate adjourned. took a different view of the matter, the ComIn the House of Representatives, a message mittee on Manufactures have felt bound to acwas received from the President of the United quiesce in its decision; and, having bestowed on States, with copies of Indian treaties ratified the whole subject the best consideration in their during the present session of Congress. On power, now beg leave to submit to the Senate motion of Mr. BELL, it was laid on the table, he result of their inquiries and reflections. and ordered to be printed. The consideration The public lands belonging to the General was resumed of the report of the Committees Government are situated, 1st, within the limits on the Judiciary, on the subject of the charge. of the United States, as defined by the treaty of against the Collector of Wiscasset, and Mr peace which terminated the revolutionary war; PLENSER continued his remarks until the expi- and, 2dly, within the boundaries of Louisiana ration of the hour. The House then passed to and Florida, as ceded by France and Spain, rethe order by proceeding with the trial of Sam- spectively, to the United States. ael Houston, for a breach of privilege, in as- 1st. At the commencement of the revolutionsaulting William Stanbery, of Ohio, for words ary war, there were, in some of the States, spoken in debate. Mr. CONNER renewed his large bodies of waste and unappropriated lands, motion to admit the accused to bail, and Mr. principally west of the Alleghany mountains, MITCHELL, of S. Carolina, proposed to amend by and in the southern or southwestern quarters of acup dissolving the arrest; but at the suggestion of the Union, whilst in others, of more circum-re o 100 Mr. Sesiour, the latter motion was withdrawn, scribed or better defined limits, no such resourc I FOLG o aJOU de donnhat

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