Imágenes de páginas

JOHN JACKSON, the Arian, Master of Wigstow Hospital, Leicester, when his eyes began to fail, was immoderately fond of cards, and devoted every evening to the quadrille-table. "The seven o'clock bell at the hospital called him to evening prayer in the midst of a dispute at the game, and he crossed St. Martin's churchyard in great haste to his constant duty. As soon as prayers were over, he returned to the cardtable, and said 'I am confident I was right as to that card.' 'I submit,' replied his opponent,' for you have had leisure to consider the state of the game attentively.'-A reply at which he took no small offence."CRADOCK'S Works, vol. 4, p. 88.

Mrs. Bray.—DR. VIAL, vol. 3, p. 200. His father was Vicar of Doncaster, and he, who was born at a farm-house, Sensey, near Thirsk, was educated at Doncaster, where Dr. Bland, after head master of Eton, dean of Durham, and provost of Eton, was master. He was born 1686; and studied Hebrew under Simon Ockley at Cambridge. Warburton said of him, that he had spent his days in the republic of letters, just as vagabonds do in London, in one unwearied course of begging, railing, and stealing.— NICHOLS, Vol. 2, pp. 519-31.

IN Defoe's time there was a great manufacture of stockings, gloves, and knit waistcoats there.

A. D. 1812. A SERVANT of Williamson, the horsedealer of York, was trying a horse on the road toward the High Street, Doncaster, when it took fright between the Rein Deer and Ram inns, and leaped through the shop window of Mr. Whalley, shoemaker. The rider crouched, or he must have been killed, the height from the ground to the under part of the beam being only seven and a He was thrown upon the counhalf feet. ter, which, being near the window, prevented the horse from getting wholly into the shop. The window was of course shivered, but neither horse nor man much injured.-Edinburgh Annual Register, p. 61.

THORESBY, (Diary, vol. 2, p. 13,) speaks of a delicate parsonage-house at Cromwell,

thought to be one of the best in England, (1708): It was built by Mr. Thwaits, a Yorkshireman, (formerly schoolmaster at Doncaster), at the expense of £1000, on the road from Leeds to Grantham.

MARTIN LISter. Dean Waddilove. Sterne.

Hall Stevenson.

"Voici un dogme fort choquant; c'est que les choses qui n'ont jamais été, et qui ne seront jamais, ne sont point possibles. C'a été sans doute le sentiment d'Abelard ; et je ne vois pas que ceux qui disent que Dieu est déterminé par sa sagesse infinie à faire ce

Wish that Drayton and Barnabee had qui est le plus digne de lui puissent nier

said more of it.

HUNTER in his History of the Deanery of Doncaster, says, "it is distinctly related by Bede, that the church at Doncaster was founded by Edwin, under the auspices of Paulinus."

“Wɛ have notable fellows about Doncaster; they'll give the lie and the stab both in an instant."-WEBSTER, vol. 3, p.


Kate, the innkeeper's daughter, says this.

sans inconséquence la doctrine de ce philosophe."-BAYLE, tom. 3, p. 335.

PHILIPPUS CAROLUS, a commentator upon Aulus Gellius, says, after the Hebrews, "que ceux qui auront été mal mariés, seront absous devant Dieu, sans comparoître devant son tribunal."-Ibid. p. 450.

"NESCIO quomodo nihil tam absurdè dici potest, quod non dicatur ab aliquo philosophorum."-Cic. de Divinat. 1. 2, c. 58.

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What is it men do when this maxim is genealogy of corn and wine is resolved into

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"IF himself

(I dare avouch it boldly, for I know it) Should find himself in love,

Street, Grosvenor Square, so far back as the 20th of February, 1801, and who was then supposed to be only fifteen months

Surely his wise self would hang his beastly old, and his linen marked with the letter C, self,

His understanding self so maul his ass-self."
Ibid. act v. sc. ii.

"No owl will live in Crete."-Euphues.

OLD Merrythought's advice to his son is, "Be a good husband; that is, wear ordinary clothes, eat the best meat, and drink the best drink; be merry, and give to the poor, and believe me, thou hast no end of thy goods."— Kt. of the B. Pestle, p. 378.

"PLUSIEURS blâmeront l'entassement de

passages que l'on vient de voir; j'ai prévu leurs dédains, leurs dégoûts et leur censures magistrales, et n'ai pas voulu y avoir égard.—BAYLE, vol. 4, p. 461.

P.CAUSSIN'S Sympathy with the sun, which he called "son astre, et duquel il ressentait des opérations fort notables. Tant au corps qu'en l'esprit, selon ses approches et ses éloignemens, et à proportion qu'il se montrait, ou qu'il était couvert de nuages."Ibid. p. 612.

THE tongue made less for language than for taste,-beasts the proof, and that men can speak without tongues."-Ibid. vol. 5, p. 15. Cerisantes. Theban Legion. SIR J. MALCOLM'S Sketches of Persia.

"PLURA proponere est tutius; ne una definitio parum rem comprehendat, et, ut ita dicam, formula excidat."-SENECA, de Benef. vol. 1, p. 283.

will apply personally, or by letter, post paid, to Mr. Jordan, solicitor, 7, Lincoln's Inn Fields, they will hear of something greatly to their advantage.


"Infans eram, nec tum scribere noveram : Nunc, ut nihil aliud profecerim, saltem Socraticum illud habeo, Scio quod nescio."— BISHOP REYNOLDS, vol. 3, Ded.

"Do you not," BISHOP SANDFord asks, "find yourself continually inclined to forget that inanimate things have no volition?" "Yes," he answers himself, "I do, but so did Dean Swift, a wiser man than I, who used to say that nothing was more provoking than the perverseness of inanimate things."-Remains, vol. 1, p. 216.


"I REMEMBER," says BISHOP SANDFord, (vol. 1, p. 205,) once hearing old Dr. W. with the mild appearance of an old lion tormented with the tooth-ache, utter this charitable wish, I wish,' said he, that more people would die of diseases in the spleen, that we might know what purposes the spleen is intended to answer. Nothing would have tempted me to trust myself in the old Ogre's hands. I never heard a wish so truly professional."

"Je ne crois pas que l'on ait pensé dans ce siècle rien de grand et de délicat, que l'on ne voie dans les livres des anciens. Les plus sublimes conceptions de métaphysique et de morale que nous admirons dans quelques modernes, se rencontrent dans les livres des anciens philosophes."

OCCASIONAL drunkenness advised by Se- BAYLE, vol. 5, p. 295. neca.-Ibid. p. 229.

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des prédestinés est plus grand que celui | des réprouvés. Il y a lieu d'être surpris qu'il os at prêcher cet évangile au milieu des Suisses; car une telle doctrine est fort suspecte aux véritables réformés; et je ne pense pas qu'aucun professeur-là pût soutenir aujourd'hui en Hollande impunément." -Ibid. p. 346.

"DUM dubitat natura, marem faceretne puellam,

Factus es, ô pulcher, penè puella puer." Doret so greatly admired this epigram of Ausonius, that he insisted a demon must have been the author of it.-Ibid. p. 426.

THERE was a law at Abdera, that he who had dissipated his patrimony should not be interred in the burial place of his fathers." -Ibid. p. 460.

IN old times state promotion was a burthen upon a wise man's head, and not a feather in a coxcomb's cap.


"He was a copious subject," what Aristotle describes as dvǹp Terρáywvos, a four ἀνὴρ τετράγωνος, square man that had in every capacity, -place him how and where you woulda basis of honesty and integrity to fix upon." And yet no rough diamond, no angular sharpness about him; but teres atque rotundus in his virtue, " in his disposition made up of love and sweetness; of a balsamic nature; all for healing and helpfulness."-BISHOP Reynolds, vol. 4, p. 474.

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NAMQUE Coquus domini debet habere gułam,'-the cook must dress the meat to his master's palate, not to his own."—Ibid. p. 527.

PERFECT polity in insect communities;— and this always under absolute laws.

As the scale of intellect rises, there is nothing of these individual affections which show themselves,-with all their evil and their good.

IN our likings and dislikings there are moral as well as physical idiosyncrasies.

To the Editor of the Times.
SIR, I observe a paragraph in your
journal of yesterday, stating that Grub

I quite recollect when a boy to have seen
Rue planted under the double yellow Rose.
J. W. W.

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"THE stone Pantura draweth all other stones, be they never so heavy, having in it

It is very well known that few of LILLY'S similies are to be relied upon, - but I have several instances of this old notion, which, as this sheet passes through the press, I cannot lay my

"AND as occasion stirr'd her, how she started, hand upon.-J. W. W.

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