Imágenes de páginas
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


A bill to amend section 4 of act No. 278 of the local acts of 1889, en-
titled "An act to establish a bridge district in Bay county, and to
provide for the appointment and election of commissioners for the
construction, care and maintenance of bridges therein," approved
January 28, 1899, relative to the amount of money to be raised
annually by taxation:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the com-
mittee on cities and villages...

announcement of printing (file No. 53)

65. A bill to amend section 26 of chapter 99 of the revised statutes of 1846, entitled "Of pleadings and set-off," being section 10075 of the compiled laws of 1897:




introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on judiciary

announcement of printing (file No. 54).

A bill to provide for the determination of the personal liability of
defendants in suits in chancery to foreclose mortgages by the orig-
inal decree in such suits:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on judiciary..

announcement of printing (file No. 55).

A bill to amend an act, entitled "An act to authorize proceedings by
garnishment in the circuit courts and the district courts of the upper
peninsula," approved March 16, 1861, by enacting a new section
thereof to be numbered section 7:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on judiciary....

announcement of printing (file No. 56)

A bill to amend section 17 of an act, entitled "An act to provide for
the casting, registering, recording and counting of ballots or votes
at any regular or special election held in the state of Michigan,
by means of voting machines; to provide for the purchase of same,
and to repeal all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith," being
act No. 287 of the public acts of 1907, as amended by act No. 7 of
the laws of the extra session of 1907, as further amended by act No.
214 of the public acts of 1909:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on elections

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

announcement of printing (file No. 57)


reported favorably and placed on the general order.


considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the order
of third reading


read third time and passed, transmitted.


returned concurred in, and bill was referred for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor...


presented to the governor (enrolled No. 83)



69. A bill to provide compensation for accidents in dangerous occupations, without litigation therefor; and to provide for the appointment of a commission to carry into effect the provisions of this act: introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the committee on judiciary. . . . .


announcement of printing (file No. 58)

A bill to amend section 3 of act No. 22 of the public acts of 1891,
entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of lodges of the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks." being compiler's section
8081 of the compiled laws of 1897, as amended by act No. 33 of the
public acts of 1905:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on religious and benevolent societies..
announcement of printing (file No. 59) . . . . .
reported favorably and placed on the general order.






considered in committee of the whole and placed on the order of
third reading


read third time and passed, transmitted...


returned amended, Senate concurred and bill was referred for

printing and presentation to the governor..
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 11)





A bill making appropriations for the upper peninsula hospital for the
insane at Newberry for the biennial period ending June 30, 1912,
for buildings and special purposes and to provide a tax to meet the


introduced by Mr. Fowle, ordered printed and referred to the com-
mittee on asylum for insane at Newberry..
announcement of printing (file No. 60)....



reported favorably and referred to committee on finance and ap-


reported favorably, with amendments, amendments concurred in,
and placed on the general order..




considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in, and bill placed on the order of third reading.......... 814-15
read third time and passed, given immediate effect, transmitted..
A bill to amend section 10 of act No. 35 of the public acts of 1907, en-
titled "An act to provide for the establishment of county schools of
agriculture, manual training and domestic economy," as amended
by act No. 219 of the public acts of 1909:

introduced by Mr. Fowle, ordered printed and referred to the com-
mittee on agricultural interests...

announcement of printing (file No. 61)..



reported favorably and placed on the general order.


considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in, and bill placed on the order of third reading.
read third time and passed, transmitted...



returned amended, Senate concurred and bill was referred for
printing and presentation to the governor....
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 20)






A bill to provide for the construction of a state public wagon road
extending from the unincorporated village of Grand Marais, in the
township of Burt, county of Alger, to the unincorporated village of
Seney, in the township of Seney, county of Schoolcraft; to make an
appropriation therefor, and to provide a tax to meet the same:

introduced by Mr. Moriarty, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on roads and bridges..
announcement of printing (file No. 62).

reported favorably and referred to committee on finance and ap-

A bill making appropriations for the northern state normal school for
current expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, and June
30, 1913, and for building and special purposes for said institution
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, and for building and special
purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, and to provide a
tax to meet the same:

introduced by Mr. Moriarty, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on normal school at Marquette..
announcement of printing (file No. 63)...






reported favorably and referred to committee on finance and ap-



A bill making appropriations for the state tuberculosis sanatorium for
current expenses and for building and special purposes for the fiscal
years ending June 30, 1912, and June 30, 1913, and to provide a tax
to meet the same:

introduced by Mr. Barnaby, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on state tuberculosis sanatorium.
announcement of printing (file No. 64)....



reported favorably and referred to the committee on finance and



reported favorably with amendments, amendments concurred in,
and placed on the general order...

considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the order
of third reading

read third time and passed, given immediate effect, transmitted.
returned amended, Senate concurred, and bill was referred for
printing and presentation to the governor.
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 47)

A bill making appropriations for current expenses and special pur-
poses for the Michigan college of mines, at Houghton, for the fiscal
years ending June 30, 1912, and June 30, 1913, and to provide a
tax to meet the same:

. 1081-2






introduced by Mr. Foster, ordered printed and referred to the com-
Imittee on college of mines....


announcement of printing (file No. 65).


reported favorably and referred to committee on finance and ap-


reported favorably and placed on the general order..


considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the order
of third reading




read third time and passed, given immediate effect, transmitted. 1050 A bill authorizing the transfer of a portion of certain funds appropriated under the provisions of act No. 157 of the public acts of 1909, entitled "An act making appropriations for the Michigan employment institution for the blind, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1910, and June 30, 1911, for current expenses and building and special purposes, and to provide a tax therefor:"

introduced by Mr. Leidlein, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on Michigan employment institution for the blind..
announcement of printing (file No. 66).....

reported favorably and placed on the general order..

considered in committee of the whole and placed on the order of
third reading

read third time, passed, given immediate effect and transmitted.. A bill making appropriations for the Michigan employment institution for the blind for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1912, and June 30, 1913, for current expenses, and for building and special purposes, and to provide a tax therefor; and providing for the maintenance, expenditure, renewal and regulation of a revolving industrial fund for the blind:

introduced by Mr. Leidlein, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on Michigan employment institution for the blind..
announcement of printing (file No. 67)......








reported favorably, with substitute, substitute concurred in, and
referred to committee on finance and appropriations...
reported favorably with amendments, amendments concurred in,
and placed on the general order....



considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the order
of third reading



read third time, passed, given immediate effect, transmitted.
returned amended, Senate concurred, and agreed to the amend-
ment to the title, viz., by striking out the words "and providing
for the maintenance, expenditure, renewal and regulation of a
revolving industrial fund for the blind," and bill was referred
for printing and presentation to the governor...
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 84)..
approved ...

the title of the bill as enrolled and signed by the governor is not
the title as agreed upon by the two Houses.

79. A bill to amend sections 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 26, 36 and 38 of act
No. 207 of the public acts of 1889, approved June 29, 1889, entitled
"An act to prohibit the manufacture, sale, keeping for sale, giving
away or furnishing of vinous, malt, brewed, fermented, spirituous




or intoxicating liquors or beverages, and to suspend the general
laws of the state relative to the taxation and regulation of the
manufacture and sale of such liquors in the counties of this state
under certain circumstances; to authorize the qualified electors of
the several counties of this state to express their will in regard to
such prohibition by an election, and to authorize and empower the
board of supervisors of the several counties, after such election, if
they shall determine the result to be in favor of such prohibition,
to prohibit the manufacture, sale, keeping for sale, giving away or
furnishing of any such liquors, or the keeping of a saloon or any
other place for the manufacture, sale, storing for sale, giving away
or furnishing of the same within their respective counties; and to
provide for penalties and rights of action in case of its violation,"
as amended and added to by act No. 183 of the public acts of 1899,
approved April 18, 1899, act No. 170 of the public acts of 1903, ap-
proved June 3, 1903, and act No. 107 of the public acts of 1909, ap-
proved May 19, 1909, and to add one new section to stand as sec-
tion 40:

introduced by Mr. Vaughan, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on liquor traffic..

announcement of printing (file No. 68)
1,000 extra copies ordered printed...





A bill to fix the salary of the assistant state librarian:
introduced by Mr. Miller, ordered printed and referred to the com-
mittee on state library..


announcement of printing (file No. 69)..


reported favorably, referred to committee on finance and appro-


reported favorably and placed on the general order.


considered in committee of the whole and placed on the order
of third reading


read third time and passed, transmitted..


returned substituted, Senate concurred in substitute, ordered the
bill to take immediate effect, and it was referred for printing
and presentation to the governor.


title of the substitute returned by the House:


A bill to amend section 6 of act No. 28 of the public acts of 1895,
entitled "An act to provide for the management and control, and
for the extension of the usefulness of the state library," ap-
proved March 20, 1895, being section 1786 of the compiled laws
of 1897, relative to the salary of the assistant state librarian..
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 23).

A bill to amend act No. 315 of the public acts of 1909, entitled "An
act to enlarge and extend the powers and duties of circuit courts,
circuit courts in chancery, and superior courts of the state of Michi-
gan," by adding thereto a new section to stand as section 2 thereof:
introduced by Mr. Moriarty, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on judiciary

announcement of printing (file No. 70).

82. A bill to amend act No. 65 of the public acts of 1909, entitled "An act to provide for the payment of tuition in and transportation to another district, of children who have completed the studies of the eighth grade in any school district; and to repeal act No. 190 of the public acts of 1903, and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening the provisions of this act," and to add two new sections to said act to stand as sections 4 and 5:






introduced by Mr. Putney, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on education and public schools..
announcement of printing (file No. 71)...



reported favorably, with amendments, amendments concurred in,
and placed on the general order..


considered in committee of the whole and placed on the order
of third reading


read third time and passed, transmitted...


returned concurred in, and bill was referred for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor.


presented to the governor (enrolled No. 9)




A bill to amend sections 8 and 10 of act No. 147 of the public acts of
1891, entitled "An act to provide for the election of a county com-
missioner of schools, for the appointment of school examiners, and
to define the duties and fix the compensation for the same, and to
repeal all existing acts or parts of acts conflicting with the pro-
visions of this act," and acts amendatory thereto, being compiler's
sections 4815 and 4817 of the compiled laws of 1897, as amended
by section 8 of act No. 99 of the public acts of 1901, sections 8 and
10 of act No. 148 of the public acts of 1905, section 8 of act No. 127
of the public acts of 1907, and section 8 of act No. 264 of the public
acts of 1909:

introduced by Mr. Putney, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on education and public schools.
announcement of printing (file No. 72)..




reported favorably, with amendments, amendments concurred in,
and placed on the general order....


considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in, and bill placed on the order of third reading....
read third time and passed, transmitted...






returned amended, Senate concurred, and bill was referred for
printing and presentation to the governor.
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 50)

A bill to amend section 31 of act No. 183 of the public acts of 1897,
entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and to fix the term
of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in
the state of Michigan," approved May 29, 1897, being section 393 of
the compiled laws of 1897, relative to the compensation of the cir-
cuit court stenographer in the eighteenth judicial circuit:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on judiciary


announcement of printing (file No. 73).


reported favorably and placed on the general order.


considered in committee of the whole and placed on the order of
third reading ..


read third time and passed, transmitted.


returned concurred in, and bill was referred for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor.....


presented to the governor (enrolled No. 2)
approved .:


85. A bill to amend sections 1 to 14, both inclusive, of chapter 5 of act
No. 283 of the public acts of 1909, entitled "An act to revise, con-
solidate and add to the laws relating to the establishment, opening,
improvement, maintenance and use of the public highways and pri-
vate roads, the condemnation of property and gravel therefor; and
building, repairing and preservation of bridges, setting and protect-
ing shade trees, drainage, cutting weeds and brush within this state,
and providing for the election and defining the powers, duties and
compensation of state, county, township and district highway

introduced by Mr. Leidlein, 1,000 extra copies ordered printed,
and referred to the committee on roads and bridges..
announcement of printing (file No. 74)...




reported substituted with Senate bill No. 173; substitute agreed
to, ordered printed and placed on the general order....
the title of the substitute is as follows:

A bill to amend sections 6, 8 and 24 of chapter 4, sections 10 and
11 of chapter 5, and section 7 of chapter 14 of act No. 283 of
the public acts of 1909, entitled "An act to revise, consolidate


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