Imágenes de páginas

reserved for the first Virginia regi-
ment, X. 220. Washington's lands
there, XII. 264, 301, 318.

Great Meadows, encampment at, in
1754, II. 25. Skirmish near there
with Jumonville's party, 26, 32, 447.
Situation of the, 457. Washington
the owner of land there, XII. 276,
319. See JUMONVILLE, Necessity, and
Ohio Expedition.

GREATON, JOHN, Colonel, despatched
to Canada, III. 365. Brigadier-gen-
eral, VIII. 457, XII. 415.
GREEN, JOHN, Major, leads the ad-
vance at Mamaronec; dangerously
wounded, IV. 524, 526. Lieutenant-

Colonel, sent with a reinforcement to
Fort Mifflin, V. 120.
GREENE, CHRISTOPHER, Colonel, in the
expedition to Quebec, III. 164, 165,
250, 261. To take command at Red
Bank; his instructions, V. 86, 91, 120.
To cooperate with Baron d'Arendt,
101. His success against Donop; re-
ceives directions about prisoners and
arms, 110-114. Sword voted to, by
Congress, 155. Regiment and levies
under, to join the army, VII. 138.
Killed in action near Croton River,
VIII. 48.

GREENE, EBENEZER, Captain, one of
the hostages given at the Cedars, VI.
481, 482.

of Nathanael Greene, VIII. 381. Facts
respecting, IX. 202.

GREENE, NATHANAEL, brigadier-gen-
eral, III. 23. Stationed at Winter Hill,
54. His humorous account of the
examination of four suspected per-
sons, IV. 9. Appointed major-general,
32. To assist a committee sent to
King's County, 42, 43. Sick at the
time of the battle on Long Island, 60,
62, 80, 513. Commends the retreat
from Long Island, 80. Advocates the
evacuation of New York, 85, 91. On
Washington's vexation at the flight
of the soldiers near New York, 92.
Commands on the Jersey side of the
North River, 124. On garrisoning
Forts Lee and Washington, 158, 165.
On the temper of the militia, 162.
On the surrender of Fort Washing-
ton, 182. Despatched to Congress;
instructions to, 367, 368. To put the
North River and the passes of the
Highlands in a condition for defence,
414, 434. On a mode for obstructing
the North River, 416, 434. Harasses
the British on their retreat to Amboy,
471. His letter declining to serve
under Ducoudray; resolve of Con-


gress thereon, 490, 491. Cited, before
the battle of Trenton, 542. Extract
from Hamilton's Eulogy on, 544. His
opinion of short enlistments, 545; V.
44. At the battle of Germantown,
78-80, 464. To command a rein-
forcement for the support of Red
Bank, 163. Does not approve attack-
ing Philadelphia, 168. Cited respect-
ing Lafayette, 170. Returns from
New Jersey, 174. On a council of
war at Valley Forge, 360. Com-
mands the right wing at the battle
of Monmouth, 426. Despatched to
Rhode Island to take a command un-
der Sullivan, VI. 22, 28. His efforts
to induce Count d'Estaing to unite
again in an attack on Newport, 40,
41, 45. On the conduct of officers in
the action on Rhode Island, 51. Goes
to Boston to facilitate the supply of
the French fleet, 73. His efficiency
and perplexities as quartermaster-gen-
eral, and his resignation, 229, 230, 339.
Questions to, upon violations of parole
by officers, 277. The connexion of
his services as quartermaster-general
with actual military command, 337.
Joined with Duportail in examining
the grounds about Morristown, 419.
On unfriendly feelings in Congress to-
wards the Commander-in-chief, 422,
492. Consults Luzerne in relation to
an expedition to Canada, 423. His
difficulties about quartering officers,
428, 449-451. Visits Congress about
the affairs of his department, 492.
Proceedings in Congress about an
inquiry into his conduct, VII. 5. On
the perplexities of the quartermaster's
department, 53; 65. Takes command
of the troops at Springfield and its vi-
cinity, 83, 85. Opposes the British
in their expedition to Springfield, 85,
506. Directions to, on the proposed
reduction of New York, 112; 130.
His resignation as quartermaster, 145,
150, 512. Commended, 153. To
command a foraging party, 173.
Takes command of the army while
Washington goes to Hartford, 207 –
209. Directions to, and his proceed-
ings after the discovery of Arnold's
treason, 215, 216, 221, 236, 539, 541 -
543. Solicits and obtains the com-
mand on the North River; directions
to, 231, 232, 237. His appointment
to the command of the southern ar-
my, 257-260, 263, 271-276, 286,
288. Directions to, about incursions
on the frontiers of New York, 261.
Invested with the power of negotiat
ing an exchange of prisoners, 273,


288, 289. Plans the army, 289. His
perplexing situation, 320, 321, 360.
Great apprehensions for, 420. Re-
treats before Cornwallis, 438, 445,
456, 457. His engagement with Corn.
wallis at Guilford Court-House, 466,
VIII. 5, 16. Approbation of the move-
ments of, 116. Gains a victory at Eu-
taw Springs, 173, 188. Asks respect-
ing retaliation in the case of Hayne,
217. Compels the enemy to abandon
their outposts, 241. Reinforcements
to, 242, 259, 267. Letter to, on the
campaign of 1782, 317; on the pros-
pects of peace, 326; respecting the
southern army, 347. Congratulated
on having put an end to the hostilities
in the southern States, 380; 410.
Urged to attend the meeting of the
Society of the Cincinnati; his opin-
ions respecting a change in it, IX. 22,
27, 495, 500. Death of, 180, 226, 243.
Monument voted to, by Congress, 181,
182, 186; 201.

GREENE, WILLIAM, governor of Rhode
Island, VII. 138. Desired the de-
struction of the fortifications at New-
port, VIII. 270, 289.

Grenada, captured by Estaing, VI. 320.
GRENVILLE, Lord, VIII. 327, 540.
Sends Fauchet's intercepted letter to
the British minister in America, XI.
52, 55, 76. Representations to be
made to, 99. Gives a special permit
for shipments for the President, 129.
GREY, a British general, destroys Bed-
ford, VI. 63, 66.


GRIDLEY, RICHARD, Colonel, facts re-
specting, III. 50, 148, 219.
GRIFFIN, CYRUS, appointed a commis-
sioner to make a treaty with the
southern Indians, X. 29, 57.
pointed district judge, 58, 59. Presi-
dent of Congress, XII. 420.
GRIFFIN, SAMUEL, Colonel, advances
towards the British head-quarters in
New Jersey, IV. 542; IX. 328, 361.
Griswold, Fort, carnage at, VIII. 179,

Guard of the Commander-in-chief, cir-
cular respecting the formation of the,
IV. 407.

GUICHEN, Count de, VII. 42, 154; 481.
Requested to furnish assistance, 195,
199. Goes to France, 199, 239, 330.
Proceedings upon the expectation
that he is on the coast, 203, 208.
Guilford Court-House, action there,
VII. 466.

Gullies, hints on, XII. 361, 366.


Hackinsac River, position of the Amer-
ican forces at, 188, 189.
Haerlem, troops at, 111. 75, 77. Head-
quarters; position of the army at, IV.
93, 95. Skirmish at, 98, 104, 136.
Removal from, 151 - 155. Decision of
a council of war at, 155.
HALDIMAND, FREDERIC, a British lieu-
tenant-general, III. 29. Requests
troops, VI. 307, 367; VII. 179. Cor-
respondence with, VIII. 428, 459,
461 - 465, 472.

HALE, NATHAN, Captain, biographical
facts respecting; executed by the
British as a spy; comparison of, with
André, VII. 549–552.
HALF-KING, a sachem, whose Indian
name was Tanacharison, a speech in
reply to a friendly message from; is
consulted by Ensign Ward, before his
surrender at the Fork of the Ohio, in
1754, II. 7, 16. A short speech to,
20. His message about the approach
of the French army, 25, 451. Present
in the skirmish with Jumonville's
party, 32, 452; his opinion of their
intent; sends a message to the gover-
nor, 35. Sends to the Indians for
warriors, 44. Receives the name of
Dinwiddie, 47. Washington ordered
to visit, in 1753, 428. His speech,
434. The French general's haughty
reply, 435. His speech favoring the
mission in 1753, 437. Accompanies
the agent, 439. Offers the speech
belt to Joncaire, 441. Is cautioned
against Joncaire, 444.

Half-pay for officers after the termina-
tion of the war, V. 312, 313, 322, 351,
352. Morris cited respecting the pros-
pects of, in Congress, 340. Finally
settled, 370, 381. Again recommend-
ed, VI. 169. Established in Pennsyl-
vania, VII. 166, 247. Agreed to, by
Congress, 247, 255, 256, 297. Lincoln
cited respecting the, VIII. 356. Re-
marks on the, in connexion with the
"Newburg Addresses," 398, 403. Not
to be viewed in the light of a pension,

Opposed in Connecticut, IX. 6.
Halifax, proclamations respecting stran-
gers coming to, III. 169. Irish regi-
ments arrive at, 282. British fleet
sails from, for Sandy Hook, 441. Pro-
posed destruction of, by the French,
VII. 33, 36. Successful measures ta-
ken to procure information respecting,

HALKET, FRANCIS, Major, II. 277.
Wounded at Braddock's defeat, 471.
HALKET, SIR PETER, II. 79. Acts as

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brigadier under Braddock, 82, 468.
Killed, 88, 471.

HALL, JOSIAS C., Colonel, his disobe-
dience of orders, V. 304. Cited, 305;
X. 150, 154.

New York artillery company, III. 368.
Extract from his Eulogy on Greene,
IV.544. Despatched to Congress with
the result of a council of war, V. 40.
Sent to Philadelphia to procure blan-
kets and clothing, 67. Sent to Gates
and Putnam, 122, 123, 125, 127. Meets
with obstacles, 156. Orders Putnam
to send troops to the main army, and
is sustained by the Commander-in-
chief, 160-163. A commissioner re-
specting prisoners, 272. On the con-
duct of Congress in regard to prison-
ers, 306; 502. His letter respecting
Conway's Cabal, 508; 525. Sent to
Count d'Estaing, upon his arrival on
the coast, VI. 5, 9, 11. Estaing's
opinion of, 105. Meets British com-
missioners respecting the Convention
troops, 139. Despatched to Count
d'Estaing, 378-380. Receives direc-
tions, 398; 409. Commissioner to
exchange prisoners, 483. Despatched
to Verplanck's Point, to intercept and
seize Arnold, VII. 215. Recommend-
ed by Lafayette and Greene for the
office of adjutant-general, 315, 321,
322. His qualifications to go as spe-
cial minister to France, 341. Com-
mended, 399; VIII. 22. Applies for
employment in a light corps in the
army, 26. Takes command of a bat-
talion and joins the advanced corps
under Scammel, 117, 118. His brav-
ery at the storming of the redoubts at
Yorktown, 179. In Congress, 179, 379,
388, 410, 418. Chairman of a commit-
tee for a Peace Establishment, 417;
IX. 260; 541. Disagrees with Clinton,
272. A writer in The Federalist, 284.
Cited about Washington's being Pres-
ident, 421, 434, 437. Appointed Sec-
retary of the Treasury, X. 11. To
make investigations of the accounts
against the British prisoners, 63. His
interview with Major Beckwith, and
preparations for the opening of Con-
gress, 116, 494. On the powers of
the national government, 156; 161.
On the reelection of the President,
258, 510. His disagreement with Jef-
ferson, 280, 283, 306, 515. On an act
making provision for the debt of the
United States, 288. On the insurrec-
tion in Pennsylvania, 291, 297, 526.
His opinion as to the place and mode
of administering the inaugural oath to

the President, 321, 323. On a loan in
Holland, and about the Indians, 349,
352. Gives notice of his resolution
to resign, 351. Sick with the malig-
nant fever, 368. Inquiry into his
management of the Treasury Depart-
ment, 370, 396, 554. His opinion as to
the power of the Executive to change
the place of convening Congress, 378,

550. Remarks on his nomination to
the court of Great Britain, 399, 557.
His continuance in office, 413, 414.
On compensation for captured vessels,
421. Goes with the army against the
Pennsylvania insurgents, 448. Let-
ters from, 450. His resignation, XI.
16; 95. Opposes the call of the
House of Representatives for papers
in relation to the British treaty, 116.
Cited respecting Rufus King's quali-
fications for minister to London, 128.
On the conduct of France, 187; on
Washington's taking command of the
Provisional army, 236, 532. His ap-
pointment in the Provisional ariny,
258, 264, 265, 268, 278, 282, 283,
297, 304, 307, 312, 530, 537. His
commission given to, 330. Queries
to, about the Provisional army, 341,
344. Drafts the arrangements for
raising and organizing it, 346; 375.
On the disposition of military forces
and posts, 422. Instructions to, 417,

Cited respecting a letter from
Mr. King, 436. Recommends Wil-
kinson's promotion, 439; 452. His
note to the President respecting his
Farewell Address, XII. 391. His
agency in it, 394.

HAMILTON, HENRY, lieutenant-gover-
nor of Detroit, capitulates, and is made
in a degree a subject for retaliation,
VI. 315. Released from imprison-
ment, 407; VII. 240. Permitted to
go to New York, 291.
HAMILTON, JAMES, governor of Penn-
sylvania, II. 11, XII. 417.
HAMILTON, a British brigadier-general,
proposition for exchanging, V. 358.
HAMMOND, SIR ANDREW, arrives, with
British reinforcements, at New York,
VI. 380.

HAMMOND, GEORGE, British minister,
complains of indignities; is recalled,
XI. 42. His conduct in regard to
Fauchet's intercepted letter, 52, 55.
HANBURY, a merchant of London,
prominent in the Ohio Company, II.
479; 481.

HANCOCK, JOHN, proposes joining the
army, III. 36. His election to the
presidency of Congress, 37. Letters
of, cited, respecting an attack on Bos-

V. Arsenal

ton, 221; on the inactivity of the
fleet and conduct of the officers, 353;
on the visit of the Commander-in-
chief to Philadelphia, 395, 406; or-
dering Wooster's recall from Canada,
411; respecting reinforcements for
the Northern Department, 443; on
the loss of Canada, 445; on commu-
nicating the Declaration of Independ-
ence to the Commander-in-chief, 457;
respecting General Lee's situation as
prisoner, IV. 273; respecting the re-
solve of Congress pertaining to Lee,
337. Retires from Congress; furnish-
ed with an escort, V. 106, 107, 133.
Presents a copy of Washington's por-
trait to Count d'Estaing, VI. 71. Re-
quested to favor a proposed expedition
against Penobscot, VIII. 329; to aid
Vaudreuil, 350; IX. 557. His recep-
tion of the President at Boston, X.
47, 48, 489.

HAND, EDWARD, Lieutenant-Colonel,
recommended for a colonelcy, II.
315. Promoted, 319. Retreats before
the British on Long Island, IV. 60.
Appointed brigadier-general, 373; V.
382. Ordered to succeed Stark, VI.
93; 111; to repair to Minisink, 122,
124; 264. Commands a brigade of
light infantry, VII. 135. Recommend-
ed for the office of adjutant-general,
314, 321; 336; VIII. 564. His faith-
ful discharge of his duties, IX. 9.
Recommended for brigadier-general
in the Provisional army, XI. 265, 299.
Handbills, dispersed among the troops
in New York, in July, 1775, III. 30.
Hanoverian troops, III. 382.
HANSON, JOHN, chosen president of
Congress, VIII. 209, 214. His ad-
dress to the Commander-in-chief upon
his visiting Congress, and the reply,
212. Will not serve as district judge,

X. 56.

HANSON, SAMUEL, Colonel, 366, 409,


HARMAR, JOSIAH, Brigadier-General,
his expedition against the Wabash
Indians, X. 119.

Harper's Ferry, advantages of, for a
public arsenal, XI. 69, 231. Meas.
ures for stationing troops at, 457 – 467.
HARRIS, engaged in getting powder
from Bermuda, III. 47.

Harrisburg, address to the citizens of,
XII. 209.

HARRISON, BENJAMIN, member of the
Williamsburg Convention and of the
first General Congress, II. 396; III.
123. Member of the first Board of
War, 426; V. 35. Speaker of the
House of Delegates in Virginia, VI.

142. Letter to, respecting the Conven-
tion troops and General Phillips, 257.
Written to, for militia, VIII. 290, 321.
His visit to Mount Vernon, IX. 13,
19, 26, 30. Approves a plan for
Western internal navigation, 68. On
shares in the Potomac and James
River Companies given to Washing-
ton, 83. On the Federal Constitution,
266; 475.

HARRISON, CHARLES, appointed colo-
nel of a regiment of artillery, IV.

HARRISON, HENRY, Captain, receives
orders, II. 144.

aid-de-camp to the Commander-in-
chief; acts as secretary; confidential
and serviceable, III. 136, 166, 257.
His account of the battle of Long Isl-
and, IV. 68, 513. Cited respecting
the removal of the troops from Haer-
lem, 154. Instructions to, investing
him with powers relative to prisoners,
348. Has interviews with Colonel
Walcott, the British commissioner,
and declines accepting a paper for the
Commander-in-chief, 380, 557. On
the operations of the army near White
Plains before the battle, 524. His
account of the action on Chatterton's
Hill, 526. His letter, written at the
battle of the Brandy wine, V. 57; 99,
100. Chosen nember of the new
Board of War, but declines, 194. Com-
missioner about prisoners, 272. Meets
British commissioners at Perth Am-
boy respecting an exchange of the
Convention troops, VI. 139.
A com-

missioner at Amboy, 213, 508. Ac-
cepts an appointment in Maryland,
VIII. 14. Does not accept the ap-
pointment of associate justice, X. 53.
Death of, 92.
Harrows, XII. 295.

HART, Captain, attacks boats on Long
Island, V. 212.

HARTLEY, THOMAS, Lieutenant-Colo-
nel, stationed at Crown Point with
the sixth battalion of the Pennsylva-
nians, IV. 12; V. 422.

HARTSHORNE, WILLIAM, wishes for the
interference of the President elect at
Philadelphia, IX. 489.

Harvard College, occupied by the
troops, III. 20. Manuscript papers
deposited in the library of, by R. H.
Lee, 35. Savage takes a portrait of
Washington for, X. 64. Address to
the President and Fellows of, XII.

Harvesting, hints about, XII. 337.
HARVEY, REUBEN, a merchant in Ire-

land who befriended American pris- HEARD, SIR ISAAC, Garter King of
oners, VIII. 453.

HASKELL, E., Major, IX. 459.
HASLET, JOHN, Colonel, killed at
Princeton, IV. 259. His account of
the battle of Long Island, 516. His
attack on a British party at Mamaro-
nec, 526. His account of the battle
at Chatterton's Hill, 527.

made of his being detained by the
Americans, and inquired into, VIII.
282, 291, 313, 537.

HAWKINS, BENJAMIN, procures a spe-
cimen of the language of the southern
Indians, IX. 306; X. 479.
HAWLEY, JOSEPH, Major, first uses the
words, "We must fight," II. 405.
Spirited letters of, cited, III. 437, 438,


HAY, UDNEY, Colonel, to detain ship-
carpenters in his employ, VII. 75;
147. Provides wood for the garrison,
148. His exertions to obtain flour, 205.
HAYES, a British major, permitted to
go to New York, VII. 291.

HAYNE, ISAAC, Colonel, proposition to
retaliate for the treatment of, VIII.
217, 218.

HAYNIE, ELIZABETH, to have a tene-
ment, rent-free, XII. 263.
HAZARD, EBENEZER, postmaster-gen-
eral, IX. 393.

HAZELWOOD, JOHN, Commodore, his
unsuccessful enterprise against the
British batteries in Philadelphia, V.
77. Commands the shipping in the
Delaware, 87. Silences a redoubt at
the mouth of the Schuylkill, 90; 101.
His account of the naval part of the
action in the attack on Red Bank,
113. Misunderstood by Smith, 121;
132. Sword voted to, by Congress, 155.
HAZEN, MOSES, appointed colonel of a
second Canadian regiment, III. 250.
Commands at Montreal; cited about
the Canadians, 361. His account of
the Indians, 364. Colonel of the regi
ment called Congress's Own, IV. 267.
Ordered from Wilmington towards
Albany, V. 223, 292. In the battle of
Germantown, 469. Despatched to
Congress respecting the proposed Can-
ada expedition of, 1778, VI. 64, 66.
Marches to join Irvine, 443, 444, 453,
454; VIII. 68. Receives orders and
designates by lot an officer for retalia-
tion in the case of Huddy, 280, 297,
301. His success in intercepting illi-
cit intercourse between New York
and New Jersey, 386. Memorial from
his officers, sent to Congress, 466;
IX. 197.

Arms, his researches to ascertain the
pedigree of the Washington family,
I. 539, 546.

HEARD, NATHANIEL, General, III. 446.
Ordered to apprehend Tories, 452.
Moves towards Aquackanoc, IV. 432.
HEATH, WILLIAM, appointed brigadier-
general, III. 23. Stationed at Cam-
bridge, 54. Detached to New York,
333. Appointed major-general, IV.
32. Opposes the evacuation of New
York, 92. Commands at the posts in
the Highlands, 172. To move toward
New York after the battle of Prince-
ton, 263, 265, 270. Summons Fort
Independence to surrender, and re-
treats, 280, 310. His conduct cen-
sured, 307, 308. Justifies himself,
308. To countermand troops from
Ticonderoga to Peekskill, 361; V.
221. To hasten forward troops to the
North River, 358, 359. To send the
Convention troops to Charlottesville,
VI. 94. Resumes the command at
Boston, 274. Ordered to head-quar-
ters, 276. Moves toward the enemy
in Connecticut, 292, 293. Commands
the left wing of the army on the
North River, 304. Takes command
at West Point, 409, 425. Directed to
concert signals with Governor Clin-
ton, 426; to superintend the recruit-
ing service, VII. 16; to procure
information about Halifax, 36; to
repair to Providence in anticipation
of the arrival of the French fleet, in
1780, 71. Cited upon its arrival at
Newport, 108, 113. Endeavours to
secure the French there against the
British, 127. Wishes to join the ar-
my, but desired to continue with Ro-
chambeau, 155. Ordered to dismiss
militia, 174; to join the main army,
216, 218; to take the command at
West Point, 258, 259. Directions to,
268. To detach regiments to the
north, 283. To command a foraging
party which was to operate as a feint,
293. Selects and arranges troops to
quell the mutiny in the Pennsylvania
line, 363. Directions to, 365, 426.

To march to Morristown, 410, 417.
Commands the army while Washing-
ton is gone to Newport, 446. His
dissatisfaction about the detachment
of field-officers to the south, 453-456.
Despatched to the Eastern States to
represent the distresses of the army,
VIII. 36, 39. Takes command of the
troops that remain after the army
marches to Virginia, 136. Appointed
to meet an officer to receive papers

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