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ing and essential qualities ascribed to æther by them, and the most eminent modern philosophers, are to be found in electrical fire, and that too in the utmost degree of perfection. By R. Lovett, of the Catholic Church of Worcester. A. D. 1756.”—Monthly Review, vol. 15, p. 561.

PARACELSUS and Von Helmont: "These desperadoes freed medicine from the yoke of Galenism and the Arabians; and yet they did not point out the true path. All the vital and animal motions were explained by the furnace or alembic; and all diseases were supposed to arise either from acids or alkalies."-Ibid. vol. 16, p. 99.

Bacon exprest himself strongly in favour of the Hippocratic method of case writing; but medicine was so divided by the schoolphysician and the chemist, that it made small advances.-Ibid.

The next step was, that "acids alkal. ferments, precipitations," all fled before globules of such and such figure and magnitude. The circulation of the blood was made subservient to the laws of hydraulics; man became a mere mechanical structure, and diseases were proved to own the power of diagrams. Ibid.

Sydenham, indeed, and some few others, kept to the old Hippocratic method of observation. At last Boerhaave," that ornament of his profession and of his species," availing himself wisely of the ancient observations, of the chemical, anatomical, and mechanical discoveries; following none implicitly, and using each in its place; he set physiology and the observation of diseases on their proper basis.--Ibid. p. 100.

WOODWARD made not only the passions, but cogitation itself, depend upon bile in the stomach.-Ibid. vol. 16, p. 101.

The reviewer notes this for admiration! But it is true in certain cases of insanity,

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pamphlet-shops are more reputable stages for such doctors as himself, than the posts and bye corners occupied by his redoubted rivals, Messrs. West, and Franks, and Rock, and all the rest of them."—Ibid. vol. 16, p. 466.

IN Birch's History of the Royal Society, it is said that the Finlanders recover persons who have been drowned two or three days; but the persons thus recovered almost always lose their vivacity, and their memory is much impaired.—Ibid. vol. 17, p. 209.

A. D. 1758. DR. MACKENZIE'S History of Health.-Monthly Review, vol. 19, p. 476.

"This author supposes that the Paradisiacal food was entirely vegetable. Indeed, the drudgery of providing culinary utensils, and of cookery, he thinks inconsistent with the state in Paradise. But, he observes, fruits are cold and little nutritive; seeds without preparation, hard of digestion, and flatulent; and undressed herbs, still more harsh and crude. He therefore ingeniously, and not unphysically (says the Reviewer) imagines that the tree of life (which was not interdicted to Adam and Eve, which it seems therefore rather absurd to think they never used, and which was pregnant with immortality itself,) must have been intended to prevent, or remove, the inconvenience resulting from the insalubrity of their common diet.

"For Dr. Clarke (vol. 8, sermon 4,) says, Adam was not (as some have, without any ground from Scripture, imagined) created actually immortal; but by the use of the tree of life (whatever is implied under that expression), he was to have been preserved from dying. This tree, Dr. Mackenzie chuses to understand in a material physical sense, to the possibility of which, we conceive a capacious (?) physician may easily subscribe.

"And the original efficacy of this divine and sole panacea our learned author thinks alluded to by St. John in the Apocalypse, chap. 22, v. 2.

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He calls this in the margin, a common paralytic in both arms, perfectly restored experiment.

SOME quack administered to James the First an elixir to preserve him from all sickness ever after; which he told Buckingham "was extracted out of a turd."— | BOSWELL'S Sh. vol. 17, p. 141.

Monthly Review, vol. 24, March, 1761, p.


Institutes of health. "Salt and sugar are to be totally rejected, with all compositions into which they enter. Milk to be avoided, with but few exceptions." These few, perhaps, may include all sucking children. Cheese not to be allowed, unless very sparingly. Butter as little as possible. Fat, oil and vinegar forbidden. All spices shunned as poison. All pastry and confectionary prohibited.

by being struck with lightning, which for a while deprived him of his senses.

Ibid. vol. 49, p. 127. "MR. KIRKLAND'S tremendous scheme of extinguishing fevers, by boldly drenching the patient both externally and internally with cold water."

Ibid.-ARMSTRONG,in his Medical Essays, says that corns are sprouts of the rheumatism, and not the offspring of mere pressure.

PROOF that inoculation leads to idolatry. -Monthly Review, vol. 50, p. 71.

In the memorandum of the Society for restoring drowned persons at Amsterdam, vol. 2, part 1, A. D. 1774, the thirty-sixth case is of a man who, in the middle of January, and in a state of drunkenness, fell into the water, and remained in it an hour

Ibid. vol. 34, p. 30, Physiological Re- and a quarter. He was stiff when taken out, searches.

The author vents his indignation against the ignorance of those who mistake a fever

but in two hours gave signs of life, and in two more, walked home.—Ibid. vol. 51, p.


DANIELIS WILHELMI TRILLERI, Clinotechnia Medica Antiquaria, A. D. 1776. An elaborate work concerning the method of the ancient physicians, who constructed beds of different kinds, for the different kinds of diseases under which their patients laboured. -Ibid. vol. 55, p. 310.

A.D. 1776. MYERSBACH,the German water doctor, had amassed a princely fortune at this time; 200 and 300 persons in a day had consulted him. The three years before, he had not pretended to the slightest know ledge of medicine, being miserably poor, and ignorant; and during his practice, had been hoaxed in the most ridiculous manner. -Ibid. vol. 55, p. 314.

"THE ensign of peace, shewing how the health both of body and mind may be preserved, and even recovered, by the mild and attenuating power of a most valuable and cheap medicine. Its singular and most excellent property is to subdue the flesh to the will of the spirit. The continued use of it eradicates most diseases."-Ibid. vol. 55, p. 323.

MRS. CARTER says to Mrs. M., a.d. 1773, "I beg you will not neglect to take the millepedes; it is a most excellent medicine for the obstruction you mention in your glands, and besides may be of great use to your eyes."-Ibid. vol. 2, p. 210.

THE Morlacchian remedy for obstructions is to lay a large flat stone on the patient's belly.

They put sugar (when they can find any) into the mouths of the dying, "to make them pass into the other world with less bitterness."-FORTIS, M. Review, vol. 59,

p. 42.

Ibid. 273. ROZIER'S Journal de Physique, July, 1772. tom. 7, p. 85, 12mo. edition, is referred to for an account of Madam Pedegache, who could perceive miners working sixty fathoms under her feet, spied an infant in embrio in her father's cook-maid, as she was waiting at dinner, and for some time directed the operation of the physical tribe at Lisbon, by perceiving through all the integuments, what was passing, and what was amiss, in the inmost parts of the bodies of

A crazyish book; water seems to have their patients. been the remedy.

DR. BIRKENHOUT translated DR. POMME'S Traité des affections vapeureuses des deux sexes, A.D. 1777. His theory was that all hysterical and hypochondriacal diseases are caused by a certain cornuosity of the nerves, which was to be cured by bathing, or rather soaking, for ten or twelve hours a day; this he had ordered during ten months, and sometimes kept his patients twenty-two hours in the water. Ibid. vol. 57, p. 168.

The reviewer says, "he seems to make little difference between cold and warm bathing, as indeed the temperature of the water would be much the same before the operation was finished, whatever it began with."

But for the soaking, it is plain that the water must have been kept at a pleasurable degree of warmth.

Ibid. vol. 62, p. 514. M. LA PEyer used the burning glass as a cautery, and M. Le Comte, A. D. 1750, surgeon at Arcueil, cured a cancer in the under lip "by the actual cautery of the solar fire." The reviewer formed great hopes from that practice in preference to any other cautery.

CHAFING is instantly relieved by the slime of a slug. Mr. Campbell1 learnt this from

This was a kind friend of Southey's - a friend indeed in his latter days.-It is curious that Southey should not have recollected the verses "In Prayse of the Snayle," in the Paradise of Daynte Devises,

"I know Dame Physick doth thy friendly help implore,

And craves the salve from thee ensues to cure the crased sore."

See Brit. Bibliogr. vol. iii. p. 110. It is well known that the tench is called the

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"EVERY distemper of the body now (A.D. 1622) is complicated with the spleen, and when we were young men we scarce ever heard of the spleen. In our declinations now, every accident is accompanied with heavy clouds of melancholy; and in our youth we never admitted any. It is the spleen of the mind, and we are affected with vapours from thence. Yet truly, even this sadness that overtakes us, and this yielding to the sadness, is not so vehement a poison, (though it be no physic neither,) as those false ways in which we sought our comforts in our looser days." — DONNE, to SIR H. WOTTON, p. 134.

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"FOR coming thither (to Newmarket) in the King's absence, I never heard of excuse, except when Butler sends a desperate patient in a consumption thither for good air." -DONNE, Letters, p. 289.

"AMONG the Samoyeds, girls become mothers at twelve, and even at eleven; childbearing ceases after thirty. The women there are highly nervous, many cannot endure to hear a person whistle, or to be touched unexpectedly, or even to hear any moderate noise or sound without losing their senses, or being much disordered."—-Monthly Review, vol. 68, p. 201.

"MICHAEL SCHUPACH, a urine doctor in the village of Langnau, Switzerland. In

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"MR. MORLEY quacked his Vervain amulet about A.D. 1783, hanging a piece of the root, tied with a yard of white satin ribband round the neck; but he assisted its operation (it was for scrophulous diseases) with mercury, antimony, hemlock, jalap, &c. baths, cataplasms, ointments, poultices, plasters, &c. This disinterested practitioner says many many guineas have been offered me, but I never take any money. Sometimes, indeed, genteel people have sent me small acknowledgments of tea, wine, venison, &c. Generous ones small pieces of plate, or other little presents. Even neighbouring farmers a goose or turkey, &c. by way of thanks.'" CURTIS. Flora Lond.Ibid. vol. 70, pp. 6-7.

"SAFFRON posset drink is very good against the heaviness of the spirits;" says Mrs. Arbella in The Committee.--P. 56.

PALSY. "Take a fox, uncase him, the bowels being taken out, seethe him in a sufficient quantity of water, and bathe the sick person therein; but yet not before that the body be purged; it is not otherwise permitted."-WIRTZUNG, p. 142.

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RIVER Tipis (in Yucatan ?). mucho oro; y por esto, por otra virtud oculta, su agua, bebida, sana la hydropesia, y causa muy buenas ganas de comer, assi à enfermos, como à sanos; y a poco rato de | bebida, aviendo antes comido, aunque sea mucho, se siente luego hambre."-Conq. de el Itza, p. 88.

FERINE qualities imparted to human subjects with the blood, or even milk of the animal.-SENNERTUS, vol. 1, p. 425.

EGYPTIAN drugs.-Odyssey ▲, v. 229.

MITHRIDATE, SENNERTUS, vol. 2, p. 166, some remarkable facts.

SOME one, I know not who, has said upon an equally unknown authority, that Adam died of hereditary gout.-Præadamitæ, p. 9.

P. ANTONIO DAS CHAGAS says to a nun, "V. M. obedeça aos medicos, como aos Prelados; que S. Francisco Xavier assim o fazia."-CARTAS, vol. 1, p. 72.

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