Imágenes de páginas

WHEN Miss Frodsham was once acting at Peterborough, the Bishop (Hinchcliffe, I suppose), showed her some civilities, as having been at Westminster school with her father.-English Theatre, vol. 6, p. 289.


NEWTON, pp. 264-5, 218.

PONTOPPIDAN says, that till the middle of the last (17th) century, when a NorweKEMBLE at Wakefield and York, 1778. gian peasant's family was invited to a wed-Ibid. p. 294. ding, the wife generally took her husband's shroud with her.

MRS. JORDAN and Knight's escape there. -Ibid. p. 374-5.

THE clergy of the Established Church in Scotland who at any time frequent the theatre, are said to make a point of doing so in Lent, to show their contempt for that remnant of Popery.

KEAN was engaged at Glasgow to play six nights in Passion Week. He acted Iago on the Friday. "If Kean and the good people of Glasgow do not go to the Devil, it will be a hard case." Such is the remark of the coarse-minded scoffer who compiled the two volumes of the English Stage. -vol. 7, p. 136.

A GOOD remark concerning Edwin. "He required to have parts written expressly for him. When an old comedy was revived, there was generally a part in it for Quick and Parsons; but not one for Edwin."— Ibid. vol. 7, p. 384.

THE author of the English Theatre says, (vol. 8, p. 320), that after the young Roscius had acted Hamlet (1812), it might be said without any scruple, he was the worst actor who ever came before the public, (except in a part for trial), as a firstrate performer.

J. TAYLOR's Sermons, p. 125.

Ibid. vol. 3, p. 544. MILLER, who was a favourite actor for thirty years, (1709— 1738), could not read. It was said that his principal object in marrying was to have a wife who could read his parts to him.

The men used to buckle themselves together by the belts, and fight with their knives till one was mortally wounded.— Monthly Review, vol. 13, p. 45.

JEREMY TAYLOR's Sermon, vol. 5, p. 249, &c., the Marriage Ring.

By the laws of Geneva, a widow must months after her husband's decease. not engage in a promise of marriage till six

A woman who is not above forty is not allowed to marry a man more than ten years younger than herself; but if she hath

past her fortieth year, her husband must be within five years of her own age.

A man after his sixtieth year cannot marry a woman that is not half as old as himself. KEATE'S Account of Geneva.— Monthly Review, vol. 24, p. 215. a. d. 1761.

ACCORDING to the precepts of the book Li Ki, the Emperor of China, besides his wife, may have 130 concubines, of whom three are Toug-in, nine are Pin, thirty-seven Chi-Fou, and eighty-one Yu-Tsi.—Ibid. vol. 60, p. 503.

hurling for her, that the winner may marry IRISH custom of horsing a girl, and then her. Ibid. vol. 63, p. 102. ARTHUR Young.

AN ill-conditioned pair. "If they are together, two people may lead an uneasy life, to be sure; but it will, in all probability save four from being in the like condition."-J. BAILLIE. The Match, p. 377.

THE Savoy marriages were put a stop to by the transportation of Wilkinson, and Grierson his curate.-BURNS's Fleet Marriages, p. 19.

WILKINSON began his trade on the passing of the Marriage Act, before which there had been no clandestine marriages there. He conceived himself authorized to grant licences, as a privilege annexed to the Savoy, of which he was "his Majesty's chaplain." Of 1190 of his marriages in 1755, the clerk deposed on his trial that 900 of the women came out of the country, enciente.-Ibid. p. 94-5.

KEITH, of May Fair, says in his pamphlet, "Happy is the wooing, that is not long a-doing,' is an old proverb, and a very true one. As I have married many thousands, and consequently have on those occasions seen the humour of the lower class of people, I have often asked the married pair how long they had been acquainted; they would reply, some more some less, but the generality did not exceed the acquaintance of a week, some only of a day, half a day."-Ibid. p. 99.

"Ruth. Have you a month's mind to this gentlewoman, Mrs. Arbella ? "Abel. I have not known her a week yet." Committee, p. 23.

SIR THOMAS HANMER (the Speaker, and editor of Shakespeare), "married an old woman for love, and a young one for money, and was not very fortunate in either of them." - YORKE's Royal Tribes of Wales, p. 112. N.

In Astrea, (P. iv. 1. 8, p. 767), it is said, "les femmes la première fois se marient par obeyssance, et la seconde par élection."

The remark is true of D'Urfé's age, not of the time in which he lays his romance.

THREE marriages decided by blind-man'sbuff in Astrea.-P. v. 1. 4, vol. 9, p. 326.

AUTHORESS of Caroline de Litchfield married for her book.-MISS SEWARD's Letters, vol. 1, p. 210.

A MAN, in CUMBERLAND'S Natural Son, when he is told that the woman whom be wishes to marry has a "vengeance of a temper," replies, "Never mind that, mine will serve for both."

REV. THOMAS COOKE, minister of St. Bennets, Paul's Wharf, who died in 1731, had married about 13,000 couple there, "being situated near the commons.” (?)— G. Magazine, vol. 1, p. 221.

IN 1784, a Key to the Three First Chapters of Genesis was published. This world was formed out of the wreck of Satan's kingdom, and given to Adam as his principality, all that was in it being very good, and to continue so as long as he continued in his innocence. The necessity of tilling the soil began when he began to fall, and the mist that arose to water the ground was the first indication that evil had entered. Then there grew up the noxious tree. Till then, Adam and Eve had been literally one, but upon eating of this fruit they were divided, increasing thus the imperfection of human nature, and ensuring the propagation of it to their offspring.M. Review, vol. 71, p. 233-4.

Animalcula and Insects.

scurf of a man's teeth are so many, that he LEUWENHOECK says, the number in the believes they exceed the number of men in a kingdom. For, examining a small parcel of it, no thicker than a horse-hair, "I found so many living animals in it, that I guess there might have been a thousand in a quantity of matter no larger than the hundredth part of a sand."—Phil. Trans. Abr. vol. 3, p. 37.

ONE of Jacob Abbott's scholars being called upon, Prejudice, which was the "moral exercise for the day," produced the following theme. "I am very much prejudiced against spiders and every insect in the

known world, with scarcely an exception. There is a horrid sensation created by their ugly forms, that makes me wish them all to Jericho. The butterfly's wings are pretty, but he is dreadful ugly. There is no affectation in this, for my pride will not permit me to show this prejudice to any great degree; when I can help it, I do not fear the little wretches, but I do hate them." Anti-Spider Sparer.-Teacher, p. 150.

AMONG those philosophers who would explain the actions of animals by mere corporeal feeling, without any assistance of the mind, Mylius held that pain alone produces many of those actions which we attribute to design; for example, that a fit of the cholic forces the caterpillar to form its cone, and spin in its contortions of suffering!-M. Review, vol. 45, p. 536.

WURTZUNG, p. 50. Lice. "Yet they have this commodity thereby, that they that have most lice be wholly freed from the headache."

"THE flea is a vile, troublesome, and bloodthirsty little beast."—Ibid. 696.

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"DE THOU s'imaginoit souvent en dormant qu'il voyageoit tantôt en Italie et en

WHY vermin exist.—SENNERTUS, vol. 3, Espagne, tantôt en Allemagne, en Flandres

p. 210.


66 I BUONI e gli scienziati sono, eziandio quando dormono migliori e piu vi savi, che i rei, e che gl' idioti."-CASA. Galateo, p. 48. Indications of pre-existence in dreams.

PATIENTS going to the Temple of Æsculapius at Epidaurus, were there informed in their sleep what remedy would cure them. STRABO and JAMBILICHUS referred to.


I MUST for my own part acknow

et en Angleterre; que là il voyoit ou consultoit les hommes les plus savants, qu'il visitoit les plus fameuses bibliothèques. Il eut toute la vie de ces songes agréables, surtout avant qu'il eut voyagé dans ces différens pays."-Coll. Mem. pp. 53, 44, N.

DE THOU never saw Adrien Turnébe but once, and " se l'imprima si fortement, que l'image de cet homme célèbre, qui mourut peu temps après, lui demeura toûjours dans l'esprit, même en dormant."-- Ibid. P. 43.

POMPEY found a treatise on the interledge," says BLOUNT, “that the last super-pretation of dreams among Mithridates'

stition from which I disengaged myself, was my resentment of dreams, by reason of the many strange predictions, that, as well my

effects; he had it translated, with his memoirs also, by his freedman Lenæus.— SPRENGEL, vol. 1, p. 489.

WATTS thought that "our unrecollected was, that the man and maid-servants and useless dreams may possibly be as-" stript themselves quite naked, and so cribed to our fallen state; and that man in danced against one another a long time." a state of innocence might manage his sleeping ideas better by reason, and make them some way serviceable to his wakeful actions."-Works, vol. 7, p. 533.

Ibid. vol. 11, p. 273. A YOUNG woman who in consequence of frequent convulsive spasms had lost her speech, after fourteen months suddenly recovered it, after having

NOTE. O, p. 9. Bishop Sanderson. Use violently heated herself by four hours of Dreams.

WARBURTON says in a letter to Andrew Baxter, "I have rambled for twenty years together in dreams, in one certain country, through one certain road, and resided in one certain country house, quite different as to the whole face of the country and situation of the place from any thing I ever saw, awake; and the scene quite unvaried." He does not know, he says, whether any writer has observed anything like this.St. James's Mag. vol. 2, p. 202.

Some curious cases of warning in dreams are stated in this remarkable letter.

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dancing. The most extraordinary part of this case is, that while she was speechless, she had also forgotten how to express her meaning by writing, owing to the injury her brain had received from the spasms,— but she recovered this at the same time.

ZUINGER, vol. 2, p. 1520. Girl at Geneva who, by the Devil's help, made every one she touched dance, like a tarantula.

"MISS BLOFIELD, Professor of the Terpsichorean Positions, exercises in families and schools where dancing cannot be conscientiously admitted. Miss B. begs to state that her system of exercises may be practised with perfect safety, on account of the gentleness of the method pursued, no coercion being made use of; the most lamentable effects having been produced from the use of gymnastic, calisthenic, and other violent exercises." Adv. — Evang. Mag. Feb. 1834.

"LOCKE himself thinks that children ought to be taught to dance as soon as they are capable of learning it. "Nothing," he observes, "contributes so much to a becoming confidence and behaviour, or raises them sooner to the conversation of those above their age. For, though dancing consists merely in outward gracefulness of motion, yet it gives children manly thoughts, and a proper carriage!"-SIR J. SINCLAIR'S Code of Health, p. 257. LOCKE's Treatise on Education, p. 67, quoted.

"THE art of Orchesography, or denoting the several steps and motions in dancing by characters, was invented by M. Beau

champ, in the time of Louis XIV.; and improved and perfected by M. Fouillet." -HAWKINS' Hist. Mus. vol. 2, p. 132.

"THE Pavan, from pavo, is a grave and majestic dance. The method of dancing it was anciently by gentlemen drest with a cap and sword, by those of the long robe in their gowns, by princes in their mantles, and by ladies in gowns with long trains, the motion whereof in the dance resembled that of a peacock's tail. It is supposed to have|sion. been invented by the Spaniards, and its figure is given, with the characters for the steps, in the Orchesographia of Thoinet Arbeau. Every pavan has its galliard,—a lighter kind of air made out of the former." -Ibid. vol. 3, p. 383.

THE dancing-master in Molière says, "Pour moi, je vous l'avoue, je me repais un peu de gloire."-Vol. 5, p. 591. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme.

His proof that all the evils in public affairs arise from want of proper instruction in this art.-Ibid. pp. 600-1.


the country to Rome, and delivered to the
Senate a message with which Jupiter Ca-
pitolinus had charged him in a dream:-
"That they must repeat the celebration of
the public games, because in the last so-
lemnity a bad dancer had led up the dances."
He had neglected the vision he said, looking
upon it as a dream; wherefore Jupiter had
killed one of his sons and taken away the
use of his limbs, which, however, he reco-
vered as fast as he discharged his commis-
Inquiry was made, and it appeared
that the first dancer was a slave, whom his
master just before the procession had caused
to be whipped through the crossways, the
forum, and the circus, places through all
which the procession was to pass, and the
slave had uttered imprecations and writhed
himself into painful postures at every stroke,
which Jupiter had justly considered to be
an improper and indecent prelude to so so-
lemn a ceremony. The master was found,
and a decree past for repeating the games
more sumptuously."-HOOKE, vol. 2, p. 57.
LIvy, lib. 2, c. 36. PHIL. in Coriol.
HAL, p. 67.


A GALLIARD in dancing is very different

PAN, the dancing-master.-SOPHOCLES. from T. Mace's. See SIR J. DAVIS. Ajax.

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concerning his name), came in a litter from And Ritson adds, " in many, perhaps all

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