Imágenes de páginas


O.M. Long.

"Color Movies"

Elizabeth Barnhart

The children are always enthusiastic over "color movies," as we call them. Besides teaching the names of the colors, the making of the "screen" and "film" gives several valuable drawing lessons.

First the children learn how to draw circles, by marking a strip of paper with dots four inches apart, putting a pin through one dot and a pencil point through the other, and with the pin end for the center describing a circle on white drawing paper. Then cut the circle out and fold it through the middle three times, making eight "reels" for their film. With small children I give this much in one lesson, using print paper so that each child can have all the paper he needs to get a true circle with no ragged edges. Before the next drawing period, at least one seat period, and more if necessary, is devoted to making circles, cutting and folding them. The good ones made in practice time are saved for practicing the color work. I tell the children how many, many pictures have to be taken for each "movie" and how often the same picture has to be taken over and over before it looks just right, and what long days of work their actor friends put in, and they take real pleasure in making and coloring their "screens" as many times as are needed before perfect work is obtained. When the children can make, cut and fold good circles, each child makes one from good white drawing paper. These I collect and save until the color work is good enough to put on them.

The next drawing lesson we devote to learning to put even washes of the six colors and black and brown, one color on each segment of the circle. We start with red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, black and brown. I include the last two in order to give the children a chance to learn to read those words as well as the other color words.

On the back of each segment, the name of the color is written. During this period I write the color words in a row on the board and call on the children to tell which color to put in the square I draw beside each word. This is left on the board until the next seat period for reference.

For the next practice work, I make several circles on the board, writing the color words in different places on the segments, and ask the children to color their practice circles the way the words tell them. I tell them how the pictures for a "movie" are taken, not in their order in the story, but all the pictures in one place at the same time; and then how they have to be cut apart and pasted in their order in the story. All this as preface to the next occupation of cutting the segments of these "mixed-up" pictures apart and laying them in the right order. At the end of this lesson, each child is given an envelope in which to put his segments and we save them for seat work whenever a drill on color seems advisable.

During the last drawing lesson, each child makes a nineinch circle from gray construction paper, lays one of the perfectly cut segments on it, so that the point touches the pinhole at the center, and traces around it. I allow them to work in pairs at this, one child holding the segment in place and the other tracing, as few small children can hold such a small pattern and trace around it at the same time. Then a hole is punched through the segment and the line is cut nearly all around. Then with a paper fastener to hold the colored circles back of the gray "screens" and a heavy paper tab pasted to the back of the "reel," extending out an inch or so, and used by the children in turning the circle around, so as to show the "pictures" through the opening in the gray paper, the "movie show" is ready to take home for the edification of the family, and often to the benefit of younger children, who enjoy attending the movie and calling off the names of the pictures, as much as the "show men" enjoy running their film.

Health Song

F. M. C. W.

TUNE: "Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow"
We wash our face and comb our hair,
Clean our teeth and nails with care,
Polish our shoes and change our dress,
And give our mother a little caress.
Then off to school we trip, tra la,
We skip and skip, tra la, tra la.

Play our games and lessons learn,
Then home again we backward turn,
Tra la la la, la, la, la, la,
Tra la la la, la, la la la,

Play our games and lessons learn,

Tra la la la, la la la la.

At the words "Tra la la la," etc., the children may skip in a circle or out of the room on their way home. Any suitable motions may be introduced by the teacher.

Spelling Device

Fay La Vere Enloe

The following is a little plan which I use to make my pupils realize the value of their daily recitation in connection with their monthly spelling grade.

In a small record book I keep the name of each pupil, followed by his spelling record. Every time a child misses a word a vertical mark is made after his name. Every time he turns some one down, a circle is placed to his credit.

The child understands that every time he misses a word, it takes two off his final grade, but he also knows that every time he turns some one down, it adds one to his final grade, so that if he misses a word, he must turn two people down if he keeps his grade from falling.

When the child sees how much depends on his daily recitation, you will notice that he at once takes more interest in his daily spelling lessons.

Through Grade Two in Hand-Work

Bess Dixon

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many interesting things about the country. After hearing "The Dutch Twins," by Lucy Fitch Perkins, and reading "Ned and Nan in Holland," by Olmstead and Grant, we felt as if we had actually visited that country. Then we planned our blackboard poster.

We showed one Holland home with its surroundings. Green chalk made the grass, dark blue chalk made the sky and canal. Out of tablet paper a Holland house was cut and then colored red The windmill and tree trunks were colored red also, as "Ned and Nan" told us that the windmills and tree trunks were painted the same color as the house.

Wooden shoes were in evidence. There were tulips in shoe flower pots, shoes hanging on forked sticks to dry, and shoe boats on the canals.

Other things were in and near the canal Ducks swam in it and waddled along its banks. The much petted storks stood on one foot in the canal or hunted eels in its depths.

Hollanders, themselves, were not forgotten. "Ned and Nan" were watching their ducks, the father was going to his windmill, and the mother stood near the house. A typical Holland milk wagon was passing.

You should have heard the lectures given. bodied ideas concerning:

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Reading was correlated with this hand-work also. The children liked to play that they were receiving telegrams. These telegrams pertained to their posters. A telegram was sent to each child and that child did as the telegram said. Examples: Georgia, find a windmill. Sadie, spell the name of the flowers in the wooden shoe flower pots. Theodore, write the name of the place where we see the shoe boats, the storks and the ducks. Margaret, draw a weathervane. Pauline, find a Holland story in one of our readers.


How quickly these things were done! How eager they were to be good readers, so that they could receive and interpret the telegrams quickly!

Then came the Pilgrims' reasons for leaving Holland and coming to America. "Mary of Plymouth," by Otis, was extremely interesting and gave us many ideas for our next poster. We depicted the Pilgrims in America.

To the left, about a foot of space colored blue allowed us to portray a suggestion of the ocean, with Plymouth Rock on its coast and the Mayflower anchored near. On the rest of the blackboard length, white chalk was used, to show the snow-covered ground and the gray sky. Log houses were cut and pasted in a row, close to the ocean. A dense forest formed the background. Away back in this forest were the wigwams and Indians.

A touch of color was given this poster also. The wigwams were colored light brown and, in many cases, the children designated the tribe by making a picture on the wigwam. The Indians' faces were copper colored. Their suits and their head-dress feathers were colored also. The tree trunks were dark brown; the bare branches a lighter brown. The log houses were light brown and Plymouth Rock was light brown,with 1620 printed on it in dark brown. The hulk of the Mayflower was gray, with Mayflower printed on it in black. Thus, two more blackboard posters found a place in our schoolroom.

There was more paper cutting connected with this month's work. We had a table of things made by Pilgrims. We hung a large, white poster above this table. On this poster, in letters cut from black paper, appeared the name of our display:


Then slips one-half by one and one-half inches were cut, and the names of things on display were written on them. Each slip was then pasted or pinned to the thing designated,


Quilt square

Home-made soap Pine-knot candle Butter paddle Clam-shell spoon Goose-quill pen Gourd dipper, etc.

Down to the present day the last paper cutting correlations were brought. Colored pictures were cut from catalogues and magazine advertisements. Both of these posters were number correlations. The dinner, planned for four, was based on actual prices in our city last November. As we had to buy carefully, just enough of each type of food was prepared for that dinner. There must be no waste. The poem, "Over the River and Through the Wood," suggested a "To Grandmother's House" poster.

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How to Economize Time in the Schoolroom

Theo Markworth

Principal, Lutheran School, Des Plaines, Ill.

'N the days of the "Little red schoolhouse," the curriculum consisted mainly of the three R's, History and Geography. The teachers during that period could devote considerable time to drills in these branches. Since then, times have changed, and with this change has come an enlarged course of study. The natural consequence is that the teachers of to-day must gauge their time, in order to attain the required standard.


In order to economize time in the schoolroom, it is imperative that the school day begin and end promptly. In order to accomplish this, an instructress ought to be in her classroom at least fifteen to thirty minutes before school begins. All pupils, upon their arrival, should be obliged to take their respective places, to arrange their books, to review their studies, etc. If this be done, the teacher at the stroke of nine in the morning, or whenever the session begins, will be able to get a "flying start," so to speak. There will be no need of waiting for pupils to file into the room with their wonted noise and commotion. Preparation

The teacher should also have the subject-matter to be taught well organized. This, of course, will require preparation, and that, probably, preparation at home. She must equip herself with the necessary knowledge, so that she can impart it without hesitation to her class. Were she to use her text-book constantly, her recitations would prove to be uninteresting. The pupils might become restless and, in time, unruly. To re-adjust the discipline would entail the loss of valuable minutes.

Record Books

Another feature that should not be overlooked in economizing time is the daily record book. Even if it is only used to note down the numbers of the pages and lessons to be heard for the next day, it is indeed a time-saver. Think of the delay resulting from a teacher's asking her pupils: "Children, where shall we find our lesson for today?" A friendly argument might arise among the pupils as to the exact number of the page and lesson.

Distinct Answers by Pupils

The question-and-answer method is used a great deal in our schools. If we do not insist upon the children's giving their answers distinctly, we shall be tempted to repeat them for the benefit of the other pupils. A habit thus formed is hard to be got rid of; but we must overcome it, otherwise more valuable minutes will be gone. In this category also belong the ejaculations that many teachers employ when expressing their pleasure or displeasure with answers given, as, for instance: Good!- Not right! Correct! etc. They, too, are thieves of precious time.


Every now and then will occur something in a schoolroom which will require a rebuke or an admonition. Let us be on our guard lest these so-called "scoldings" take the dimensions of a sermon, and probably extend into a "fourthly" or "fifthly." Do as little of this during the actual school-time as possible. Rather call the culprit to your desk during the recess periods or after school, and have a heart-to-heart talk with him. This may accomplish more than an open rebuke before the class and you have economized time. Do not enter into a lengthy discussion of a breach of discipline with your culprits; but if a pupil

has a just complaint to make about an apparent injustice hear it some other time.

Distribution of Books, etc.

Books, papers, etc., that must be distributed during a preceding recess period, so as to save time during the actual recitation should be given out, if possible, during the recitation period. This also holds true when tests are to be given. Whenever possible, the test-questions should be written upon the blackboard before school-time. A convenient map may be drawn over them. When the time for the test arrives, the map may be raised - presto! – time saved!

Separating Essentials from Non-essentials A teacher who adheres too closely to her text-books, and essentials, also is in danger of losing precious time. It may who has not the skill of separating essentials from nonhappen that she will spend more time on the non-essentials important points, necessarily pre-supposes that the teacher than upon the essentials. To be able to select the most

be conversant with them. She can read the lessons to be taught and underline the main facts. She can even ask her pupils to do the same, and thus give them an opportunity also save time. to delve immediately into the important facts, and thus

Judicious Hearing of Memory Gems

We Lutheran teachers demand our pupils to memorize etc. Our object is, not only to sharpen the pupils' wits, Bible verses, hymn stanzas, the chief parts of our catechism, but also to give them memory treasures "that fail not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.' Now it is usual to assure ourselves that each individual sitate that each one of them must recite the complete part child has studied his part. This, however, does not necesto be learned. It would be waste of time to do so.

Economy of Time Imperative

charge of a country school, with its six to eight grades, Those of us who were fortunate enough to have had have had a good opportunity to learn to economize time. We were compelled to "throw together" grades in order to reach our goal. Now let us not delay in effecting changes crastination, you know, also is a thief of time. Let us rethat will gain for us precious minutes in our classes. Proadjust ourselves, so that we may get the greatest possiblo benefit out of our school time. Minutes lost cannot be regained.

Children's Stories

(Continued from page 563)

Sometimes men of affairs of our own day like the late Andrew Carnegie, put into the form of proverbs the guiding maxims of their lives. The following list of proverbs may give a suggestion of a "Child's Book of Proverbs."

Proverbs may be classed under heads, relation to duties, virtues, etc. They must be brief, pithy, and significant. They are useful as pegs in the memory to which long chains of moral reflections may be attached. They serve as guide-posts to duty and give clear directions at critical moments. They act as first principles of conduct which may always be applied to moral divisions. And it must be remembered that he who repeats the words of another puts himself into the character of that other for the time being.

Supplementary Reading and Language Lessons How Saburo San Found the Royal Flower of Japan


Nell Hampton Dick

(A True Fairy Story)

NCE upon a time, many, many years ago, just outside the city of Tokio, there lived a poor man by the name of Osaka San. He worked each day gathering bamboo for the workmen who were building houses, or in doing any odd job that he could find, in order to earn his daily bread. He and his wife and five little children lived in a bamboo house just at the outskirts of a bamboo forest. Very, very often they went hungry, many times having nothing to eat but a small portion of rice, the seeds of the bamboo, or a dry crust of bread. As Osaka San grew older it became harder to secure work, and as he was a kind and loving father, his heart was filled with sadness as he saw his family suffering for food and clothing.

Saburo San, his oldest child, was now ten years old, and his childish face was sober and growing sad, too, as he saw his father and mother worn and sad from hard work and poverty. He, too, worked and gathered wood to sell.

One day in November he had been working alone, gathering wood and tying it in bales for to-morrow's sales. He grew tired and lay down to rest on a moss-covered bank where the purple asters, the ox-eye daisies and the cornmarigolds were blooming.

He looked up at the flowers as they nodded and swayed in the breezes and touched them with his little brown hands. He loved the flowers and the birds- they were his playmates. Suddenly a voice clear and sweet said, "Saburo San, why are you so sad? Why don't you fly kites and play as other little boys do?"

To his surprise, he saw perched on the top of one of the purple asters, a tiny figure, not over six inches tall, dressed in a shimmering robe of silver and gold, wearing a crown studded with gems, and carrying in her tiny hand a silver wand.

"Why, dear fairy," said Saburo, rubbing his eyes to be sure he wasn't dreaming, "dear fairy, how can I be merry and play when I see my poor father and mother so sad, and my little brothers and sisters going hungry? I do all I can to help them, but each day times grow harder and food and clothing more scarce. Who are you, dear fairy, that you ask me this?"

The fairy swung from the purple aster to a corn-marigold nearer Saburo, and her face seemed to grow more beautiful as she said, "Saburo, I am the Flower Fairy and this mossy bank is my throne. I have the power to bring happiness to any of the friends of the flowers. I have been watching you, Saburo - I know how kind and tender your heart is. I know how you work and help your father and mother, and help care for your little brothers and sisters. I know that you love my subjects, the flowers, for I have watched you care for them and guard them. For all this I have a blessing for you, Saburo. You shall be the guardian and take to the Emperor the flower that shall become the royal flower of Japan."

Then the Flower Fairy touched the blossoms of the purple asters, the ox-eye daisies and the corn-marigold with her wand, and the petals began to enlarge and unfold until each blossom became a large, globe-like, feathery ball.

For a moment Saburo stood speechless at their wonderful beauty, then he clasped his hands, exclaiming, "Oh, good fairy, how beautiful! how beautiful!"

"Gather them," said the Flower Fairy, "and take them to the Emperor."

Saburo reached out his hands to gather the wonderful

flowers, but he suddenly dropped them, saying, "Dear Fairy, I don't want to spoil the beautiful flowers - let them stay here forever - they are so beautiful!"

"Gather them," the Fairy commanded. "I have the power to call forth more."

So Saburo gathered them until his arms were full. Then the Fairy said, "Take them to your father and tell him to go with you to the Emperor."

"But, dear Fairy," began Saburo - but there were only the purple asters, the ox-eye daisies and the corn-marigolds nodding in the breezes.

Saburo hastened home with the wonderful flowers. He found his father weary and sad, for he had received but a bare sen for all his wood that day. He looked up with astonishment as Saburo stood before him. He had seen many beautiful flowers, but never before had he seen any so beautiful as these. Then Saburo told him of the Fairy and all that had taken place. "Come," he said, "come with me, father, and we will go to the Emperor - these flowers are for him."

They soon reached the Emperor's palace and Saburo asked if he might see the Emperor. At first the high officials refused to admit him, but when they noticed the gift he carried, they knew that the Emperor had often wished for some flower that was beautiful enough to be the royal flower of his empire. So little Saburo was ushered into the presence of the Emperor. He bowed low and laid the flowers at the monarch's feet, who gave an exclamation of surprise and delight when he saw them. He questioned Saburo about the flowers, wanting to know just where they grew.

"They came from near my home, in the edge of the great bamboo forest, but there are no more like them," said Saburo. "They just suddenly appeared and I gathered them and brought them to you.'

"If you can get flowers like these for me, or give me the secret of how to get them to grow in the royal gardens, you shall never want for anything," said the Emperor.

Osaka San and Saburo hastened back home with the wonderful news and there was rejoicing in the little home, for the Emperor had liberally rewarded them for the gift of the flowers.

The next day, as Saburo was eating his lunch on the mossy bank, the Flower Fairy came again to the nodding, purple aster. With a gracious smile she extended her wand and motioned for Saburo to come near. Then she told him how to take the purple asters, the ox-eye daisies and the corn-marigolds, and by cultivating them and giving them certain care and attention they would grow each year into beautiful flowers as beautiful as the ones she called forth the day before. "This is my reward to you, Saburo," she said. "The secret shall be yours until you choose to give it to the Emperor, who will reward you greatly." Then she suddenly disappeared.

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So the dainty bamboo green house, with its oiled paper roof, was built near the little home, and in time wonderful chrysanthemums — purple, white and gold — single, double and semi-double-grew in marvelous beauty. Then the Emperor came one day and the secret became his, and the family moved from the little cottage, for they were to be the gardeners and care for the chrysanthemums in the royal gardens of the Emperor. So to-day the chrysanthemum is the royal flower of Japan.


The Courtship of Miles Standish

John Alden and Priscilla

Bertha Toelle

(For Grade IV)

APTAIN MILES STANDISH strode to and fro through the room, in his simple dwelling at Plymouth, viewing his weapons and hunting implements. John Alden, his friend and companion, was writing a letter at a pine table by the window. As he wrote, he was often interrupted by the proud Captain, who boasted of his deeds and his soldiers, who were always ready to meet the Indians.

For a long time Miles Standish stood at the window and sadly gazed upon the hill, where lay buried his dear wife, Rose Standish, and many other Pilgrims. For a while he paced the room in thought and then seated himself by the window and read, while John Alden was busily writing important letters which were to go to England by the Mayflower in a day or two. These letters told of the terrible winter at Plymouth and were full of the fame of the Puritan maiden, Priscilla.

As he wrote, thoughts of the beautiful Puritan maiden were uppermost in his mind. Upon finishing his work, he was very much surprised and embarrassed to hear certain intentions of Miles Standish. After the death of Rose Standish, the Captain became very lonely. He wished to offer his heart and hand to Priscilla, but since he was timid, he asked that John Alden bear his message to her. John Alden could hardly refuse, since he and Miles Standish were such close friends. Nevertheless, he was reluctant to go.

His heart burned within him as he sped on his journey through the forest, for he, too, loved Priscilla. On his way, he stopped now and then to gather some wild flowers for her. As he approached her home, he could hear her singing, as she sat at her spinning-wheel. Hardly had his feet touched the doorstep, ere she rose to greet him. When she told John Alden that she had been thinking of him he was dumb with delight, and he stood before her speechless, giving her the flowers for an answer. He thought of the first great snow of the winter, when he had made a path for her, and she had welcomed him to her fireside that he might warm himself. What a golden opportunity he had lost! Had he but spoken then!

They sat and talked of the beautiful springtime, and of

their friends in England. Priscilla wished herself back in her old home because she felt lonely and wretched. John Alden realized that this was an opportune time to deliver his message, so he told her very bluntly that Miles Standish had sent him to ask for her hand in marriage. The more ardently John Alden pleaded the cause of Miles Standish, the more indignant Priscilla became. At length, quite forgetful of herself, and with merry laughing eyes, she said, 'Why don't you speak for yourself, John?"

Hearing this, John Alden rushed to the seashore like a madman, perplexed and bewildered, saying, "It is my fault that she has chosen between us." He beheld the Mayflower riding at anchor, and the thought came to him that it would be better for him to return on the morrow to England on the Mayflower than to remain in Plymouth, claim the love of Priscilla, and face the wrath of Miles Standish. Turning from the shore, he hurried along in the twilight to the home of Miles Standish, who was anxiously waiting for an answer.

John Alden related all that had happened and how Priscilla had rejected the offer of marriage from the brave Captain. Up leaped the Captain of Plymouth and stamped on the floor! Choking with rage, he shouted, "John Alden, you have betrayed me! Let there be nothing between us save war and hatred!"

In the midst of his anger, a messenger appeared in the doorway, bringing rumors of danger and trouble with the Indians. Buckling on his sword, the Captain strode away to the council and left John Alden alone. The Elders of Plymouth impatiently awaited the arrival of Miles Standish, for they were undecided how to answer the Indian challenge, which consisted of two arrows tied with a rattlesnake skin. It did not take Miles Standish long to decide. He took the rattlesnake skin, filled it to the jaw with powder and bullets, and handed it back to the savage, saying, "Here, take it! This is your answer!" Silently the savage disappeared through the forest.

Early the next morning, before the village awoke from its sleep, the brave Captain, with ten warriors, led by an Indian guide, marched northward to quell the sudden uprising among the savages.

At daybreak many assembled on the seashore to bid farewell to the Mayflower, which was to return to England. Foremost among them was John Alden. After spending a restless night, he determined to return to England and to try to forget his anguish. Just as he was ready to step into the boat, he turned and beheld Priscilla standing dejected among her friends. Her sad imploring look caused him to turn aside from his purpose, and decide to remain, that he might protect and support her in her weakness. He stood on the shore and watched the Mayflower as it sailed out of the harbor.

As he turned around, he found Priscilla standing by his side. She feared that he was offended and had come to. seek his forgiveness. He, too, owed her an apology for his actions. They were both willing to forgive and clasped hands in friendship. Casting a last look at the Mayflower, they walked homeward together, and their friendship grew dearer.

Meanwhile Mlies Standish was marching northward to meet the Indians. After a march of three days, he came to their encampment. Immediately they wished to barter for muskets and powder. When Miles Standish refused, two Indian braves stepped forth and displaying sharp knives, insulted him, saying, "He is a little man; let him go and work with the women." Indignant at this insult, Miles snatched a knife from one of the braves and plunged it into his heart. In the fight that ensued, the other brave

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