Imágenes de páginas




Not con

hensible, or beyond the reach of human in- not, and conclusive.) Not conclusive ; not The fathers make use of this acknowledgment of tellect; inconceivableness. producing a conclusion; not closing, con

the incongruity of images to the Deity, from thence Incomprehensible (in-kom'prē-hen"si-bl), cluding, or settling a point in debate or a

to prove the incongruity of the worship of them.

Stillingsleet. a. (Prefix in, not, and comprehensible.) doubtful question; as, an argument or evi- 2. What is incongruent; something exhibitNot comprehensible: (a) not to be contained dence is inconclusive when it does not ex

ing a want of congruity. within limits. hibit the truth of a disputed case in such

Incongruous (in-kong'gry-us), a. (Prefix in, Presence everywhere is the sequel of an infinite manner as to satisfy the mind, and put an not, and congruous.) Not congruous; incapand incomprehensible substance. Hooker. end to debate or doubt.

able of reciprocally agreeing or of being har(6) That cannot be comprehended or under- The Constitutions confirm many frivolous precepts monized; unsuitable; not fitting; inconsisstood; that is beyond the reach of human by texts of Scripture, which in these critical days intellect; inconceivable.

tent; improper. Incongruous mixtures of would be thought inconclusive. For example, A vintner's inoney must not be accepted by the bishop.'

opinion.' Is. Taylor. Made up of inconAnd all her numbered stars, that seem to roll Why? Because I saias i. 22, according to the LXX., gruous parts.' Macaulay. Spaces incomprehensible.

says, 'Thy vintners mix wine with water.' Fortin

As the first ship upon the waters bore Incomprehensibleness (in-kom'prē-hen". Inconclusively (in-kon-klū’siv-li), adv. In Incongruous kinds who never met before.

Crabbe. si-bl-nes), 1. Incomprehensibility (which an inconclusive manner. see) Inconclusiveness (in-kon-klū'siv-nes), n.

-Incompatible, Inconsistent, Incongruous.

See INCOMPATIBLE. --SYN. Unsuitable, unIncomprehensibly (in-kom'prē-hen"si-bli), The condition or quality of being inconadu. In an incomprehensible manner; in

suited, inconsistent, inappropriate, unfit, clusive. conceivably.

The weakness and inconclusiveness of a long, arti

improper. Incomprehension (in-kom'prē-hen"shon), ficial, and plausible discourse.

Locke. Incongruously (in-kong'gry-us-li), adv. In N. [Prefix in, not, and comprehension.] Inconcoctt (in-kon-kokt), a. (Prefix in, not,

an incongruous manner; unsuitably; unWant of comprehension or understanding. and concoct.] Inconcocted. Crude and

fitly; improperly.
These mazes and incomprehensions.

Incongruousness (in-kong'gry-us-nes), n.

The state or quality of being incongruous; Incomprehensive (in-kom'pré-hen"siv), a.

Inconcocted (in-kon-kokt'ed), a. (Prefix in, [Prefix in, not, and comprehensive.] Not not, and concoct.] Not concocted or fully Inconnected (in-kon-nekted), a.

the state or quality of being inharmonious. comprehensive; not extensive; limited. digested; not matured; unripened. Inconcoction (in-kon-kok'shon), 1. (Prefix

nected; unconnected. Warburton. A most incomprehensive and inaccurate title.


in, not, and concoction.) The state of being Inconnection (in-kon-nek'shon), n. (Prefix Incomprehensively (in-kom'prē-hen"siv- indigested; unripeness; immaturity. Bacon.

in, not, and connection.) Want of connec

tion ; loose, disjointed state. . The inconli), adv. Not comprehensively; limitedly. Inconcurring (in-kon-kur'ring), a. [Prefix

nection of this vow with holy orders.' Bp. These are received only upon trust, as incomprein, not, and concurring.) Not concurring ;

Hall. hensively revealed facts. Sir W. Hamilton. not agreeing.

Inconnexedlyt (in-kon-neks'ed - li), adv. Incomprehensiveness (in-kom'prē-hen"

They derive effects not only from inconcurring

(Prefix in, not, and connexed, pp. of connex.] causes, but things devoid of all efficiency. siy-nes), n. Quality of being incomprehen

Sir T. Browne,

Without any connection or dependence. Sir sive. Inconcussible (in-kon-kus'si-bl), a. (L. pre

T. Browne. Incompressibility (in-kom-pres'i-bil"i-ti),

fix in, not, and concussibilis, that cannot be Inconscionable (in-kon'shon-a-bl), a. (Pren. The quality of being incompressible; the shaken. See CONCUSSION.) Not concus- fix in, not, and conscionable.) Not conscionquality of resisting compression, or of being sible; incapable of being shaken. Bp. Rey- able; unable to discriminate between good incapable of reduction by force into a smaller nolds.

and evil; unconscionable. 'So inconscioncompass. Incondensability (in-kon-dens'a-bil'i-ti),

able are these common people.' Spenser. Incompressible (in-kom-pres’i-bl), a. (Pre- n. (See INCONDENSABLE.) The quality of Inconsequence (in-kon’sē-kwens), n. [Prefix in, not, and compressible.) Not compres- being not condensable.

fix in, not, and consequence; L. inconsesible; not capable of being reduced by force Incondensable (in-kon-dens'a-bl), a. (Pre- quentia.] The condition or quality of being into a smaller compass; resisting compres- fix in, not, and condensable.] Not condens- inconsequent; want of logical argument; sion. able; incapable of being condensed, or of

inconclusiveness. Incompressibleness (in-kom-pres’i-bl-nes), being made more dense or compact.

Strange! that you should not see the inconsequence n. Incompressibility. Incondite (in kon-dīt), a. [L. inconditus,

of your own reasoning.

Hurd. Incomputable (in-kom-put'a-bl), a. (Prefix confused, rude--prefix in, not, and conditus, Inconsequent (in-kon'sē-kwent), a. (Prefix

in, not, and computable.) Not computable; pp. of condo, to put together, to join. See in, not, and consequent.) Not following incapable of being computed or reckoned.

CONDITION.] Rude; unpolished; irregular. from the premises; without regular inferInconcealable in-kon-sēl'a-bl), a. (Prefix (Rare.)

ence; not in accordance with logical method; in, not, and concealable.) Not concealable; His actual speeches were not nearly so ineloquent, as, an inconsequent deduction or argument. not to be hid or kept secret.

incondite, as they look.

Carlyle. * Absurd and inconsequent deductions.' Sir The inconcealable imperfections of ourselves. Inconditional (in-kon-di'shon-al), a. (Prefix T. Browne.

Sir T. Browne. in, not, and conditional.] Not conditional; Inconsequential (in-kon’sē-kwen'shal), a. Inconceivability (in-kon-sēv'a-bil'i-ti), n. without any condition, exception, or limi- [Prefix in, not, and consequential.]

Not The quality of being inconceivable; incon- tation; absolute. 'An inconditional and consequential: (a) not regularly following ceivableness. 'The inconceivability of the absolute verity.' Sir T. Browne.

from the premises. (6) Not of consequence; Infinite.' Mansel.

Inconditionatet (in-kon-di'shon-át), a. not of importance; of little moment. We fall at once into the inconceivability of an in- (Prefix in, not, and conditionate.) Not con

She has sense and ambition; but it is still the sense finite series of previous volitions. Sir W. Hamilton,

ditionate; not limited or restrained by con- and ambition of a woman, that is, inconsequential. Inconceivable (in-kon-sēv'a-bl), a. (Prefix ditions; absolute. Boyle.

Chesterfield in, not, and conceivable; Fr. inconcevable.] Inconfirmed (in-kon-fermd), a. (Prefix in, Inconsequentiality (in-kon'sē-kwen'shiNot conceivable; incapable of being con- not, and confirmed.] Not confirmed. al"i-ti), n. State of being inconsequential ceived by the mind; incapable of being ex- Inconformable (in-kon-form'a-bl), a. [Pre- Inconsequentially (in-kon'se-kwen"shalplained by the human intellect, or in ac- fix in, not, and conformable.) Not conform- li), adv. In an inconsequential manner; cordance with known principles or agencies; able; unconformable.

without regular sequence or deduction. incomprehensible; as, it is inconceivable to Inconformity (in-kon-form'i-ti), n. (Prefix

Warburton. us how the will acts in producing muscular in, not, and conformity:] Want of conform Inconsequentness (in-kon'sē-kwent-nes), motion.

ity; incompliance with the practice of 1. The quality of being inconsequent. Inconceivableness (in-kon-sev'a-bl-nes), n. others, or with the requisitions of law, rule, Inconsiderable (in-kon-sid'er-a-bl), a. (Pre

The quality of being inconceivable; incom- or custom; nonconformity: 'Inconformity fix in, not, and considerable.) Not considerprehensibility. with the Church of Rome.' Hooker.

able; not worthy of consideration or notice; Inconceivably (in-kon-sēv'a-bli), adv. In

Mr. Buckley is sent to the High Commission for unimportant; small; trivial; insignificant ; an inconceivable manner; in a manner be- inconformity


as, an inconsiderable distance ; an inconsiyond comprehension, or beyond the reach Inconfused (in-kon-füzd'), a. (Prefix in, not, derable quantity or amount; inconsiderable of human intellect. and confused.] Not confused; distinct.

value. Inconceptiblet (in-kon-sep'ti-bl), a. [Prefix Inconfusion (in-kon-fū’zhon), n. (Prefix in,

I am an inconsiderable fellow, and know nothing.

Denham in, not, and conceptible.] Inconceivable. not, and confusion.) Freedom from confuSir M. Hale.

Syn. Uninportant, trivial, trifling, immatesion; distinctness. Inconcerning | (in-kon-sérn'ing), a. Unim- Incongealable (in-kon-jēl'a-bl), a. (Prefix

rial, small, slight, insignificant. portant; trivial.' Trifling and inconcerning

Fuller. matters.'

in, not, and congealable.) Not congealable; Inconsiderableness (in-kon-sid'ér-a-blincapable of being frozen.

nes), n. The quality or condition of being Inconcinnet (in-kon-sin'), a. Unsuitable.

inconsiderable; small importance. Ray. Incongealableness (in-kon-jēl'a-bl-nes), n. Cudworth.

Inconsiderably (in-kon-sid'ér-a-bli), adv. The quality of being incongealable. Inconcinnity (in-kon-sin'ni-ti), n. [L. incon- Incongenial in-kon-jē'ni-al), a. (Prefix in,

In an inconsiderable manner or degree; to cinnitas, from inconcinnus. See INCONCIN

a small amount; very little. not, and congenial.] Not congenial; not of NOUS.) Want of concinnity, congruousness, a like nature; unsuitable; uncongenial.

Inconsideracyt (in-kon-sid'ér-a-si), n. The or proportion; unsuitableness. Incongeniality (in-kon-jē'ni-al"i-ti), n. The

quality of being inconsiderate; inconsiderSuch is the inconcinnity and insignificancy of Gro- condition or quality of being incongenial;

ateness; thoughtlessness; want of considertius's interpreting of the six seals, Dr. H. More.

ation, unlikeness of nature; unsuitableness.

This is the common effect of the inconsideracy of Inconcinnous (in-kon-sin'nus), a. (Prefix Incongruence (in-kong'gry-ens), n. [Prefix youth.

Chesterfield. in, not, and concinnous.] Not concinnous; in, not, and congruence.] The quality of Inconsiderate (in-kon-sid'ér-āt), a. [Prefix unsuitable; incongruous; wanting propor- being incongruent; want of congruence,

in, not, and considerate; L. inconsideratus. tion; disagreeable to the ear; discordant. adaptation, or agreement; unsuitableness.

See CONSIDER.) 1. Not considerate; not Inconcludentt (in-kon-klūd'ent), a. [L. in, Incongruent (in-kong'gry-ent), a. (Prefix not, and concludens, concludentis, ppr. of

attending to or guided by the circumstances in, not, and congruent.) Not congruent;

which regard safety or propriety; rash; imconcludo, to conclude.) Not inferring a unsuitable; inconsistent.

prudent; thoughtless; heedless; as, the conclusion or consequence. Ayliffe. Incongruity (in-kon-gry'i-ti), n. [Prefix in,

young are generally inconsiderate; their Inconcluding (in-kon-klūd'ing), a. (Prefix not, and congruity.) i. The quality of being conduct was most inconsiderate. in, not, and concluding.) Inferring no con- incongruous; want of congruity; impro

It is a very unhappy token of our corruption, that sequence. priety; inconsistency; absurdity; unsuit

there should be any so inconsiderate among us as Inconclusive (in-kon-klūʼsiv), a. (Prefix in, ableness of one thing to another.

to sacrifice morality to politics.






2. + Inconsiderable. A little inconsiderate Irresolution on the schemes of life which offer to Incontinently (in-kon'ti-nent-li), ado. In peece of brass.' Ed. Terry (1655). — SYN. our choice, and inconstancy in pursuing them, are

an incontinent manner: (a) without due reThoughtless, heedless, careless, imprudent, the greatest causes of all our unhappiness. Addison,

straint of the passions or appetites; unindiscreet, incautious, injudicious, rash, 2. Want of sameness or uniformity; dissim

chastely. (b) Immediately; instantly; sudhasty. ilitude. Inconstancy and confusion ... in

denly; forthwith; at once. Inconsiderately (in-kon-sid'ér-at-li), adv. their mixtures or combinations.' Woodward.

I will incontinently drown myself. Shak, In an inconsiderate manner; without due Inconstant (in-kon'stant), a. (Prefix in, not, consideration or regard to consequences; and constant; L. inconstans, Fr. inconstant.]

Immediately he sent word to Athens that he would

incontinently come hither with a host of men. heedlessly; carelessly; rashly; imprudently. 1. Not constant; subject to change of

Goldyng. Inconsiderateness (in-kon-sid'er-at-nes), 12


opinion, inclination, or purpose; not firm Incontracted (in-kon-trakt'ed), a. (Prefix The condition or quality of being inconsid

in resolution; unsteady; fickle; capricious: in, not, and contracted.] Not contracted; erate; want of due regard to consequences;

said of persons; as, inconstant in love or not shortened. carelessness; thoughtlessness; inadvertence;

friendship.-2. Mutable; changeable; vari- Incontrollable (in-kon-tről'a-bl), a. (Prefix inattention; imprudence.

able: said of things. “The inconstant moon. in, not, and controllable.) Not controllable; Inconsideration (in-kon-sid’ér-ā"shon), n.

Shak.-Syn. Mutable, fickle, volatile, capri- incapable of being controlled; that cannot [Prefix in, not, and consideration.) Want of cious, unsteady, unstable, vacillating, un

be restrained or governed; uncontrollable. due consideration; want of thought; inat

settled, wavering, changeable, variable. Incontrollable lord of Rome.' Sandys. tention to consequences. Inconstant (in-kon'stant), n. A thing which

Incontrollably (in-kon-tről'a-bli), ado. In St. Gregory reckons uncleanness to be the parent

is pot constant; a thing which may be a manner that admits of no control. of blindness of mind, inconsideration, precipitancy present or absent, or may increase or de- Incontrovertibility (in-kon'trő-vért'i-bil". or giddiness in actions, and self-love. Jer, Taylor. crease; a variable.

i-ti), n. State of being incontrovertible. Inconsistency, Inconsistence(in-kon-sist- Let us eliminate the inconstants, and considering Incontrovertible (in-kon'trő-vért"i-bl), a. en-si, in-kon-sist'ens), n. (Prefix in, not, the human being merely as a covetous machine, ex: [Prefix in, not, and controvertible.) Not conand consistency, consistence.) The condition

amine by what labour, purchase, and sale the greatest
accumulative result in wealth is obtainable. Ruskin.

trovertible; too clear or certain to admit of or quality of being inconsistent: (a) such

dispute or controversy -Syn, Incontestable, Inconstantly (in-kon'stant-li), adv.

In an opposition or disagreement as that one proinconstant manner; not steadily.

indisputable, irrefragable, undeniable, un;

. such contrariety between things that both Inconsumable (in-kon-süm'a-bi), a. (Prefix Incontrovertibleness (in-kon’tro-vērt’i-blcannot subsist together; opposition or disin, not, and consumable.) Not consumable;

nes), n. State of being incontrovertible. cordance in the nature of things. incapable of being wasted or spent.

Incontrovertibly (in-kon'tró-vért" i-bli), If a man would register all his opinions upon love, Inconsumably (in-kon-sūm'a-bli), adv. So

adv. In a manner or to a degree that prepolitics, religion, and learning, what a bundle of inas to be inconsumable.

cludes debate or controversy. consistencies and contradictions would appear at

Inconsummate (in-kon-sum'āt), a. (Prefix Inconvenience (in-kon-vē'ni-ens), n. [Prelast! Swirt. in, not, and consummate.) Not consum

fix in, not, and convenience.] 1. The quality (b) Absurdity in argument or narration; mate; not finished; not complete. 'Conspi. argument or narrative where one part de- racies and inconsummate attempts.' Hale.

of being inconvenient; want of convenience;

unfitness; unsuitableness; inexpedience; as, stroys the other; self-contradiction. (c) In- Inconsummateness (in-kon-sumʼăt-nes), n.

the inconvenience of this arrangement was congruity in action or conduct; want of State of being inconsummate or incomplete.

manifest. - 2. That which incommodes or agreement or uniformity; unsteadiness; Inconsumptiblet (in-kon-sumt'i-bl), a. (L.

gives trouble or uneasiness; disadvantage; changeableness. prefix in, not, and consumo, consumptum,

anything that disturbs quiet, impedes prosMutability of temper, and inconsistency with our. to consume. ] Incapable of being consumed; selves, is the greatest weakness of human nature. not to be spent. wasted, or destroyed by

perity, or increases the difficulty of action Addison.

or success. fire. Sir K. Digby. Inconsistent (in-kon-sist'ent), a. (Prefix in, Incontaminate (in-kon-tam'in-āt), a. (Pre

Man is liable to a great many inconveniences every

Tillotson. not, and consistent.] Not consistent: (a)

fix in, not, and contaminate.) Not contairreconcilable in conception or in fact; con- minated; not adulterated; pure. Moore, trary: contradictory; discordant; incompa- Incontaminateness (in-kon-tam'in-āt-nes), Inconveniency (in-kon-vēsni-en-si), n.

Inconvenience (in-kon-vē'ni-ens), v.t. To

put to inconvenience; to incommode. tible; incongruous; not suitable.

Inn. Uncorrupted state. Wisdom and virtue are far from being inconsistent Incontentationt (in-kon-tent-å" shon), n.

convenience (which see). with politeness and good humour. Addison.

[Prefix in, not, and content.) State of being Inconvenient (in-kon-vē'ni-ent), a. [Prefix (6) Not exhibiting uniformity of sentiment, not content or discontented; discontent;

in, not, and convenient.) Not convenient: (a) conduct, steadiness to principle, or the like; dissatisfaction. Goodwin.

incommodious; unsuitable; disadvantageat variance; fickle; changeable; as, men are Incontestability (in-kon-test'a-bil"'i-ti), n.

ous; giving trouble or uneasiness; increasoften inconsistent with themselves; incon

ing the difficulty of progress or success; sistent in behaviour or in one's opinions. - Incontestable (in-kon-test'a-bl), a. (Prefix The state or quality of being incontestable.

causing embarrassment; inopportune; as, an Incompatible, Inconsistent, Incongruous. in, not, and contestable.) Not contestable;

inconvenient dress or garment; an inconSee INCOMPATIBLE. -SYN. Incompatible, in- not to be disputed; not admitting debate;

venient house; inconvenient customs; an incongruous, irreconcilable, discordant, re- too clear to be controverted; incontrover

convenient arrangement of business. pugnant, contradictory.

tible; as, incontestable evidence, truth, or The principal sum might be called for at an incon. Inconsistently (in-kon-sist'ent-li), adv. In facts. An evident and incontestable proof

Sir W. Scott. an inconsistent manner; incongruously ; of a Deity.' Locke.-SYN. Incontrovertible, (6) Unfit; unsuitable; inexpedient; as, laws with self-contradiction; without steadiness indisputable, irrefragable, undeniable, un- inconvenient for particular men. Hooker.or uniformity. questionable, indubitable.

SYN. Incommodious, unsuitable, disadvanAs this is the only crime in which your leading poli

Incontestableness (in-kon-test'a-bl-nes), n. tageous, troublesome, cumbrous, cumberticians could have acted inconsistently. Burke. Inconsistentnesst (in-kon-sist'ent-nes), n. Quality of being incontestable.

some, embarrassing, inopportune, objec


Incontestably (in-kon-test'a-bli), adv. Inconsistency

tionable. Inconsisting t (in-kon-sist'ing), a. Incon

an uncontestable manner; in a manner to Inconveniently (in-kon-vē'ni-ent-li), adv. sistent. Dryden.

preclude debate; indisputably; incontrover- In an inconvenient manner; unsuitably; inInconsolable (in-kon-sola-bl), a. tibly; indubitably.

commodiously; unseasonably. (Prefix Incontested (in-kon-test'ed), a. Uncontest- Inconversable (in-kon-vers'a-bl), a. (Prefix in, not, and consolable.) Not consolable;

ed. incapable of being consoled; grieved beyond Incontiguous (in-kon-tig'û-us), a.


in, not, and conversable.) Not conversable;

(Prefix not inclined to free conversation; incomsusceptibility of comfort.

in, not, and contiguous.] Not contiguous; municative; unsocial; reserved. Her women will represent to me that she is incon.

not adjoining: not touching; separate. Inconversant (in-kon'vers-ant), a. (Prefix solable by reason of my unkindness. Addison.

Incontiguously (in-kon-tig' ū-us-li) adv. in, not, an Inconsolableness (in-kon-sõl'a-bl-nes), n.

conversant.) Not conversant; Not contiguously; separately. Wright. not familiar; not versed. State of being inconsolable. Inconsolably (in-kon-sol'a-bli), adv. In a

Incontinence, Incontinency (in-kon'ti- Though himself not inconversant with these, he

nens, in-kon'ti-nen-si), n. (Prefix in, not, did not perceive of what utility they could be. manner or degree that does not admit of and continence; L. incontinentia, Fr. incon

Sir W'. Hamilton. consolation. Inconsonance, Inconsonancy (in-kon'ső

tinence. See CONTINENCE.) Incapacity to Inconvertibilty (in-kon-vért'i-bil”i-ti), n. hold back or restrain: (a) want of restraint

The quality of being inconvertible; incapanans, in-kon'ső-nan-si), n. (Prefix in, not, and consonance, consonancy. ] Disagreement; of the passions or appetites, especially sexual

bility of being converted into or exchanged desire; free or illegal indulgence of lust; for something else; as, the inconvertibility inconsistency; want of harmony; discordlewdness.

of bank-notes or other currency into gold This is my defence;

or silver. Inconsonant (in-kon'ső-nant), a. (Prefix in, I pleas'd myself, I shunn'd incontinence. Dryden. Inconvertible (in-kon-vert'i-bl), a. (Prefix

not, and consonant.) Not consonant or agreeing; inconsistent; discordant.

(6) In med. the inability of any of the ani. in, not, and convertible.) Not convertible; Inconsonantly (in-kon'ső-nant-li), adv. Inmal organs to restrain discharges of their

incapable of being converted into or exconsistently; discordantly. contents, so that the discharges are invol

changed for something else; as, one metal untary

is inconvertible into another; bank-notes are Inconspicuous (in-kon-spik'ü-us), a. (Pre

sometimes inconvertible into specie. fix in, not, and conspicuous.) Not conspi- Incontinent (in-kon'ti-nent), a. (Prefix in, cuous or readily discernible; obscure; not to not, and continent.] Not continent: (a) not Inconvertibleness (in-kon-vért'i-bl-nes), n.

Inconvertibility, be easily perceived by the sight; hardly to restraining the passions or appetites, par

So be noticed.

ticularly the sexual appetite; indulging lust Inconvertibly (in-kon-vert'i-bli), adv. without restraint or in violation of law; un

as not to be convertible or transmutable. Inconspicuously (in-kon-spik'ü-us-li), adv. In an inconspicuous manner.

chaste; lewd. () In med. unable to re

Inconvictedness (in-kon-vikt'ed-nes), n Inconspicuousness (in-kon-spik'ú-us-nes), Incontinent (in-kon'ti-nent), adv. strain natural discharges or evacuations,

[Prefix in, not, convicted, and term, nese, deIncon

noting state, quality, likeness, &c.] State State of being inconspicuous. Inconstance, n. Inconstancy. Chaucer. tinently; instantly; immediately.

of being not convicted.

Inconvincible (in-kon-vins'i-bl), a. (Prefix Inconstancy (in-kon'stan-si), n. [Prefix in, And put on sullen black incontinent, Shak

in, not, and convincible.) Not convincible; not, and constancy; L inconstantia. See

Unto the place they came incontinent, Spenser.

incapable of being convinced; not capable CONSTANCY.) 1. The quality of being incon- Incontinent (in-kon'ti-nent), n. One who of conviction. stant; mutability or instability of temper or indulges the sexual passion unduly; one who

None are so inconvincible as your half-witted affection; unsteadiness; fickleness. is unchaste. 'O, old incontinent!' B. Jonson.


Dr. H. More.

venient time.






Inconvincibly (in-kon-vins'i-bli), adv. In a Incorporeal (in-kor-põ’re-al), a. (Prefix in, (6) Incapable of being bribed; inflexibly just manner not admitting of conviction. Sir T. not, and corporeal.] Not corporeal: (a) not and upright. Browne.

consisting of matter; not having a material Incorruptible (in-ko-rupt'i-bl), n. Eccles. Inconyt (in-kon'i), a. (Perhaps from in, body; immaterial.

one of a section of the Monophysite Copts and con, to know.] Artless; pretty; deli- Thus incorporeal spirits to smallest forms

which arose in Alexandria in the time of cate.

Reduced their shapes immense. Milton.

Justinian: called Incorruptibles, as holding O my troth, most sweet jests! most incony vulgar (6) In law, existing only in contemplation of the incorruptibility of Christ's body, by wit!


law; not capable of actual visible seizin or which was meant that it was not liable to My sweet ounce of man's flesh! my incony Jew.


possession; intangible. - Incorporeal heredi- change from the time of his conception, nor Incorporalt (in-korpo-ral), a. (Prefix in,

tament. See HEREDITAMENT. — SYN. Im- subject to the natural affections and pasnot, and corporal.] Not consisting of mat

material, immateriate, unsubstantial, bodi- sions, as hunger, pain, weariness, and the ter or body; immaterial; incorporeal. “The

less, spiritual, disembodied, unbodied. like, Christ seemingly only suffering such incorporal air.' Shak.

Incorporealism (in-kor-po' re-al-izm), n. things. Incorporalityt (in-kor-po-ral'i-ti), n. The The condition of being incorporeal; imma- Incorruptibleness (in-ko-rupt'i-bl-nes), n. quality of being incorporal; immateriality; teriality; spiritual existence or nature. Incorruptibility incorporeality

Incorporealist (in-kor-poʻre-al-ist), n. One Incorruptibly (in-ko-rupt’i-bli), adv. In Incorporallyt (in-kor po-ral-li), adv. Withwho believes in incorporealism.

an incorruptible manner; so as not to adout matter or a body; immaterially; incor- Incorporealize (in-kor-põ're-al-īz), v. t. or i. mit of corruption. poreally

To assert to be incorporeal or regard as in- | Incorruption (in-ko-rup'shon), n. (Prefix Incorporate (in-korypo-rāt), a. (Prefix in, corporeal.

in, not, and corruption.] The condition or not, and corporate.] 1. Not consisting of Incorporeally (in-kor-pö'rē-al-li), adv. . In quality of being incorrupt; absence of or matter; not having a material body. (Rare.)

an incorporeal manner; without body; im- exemption from corruption. *Things invisible and incorporate.' Raleigh. materially

It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorrup2. Not corporate; not existing as a corpora- Incorporeity (in-kor'po-rē"i-ti), n. The qua- tion.

1 Cor. xv. 42. ion; as, an incorporate bank. lity of being incorporeal; immateriality.

Incorruptive (in-ko-rupt'iv), a. (Prefix in, Incorporate (in-korpo-rāt), v.t. pret. & pp. Incorpset (in-korps), v.t. (Prefix in, and

not, and corruptive.] Not liable to corrupincorporated; ppr. incorporating. [L. incorpse, a body, a dead body.) To incor

tion or decay. The wreath of incorruptive corporo, incorporatum-in, into, and corpus, porate.

praise.' Akenside. corporis, a body.) To form into or unite

He grew unto his seat,
And to such wondrous doing brought his horse,

Incorruptly (in-ko-rupt'li), adv. Without with a body: (a) to combine or mix as dif

As he had been incorpsed and demi-natured

corruption. ferent ingredients into one mass; as, to in- With the brave beast.

Shak. Incorruptness (in-ko-rupt'nes), n. The corporate drugs. (6) To unite with a body, Incorrect (in-ko-rekt'), a. (Prefix in, not,

condition or quality of being incorrupt : substance, or mass already formed; to com- and correct.] 1. Not correct: (a) not accord- (a) exemption from decay or corruption. bine into a structure or organization; to ing to a copy or model, or to established (6) Purity of mind or manners; probity; inunite intimately; as, to incorporate copper rules; faulty

tegrity; honesty. with silver; to incorporate plagiarisms into The piece, you think, is incorrect. Pope. Probity of mind, integrity, and incorruptness of one's work.

(b) Not according to truth; as, an incorrect manners is preferable to fine parts and subtile specu. The Romans did not subdue a country to put the


I'oodward. statement, narration, or calculation.--2. Not inhabitants to fire and sword, but to incorporate them into their own coininunity.

Addison, corrected or regulated; not chastised into Incrassate (in-kras'āt), v.t. pret. & pp. in(c) To place in a body; to give material form proper obedience.

crassated; ppr. incrassating. (L. incras

It shows a will most incorrect to heaven. Shak. to; to incarnate; to embody.

80, incrassatum -- in, intens., and crassus, The idolaters who worshipped their images as gods Syn. Inaccurate, inexact, erroneous, wrong,

thick.) To make thick or thicker; to thickSupposed some spirit to be incorporated therein. faulty.

en; specifically, in phar. to make thicker, Stillingfileet. Incorrectiont (in-ko-rek'shon), n. (Prefix as fluids, by the mixture of other substances (d) To form into a corporation or body poli- in, not, and correction.] Want of correc- less fluid, or by evaporating the thinner tic; to constitute into a body, composed of tion.

parts. one or more individuals, with the quality The unbridled swing or incorrection of ill nature Acids, such as are austere, as unripe fruits, pro. of perpetual existence or succession; as,

maketh one odious.

Arnway (1661). duce too great a stricture of the fibres, icrassate

Incorrectly (in-ko-rekt'li), adv. În an into incorporate the inhabitants of a city or

and coagulate the fluids.

Arbuthnot. town; to incorporate a bank, a railway com

correct manner; inaccurately; not exactly; Incrassate (in-kras'āt),v.i. To become thick pany, and the like. as, a writing incorrectly copied; testimony

or thicker. Incorporate (in-kor'po-rāt)v.i. To unite

incorrectly stated. so as to make a part of another body; to be

They would have wrote as loosely and incorrectly

Their spirits fattened and incrassated within them.

Hammond. mixed or blended; to grow into: usually Incorrectness (in-ko-rekt'nes), n. The con;

as the philosophers before them.


Incrassate, Incrassated (in-kras'āt, infollowed by with. Painters' colours and ashes do better incorporate dition or quality of being incorrect; want

kras'at-ed), a. 1. Thickened, or made thick with oil.

or thicker; inspissated; fattened.
of conformity to truth or to a standard; in-

Incorporate (in-kor'po-rāt), a. Incorpor- accuracy.

Their understandings were so gross within them,

being fattened and incrassate with magical phanated; united in one body; mixed; conjoined; Incorrespondence, Incorrespondency

Hammond, associated. Incorporate friends.' Shak. (in-ko'rē-spond"ens, in-ko'rē-spond"en-si), n. A fifteenth part of silver incorporate with gold. (Prefix in, not, and correspondence, corre

2. In bot. becoming thicker by degrees.

The act
Bacon. spondency.) Want of correspondence; dis- Incrassation (in-kras-ā'shon), n.
Death and I
proportion. Coleridge.

of thickening, or state of becoming thick or Am found eternal and incorporate both. Milton. Incorresponding (in-ko'rē-spond-ing), a.

thicker; inspissation. Incorporated (in-kor'po-rät-ed), p. and a. [Prefix in, not, and corresponding.] "Not Incrassative (in-kras'āt-iv), a. Having the Mixed or united in one body; associated in corresponding.

quality of thickening: the same political body; existing as a cor- Incorrigibility (in-ko'ri-ji-bil”i-ti), n.

In. Incrassative (in-kras'āt-iv), n. That which poration; united in a legal body; as, incor. corrigibleness.

has the power to thicken; specifically, a porated trades. Incorrigible (in-koʻri-ji-bl), a. (Prefix in,

medicine formerly believed to thicken the Incorporation (in-kor’po-rā"shon), n. 1. The not, and corrigible.) 1. Incapable of being

humours when too thin. act of incorporating or state of being incor- corrected or amended. An incorrigible Increasable (in-krēs'a-bl), a. Capable of porated; especially: (a) The act of combin- error.' L'Estrange.--2. Bad beyond correc

being increased. ing or mixing different ingredients into one tion or reform; as, an incorrigible sinner or

Increasableness (in-krēs'a-bl-nes), n. The mass; specifically, in med. the mixture or drunkard. 'Incorrigible fools.' Dryden. quality of being increasable. combination of drugs with liquids or soft Incorrigible (in-ko'ri-ji-bl), n. One who is increase (in-krēs'), v. i. pret. & pp. increased; substances in order to give them a certain bad beyond correction or reform.

ppr. increasing. (Norm. en, and creser, L. (legree of consistence. (The act of uniting Incorrigibleness (in-ko'ri-ji-bl-nes), n. The crescere, to grow, allied to creare, to create with a body, substance, or mass already condition or quality of being incorrigible or

-similarly decrease.) 1. To become greater, formed; combination into a structure or or- depraved beyond correction; hopeless de

as in bulk, quantity, number, quality, value, ganization; intimate union; as, the incor- pravity.

degree, intensity, authority, power, reputaporation of plagiarisms in a work.

Incorrigibly (in-ko'ri-ji-bli), adv. In an in- tion, wealth, substance, and the like; to In hin we actually are, by our actual incorpora. corrigible manner; irreclaimably.

grow; to augment; to advance. tion into that society which hath him for their head. Incorrodible (in-ko-röd'i-bl), a. (Prefix in, The waters increased, and bare up the ark. Hooker.

Gen. vii. 17 not, and corrodible.) Incapable of being (c) The act of placing in a body or of giving corroded.

He must increase, but I must decrease. Jn. iii. 30. material form; incarnation; embodiment. Incorrupt (in-ko-rupt'), a. (Prefix in, not,

The Lord make you to increase and abound in (d) Formation of a legal or political body by

love one toward another.

1 Thes. iii. 12. and corrupt.) Not corrupt: (a) not sufferthe union of individuals constituting an ar- ing from corruption or decay; not marred, 2. To be fertile or fruitful; to multiply by tificial person.—2. That which is incorpo

impaired, or spoiled. (6) Not defiled or de- the production of young; as, fishes increase rated; a legal or political body formed by praved; pure; sound; untainted; above the

very rapidly.-3. In astron. to show a grathe union of individuals, constituting an ar- influence of corruption or bribery.

dually enlarging luminous surface; to wax; tificial person and having the capacity of Incorrupted (in-ko-rupted), a. (Prefix in, as, the moon increases. perpetual succession.

not, and corrupted.) Not corrupted; un- Increase (in-krēs'), v.t. To augment or make Incorporative (in-kor'po-råt-iv), a. Tend- corrupted Whitehead.

greater in bulk, quantity, or amount; to ing to incorporate; that incorporates; spe- Incorruptibility (in-ko-rupt'i-bil”i-ti), n. add to; to advance in quality; to extend; cifically, in philol. applied to languages, as The condition or quality of being incor- to lengthen; to spread; to aggravate; as, to the Basque and the languages of the North ruptible; incapability of corruption.

increase wealth ; to increase love, zeal, or American Indians, which run a whole phrase Incorruptible (in-ko-rupt'i-bl), a. (Prefix passion; to increase distance; to increase or sentence into one word; thus, hoponi, to in, not, and corruptible.) Not corrupt- guilt. wash, hopocuni, to wash hands, hopoaduni, ible: (a) incapable of corruption, decay, or

Hic thee from this slaughter house, to wash feet. The elements used in this dissolution; as, gold, glass, mercury, &c.,

Lest thou increase the number of the dead. Shak. process of word-building are generally frag- are incorruptible.

I will increase the famine. Ezek. v. 16. inents of single words. Incorporative lan- Our bodies shall be changed into incorruptible

Make denials guages are also called intercalative.

and immortal substances.

Increase your services.






Is. ix. 7

of their age.


Increase (in'krēs), n. 1. Augmentation; a 2. Something added; increase; specifically, It is now in use in France to a limited exgrowing larger, as in number, quality, value, in math. the increase of a variable quan- tent, and has also been attempted in Engdegree, intensity,strength, authority, power, tity or fraction from its present value to land. - Period of incubation, in pathol. the reputation, wealth, substance, and the like; its next ascending value; the finite quan- period that elapses between the introducextension.

tity, generally variable, by which a vari. tion of the morbific principle and the outOf the increase of his government and peace able quantity is increased.-3. In rhet. an break of the disease. there shall be no end.

amplification without necessarily involving Incubative (in'kūb-át-iv), a. Of or pertainAs if increase of appetite had grown

a true climax, as in the following pass- ing to incubation or the period of incubaBy what it fed on,


age :

-Finally, brethren, whatsoever things tion; having the nature of or constituted 2. The amount which is added to the origi

are true, whatsoever things are honest, by incubation; relating to the period durnal stock, or by which the original stock is

whatsoever things are just, whatsoever ing which a disease exists in the system but augmented; increment; profit; interest; pro- things are pure, whatsoever things are has not manifested itself; as, the incubative duce.

lovely, whatsoever things are of good re- stage of a disease. Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but sear

port; if there be any virtue, and if there be Incubator (inkūb-åt-er), n. One who or thy God

Lev. xxv. 36. Earth's increase, foison plenty,

any praise, think on these things.' Phil. that which incubates; a bird that incubates; Barns and garners never empty. Shak. iv. 8.

specifically, a bird that shows a disposition 3. Progeny; issue; offspring.

Increpatet (in'krēp-āt), v.t. (L. increpo, in- to sit upon eggs, in distinction from one

crepitum, increpatum, to upbraid loudly, that does not show such a disposition; an All the increase of thine house shall die in the flower

1 Sam. ii. 33.

to chide-prefix in, and crepo, to make a apparatus or contrivance for hatching eggs 4. Generation. 'Organs of increase.' Shak. noise, to talk loudly.) To chide; to rebuke. by artificial heat.

Incubatory (in-kūbʻa-to-ri), a. Serving for 5. In astron. the period of increasing light Increpation (in-krēp-a'shon), n. [L. incre

patio, increpationis, from increpo. See IN- incubation. or luminous phase; the waxing, as of the

CREPATE.) A chiding or rebuking; rebuke; Incubet (in'kūb), v.t. To make a cube of: moon. Seeds, hair, nails, hedges, and herbs will grow reprehension. South.

to reduce to the form of a cube, so as to be soonest, if set or cut in the increase of the moon. Increscent (in-kres'ent), a.

adapted to fill a vacant space. Bacon. [L. increscens, increscentis,

So that Prelaty ... must be fain to inglobe or SYN. Augmentation, enlargement, exten- ppr. of incresco, to in

incube herself among the Presbyters. Wilton. sion, growth, increment, addition, acces- crease.


Incubiture+ (in-kū’bi-tūr), n.

The act of sion. Increasing; growing; aug.

incubating; incubation. Ellis. Increaseful (in-krēs'ful), a. Full of increase; menting; swelling; spe

Incubous (in’kūb-us), a. In bot. imbricated abundant of produce. "To cheer the plough- cifically, in her. a term

from the base towards the apex, said of man with increaseful crops.' Shak. employed to denote the

leaves: opposed to succubous (which see). Increaser (in-krēs'ér), n. One who or that moon when represented

The moon in. Incubus (in'kū-bus), n. pl. Incubuses, Inwhich increases. A lover and increaser of with the horns towards the

cubi (insků-bus-ez, in'kû-bi). [L., from inhis people.' Beau, & Fl. dexter side of the shield.

cubo, to lie on.) 1. A sensation of a distressIncreasing (in-krēs'ing), p. and a. Prolific; Increst (in-krest'), v.t. To adorn with a ing weight at the epigastrium during sleep, breeding or multiplying rapidly. crest. Drummond. (Rare.]

and of impossibility of motion, speech, or Fishes are more numerous or increasing than Incriminate (in-krim'in-āt), v.t. pret. & pp. respiration; nightmare (which see).—2. An beasts or birds.

Sir M. Hal.

incriminated; ppr. incriminating. [L.L. in- imaginary being or demon, supposed to be Increasingly (in-krēs'ing-li), adv. In the crimino, incriminatum-L in, and crimino, the cause of nightmare. way of increasing or growing; growingly. to accuse one of a crime, from crimen, crimIncreate (in-kre-at'), v.t. [Prefix in, in, with

The devils who appeared in the female form were inis, a crime.) To charge th a crime or

generally called succubi; those who appeared like in, and create.) To create within. fault; to accuse; to criminate.

men, incubi.

Lecky. Increate, Increated (in-krē-at', in-krē-at'- Incriminatory (in-krim'in-a-to-ri), a. Charg- Hence-3. Fig. anything that weighs heavily ed), a. (Prefix in, not, and create, created.] ing with crime; accusatory; tending to cri- on another thing, as on the mind; anything Not created; uncreated. Bright effluence minate. Athenæum.

that prevents the free use of the mental or of bright essence increate.' Milton.

Incroach (in-krõch), v.t. Same as Encroach. intellectual faculties; an encumbrance of Incredibility (in-kred'i-bil"i-ti), n. 1. The Incroachment (in-kroch’ment), n. Same

any kind; a dead weight. quality of being incredible, or of being too as Encroachment.

Debt and usury is the incubus which weighs most extraordinary to admit of belief. Incruciated (in-kro'shi-āt-ed), a. Free from

heavily on the agricultural resources of Turkey For objects of incredibility, none are so removed torture or torment. Fellham.

Farley: from all appearance of truth as those of Corneille's Incruentalt (in-krö-ent'al), a. (L. incruen- Inculcate (in-kulkāt), v.t. pret. & pp. inAndromede,

Dryden. tus-prefix in, not, and cruentus, bloody.] culcated; ppr. inculcating. [L. inculco, in2. That which is incredible.

Not bloody; not attended with blood. Bre- culcatum, to tread in or down, to force Heat his mind with incredibilities. Fohnson, vint.

upon-in, in, into, and calco, to tread, calx, Incredible (in-kred'i-bl), a. (Prefix in, not,

Incrust (in-krust), v. t. [L. incrusto--prefix the heel.] To tread into; hence, to impress and credible.) Not credible; impossible to

in, and crusto, to cover with a crust, from by frequent admonitions; to teach and enbe believed; not credited; too extra

crusta, rind, crust.) To cover with a crust force by frequent repetitions; to urge on ordinary and improbable to admit of belief.

or with a hard coat; to form a crust on the the mind.

surface of; as, iron incrusted with oxide or Manifest truth may deserve sometimes to be inculWhy should it be thought a thing incredible with

cated, because we are too apt to forget it. you, that God should raise the dead? Acts xxvi. 8. rust; a vessel incrusted with salt.

Atterbury Incredibleness (in-kred'i-bl-nes), n. InSave but our army, and let Jove incrust

-Implant, Ingraft, Inculcate, Instil, InSwords. pikes, and guns with everlasting rust. Pope. credibility.

fuse. See under İMPLANT.-Syn. To teach, Incredibly (in-kred'i-bli), adv. In an inIncrustate (in-krust'át), v. t. To incrust.

instil, implant, infuse, impress. credible manner; in a manner to preclude Incrustate (in-krust'āt),a. In bot.(a)coated, Bacon. (Rare.)

Inculcation (in-kul-kā'shon), n. The action belief.

of inculcating or impressing by repeated Increditable (in-kred'it-a-bl), a. Not cred- as with earthy matter. (6) A term applied admonitions. itable.

to seeds which grow so firmly to their peri- Often inculcation of warning necessarily inaplies a Incredulity (in-kre-dū’li-ti), n. The quality carp as to appear to have but one integu- danger.

Bp. Hail. of being incredulous; indisposition to bement.

Inculcator (in-kulkāt-ér), n. One who inlieve; a withholding or refusal of belief; Incrustation (in-krust-ā'shon), n (L in

culcates or enforces. “The example and inscepticism; unbelief.

crustatio, incrustationis, from incrusto. See culcator.' Boyle. or every species of incredulity, religious unbelief

INCRUST.] 1. The act of incrusting; the act Inculkt (in-kulk), v.t. To inculcate. Sir T. is infinitely the most irrational. Buckminster.

of covering or lining with any foreign sub- More. Incredulous (in-kred'ü-lus), a. (Prefix in,

stance, as with marble or other stone; the Inculpable (in-kulp'a-bl), a. (Prefix in, not,

state of being incrusted. not, and credulous.) Not credulous; not

and culpable.) Not culpable; without fault;

The first broad characteristic of the building, and given to believe readily; indisposed to ad

unblamable; not to be accused. the root nearly of every other important peculiarity mit the truth of what is related; refusing in it, is its confessed incrustation. It is the purest

It was an innocent and inculpable piece of ignor.

ance. or withholding belief; sceptical. example in Italy of the great school of architecture,

Killingtect. in which the ruling principle is the incrustation of Inculpableness (in-kulp'a-bl-nes), n. The I am not altogether incredulous but there may be brick with more precious materials. Ruskin. such candles as are made of salamander's wool.

condition or quality of being inculpable; Bacon.

2. A crust or coat of anything on the sur- unblamableness; blamelessness. Incredulously in-kred'ū-lus-li), adv. In

face of a body; a covering or inlaying, as Inculpably in-kulp'a-bli), adv. Unblaman incredulous manner; with incredulity. of marble, mosaic, or other substance.

ably; without blame. Incredulousness (in-kred'ū-lus-nes), n. In- Incrustment (in-krust'ment), n. Incrusta- Inculpate (in-kul'pāt), v. t. pret. & pp. incul. credulity (which see). tion. Edin. Rev.

pated; ppr. inculpating. (L.L. inculpo, inIncremablet (in-krem'a-bl), a. (From L. in, Incrystallizable (in-kris'tal-iz-a-bl), a. (Pre- culpatum-L in, into, and culpa, a fault] not, and cremo, to burn.) Incapable of befix in, not, and crystallizable.) Not crystal

To expose to blame or imputation of a fault; ing burned. Sir T. Browne. lizable; uncrystallizable.

to blame; to censure; to accuse of crime; to Incremation (in-kre-ma'shon), n. The act Incubate (in’kū-bāt), v.i. (L. incubo, incubi.

_impute guilt to; to incriminate. of burning or of consuming by burning, as tum, incubatum, to lie in or upon-prefix Inculpation (in-kul-på'shon), n. [Fr., from dead bodies; a conflagration. in, in, upon, and cubo, to lie down.) To sit,

L.L. inculpo. See INCULPATE.) The act of Not very long after we passed those incremations as on eggs for hatching.

inculpating or state of being inculpated; (burning ghauts near Calcutta), I was seated in the Incubation (in-kū-bă'shon), n. [L. incu

blame; censure; incrimination. drawing-room of the ... Club. W. H. Russell. batio, incubationis, from incubo. See IN- Inculpatory (in-kulp'a-to-ri), a. Tending Increment (in'kré-ment), n. [L. incremen

CUBATE.] 1. The act of sitting, as on eggs, to inculpate or criminate; tending to prove tum, from incresco, to increase. See In- for the purpose of hatching young.--2. In guilty; criminatory; opposed to exculpatory; CREASE.) 1. Act or process of increasing; a pathol. the maturation of a contagious poi

as, inculpatory evidence. growing in bulk, quantity, number, value,

son in the animal system. - Artificial incu. Incult (in-kult'), a. (L. incultus-prefix in, or amount; augmentation. The Nile's in

bation, the hatching of eggs by prolonged not, and cultus, pp. of colo, to cultivate] crement or inundation.' Sir T. Browne. artificial warmth. The Egyptians have from

Untilled; uncultivated; hence, not polished time inimemorial been accustomed to hatch A nation, to be great, ought to be compressed in

or refined, as style. its increment by nations more civilized than itself. eggs by artificial heat. In China, also, arti

Germany then, saith Tacitus, was inault and horrid. Coleridge. ficial incubation has long been practised.


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Incultivated (in-kul'ti-vāt-ed), a. [Prefix or degree that renders cure or remedy im- Indart (in-därt), v.t. (In and dart.) To dart in, not, and cultivated.] Not cultivated; practicable; irretrievably.

in; to thrust or strike in. Shak. uncultivated. Sir T. Herbert.

We cannot know it is or is not, being incurably Inde, t a. Indigo-coloured ; azure-coloured. Incultivation (in-kul-ti-vā'shon), n. Ne- ignorant.

Locke. Chaucer. glect or want of cultivation.

Incuriosity (in-kū-ri-os'i-ti), n. The state Indear (in-der), v. t. Same as Endear. In that state of incultivation which nature in her or quality of being incurious; want of curi- Indearment (in-dēr'ment), n. Same as Enluxuriant fancies loves to form. Beringtor. osity, inquisitiveness, or care; inattentive- dearment. Inculture (in-kul'tūr), n. (Prefix in, not, ness; indifference.

Indebt t (in-det), v.t. To place in debt; to and culture.) Want or neglect of culture. As long as books, either from the difficulty of their bring under obligation. Feltham. style, or from the general incuriosity of the people,

Thy fortune hath indebted thee to none. Daniel found but few readers.

Incumbency (in-kum'ben-si), n. 1. The
state of being incumbent; a lying or resting
Incurious (in-kū'ri-us), a. [Prefix in, not,

Indebted (in-det'ed), a. (Prefix in, in, and on something. -2. That which is incumbent: and curious.) Not curious or inquisitive;

debt.] 1. Being under a debt or obligation; (a) a physical burden or weight. destitute of curiosity; inattentive; careless;

having incurred a debt; held to payment or negligent.

requital. We find them more fragile, and not so well quali- A testimony of truth which must appear striking

By owing, owes not, but still pays, at once fied to support great incumbencies and weights. even to the most incurious respecting such matters.

Indebted and discharged.

Milton. Evelyn.

Whewell. (6) That which rests upon one morally, as a Incuriously in-kū'ri-us-li), adv. In an in

2. Obliged by something received, for which

restitution or gratitude is due; as, we are duty, rule, or obligation.

curious or inattentive inanner.

• Public ac

indebted to our parents for their care of us All the incumbencies of a family. Donne. counts rarely or incuriously inspected.' Bo- in infancy and youth. 3. Eccles. the state of holding or being in lingbroke.

Few consider how much we are indebted to goverpossession of a benefice. Incuriousness (in-kū'ri-us-nes), n. Incuri

ment, because few can represent how wretched man. osity.

kind would be without it.

Alterbury. These fines are only to be paid to the bishop dur. ing his incumbency.


Incurrence (in-kurrens), n. The act of in- Indebtedness (in-det'ed-nes), n. 1. The Incumbent(in-kum'bent), a. [L incumbens, curring, bringing on, or subjecting one's

state of being indebted. ---2. The amount of incumbentis, ppr, of incumbo, to lay one's self to; as, the incurrence of guilt.

debt owed; debts collectively. Incursion (in-kér'shon), n. [L. incursio, Indebtment (in-det'ment), n. self down upon-in, on, and cumbo, to lie

The state of incursionis, from incurro, to run into or todown.] 1. Lying or resting upon.

being indebted; indebtedness. (Rare.) wards, to rush at. See INCUR.) 1. A runAnd when to move th' incumbent load they try.

Fear thou a worse prison, if thou wilt needs will. ning into; hence, an entering into a territory Addison.

ingly live and die in a just indehtment, when thou 2. Supported; buoyed up.

with hostile intention; an invasion not fol- mayest be at once free and honest. Bp. Hall.

lowed by continued occupation; an inroad. And fly incumbent on the dusky air. Dryden.

Indecencet (in-de'sens), n. Indecency. 'Car

The incursions of the Goths disordered the affairs ried to indecence of barbarity.' Burnet. 3. In bot. leaning or resting: said of anthers of the Roman empire.


Indecency (in-dē'sen-si), n. [Fr. indécence, when lying on the inner side of the filament, 2. + Attack; occurrence. ‘Sins of daily in- from L. indecens, unseemly, unbecoming. or of an embryo when its radicle is folded cursion.' South.

See INDECENT.] 1. The quality or condition down upon the back of the cotyledons. -- Incursive (in-kér'siv), a. Hostile; making of being indecent; want of decency; unbe4. Lying or resting, as duty or obligation; an attack or incursion; aggressive. imposed and emphatically urging or press

comingness.-2. That which is indecent or Incurtaint (in-ker'tin), v.t. [Prefix in, in, unbecoming in language, actions, or maning to performance; indispensable. and curtuin.) To place within a curtain or

ners; any action or behaviour which is All men, truly zealous, will perform those good curtains; to hang with or as with curtains; deemed a violation of modesty, or an offence works which are incumbent on all Christians,

to curtain; to tapestry. Bp. Sprat.

to delicacy, as rude or wanton actions, obIncumbent (in-kum'bent), n. A person in

They began at Rome to incurtain their theatre scene language, and whatever tends to ex

with such vails dyed in colours, only for shade. present possession of a benefice or any office.

cite a blush in a spectator.

Incumbently (in-kum'bent-li), adv.

In an
Incurvate (in-kérvát), v.t. pret. & pp. in-

They who, by speech or writing, present to the ear incunibent manner.

or the eye of modesty any of the indecencies I allude curvated; ppr. incurvating. (L. incurvo,

Beattie. Incumber (in-kum'bėr), v.t. (Prefix in, and

to, are pests of society, incurvatum ---in, in, and curvo, to bend, cumber.) To encumber (which see). from curvus, bent.) To turn from a right

Syn. Indelicacy, indecorum, immodesty, imIncumbrance (in-kum'brans), n. Encum

line or straight course; to bend; to crook.

purity, obscenity. brance (which see). Incurvate (in-kérvát), a. Curved inward

Indecent (in-de'sent), a. (Prefix in, not, and Incumbrancer (in-kum'brans-ér), n. Enor upward.

decent.] Not decent; unbecoming; unfit to cumbrancer (which see). Incurvation (in-kérv-ä'shon), n. (L. incury

be seen or heard; offensive to modesty and Incumbroust (in-kum'brus), a. Cumberatio, incurvationis, from incurvo, to bend,

delicacy; as, indecent language; indecent some; troublesome. to bend inward. See INCURVATE.] 1. The

manners; an indecent posture or gesture. Incunabulum (in-kū-na’bū-lum), n. pl. In- act of incurvating or bending; the act of

Syn. Unbecoming, indecorous, indelicate, cunabula (in-kū-na'bū-la). (L. incunabula, bowing or bendin the body in respec

unseemly, immodest, gross, shameful, im

or swaddling-clothes, birth-place, origin-pre

pure, unchaste, obscene, filthy. reverence. fix in, and cunabula, from cunce, a cradle.) He made use of acts of worship which God hath

Indecently (in-de'sent-li), adv. In an indeIn bibliography, a book printed during the appropriated; as incurvation and sacrifice.

cent manner. early period of the art; generally, a book


fleet Indeciduate (in-de-sidū-át), a. (Prefix in, printed before the year 1500.

2. The state of being incurvated or bent not, and deciduate.) Not deciduate: a term Incur (in-ker'), v.t. pret. & pp. incurred;

from a rectilinear course; curvity; crooked- used in regard to those placental mammals,

ness. ppr. incurring. (L. incurro, to run against

as the horse, cow, pig, whose uterus develops -in, and curro, to run.) 1. To run into or

Incurve (in-kery'), v.t. (See INCURVATE.) no decidua, the placenta therefore coming against: (a) hence, to encounter, as someTo make crooked; to bend; to curve.

away without loss of substance of the uterus; thing from which danger, inconvenience, or

Incurve-recurved (in-kérv'rē-kervd), a. In non-deciduate. harm may be looked for; to expose one's

bot. bending or bent inwards and then back- Indeciduous (in-de-sid'ú-us), a. (Prefix in,

wards. self to; to become liable or obnoxious to; to

Sir T. Browne.

not, and deciduous.) Not deciduous or fallbecome subject to; as, a thief incurs the

Incurvity (in-kérv'i-ti), n. (From L. incurv- ing, as the leaves of trees in autumn; lastpunishment of the law by the act of stealing,

us, bent. See INCURVATE.) A state of being ing; evergreen. before he is convicted, and we have all in

bent or crooked; crookedness; a bending Indecimable in-de'si-ma-bl), a. [Fr. indé.

inward. curred the penalties of God's law.

cimable-prefix in, not, and L.L. decimo, to Incus (ing'kus), n. (L.) 1. An anvil. -2. In They had a full persuasive that not to do it were

pay a tithe, from L. decima, tenth part, to desert God, and consequently to incur damnation.

anat, the largest bone of the internal ear, from decem, ten.) Not liable to decimation; South.

so named from its fancied resemblance to not liable to the payment of tithes. (6) To bring on; to contract; as, to incur a an anvil.

Indecipherable (in-de-si'fér-a-bl), a. (Prefix debt; to incur guilt. -2. ^ To render liable Incuse, Incuss (in-kūz, in-kus), v.t. [L. in, not, and decipherable.). Not decipheror subject to; to occasion. Chapman. incudo, incusum, to forge with a hammer. ] able; incapable of being deciphered or interIncuri (in-kér'), v.i. To enter; to pass; to To impress by striking or stamping into, as preted. occur. a coin.

Nor are the original features of the rest of the edi. The inotions of the minute parts of bodies are in

The back of this coin is incused with a rudely-exe. fice altogether indecipherable; the entire series of visible, and incur not to the eye.

cuted impression of a lion's head.

shafts, from the western entrance to the apse, are H. N. Humphreys. nearly uninjured.

Ruskin. Incurability (in-kūr'a-bil"i-ti), n. [Fr. in- Incussion (in-ku'shon), n. curabilité, incurability. ] The state of being

Act of shaking; Indecipherably (in-de-si'fer-a-bli), adv. So concussion. Maunder. (Rare.)

as to be indecipherable. incurable; impossibility of cure; insuscep. Indagatet (in'da-gāt), v. t. [L. indago, inda- 'Indecision (in-de-si’zhon), n. [Prefix in, tibility of cure or remedy.

gatum, to trace out, to search into.) To not, and decision.) Want of decision; want Incurable (in-kūr'a-bl), a. (Prefix in, not, seek or search out.

of settled purpose or of firmness in the deand curable.) Not curable: (a) beyond the Indagationt (in-da-gā'shon), n. The act of termination of the will; a wavering of mind; power of skill or medicine; as, an incurable searching; search; inquiry; examination. irresolution. disease. (6) Not admitting remedy or cor

In her (the soul's) indagations ofttimes new scents indecision is the natural accoinplice of violence. rection; as, incurable evils.

put her by.
B. Jonson.

Burke. They were labouring under a profound, and, as it | Indagativet (in'da-gāt-iv), a. Searching or

Indecisive (in-de-si'siv), a. (Prefix in, not, might have seemed, an almost incurable ignorance. inclined to search into or after; investigat- and decisive. ] 1. Not decisive; not bringing

Sir 7. Stephen.

to a final close or ultimate issue; as, an arSyn. Irremediable, remediless, cureless, ir- The church night not be ambitious, or indagative gument indecisive of the question. reparable, irretrievable.

of such employment.

Jer. Taylor.

The action was obstinate and bloody, though inde. Incurable (in-kūr'a-bl), n. A person diseased Indagator (in'da-gāt-er), n. A searcher; cisive.

Smollett. beyond the reach of cure. one who seeks or inquires with diligence. A thousand such criticisms are altogether indecis.

Blair. If idiots and lunatics cannot be found, incurables Awake, ye curious indagators, fond

ive as to his general merit. may be taken into the hospital.

Swift. of knowing all but what avails you known. Young. 2. Not having come to a decision; prone to Incurableness (in-kūr'a-bl-nes), n. Incura- Indamage (in-dam'āj), v.t. To endamage. indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; bility.

Indamaged in-dam'ájd), a. (Prefix in, not, vacillating; hesitating; as, an indecisive state Incurably (in-kūr'a-bli), adv. In a manner and damaged.] Undamaged. Milton. of mind; an indecisive character.

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