Imágenes de páginas

Tide, great, i. 534. See Storm.
Tippecanoe. See Battle.
Tiverton incorporated, i. 452.
Tlascalans conquered by Cortes, 1519.
Tobacco, carried to England, 1586. culti-
vated by the English, i. 151. prohibited
by king James, 157. ill effects of; par-
liamentary act concerning, 174. exporta-
tion of, 179. proclamation concerning,
186. prohibited in Massachusetts, 258.
customs from, in Virginia, 386. Note
XVII, 569. Note XXIII, 574. quantity
of, exported from the colonies, ii. 35;
from Virginia, 86.

Tonnage of United States, ii. 420.

Trumbull, Jonathan, father and son, gov-
ernors of Connecticut, death of, and char-
acter, ii. 533.

fort, taken by general Arnold,

ii. 335.
Tryon, governor, founds a professorship
of law in King's college, N. York, ii. 197.
Tunis, treaty with, ii. 413. instructions to
the consul at, 419.

Turnpike corporation, first Massachusetts,
ii. 405.

Tyng, Edward, commander of the fleet at
Louisburg in 1745, ii. 27, 28. death of, 68.


duty, in Rhode Island, i. 488; in Uncas, friendly sachem of the Moheagans,
New York, 501.
i. 249, 272, 277. family and descendants
Topsfield settled, i. 266.
of, 518, and Note XV.

Tornado, at Salisbury and vicinity, ii. 184.
at Woodstock, 361. at New Milford, 401.
in Georgia, 442. in South Carolina, 445.
Torrey, Samuel, death of, 493.
Tracy, Uriah, dies at Washington, ii. 437.
Trade, colonial, monopoly of, by England,
i. 330; and plantations, new board of,

colonial, with Great Britain, in

1769, ii. 164.

Treadwell, John, death of, ii. 504.
Treasury, secretary of, his report; act for
funding the national debt, ii. 380. report
on, 397.

Treat, major, commander of the Connecti-
cut troops in Philip's war, i. 375.
Treaties relating to America: of Massa-
chusetts with the French, i. 275. of Bre-
da, 346. of Madrid, 355. of Westminster,
366. at Casco, 391. at London, between
France and England for America, 417,
424. of Ryswick, 464. of Utrecht, 510.
of 1727, 540. of Aix la Chapelle, ii. 36.
of Paris, in 1763, 113. with Great Britain,
397. with Spain and Algiers, 402. Tunis,
413. Tripoli, 410, 430. with Great Britain,
concluded at London, not ratified by the
American government, 433. of peace with,
signed at Ghent, 471. See Indians.
Trent, William, death of, i. 535.
Trenton, Washington's expedition against;
battle of; Hessians taken, ii. 252, 253.
Trinidad discovered, 1498.
Tripoli, treaty with, 410; hostile; cruiser
of, taken, 419. bombarded by commodore
Preble; Decatur at; American frigate
taken in the harbour of, 426, 428. con-
vention with the bashaw of; treaty of
peace with; American prisoners released,

Trois Rivieres, settlement at, i. 180.
Trowbridge, Edmund, [not Edward] death
of, ii. 396.

Union, general, of the colonies, plan for,
ii. 55.


mission at, among the Osages, ii.

United States, independence of, declared,
ii. 239; acknowledged by foreign nations,
345; by Great Britain, 347. boundaries
of, fisheries, and other articles of peace
with, 347-349. government of, causes
of change in, 363. See Colonies, Con-

Universal churches agree on the articles
of their faith, ii. 385.
University founded at Mexico, 1551. at
Henrico, i. 157. See College.
Utrecht, treaty of, i. 510.
Uxbridge incorporated, i. 541.


Vagabonds, i. 473.
Valdivia founded, 1551.
Vandalia, the seat of government of Illi-
nois, laid out, ii. 489.
Vane, Sir Henry, i. 229. governor of Mas-
sachusetts, 234. executed, 327.

Van Twiller, governor of Manhattan, i.

Varnum, general James, death of, ii. 379.
Vaudreuil, M. de, capitulation of, ii. 100.
Vaughan, William, at the taking of Louis-
bourg, ii. 26. death of, 32.
Velasquez sends out Cortes to Mexico,
1519. sends an armament against him,


Vera Cruz founded, 1519.
Veraguay, Spaniards first repulsed by the
Indians at, 1503.

Vermont, fort Dummer the first settlement
in, i. 531. independence of, asserted by the
people of New Hampshire grants, by that
name, ii. 279. government of, commences
its operations, 293. N. Hampshire grants
united with, 336. gazette published, 337,

first medical society in; act for post offices
and for opening a free trade to Quebec,
253. jurisdiction within, relinquished by
New York; boundary line settled, 381.
admitted into the Union, 386. papers
published, 504.

Vernon, admiral, expedition of, against
Porto Bello, ii. 12. against Carthagena,

Verrezzano, voyage of, in service of
France, 1524.

Vessels wrecked, off Charleston, and on
Long Island, ii. 476.

Villagagnon leads French protestants to
Brazil, 1555. ruins the colony, 1557.
Viomenel, baron de, at Yorktown, ii. 331.
Virginia discovered, 1584. Grenville's
voyage to, and first colony in, 1585.
second colony in, 1587. Note XVII, 570.
Sir Walter Raleigh assigns the patent of,
1589. fate of the second colony in, 1590,
division of, into two colonies, 1606. first
permanent colony in, i. 126. disturbance
with Indians of, 127. first remittance
from, 128. mortality in, ib. number of
Indians in, 130. Smith, president of, 131.
first marriage in, 132. state of the colony
in, ib. second charter of, 133. plot of the
Indians in, discovered, 134. peace with
Indians in, and state of, in 1609, 135,
hostility of Indians, and starving time in,
137. proposed abandonment of, ib. change
in government of, 138. first noticed by
parliament, 139. third charter of, 141.
promotion of industry in, and state of,
146. application to parliament for aid to,
149. landed property introduced into, ib.
difficulty with Indians in, 151. state of,
in 1617, 153; in 1618, 156. first general
assembly in, 157. mortality in, 158. in-
crease of, and supply of women to, 164.
negro slaves first introduced into, 165.
constitution for, 172. free school founded
in, 173. ministers' stipend, 174. massacre
and famine in, 178. state of, and courts
in, 179. state of, in 1623, 183. spirit of
the assembly of, 185. charter of, vacated,
and new commission, 186. made depend-
ent on the crown, 187. state of, 208.
difficulty of, with Maryland, 216. civil
privileges restored to, 256. law of, for the
conformity of ministers, 271. massacre
in, 276. currency of, 279. treatment of
the church sent from New England, in,
289. grant of land in, to royalists, 290.
royal authority acknowledged in, 293.
trade of, with West Indies prohibited by
parliament, 293. submission of, to Crom-
well, 296. act in favour of, ib. currency
of, 304. Charles II. proclaimed in, 311.
number of people in, 315. instructions to

the governor of, 317. laws of England
adopted by, 318. laws against quakers
and sectarians in, 323. coliege in, ib.
laws concerning Indians, 323, 329. laws
passed by general assembly of, 326. act
for the election of burgesses, 255. state
of, in 1671, 357. Dutch fleet arrives at,
364. lease of, to lord Culpeper, 364. in-
surrections in, and state of, 377. Bacon's
rebellion in, 385. troops sent by the king
to, 388. commissioners arrive at, ib. ma-
gazines built in, 390. various laws in,
397. state of, in 1681, 401. acts of, 408.
printing press forbidden in, 411. act for
preserving the peace of, 414. William and
Mary proclaimed in, 429. settlement of
French refugees in, 432. charter of a
college in, solicited, 434. William and
Mary college established in, 343. acts of,
447. storm in, 450. act of, in behalf of
New York, 455. rangers in, 465. seat of
government of, in Williamsburgh, 468.
emigration of French protestants to, 472.
act for strengthening the frontiers of, 479.
population &c. in 1703, 486. acts of,
relating to the French protestants, the
college, and the frontiers, 492. state of,
in 1712, 509. German protestants in, ib.
country to the westward of, discovered,
512. boundary of, 543. laws of, printed,
ib. population of, 554.-Trade of, vol.
ii. 8. French invasion of the territory of,
50. march of troops from, toward Ohio, 53.
exports from 86. population of, 117. ad-
dress to the king, memorial to the lords, re-
monstrance to the commons, 128. instruc-
tions to agents at London, 132. treatment
of the stamp act; distributor of stamps de-
clines acting, 138. general assembly sends
a spirited memorial to the house of lords.
and remonstrance to the house of com-
mons, 156. passes resolutions asserting
the rights of the colony, and complaining
of the violation of them; is dissolved by
the governor; meets in a private capaci-
ty, chooses Peyton Randolph moderator,
and adopts resolutions against importing
British goods; non-importation becomes
general, 160, 161. Vine successfully cul-
tivated in, 165. house of burgesses ap-
point a committee of correspondence;
reasons for it, 180. resolve to observe the
first day of the operation of the Boston
port bill as a day of fasting, humiliation,
and prayer; espouse the cause of Massa-
chusetts, and propose a general congress,
186, 187. meeting of officers in; their
resolutions, 193. entails abolished in;
common law of England declared to be
in force, 258. descent upon, by a navel
and land force under Sir George Collier

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

incorporated, i. 534.

Walter, William, death of, ii. 417.
Wampampeag made a legal tender, i. 271.
Ward, Artemas, major general, resigns his
commission; elected one of the council of
Massachusetts, ii. 280. death of, 418.
Warham, John, death of, i. 356.
Warren, admiral, commands the fleet at
Louisbourg, ii. 26.

-, James, president of Massachu-
setts provincial congress, ii. 213.

-, general Joseph, is killed, ii. 211.
Warwick, earl of, governor and admiral of
the colonies, i. 273.

. settled, i. 266. Indian spoliation
at, and burned, 378.
Washington, George, birth of, in 1732, i.
555. mission of, to the French posts, ii.
50. commands against the French, 53.
capitulates, 54. conduct of, at Braddock's
defeat, 62. chosen commander in chief
of the army of the United Colonies, 212.
arrives at Cambridge, 218. at New York,
244. retreats beyond the Delaware; suc-
cessful expedition against Trenton, 251-
253. takes post at Trenton; the British
advance against him; his bold design and
movement; battle near Princeton; re-
tires to Morristown, 260262. his letter
to the governors of the United States,
343. his farewell orders to the army, 350.
elected president of the United States,
372. his inauguration; speech to con-
gress; answer of the senate; his appoint-
ments to office, 375. visits New England,
376. speeches to congress, 379, 384, 389.
re-elected president, 394. his speech, and
proclamation of neutrality, ib. proclama-
tion against the insurgents in Pennsylva-

nia, 397. speech to congress, view of the
national prosperity, 403. valedictory ad-
dress; last speech to congress, 404. is
appointed commander in chief of a de-
fensive army, 412. death of, 415.

of, ii. 442.

William Augustine, death

in District of Columbia, seat
of government of the United States is
removed to, ii. 415. number of inhabitants
in the city, 424. taken by the British, and
the capitol burnt, 464.
fort, taken by the British,

ii. 251.
Watertown visited, i. 202. planted, 204.
Wayne, general, surprised and defeated,
ii. 266. succeeds St. Clair in the com-
mand of the army; builds fort Recovery ;
battle with the Indians, who are defeated;
destroy their villages, and returns to Au
Glaize; his victory of extensive influence
in preventing war with the Indians, 400.
dies at Presque Isle, 407. See 300.
Wert, Sebald de, discoveries of, 1600.
Welch, Samuel, death of, ii. 505.
Weld, Thomas, death of, i. 485.
Wells, township of, i. 271. attack on the
garrison at, 441.

Wenham founded, i. 276.
Wentworth, Benning, death of, ii. 175.
Wessagussett, settlement at, i. 177. con-
spiracy against, 180. abandoned, 181. re-
sumed, and called Weymouth, 185.
West, Francis, admiral of New England,

i. 183.

Westerly settled, i. 341.

Westfield incorporated, i. 348.
West India islands, i. 201. trade of New
England with, 285. drought and great
mortality in, ib. company, new French,
335. bucaniers in, 345. expedition against
pirates in, 422. pirates in, suppressed,
519. number of slaves in, ii. 78. treatment
of the stamp act, 138.
Westminster assembly of divines, N. Eng-
land ministers invited to, i. 264.

", treaty of, i. 305.
Westoes, Indians, war with, in Carolina,
i. 395.

Wethersfield settled, i. 229.
Weymouth, George, voyage of. to Labra-
dor, 1593. for the Northwest passage,

or Wessagusset, i. 177, 180,
181, 185. 228. houses at, burned by In-
dians, 378.

Whale fishery of England, 1593.
Whalley, general, one of king Charles's
judges, arrival of, in Boston, i. 315.
Wheelock, Eleazar, death of, ii. 305.
Wheelwright, John, removed from Massa-

chusetts, i. 242. goes to Pascataqua, 248.
death of, 400.

Whirlwind in South Carolina, ii. 108.
White, Anthony W., death of, ii. 427.

Hugh, first settler of Whitestown,

dies, ii. 451.

John, governor of Virginia in 1587,

i. 105-107.

, John, colonel, successful stratagem
of, ii. 303.

-, Peregrine, death of, i. 490.

mountains, Darby Field's journey
to, i. 265. land slip at, ii. 519.
Whitefield, George, founds an orphan
house, ii. 16. leaves Savannah; orphan
house discontinued, 143. death of, 175.
Whitestown and vicinity, progress of, ii.


Whiting, Samuel, death of, i. 511.
Whitney, Eli, death of, ii. 516.
Wigglesworth, Edward, first professor of
divinity in Harɣard College, death of, ii.


Michael, death of, i. 493.

Willard, Joseph, death of, ii. 429.
Josiah, death of, ii. 73.

Samuel, death of, i. 498.
Simon, major, expedition of, to
Narraganset, i. 302. relieves the inhabi-
ants of Brookfield, 371.

William Henry, fort, taken, ii. 75.
Williams, John, death of, i. 546.

Roger, banished, i. 225. founds

Providence, 233. death of, 411.
Williamsburg, in Virginia, i. 468.
Williamson, Hugh, death of, ii. 491.

Wilmington, N. Carolina, fire in, ii. 412.

Williamstown incorporated, ii. 142.

Wilson, John, death of, i. 348.

Windham incorporated, i. 444.

Windsor settled, i. 228.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Wollaston, mount, settlement at, i. 187.
Wood, colonel, discoveries of, on the Ohio
and Mississippi, i. 303.

Woodbridge, Benjamin, death of, i. 414.
Woodstock, grant of, i. 420.

Wool manufactures of the American colo-
nies, law against exporting, i. 474.
Woolwich settled, i. 316.

Wooster, general, killed, ii. 263.
Worcester, grant of, i. 349.

town of, resettled, i. 515.
county of, formed. 551. population of the
county of, in 1742, ii. 20.


Samuel, dies at Brainerd, ii.

Wrentham burned, i. 379.

Wright, governor, progress of Georgia
during his administration, ii. 117.

Writs of assistance, contest concerning,
ii. 104.

Wyet, Sylvester, voyage of, to the St.
Lawrence, 1594.

Wine made in Virginia, i. 179; ii. 165. at Wyllys, George, death of, ii. 407. family

Illinois, ii. 165.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

of, at Hartford, ib. N.

Samuel, death of, ii. 505. the
Charter Oak preserved by the family of,

-, major, killed, ii. 383.


Yale, Elihu, death of, i. 527.

Yamacraw, on the Savannah, settlement
by J. Oglethorpe at, ii. 1.

Yamassee Indians, i. 454, 497, 514.
Yarmouth settled, i. 255.

Yeamans, governor in Carolina, i. 340,

Yellow fever, in Philadelphia, i. 474; ii.
395, 411, 413. in Charlestown, S. C. i.
543, 553; ii. 13. among the Moheagans,
ii. 31. New Haven, ii. 401. in New
York and Boston, ii, 413.

York, in Maine, i. 296. nearly destroyed Yucatan discovered, 1508.
by Indians, 441.

Upper Canada, taken by the Ameri-
cans, ii. 453.

duke of, grant of land to, i. 333.
Yorktown, skirmishes near; invested by
the Americans; batteries opened; two
redoubts taken; a sortie; new batteries
opened; posts of, and of Gloucester sur-
rendered to the Americans, ii. 330–333.

Zempoallans become allies of Cortes,


Zenger, John P., trial of, for printing libels,

ii. 5.

Zubly, J. Joachim, ii. 184. Note VIII,

[blocks in formation]

1. for Period VI. read Period V.

367. for Columbian, read Columbia college.

376. transfer Note 3 to p. 378, Note 3.

396. for Edward, read Edmund Trowbridge.

411. for provincial, read provisional.

416. transfer the article Indiana to 1801. See p. 420.

Several typographical errors, that can cause no mistake of the true reading, are not corrected.


445, compared with 487. Massachusetts General Hospital, which was incorporated in 1811, consists
of two departments; the Insane Hospital in Charlestown, which was opened in 1811, and the Hospital in
Boston, which was built in 1818.


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