Imágenes de páginas

38. Iodoform, and potassium iodide, 15 cents per pound.

39. Leaves and roots: Buchu leaves, 10 cents per pound; cocoa leaves, 10 cents per pound; gentian, 14 cent per pound; licorice root, 4 cent per pound; sarsaparilla root, 1 cent per pound.

40. Licorice, extracts of, in pastes, rolls, or other forms, 1 cent per pound.

41. Lime, citrate of, 1 cent per pound.

42. Magnesia: Calcined, 31⁄2 cents per pound; carbonate of, precipitated, 12 cents per pound; sulphate of, or Epsom salts, 1/10 cent per pound.

43. Menthol, 50 cents per pound.

44. Oils, rendered: Sod, seal, herring, and other fish oil, not specially provided for in this section, 3 cents per gallon; whale oil, 5 cents per gallon; sperm oil, 8 cents per gallon; wool grease, including that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, crude and not refined or improved in value or condition, 4 cent per pound; refined or improved in value or condition, and not specially provided for in this section, 1⁄2 cent per pound; lanolin, 1 cent per pound; all other animal oils, rendered oils and greases, and all combinations of the same, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem.

45. Oils, expressed: Alizarin assistant, sulphoricinoleic acid, and ricinoleic acid, and soaps containing castor oil, any of the foregoing in whatever form, and all other alizarin assistants and all soluble greases used in the processes of softening, dyeing, or finishing, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem; castor oil, 12 cents per gallon; flaxseed and linseed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, 10 cents per gallon of 71⁄2 pounds; poppy-seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, rapeseed oil, and peanut oil, 6 cents per gallon; hempseed oil, 3 cents per gallon; almond oil, sweet, 5 cents per pound; sesame or sesamum seed or bean oil, 1 cent per pound; olive oil, not specially provided for in this section, 20 cents per gallon; olive oil, in bottles, jars, kegs, tins, or other packages having a capacity of less than five standard gallons each, 30 cents per gallon; all other expressed oils and all combinations of the same, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem.

46. Oils, distilled and essential: Orange and lemon, 10 per centum ad valorem; peppermint, 25 cents per pound; mace oil, 6 cents per pound; almond, bitter; amber; ambergris; anise or anise seed; bergamot; camomile; caraway; cassia; cinnamon; cedrat; citronella and lemon-grass; civet; fennel; jasmine or jasimine; juniper; lavender, and aspic or spike lavender; limes, neroli or orange flower; origanum, red or white; rosemary or anthoss; attar of roses; thyme; and valerian; all the foregoing oils, and all fruit ethers, oils, and essences, and essential and distilled oils and all combinations of the same, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That no article containing alcohol shall be classified for duty under this paragraph.

47. Opium, crude or unmanufactured, and not adulterated,

containing 9 per centum and over of morphia, $3 per pound; opium of the same composition, dried to contain 15 per centum or less of moisture, powdered, or otherwise advanced beyond the condition of crude or unmanufactured, $4 per pound; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids of opium, and salts and esters thereof, $3 per ounce; cocaine, ecgonine, and all salts and derivatives of the same, $2 per ounce; aqueous extract of opium, for medicinal uses, and tincture of, as laudanum, and other liquid preparations of opium, not specially provided for in this section, 60 per centum ad valorem; opium containing less than 9 per centum of morphia, $6 per pound; but preparations of opium deposited in bonded warehouses shall not be removed therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to repeal or in any manner impair or affect the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to prohibit the importation and use of opium for other than medicinal purposes, "" approved February ninth,

nineteen hundred and nine.

48. Perfumery, including cologne and other toilet waters, articles of perfumery, whether in sachets or otherwise, and all preparations used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth, or skin, such as cosmetics, dentifrices, including tooth soaps, pastes, including theatrical grease paints, and pastes, pomades, powders, and other toilet preparations, all the foregoing, if containing alcohol, 40 cents per pound and 60 per centum ad valorem; if not containing alcohol, 60 per centum ad valorem; floral or flower waters containing no alcohol, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

49. Ambergris, enfleurage greases and floral essences by whatever method obtained; flavoring extracts, musk, grained or in pods, civet, and all natural or synthetic odoriferous or aromatic substances, preparations, and mixtures used in the manufacture of, but not marketable as, perfumes or cosmetics; all the foregoing not containing alcohol and not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

50. Plasters, healing or curative, of all kinds, and courtplaster, 15 per centum ad valorem.

51. Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, including barytes earth, unmanufactured, 15 per centum ad valorem; manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem; blanc-fixe, or artificial sulphate of barytes, and satin white, or artificial sulphate of lime, 20 per centum ad valorem.

52. Blues, such as Berlin, Prussian, Chinese, and all others, containing ferrocyanide of iron, in pulp, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 20 per centum ad valorem; ultramarine blue, whether dry, in pulp, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, and wash blue containing ultramarine, 15 per centum ad valorem.

53. Black pigments, made from bone, ivory, or vegetable substance, by whatever name known; gas black and lampblack, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 15 per centum ad valorem.

54. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and all other chromium

colors in the manufacture of which lead and bichromate of potash or soda are used, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 20 per centum ad valorem.

55. Ocher and ochery earths, sienna and sienna earths, and umber and umber earths, 5 per centum ad valorem; Spanish brown, Venetian red, Indian red, and colcothar or oxide of iron, not specially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem.

56. Lead pigments: Litharge, orange mineral, red lead, white lead, and all pigments containing lead, dry or in pulp, and ground or mixed with oil or water, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem.

57. Lead, acetate of, white, and nitrate of, 14 cents per pound; acetate of, brown, gray, or yellow, 1 cent per pound; all other lead compounds not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

58. Varnishes, including so-called gold size or japan, 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That spirit varnishes containing less than 10 per centum of methyl alcohol of the total alcohol contained therein, shall be dutiable at $1.32 per gallon and 15 per centum ad valorem.

59. Vermilion reds, containing quicksilver, dry or ground in oil or water, 15 per centum ad valorem; when not containing quicksilver but made of lead or containing lead, 25 per centum ad valorem.

60. Whiting and Paris white, dry, and chalk, ground or bolted, 1/10 cent per pound; whiting and Paris white, ground in oil, or putty, 15 per centum ad valorem.

61. Zinc, oxide of, and pigments containing zinc but not containing more than 5 per centum of lead, ground dry, 10 per centum ad valorem; when ground in or mixed with oil or water, lithopone and white sulphide of zinc, 15 per centum ad valorem.

62. Zinc, chloride of, and sulphate of, 1⁄2 cent per pound.

63. Enamel paints, and all paints, colors, pigments, stains, crayons, including charcoal crayons or fusians, smalts, and frostings, and all ceramic and glass fluxes, glazes, enamels, and colors, whether crude, dry, mixed, or ground with water or oil or with solutions other than oil, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem; all paints, colors, and pigments commonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in tubes, pans, cakes, or other forms, 20 per centum ad valorem; all color lakes, whether dry or in pulp, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

64. Potash: Bicarbonate of, refined, and chlorate of, 1⁄2 cent per pound; chromate and bichromate of, 1 cent per pound; nitrate of, or saltpeter, refined, $7 per ton; permanganate of, 1 cent per pound; prussiate of, red, 2 cents per pound; yellow, 14 cents per pound.

65. Salts and all other compounds and mixtures of which bismuth, gold, platinum, rhodium, silver, or tin constitute the element of chief value, 10 per centum ad valorem.

66. Soaps: Perfumed toilet soaps, 30 per centum ad valorem; medicinal soaps, 20 per centum ad valorem; castile soap, and

containing 9 per centum and over of morphia, $3 per pound; opium of the same composition, dried to contain 15 per centum or less of moisture, powdered, or otherwise advanced beyond the condition of crude or unmanufactured, $4 per pound; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids of opium, and salts and esters thereof, $3 per ounce; cocaine, ecgonine, and all salts and derivatives of the same, $2 per ounce; aqueous extract of opium, for medicinal uses, and tincture of, as laudanum, and other liquid preparations of opium, not specially provided for in this section, 60 per centum ad valorem; opium containing less than 9 per centum of morphia, $6 per pound; but preparations of opium deposited in bonded warehouses shall not be removed therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to repeal or in any manner impair or affect the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to prohibit the importation and use of opium for other than medicinal purposes, "" approved February ninth, nineteen hundred and nine.

48. Perfumery, including cologne and other toilet waters, articles of perfumery, whether in sachets or otherwise, and all preparations used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth, or skin, such as cosmetics, dentifrices, including tooth soaps, pastes, including theatrical grease paints, and pastes, pomades, powders, and other toilet preparations, all the foregoing, if containing alcohol, 40 cents per pound and 60 per centum ad valorem; if not containing alcohol, 60 per centum ad valorem; floral or flower waters containing no alcohol, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

49. Ambergris, enfleurage greases and floral essences by whatever method obtained; flavoring extracts, musk, grained or in pods, civet, and all natural or synthetic odoriferous or aromatic substances, preparations, and mixtures used in the manufacture of, but not marketable as, perfumes or cosmetics; all the foregoing not containing alcohol and not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

50. Plasters, healing or curative, of all kinds, and courtplaster, 15 per centum ad valorem.

51. Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, including barytes earth, unmanufactured, 15 per centum ad valorem; manufactured, 20 per centum ad valorem; blanc-fixe, or artificial sulphate of barytes, and satin white, or artificial sulphate of lime, 20 per centum ad valorem.

52. Blues, such as Berlin, Prussian, Chinese, and all others, containing ferrocyanide of iron, in pulp, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 20 per centum ad valorem; ultramarine blue, whether dry, in pulp, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, and wash blue containing ultramarine, 15 per centum ad valorem.

53. Black pigments, made from bone, ivory, or vegetable substance, by whatever name known; gas black and lampblack, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 15 per centum ad valorem.

54. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and all other chromium

colors in the manufacture of which lead and bichromate of potash or soda are used, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, 20 per centum ad valorem.

55. Ocher and ochery earths, sienna and sienna earths, and umber and umber earths, 5 per centum ad valorem; Spanish brown, Venetian red, Indian red, and colcothar or oxide of iron, not specially provided for in this section, 10 per centum ad valorem.

56. Lead pigments: Litharge, orange mineral, red lead, white lead, and all pigments containing lead, dry or in pulp, and ground or mixed with oil or water, not specially provided for in this section, 25 per centum ad valorem.

57. Lead, acetate of, white, and nitrate of, 14 cents per pound; acetate of, brown, gray, or yellow, 1 cent per pound; all other lead compounds not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

58. Varnishes, including so-called gold size or japan, 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That spirit varnishes containing less than 10 per centum of methyl alcohol of the total alcohol contained therein, shall be dutiable at $1.32 per gallon and 15 per centum ad valorem.

59. Vermilion reds, containing quicksilver, dry or ground in oil or water, 15 per centum ad valorem; when not containing quicksilver but made of lead or containing lead, 25 per centum ad valorem.

60. Whiting and Paris white, dry, and chalk, ground or bolted, 1/10 cent per pound; whiting and Paris white, ground in oil, or putty, 15 per centum ad valorem.

61. Zinc, oxide of, and pigments containing zinc but not containing more than 5 per centum of lead, ground dry, 10 per centum ad valorem; when ground in or mixed with oil or water, lithopone and white sulphide of zinc, 15 per centum ad valorem.

62. Zinc, chloride of, and sulphate of, 2 cent per pound.

63. Enamel paints, and all paints, colors, pigments, stains, crayons, including charcoal crayons or fusians, smalts, and frostings, and all ceramic and glass fluxes, glazes, enamels, and colors, whether crude, dry, mixed, or ground with water or oil or with solutions other than oil, not specially provided for in this section, 15 per centum ad valorem; all paints, colors, and pigments commonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in tubes, pans, cakes, or other forms, 20 per centum ad valorem; all color lakes, whether dry or in pulp, not specially provided for in this section, 20 per centum ad valorem.

64. Potash: Bicarbonate of, refined, and chlorate of, 1⁄2 cent per pound; chromate and bichromate of, 1 cent per pound; nitrate of, or saltpeter, refined, $7 per ton; permanganate of, 1 cent per pound; prussiate of, red, 2 cents per pound; yellow, 14 cents per pound.

65. Salts and all other compounds and mixtures of which bismuth, gold, platinum, rhodium, silver, or tin constitute the element of chief value, 10 per centum ad valorem.

66. Soaps: Perfumed toilet soaps, 30 per centum ad valorem; medicinal soaps, 20 per centum ad valorem; castile soap, and

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