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ners!" which Boswell, being much amused with the compliment, has himself recorded. -Letters between A. ERSKINE and BOSWELL.

"A SENTENCE so clumsily formed, as to require an I say to keep it together; which I myself candidly think much resembles a pair of ill-mended breeches.”—Ibid. p. 42.

"I EXHIBITED my existence in a minuet; and as I was drest in a full chocolate suit, and wore my most solemn countenance, I looked as you used to tell me, like the fifth act of a deep tragedy."—Ibid. p. 72.

JOHN MORLEY, of Halstead in Essex, Prior's companion in his Ballad of Down Hall, who was bred a butcher, but became one of the greatest land jobbers in England, used in honour of his profession, annually to kill a hog in the public market, and receive a groat for the job. He died a. D. 1732.

"THE hughest absurdity I ever heard of in the way of ornamenting grounds was committed by a member of the Irish Parliament, M

e by name. He laid out his whole demesne, for some unexplained reason, in the shape of a thistle. A deep and wide trench, a mile in circumference, was cut to represent the bulb, double ramparts formed the petals, and clumps of trees were for the down. The avenue to his house was the stalk; and the leaves were the several fields branching from thence, and from each other." Phil. Survey of the South of Ireland, A. D. 1772.—Monthly Review, vol. 60, p. 9.

GRAVES Wrote his Colloquial Tale of Columella, or the distressed Anchoret, "to expose the folly of those who, after having been prepared by a liberal education, and a long and regular course of studies, for some learned or ingenious profession, retire in the vigour of life, through mere indolence and love of ease, to spend their days in solitude and inactivity; or even in those

meaner occupations which persons of inferior abilities and unimproved talents might discharge with equal, or perhaps with superior, skill.”

Monthly Review, vol. 61, p. 316. Where it is properly observed that this was not the vice of the times, but the very contrary | to it.

Ibid. vol. 62, p. 556. Issues to prevent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. See for some, Mr. Williams's (?) scheme for wholesale irrigation, and for regulating the weather in this island.

"CAR il est vray semblable, et nous le voyons tous les jours, que l'on reçoit avec amour la briefveté discrète et bien troussée, pourveu toutesfois qu'elle n'entre d'une extremité en l'autre."-CHEVALIER DU SOLEIL vol. 6, p. 148.

HUTCHINSON, in his View of Northumberland (A.D. 1776), says "he cannot perceive that the name Burrough or Burgh, was instituted to denote any kind of eminence in the place so called, beyond others, so as to mean a fort, or castle, &c. It signifies no more than house, houses, or town, a settlement where one or more families dwelt. Burrough was the habitation, and bour was the inhabitant; hence neighbour, i. e. a nigh bour, or one that lived in a burrough not far off. And because this name is appropriated to the underground lodgings of animals, as to the holes of foxes, rabbits, &c. he infers that when it was first applied to human habitations, the inhabitants of this land dwelt chiefly under ground, and lived not in houses raised from the ground, but dug in it: which sense of the word seems still to obtain as to the dead, though it has lost its native idea as to the living. Our original boroughs were so many human warrens, consisting of a set of underground caverns. And it is not unlikely that the vast caverns, such as those of the Peak, may not be all the work of nature, but in great measure the effect of under-ground architecture. As they look

like the palaces of some old giants, so they | irregularly, replied, "Yes Sir, I understand; might be the Windsor's and Hampton Court's you would have them hung down somewhat of those times, when under-ground lodgings poetical."—Ibid. vol. 1, p. 319. were in fashion."-Monthly Review, vol. 64, p. 54.

Elephants, Ellora, &c. Troglodytes. Burrowing Tribes, and Roosting Tribes.

"HE that has this wisdom, has sufficient; and without it, the greater our pretences are to wisdom, the more conspicuous is our folly."-DEAN YOUNG'S Sermons, vol. 2, p.3.

“AND fooling is an angry name for wit.” J. BAILLIE, The Bride, p. 354.

"IF incorruption have put corruption on, we may very well eat and drink as we do, for to-morrow we die indeed. The unlikely heathen ploughed in more hope than so."JOHN GREGOIRE, p. 124.

"A MAN may come unto the pericardium, but not the heart of truth."-SIR T. BROWN, vol. 4, p. 81.

"You know my system is, that everything will be found out; and about the time that I am dead, even some art of living for ever."-Ibid. vol. 1, p. 344.

KEAN's opinions of high and low life seem to have been much the same. "Neither of them are judges of acting," said he, (his only method of measuring a man's intellect.) "The only critics worth a thought are doctors, lawyers, artists, and literary men." -Life of KEAN, vol. 2, p. 71.

MESSOP chose his dish with his character. "Broth," said he, "for one; roast pork for tyrants; steaks for Measure for Measure; boiled mutton for lovers; pudding for Tancred."-Ibid. vol. 2, p. 34.

"EVEN moralizing," says H. WALPOLE, “is entertaining, when one laughs at the same time but I pity those who don't moralize

"MANY positions seem quodlibetically till they cry."-Letters, vol. 2, p. 198. constituted."-Ibid.

HEROD a pigeon fancier. There were Herodian doves, named from him, a rare breed which he introduced; this is more likely, than that he should have been the first who bred doves in the house, which Ramban affirms.-John Gregoire, p. 149.

PINEDA believed that Adam understood all sciences except politics.-H. WALPOLE, vol. 1, p. 188.

KEITH, the marriage broker, cursing the bishop as he spoke, said, "So they will hinder my marrying. Well, let 'em! But I'll be revenged. I'll buy two or three acres of ground, and by G— I'll underbury them all."-Ibid. vol. 1, p. 292.

MR. ASHE, a nursery-man, when H. Walpole told him he would have his trees planted

It was a maxim of his, that "it is idle to endeavour to cure the world of any folly, unless we could cure it of being foolish.”Ibid. vol. 3, p. 14.


VISIONS, you know, have always been my pasture; and so far from growing old enough to quarrel with their emptiness, I almost think there is no wisdom comparable to that of exchanging what is called the realities of life for dreams. Old castles, old pictures, old histories, and the babble of old people, make one live back into centuries that cannot disappoint one. One holds fast and surely what is past. The dead have exhausted their power of deceiving: one can trust Catharine of Medicis now."Ibid. vol. 3, p. 126.

"I WILL attempt in some measure to practisc a rule given to me a great many years

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THE best likeness which H. Walpole (vol. 4, p. 206) ever saw of Charles the Second, was in a picture of the smaller landscape size, in which Rose, the royal gardener, was presenting to him the first pine-apple raised in England. They are in a garden, with a view of a good private house, such as there are several at Sunbury and about London. The king is in brown, lined with orange, and many black ribands; a large flapped hat, a point cravat, no waistcoat, and a tas

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A MEMOIR by l'Abbé Ameilhon was read before the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres, 1768, wherein the author asserted that the Tritons, Nereids, and other sea-gods, &c., " n'étoient que des plongeurs exercés à cet art dès leur plus tendre enfance, et qui l'avoient perfectionné au point de vivre sous les eaux. Ce systême harde fait autant d'honneur à la fécondité de son imagination, qu'à la sagacité de son esprit et à la profondeur de ses recherches." -BACHAUMONT, vol. 4, p. 168.

"A-GAD," says Sir Joseph Wittol, “there

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EUR. Alcestes, v. 72.

are good morals to be picked out of #sop's | Πόλλ ̓ ἂν σὺ λέξας οὐδὲν ἂν πλεόν λάβοις. Fables, let me tell you that, and Reynard the Fox too."-Congreve. p. 88.

Old Bachelor,

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Διπλοῦς επ' αυτῇ μύθος ἔστι μοι λέγειν.
Ibid. v. 535.

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LOCKIT. "Of all animals of prey man is the only sociable one. Every one of us preys upon his neighbour, and yet we herd together."-Beggar's Opera.

ONE of Cumberland's ladies says, "Sentiment in the country is clear (n?) another thing from sentiment in town. In my box at the Opera I can take it as glibly as a dish of tea, down it goes, and there's an end of it. But in walks of willows, and by the side of rivulets, there's no joke in it.”— Natural Son.

"DONT you know, there is nothing so foolish as the follies of genius; nothing so weak as the weaknesses of the wise."-Ibid.

"A REPARTEE that only lights upon the outside of the head."-CIBBER. Refusal.

WHEN Croaker in the Good Natured Man, speaks of our bad world, his wife says to him, "Never mind the world, my dear, you were never in a pleasanter place in your life."

"LES gens qui n'ont qu'une affaire, sont dangereux, et quand l'oisiveté s'y joint, c'est encore pis."-M. DE CEYLUS. Maintenon's Letters, vol. 6, p. 60.

"EN quelque humeur qu'on soit, ma chère nièce, on se déshabitue mal aisément de ce qui plaît.”—Ibid. p. 103.

"LEGER m'a dit que vous êtes fort triste: surmontez vous là-dessus, ma chère niece; la tristesse n'est bonne, ni pour ce monde, ni pour l'autre. Croyez-en une personne assez gaie de son naturel, assez triste par état, et fort instruite des maux inséparables des soucis."-Ibid. p. 124.

“Je ne vois rien, je ne sçai rien, et je ne pense presque rien."—Ibid. p. 265.

"J'ai toujours trouvé en lui ce bon sens cette bonne tête, ce juste discernement entre le bien et le mieux."-Ibid.

WHEN the Princes in the Tower of the Universe were disenchanted in consequence of the combat between Florisel in Niques and El fuerte Anaxartes, the Queen of Argines said to them of Amadis, “No es de tener en servicio a quien diezyseys años de vida os ha hecho passar sin ser passados en edad ni cuydados? con tener talis hijos aparajedos con los demas que vereys."—ff. 80.

The French has it," Sire, il n'a pas faiet peu pour vous autres, quiconque vous a tenu quinze ans en repos, sans vous esveiller, et voire maintenant telle posterité yssue de vous."-ff. 325.

DR. SHARP says "the very weakest side of an honest and sincere man is ever the most inexpugnable by reason.”—Life of Archbishop Sharp, vol. 1, p. 59.

"AND hence will result a petit biography, wherein the remarkable may assist the theory of human nature, which consists in the knowledge of its perfections and infirmities."— ROGER NORTH, vol. 1, p. 99.

It is said to have been a saying of Dryden's, that he never knew the wisest man, who had a fair opening for a good pun, lose the opportunity.-Gent. Mag. vol. 2, p. 647.

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