Imágenes de páginas


tracts from his Adversaria |
have passed for his own, and
hence opinions contrary to
his own have been ascribed
to him, 191. Induced to
palliate Popery by his learn.
ing, 193. His foresight of
the Puritan's views, ib. Dis-
couraged from coming to
England, 195.
Guacharo, F. Depon's account
of the cavern of, 572.
Guarini Grammar, striking il-
lustration from, 639, 659.
Guatemala, hasty building of
missionary settlements in,


GUEVARA, the colour of the

hair, and the truthfulness of
the heart, 346.
Guiana, offensive Beast of, 588.
Poultry of, 666.

Gum Arabic Acacia, of Upper
Egypt, 490, 491, 582.
Gunpowder, invention of, 639.
Gutsein, the castle of, blown
up, why, 193.

Gwent-land, warriors of, 617.
motto of a sword, 529.

HABINGTON, "The righteous
hath hope in his death." 77.
Supper-luxuries, 312.
Hacqueton, the, what? 324.
Hage-El, the bird that accom-
panies the caravans to Mec-
ca, 446.

HAKEVILL, address to his ve-
nerable mother Oxford, 332.
HALDE DU, account of the
head-dress of the women of
Myau-tse, 517.

HALL, BISHOP, his care in
drawing up his discourses,
117. Mention of a remark-
able miracle, 121.
HALLAM, his imperfect judg-
ment of Lord Clarendon's
letters, 139.

Hammock Bridge, wonderful,


HAMMOND, his denial that any
Papist in England was ever
put to death on account of
his religion, 195.
HAMPDEN, his family said to

have been settled upon the
same estate before the Con-
quest, 149.

[blocks in formation]

places frequented by those
animals, 496.
HERRERA On the conversion of
the Indians, 60. Quoted,
281, 522, 523, 531. Natu-
ral courage of the Miges,
537. The Panches, and their
shields of skins, 538. His
position, that religion has
been communicated most to
countries which have the
richest mines, 589. Account
of the Panches who take
their dead warriors out to
battle, 622.
Herring-roe of Norfolk-Sound,
delicacy of, 594. Skin of the
sea-herring prevents beer
from foaming or frothing,

HEYLIN, PETER, his second
journey, containing a sur-
vey of the estate of the two
islands, Guernsey and Jer-
sey, 137.
Hierarchy, Celestial, 384.
HIGGESON'S New England
Plantation. Ears of corn in
New England great and plen-
tiful-Fertility of the soil,
655. Account of the abori-
ginal religion of, 656.

Hell, opinion of, in the Romish
Church, 384.
instance of Presbyterian hy-
pocrisy, 195.
covery, painted barbarians-HILL,
Indian way of striking a fire

Smell of fire by Indians
-Great feast of the savages,

HENRY, PHILIP, his use of al-
literation, 23.

HENRY I., prodigy on the death

of, 625.

[blocks in formation]

AARON, on allegoric gar-

dening, 668.
HINDO0s, their extreme_no-
tions of antiquity, 438. Rea-
son of the rarity of Hin-
doo writings, 449. Women,
why kept in ignorance, 455.
Form of emancipating a
slave, 456. Metaphysical
theology, 465. The Hin-
doo bird Baya, 469. Pic-
turesque effect of Hindoo
women as bathers and wa-
ter-bearers, 479. Yearly
feast of the Hindoo maidens,
484. Offering for the re-
turn of those at sea, 505.
Custom of shaving the head
amongst, 513. Notions of
the end of the world, 516.
Funeral superstition, 520.
tended miracle of, 75.
Holland, money transmitted to,
owing to the state of inse-
curity during the Great Re-
bellion, 150.

HOLLAND, LORD, his altar to
Asculapius, 607.
HOLLIS, THOMAS, lines on
Old Noll, 143. Gift of White-
locke's MSS. to the British
Museum, ib.
HOLY GHOST, sin against, 126.
Homilies homely, 9.

HOPTON, LORD, said to want
advice, his head being full
of Islands and Plantations,'
&c. 155.
Horses, the coats of when em-
ployed in coal mines, soft
and glossy, 648.
small ones in India, 649.
Breeding of, 658.
Horse Bread, 596.
HOTHAM, SIR J., and speech

of his son, 147. Strafford
thanks the king for his fa-
vour to, 155. Character of,
185. Gave assurance that
he would not deny the king
entrance into Hull, 189. The
first in the house who moved
that Laud might be charged
with high treason, and the
person that suffered imme-
diately before him, 189.
Hottentot Lion-takers, 594.
Skill in pottery, 634.
HUARTE, quoted. Syllogisms
and shackles-their connec-
tion, 334.

tive of the Troubles of the
Indians, &c. Effects of an
eclipse on Indian military
tactics, 538. Indian cruelty

- Incursion of the Indians,
and hair-breadth esscape,
539. Palisadoes against
the Indians - Indian tac-
tics, 540. Cold weather a
good besom to sweep the
chamber of the air Jo-
shua Tift, a renegado En-
glishman, 543. Over-ruling
of evil propensities - Faith-
fulness and courage of the
Christian Indians - Politic
stratagem of a Cape Indian
-Subtle device of the same
Indians, 544. The Indian
Canochet Cruelty, and its
results, 545. One-eyed Mo-
noco, or, One-eyed John -
James, the printer - Pam-
ham, the Narhagonset Sa-
chim, 546. Sagamore John



The fear that fell upon
the Indians, 547. Captain
Church, the terror of the
Indians, 548. Squaw Sachim
of Pocasset - The death of
Philip, 549. The alderman
of Sahonet, the friend of
the English, and the mur-
derer of Philip - Philip's
captain, Tespequin, 550. Pe
quods and Narhagonsets,
551. Surprisal of the town
of Medfield, 552. Massasoit,
and the religion of his fore-
fathers-Passaconaway's ad-
dress and advice, 553. The
death of the Indian chief,
Alexander-Indian agree.
ment, 554. Continued per-
fidy, notwithstanding--Ad-
mitted by one of his own fol-
lowers, 555. The occasion of
Philip's taking up arms,
556. Philip's escape from
the swamp near Taunton,
westward, 557. Treachery
of Ninigret
Burning of
Springfield, 558, 559.
Humma the,the Indian bird that
ornamented Tippoo's throne,



[blocks in formation]


de fer, 373. Nuremberg says
he gave himself the name of
Ignatius, quasi Ignem facio,
374. What truth in the ca-
lumny against, 394.
Illinois Village, 572.
Images, 384.

Impiety Extraordinary of the
old Spanish Poems, 240.
Imposter Prophet, 122.
Impropriations, godly design
of purchasing in Laud's time,
132. Restored in Ireland by
Strafford and Laud's inte-
rest, 163.

INCA's, the immortal birds that
afforded feathers for their
crowns, 524.
INCHIQUIN, LORD, entered into
no terms with the Parlia-
ment, till he saw there was
no living in Ireland for any
but Papists, 189.
Incredulity and the Ridiculous,
instance of, 452.

India, in their intercourse with,
at first the English mere
pirates, 390. Ancient no-

tions of, 425.
Indian Agriculture in Ceylon,
419. Metempsychosis, 437.
Mysticism, 521.

Indians, American, tradition
of- Histories painted on
trees - Notions relative to



the food they eat, 574.
the joyful fields, 575. Pre-
servation of their dead war-
riors, 621. Hopes of, 655.
Indifferent, when things are
and when they are not so,

Indigo, its introduction into
Surinam, 578.
Indulgence, 81.

Infallible Judge, set up by Pa-
pists, Quakers, Enthusiasts,

&c. 66.
Infantas, who, 277.
Infidels, the wealth of, right-
ful to the faithful, 444.
Insurance, Travelling, in the
days of Fynes Moryson, i. e.
about 1600, 327.
Interference, devil's dislike to,

Inundations in India, how vil-
lages and cattle protected
under, 407.
IRIA, SAINT, or, EREA, legend
of, 380.


Ireland, extracts relative to, |
196, &c. Miserable estate of
the Clergy and the Church,
198. Custom of having
christenings and marriages
in private houses, and the
evil of it, ib. Want of good
houses in, 199. Never to be
trusted by England as long |
as Popish, 200. Increase of
trade and prosperity of, in
1678, 203. Why there are
no venemous animals there,

Irish disobedience, 80. Plot-

ting rebellion abroad, and
inciting Spain and Rome to
encourage and support it,
183, 188. The barbarism of
the soldiers, 196. A people,
says Wentworth, most in-
tent upon their own ends,
197, 198. Acts passed for
restraining the barbarous
customs of, 199. Beggars
in 1634, just as now, ib.
Irish ignorance of respect,
200. Fickleness of their
character, ascertained in the
case of the young Earl of
Desmond, 203. The origin of
tenant, or sept, right, 205.
Skilled in harpe and tymbre,
334. Slingers, 339. Mu-
sical taste of, 349. Their
ardour for the battle, 351.
Irish insecurity, 359. Hap-
less land of Ireland-Bardish
strains, 361.

Iron, sold by the Spaniards to
the Indians, and used against
them, according to Bernardo
de Vargas Machuca, 575.
Bog iron of the Assawamp-
set pond, 633.
Iroquois Festival, 576.
Ispahan, beauty of the bridges
of, 487.

Iry, Ground, the virtues of



Jackets, quilted cotton ones,
used as a defence against
the arrows of the Indians,


old Puritan, opposed to the
treatment of Charles I., 151.
Jagrenat, the Fakirs of, 515.


Jama, the, what? 511, 512.
JAMES I., error of supporting
the Calvinists at Dort, 194.
Jansenists, taught that the
saints were the only lawful
proprietors of the world, 145.
Japan, self-immolation in, ac-
count of, 442.

Jaque, a greyhound's, what?


Jarraff, i. e. Giraffe or Came-
leopard, that was set to kneel
before a Christian, 429.
Jashen stone, what? 479.
Jara, tame fish of the island
of, 660.

LAR, 232.

Jay feathers, once fashionable
in France for dresses, 577.
JAYME, K. cruelty of, 291.

His skill in surgery, 318.
His order that the last comers
were to face danger, 319.
JENKINS, JUDGE, excellent
man-His writings ought to
be collected, 194.
Jenoune, the, who? Offence to,


JEROME, SAINT, translated the
Bible into the Sclavonic
tongue, 120.


account of, 345.

Jerusalem, the sanctity of, 640.
Jerusalem Conquistada, extract

from, 274, 282.

JESUITESSES, when they be-
gan, i. e. about the year
1650, 30.

JESUITS and FRIARS, the ruin
of Ireland, in Strafford's opi-
nion, 182. Wealth of, in
England, and danger from,
187. Charles I. sees the dan-
ger of, and complains of to
Rome, 188. Negotiations
with Cromwell, 203. Mat-
ters relative to, 372-377.
Regula Societatis, ib. Mis-
cellaneous incident relative
to, 391. Imago primi sæculi
Societatis Jesu, ib. Their
success in Paraguay attri
buted to their political sys-

tem connected with the faith
they preached, ib. Perse-
cuted, 395. Not confined to
the Romish faith, 638.
JOAM III., his character, 279.

[blocks in formation]

Kadrouva Vinneta and Diti,

Kalb, le Nahr, ou le fleuve du
Chien, 482.

Kali, the worship of, 411.
Kalmuck dread of fire-arms,

Kashmire, the rose of, 487.
doctrine of angels, 5.
KEMPIS, THOMAS A, extraor-
dinary popularity of his
works, 124.
KENNET'S Parochial Antiqui-
ties, quoted, 133, &c. 149.
Kerkook and Moussul, belief of
the wild inhabitants be-
tween, 423.
KESWICK, or Crosthwaite, or-
ders appertaining to the
church of, 55.

Khatries, their dress, &c. 512.
Kilvanofa, poverty of the see
of, 203.

[blocks in formation]


not have too many horses,
57. The Back-house bowl,
85. Absolution of a mule at
Paul's Cross, 97. Warrior's
girdle Poor suitors - Ac-
count of his father, 296.
Looks to Edward VI.'s ex-
ample, when he should come
of age-Corruption in high
places-Story of the shilling



Unmercifulness and lack
of charity in London-Chris-
tian apparel, or wedding gar-
ment- Unpreaching pre-
lates the cause that the blood
of Hales so long deceived the
people, 297. His idea of the
nearness of the world's end
-Love of pudding-Shovel-
ling of feet and walking up
and down at sermon time,
298. Robin Hood's Day
English amusements
Taught by his father to draw
the bow-Bribery and un-
just judgment, 299. Deceit-
ful practices Our Lady
likened to a saffron bag, 300.
Aldermen of London turned
colliers, or, remarks upon
city monopoly, 619.

nantly spoken of by Arch-
bishop Abbot, as quoted by
Rushworth, 130. His kind
letter in behalf of the Catho-
lic Priests in the Clink, ib.
His anxiety for the Church
of England, &c. 131. De-
nounced by Sir Harbottle
Grimston as the fons et origo
mali, 132. No Bishop, no
King, 134. His patience in
confinement, ib. His anxiety
for the Irish Church, ib.
Wishes English taught in
Irish schools to soften the
malignity and stubbornness
of the nation, 135. Censured
too hastily by Gifford, 138.
Letters to Strafford, 184.
His Life and Troubles, ex-
tracts from, 186, 187. His
Arminianism the cause of
his unpopularity, 195. Writes
to Strafford on the tamper-
ing with titles in Ireland,201.
Law, called by Serjeant May.
nard ars bablativa, 147.
LAWRENCE, SAINT, account of,

[blocks in formation]

Lima, 274.

LINGUET, Histoire des Jesuites,
145, 372-374.
LINSCHOTEN, his account of
discipline in Portugueze
ships, 269.
Lion-keepers, the Sultan's, 645.
Ali, the lion of God, the pa-
tron of the lion-keepers, 647.
LISTER, WILLIAM, remarkable

anecdote of, 151.
Literature, humanizing power
of, 123. Bastard, 324.
LITTLETON, Coke's comment
upon, thought Lord Keeper
Guildford (?) ought not to be
read by students, 206.
Liturgy, Public, the clergy's
duty concerning, 64. The
value of, our enemies being
judges, 107. Variations in
the Scotch, made out of a
desire to comply with those
exceptions which were most
known against it, 188.
that great
man of God, a saying of,



LIVRA DA NOA, awful signs in

the heavens, A. D. 1199, 278.
Lizards, the gray lizard of
Egypt, why sacred among
the Turks and Egyptians,
490. The swift lizard, 568.
The poison of the Lacerta
Gecko, 588. Slow lizard,


Locks untied of a bride, 337.
Locust-Bird, about the size of
a starling, 459.
Locusts, in Turkey, destroyed
by the storks, 426. Flight
of, 432. Larvæ of, in Italy,

destroyed by pigs, 655.
Loire, the hills near the river,
excavated into cellars, wine-
vaults, &c. 631.
London, want of lighting in,
1685, 643. Early lighting
of, 667.

"Loqui variis linguis nolite
prohibere," 108.

Lords, House of, sectarian
abuse of, 153.

Loss, or Goupe of Norway, ac-
count of, 580.

Loth, King, and his children,


Louse, according to Dobriz-
hoffer, eaten by the Indian
women, 527.

Low entrances, a defensive pre-
caution of all uncivilized na-
tions, 620.

LUCAS, PAUL, Travels of, form

of Turkish mosques, 506.
Account of the papyrus, 508.
Turkish call to prayers, ib.
Le Baume Blanc, what? 509.
Le talisman, ib. Mecca and
Medina, 510.
LUCENA, quoted, 279. Says
that the proper name for the
Jesuits is not Apostles, but
the Religious of the Com-
pany of Jesus, 391.

do Ifante Dom Pedro, 238.
LUIZ, FR. DE Souza, 230.
Lukewarmness, how to avoid
the imputation of, 63.
Lusit nia, derivation of, 277.
Luxury, increase of, 301.
Lying witness, taken for grant-
ed in Mysoor, 428.
from, 309, &c. Lordly ap
parel of prelates - Unspiri-

[ocr errors]


tual priests-Parson, &c. ib.
Canons, powder-Stone balls
-Scotch revels and games,


M, the letter of, 523.
of, 255.
Madagascar, proposition that
the disrespected bishops of
Charles I.'s day should go
and plant a colony there,
144. Customs of, 336.
MADAN, woman of Bedlam's
Epigram on his Thelyph-
thora, 637.

Magnetic compasses, 339.
Magnetic influence, 646.
MAIOMET, debate on his edu-

cation, 450. The Third, the
tomb of, 513.

Mahmoudker, the river of, 518.
Malabar, custom of succession
in, as among the Nalchez,

Malacca fruit, 409.
Maldive notions relative to the
world, 419. Sacrifice to the
King of the Winds, 421.
Malocas, or slave expeditions,

Malt tax, advised by Strafford

in Ireland to check drunken-
ness, 179.

Malta, Evlia Effendi's impre-
cation on the infidels of, 443.
Manchinelle Apple, poisonous
effects of, 587.
MANDELSLO's account of the
banama, 498. Cocoa-nut, ib.
Cocoa wine, 501. Bettele
tree, ib. The areca tree,
501. Mangas tree, 502.
Mandive juice, made to resem.
ble soy, 610.

Man, Isle of, extraordinary

statute of, relative to women
overlaying their children,

Manners English, in 1659, 663.
Manoa, religion of Indians of,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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MARTIN, DR. and DR. Lc.
THER, 2.
Martins, Strafford's desire to
encourage in Ireland, one of
these being as much worth
as a good wether, 202.
MARTYR, PETER, extraordi-
nary instance of natural elo-
quence, or, Columbus and
the old man of Cuba, 537.
Massachussett wigwams

Couches or mattresses, 655.
claration of, and why they
departed from the city and
the kingdom, 152.
Masses, purchase of, 15.
MASSINGER, quoted, 322, 334-
336, 337, 358.

Matamores at Valencia, what?

MATHER, COTTON, and the ve-
nerable Eliot, 120.
Matolas, Vanderkemp's ac-
count of the use to which
they turn their hair, 518.
Matrasses, ships protected by,


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