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I deeply regret I should have been the cause of so serious an amount of feeling and annoyance as the correspondence in your paper reveals-a correspondence which comes upon me as a most painful surprise. I must ask your correspondents to believe me when I say that my fault or folly, whichever it may be, was wholly unintentional; and that however carelessly I may appear to have acted in certain instances, I have had no other than the purest purpose in view, and have been moved by no mean or dishonourable motive. Unfortunately the book in question was quite an after-thought. When preparing my address I had no idea of so extended a compilation. I simply desired my lecture to be issued in pamphlet form, should it seem likely to answer the purpose for which it was designed. My fault has been in changing the form of publication without first acquainting all my generous correspondents of what I purposed doing. But I acted under the impression that this was not necessary after having solicited their consent to use their words in print. That in this I committed a serious over-ight I now learn to my bitter cost, and I deeply regret it should have happ ned. But that I have been guilty of the unfairness, the wilful discourtesy, and other outrageous sins which some of your correspondents—and especially yourself—are anxious to fasten upon me, I most earnestly and indignantly deny.

After the first portion of the address was given here in the Old Grammar School, to a united meeting of the Young Men's Associations of the City, and largely reproduced in the columns of our local papers, I was repeatedly urged to return to the subject, and put the matter I had already spoken into print. Through lack of time long delays intervened before I could make any attempt to compile a promised second part of the same address, or before I could do anything towards remoulding what I had roughly sketched out. When did the contributions with which I had to deal were so many, and the interest attaching to them so great, that my MS. quickly exceeded the limits of an ordinary pamphlet. It was then, and not till then, the idea of the book occurred to me. Had I for a moment conceived that in this I was exceeding the bounds of a strict courtesy and integrity, I should most certainly have communicated again with the authors who had generously sent me the items of their experience. Indeed the book would have been at once abandoned had I known it would have given pain to any. I had no interest to serve by concealment, and nothing whatever to lead me to act in the spirit Mr. Hall Caine insinuates. Some of your correspondents, and several critics outside the columns of The Author, have Aung the ungenial sneer at my supposed sordid desire for gain. The imputation is most unjust, and does not speak well for the spirit of those by whom it is made. I have not received one penny from the book. When towards the close of last year I finished the MS. and submitted it to the publishers, I did not stipulate for any payment, I did not ask for any terms on my own behalf, but gladly accepted their suggestions, with the assurance I should be only too pleased and grateful if the book repaid them the cost of production, and proved of some real in erest and value to its readers. Should anything ever come to me from its sale it will be hea tily at the disposal of those who made the book possible. I prepared the book with a good motive, and it was not the motive of personal gain.

I notice in many of the letters you have reproduced your correspondents speak of their communications to me as private. They quite overlook the fact that I wrote to them upon a

matter for a public and not a private purpose. Letters sent expressly for use in illustrating a lecture can hardly be regarded as ordinary private correspondence. A lecture is not usually private and confidential. It is liable to be reported and reproduced in print, with or without the lecturer's consent; and as a matter of fact the lecture in question, which Mr. Hall Caine angrily infers was never given, was in great part printed in the columns of a local paper,* portions of the same appearing three successive weeks, with long extracts from the most interesting and useful letters, Mr. Hall Caine's not excepted. The communications were not sent to me as private, or for a private purpose; they were not requested for any private aim, else they would have been treated strictly as such. A few of the most helpful letters I received and retain, were not used at all, because the writers expressly objected to their contents being made public.

You mention several persons and say they were all ignorant that I intended to print their remarks. That is not correct. I wrote to almost every person you name, to almost every correspondent in your columns, asking permission to use their words in print. Only in two instances am I uncertain of having done so. To Mr. Allen, then in Italy, I wrote twice, to make sure he should receive my request, and neither letter was returned. Several like Mr. Allen did not reply. Was I wrong in assuming that such silence meant either indifierence or consent? If Mrs. Parr, Mr. Gilbert, and others had the opportunity to refuse and did not, where is the breach of faith of which they speak? Surely if they had felt so serious an objection to the use of their words they would at least have given expression to it. But though opportunity was afforded they did nothing of the kind; they left me, therefore, free to act as I thought best, and I interpreted silence as consent. The majority did reply, and gave the consent I asked. How then can they have been ignorant of my intention to print their remarks? One of the most eminent of your correspondents assures you I acted in his case with perfect frankness and consistency throughout. In no instance have I sought to be less open and frank. Why should I? What had I to gain by such concealment with one person more than another? Whatever you or others may affirm to the contrary I am at least guiltless of any intention to deceive.

Memory does not serve some of your correspondents with any great fidelity. Miss Yonge may perhaps recall her assurance that I could make the use I asked of what she had written, when I remind her that such consent was given upon condition that no mention should be made of a statement concerning a recent writer. I was careful to respect her wish. Mr. Blackmore too was asked and consented to the use of his letter in print; and only a few weeks since, May 3rd, 1890, wrote in acknowledgment of a copy of his printed letter, Am glad to hear of the appearance of your book, which I hope to procure at the first oppo tunity. With all good wishes for its success, &c." Yet this gentleman

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objects to the use Mr. Bainton has made of the reply procured through the good will due to a clergyman, and for clerical purposes." Mrs. Kennard also joins in the protest that she did not know, though her letter was printed with her consent; while writing on May 5th, 1890, she says, My poor remarks scarcely deserved such prominence as you have been good enough to give them. Thanking you for the compliment you have paid me, &c." To Mr. Rider Haggard I owe a special word of explanation and apology. The proof he requested when consenting to my use of his letter would have been submited, but for a statement I saw at the time that he was travelling in the East. I trust he will accept the expression of my sincere regret that for this reason his desire was not complied with.

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Permit me to add in conclusion that only this week have I learned, and that quite casually, of this painful correspondence. No copy of The Author was sent me, and no intimation was given that you were endeavouring so seriously to injure my good name. Is it fair dealing to stab a man in the dark? Is it fair dealing to seek to destroy a man's reputation without a word of warning, and without so much as a hint of the course of action you have taken? Is this the spirit in which the Society of Authors is conducted? If so it is the spirit of a ruthless cruel y. I do not for a moment doubt that your purpose is just and your motive pure; but surely before seeking fatally to injure the reputation and character of another, you might at least have had sufficient considerate feeling to give him a chance to vindicate himself and explain his conduct in the same issue of the journal in which you have printed your hard and harsh judgment. You have not done so, and I now claim the right that my letter shall appear in the following number of the paper, the columns of which have been used to do me so grievous a wrong.

Coventry, June 26th, 1890.


P.S.-When writing the above letter more than a week since, I could discover scarcely any of the replies I had received from authors giving me permission to use their communications in print. I can now put my hands upon several, and I may even yet find others. Unfortunately I did not conceive the matter would ever be called in question, and, therefore, never thought it necessary to preserve them. But it would have been strange had I been so punctilious about the consent of some, and so careless about that of others of my correspondents. An impartial judge would surely admit the strong probability that what was done in so many cases was hardly neglected in the bulk of the others. When I have used no more than a sentence or two I did not trouble the writers with a note of request; but if I missed any others the omission was purely accidental. My complaint of the lady who opened this painful controversy is, that she printed two of my letters, and said not a word about the letter in which I responded to and thanked her for her communication. It was in that I asked her to do me the kindness to consent to the use of her letter.

Much has been made of the fact that I used in many cases the same form of request. After writing to the first author I retained a rough copy of the letter sent, and used it whenever its terms made it possible, or altered it as the circumstances of the case required. This was done to save unnecessary trouble, and I cannot think in doing so I did wrong. I spoke in some of those letters of the author's books as having given me very special pleasure and help. After twenty-five years


To the Editor of THE AUTHOR.

Mr. Bainton has only himself to thank for our change of tone towards him.

Many may have wished him success-as I did—through misconception of his purpose. Who could foretel! from a page of his book what the nature of the volume was to be? It proves to be a piece of patchwork, collected from fifty quarters; and the patches, though not exactly pilfered, were procured for a very different use.

If Mr. Bainton had said at first-" I am writing to all the English authors I have heard of, to ask them how they do their work; I shall use their replies for my own pupils first, and then (if I see my way) make a book out of them "-how many answers would he have got?

Later on, when he had obtained replies (by writing to scores of authors, as if to each exclusively and for a benevolent purpose), in fairness he should have explained to each the character of his forthcoming volume, instead of describing it as a mere expansion of his lecture. In that case, how many would have allowed him to pour on the literary world (instead of his Coventry class) their off-handed replies? Faithfully yours, R. D. BLACKMORE.

[Mr. Bainton's letter only shows the justice of those who complained of his conduct. He asked certain questions, the answers to be used for a lecture. That he admits. He then used them for a book. That he also admits. If a man prints a communication for one purpose which was intended for another it is not enough to write for permission-he must also obtain permission. A letter is a private document, unless the contrary is stipulated expressly. As for the spirit in which this Society is conducted, it is one of continued hostility to all who invade or attack the rights of authors. Having printed Mr. Bainton's reply, we can now leave the matter as between Mr. Bainton and his correspondents and between him and The Author to be judged by our readers. -EDITOR.]


This column is reserved entirely for Members of the Society, who are invited to keep the Editor acquainted with their work and engagements.


constant reading, a man may well have very many pleasant MRANORMAN LOCKYER, F.R.S., is editing

companions amongst the authors of the day-it would be strange if he had not. In my own case I think the book itself will sufficiently show I hardly deserve the suspicious comments you have made. It is easy for a critic to indicate a special point in the speech or conduct of another, and then draw from it a general adverse conclusion.

At first I only purposed securing the aid of a few favourite authors, and wrote to that end. The words, which I fain hope were not often used, to which you so seriously and justly object, formed part of the draft of the earliest communication sent out, and were not written with any attempt to mislead.

All the correspondence I hold relating to the matter in question is freely open to the inspection of anyone concerned in it.

July 5th, 1890.


Amédée Guillemin's work, "The Heavens."

Mr. J. E. Gore, F.R.A.S., has presented to the Royal Irish Academy a "Catalogue of Binary Stars for which orbits have been computed.' The Catalogue, which will be published by the Academy, contains the elements of all the orbits hitherto calculated, the magnitudes and colours of the components, spectra, "hypothetical," and measured parellax, the relative brightness of each compared with a standard star, and data for computing the velocity in the line of sight, for use in the spectroscopic method of measuring the star's distance from the earth. The Catalogue is followed by a series of notes giving further details and the most recent measures of position of the component stars.

There has been a change in the Editorship of the Publishers' Circular"; Mr. J. A. Steuart is the new Editor. Mr. Steuart has in the press a work of Criticism and a novel, both of which will be published in the autumn by Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston & Co.

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Mr. Charles Leland is now preparing a work on Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling. There will be an Edition de Luxe, 150 copies only, and all numbered. The publisher, Mr. Fisher Unwin, receives names of intending subscribers.

Mrs. Cashel Hoey has this year written the summer number for Household Words. It is a complete story called "His Match and More."

In last month's "At Work," two mistakes were left uncorrected. The name of William Westall appeared as "William Werlah," and Mr. Watt was announced as the agent for The Author under the heading of Mr. W. F. Smith's new version of "Rabelais." The author should not be in italics. It refers to the translation of "Rabelais," not the Journal.

Mr. E. M. Edmonds will contribute an English edition of the "Autobiography of Koloko Kenes," with an historical introduction on the Klephts for Mr. Fisher Unwin's "Adventure Series." His biography of Klugas, the Protomartyr of Greece (Longman), has already shown his knowledge of kindred subjects.

Mr. Oscar Wilde's story, "The Picture of Dorrin Grey," which constituted the July number of Lippincott's Magazine, will shortly be issued as a one volume novel by Messrs. Ward and Lock.

Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson will shortly issue, through Messrs. Chatto and Windus, "Father Damien : an open letter to the Rev. Dr. Ande."

A second edition is ready of Mr. Eustace A. R. Ball's "Mediterranean Winter Resorts." It is a handbook to the principal health and pleasure resorts on the shores of the Mediterranean (London, L. Upcott Gill, 170, Strand; and Paris, The Galignani Library, 224, Rue de Rivoli).

The article on 66 Alexandria," in Nos. 9 and 10 of Cassell's "Picturesque Mediterranean," is by Mr. Eustace A. R. Ball, who is also the author, under the pseudonym of Evelyn Ballantyne, of the article called "The Pit and Its Critic."

Rev. James J. Hillock has issued the third edition of his Hard Battles for Life and Usefulness' (Houlston and Sons). Crown 8vo. 35. 6d.

Miss Frances Armstrong begins a story for the young called "Changed Lots; or, Nobody Cares," in the July Number of Newbery House Magazine.

Miss Blyth's new story is entitled "Adolphus Etherton ; or, the Boy who was Always Amused."

Mr. Edric Vredenburg has recently completed a new story which will be published in the Weekly Times and Echo, beginning January 3rd of next year.

Mrs. Elizabeth Harcourt Mitchell's book on Palestine, called "Forty Days in Holy Land," is in the press, and will be published by Messrs. Kegan Paul & Co.

A new edition of Mr. Justin McCarthy's "History of the Four Georges is being issued by the same publishers. Volumes I and II are now ready.

Esmé Stuart commences a new serial tale in the July number of the Newbery House Magazine.

It is now stated that Mr. Christie Murray is not lost at all. He has sailed for Samoa vid Sydney with the intention of joining Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson.

The author of "Thoth" (Blackwood), and of "Toxar " (Longman) is Professor Nicholson of Edinburgh, a member of this Society.

A Fellow of Trinity. Chatto and
Crown 8vo. (Shortly.)

Windus. 3 vols.
AUTHOR OF "THOTH." Toxar, a romance.

I vol. 65. BESANT, W. H., D.Sc., F.R.S. Notes on Roulettes and Glissettes. Second Edition, enlarged. Messrs. Bell. 8vo. 55.

COLLINS, M. The Blossom and Fruit: A True Story of a Black Magician. Crown 8vo. 25.

CONWAY, H. MARTIN. Climber's Guide to Central Alps. T. Fisher Unwin.


I vol. CONWAY, W. M. Alps. 18mo. CROMMELIN, MAY.

Climbers' Guide to the Central Pennine


Midge. Trischler and Co. 6s. DOWDEN, PROFESSOR. The Poetry of John Donne. Chapman and Hall.

FARRAR, F. W. The Passion Play at Oberammergau,
1890. W. Heinemann. 4to. 2s. 6d.
JAMES, C. T. C. The New Faith.
Ward and Downey.

3 vols. "JOHN STRANGE WINTER." Dinna Forget. and Co. Paper, Is. ; cioth boards, Is. 6d. KENNARD, MRS. G.

8vo. 2s. 6d.

31s. 6d.


Matron or Maid: A Novel. Crown

LANGE, F., Ph. D. Elementary German Reader: A Graduated Collection of Readings in Prose and Poetry. With English Note and a Vocabulary. Messrs. Bell. 8vo. Is. 6d.

LINTON, E. LYNN. Sowing the Wind: A Novel. Crown 8vo. 35. 6d.


MURRAY (C.), and HERMAN (H.). Wild Darrie. 12mo.
Jones's Alias. Chatto and Windus. IS.
"NEMESIS." By Seyton Crewe. Eden, Remington and
Co. 6s.

OLIVER, CAPT. P. Madagascar; or, Robert Deury's Journal during Fifteen Years Captivity on that Island. T. Fisher Unwin. 5s.

POWELL, F. YORK, M.A. History of England, Part I, From the Earliest Times to the Death of Henry VII. Rivington. 2s. 6d.

ROBINSON, F. W. The Keeper of the Keys. Hurst and Blackett. 3 vols.

RUSKIN, JOHN, D.C.L., LL.D. The Seven Lamps of
Architecture. New cheap editions. George Allen.
Small post 8vo. 7s. 6d. each.

Aratra Pentelici. Seven Lectures on the Elements of

Val D'Arno. Ten Lectures on Art of the Thirteenth
Century in Pisa and Florence.

SALMONÉ, H. ANTHONY. An Arabic-English Dictionary
on a New System. 2 vols. Trübner & Co.

Essays, Speculative and
Suggestive. Chapman and Hall. 2 vols.
WARDEN, FLORENCE. St. Cuthbert's Tower. Popular
Edition. Cassell and Co. 55.

WESTALL, WILLIAM. Strange Crimes. I vol.
and Downey.

6s. Ward

Gentle Art of Making Enemies. W. 4th thousand. 10s. 6d.

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This pamphlet is a reply to the invitation issued by the Publication Committee of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge in their Report of last year, for any suggestions, which they "will gladly receive," on the best way of making "the Venerable Society the most efficient literary handmaid of the Church of England throughout the world."

The suggestions offered in these pages contain, first, some of the elementary principles which guide honourable men in the administration of literary property. The writer next advances three cases, as illustrating the methods adopted by the Society. A copy of this pamphlet will be sent to any member of the Society by application to the Office, including two postage stamps.




This book, compiled mainly from documents in the office of the Society of Authors, is intended to show a complete conspectus of all the various methods of publication with the meaning of each; that is to say, the exact concessions to publishers and the reservation of the owner and author of the work. different frauds which arise out of these methods form a necessary part of the book. Nothing is advanced which has not been proved by the experience of the Society.



A New Translation. By W. F. SMITH, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Saint John's College, Cambridge. Issued to Subscribers in a limited Edition of 750 copies, all numbered, of which 500 copies are for this country and 250 for America. In two handsome 8vo vols. Price 25s the set. The aim of the above translation has been to render more accessible, to explain and illustrate a book which has exercised a wide influence on the French language as well as on European literature. A system of marginal reference has been introduced. Great attention has been paid to the historical aspect of the book, and points bearing on the political and religious affairs of the times have been carefully noticed. As the work must be presented as a whole, and as certain passages and parts can no longer be presented in English, these have been left in the original old French, where they can be read by such as desire it. The work will be accompanied by a life of Rabelais, a notice of the translators, Urquhart, and Motteux, a map of the environs of Chinon, the part of France where Rabelais was brought up, notes on the language and


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Notes and Queries says-" For the first time in a dictionary the subject
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Very full is Mr. Farmer's list, the

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A book for the library, desk, or general reading; for journalists, Members of Parliament, public speakers, and all professional men. It is a dictionary of words, phrases, and colloquialisms peculiar to the United States, British America, the West Indies, &c., &c., together with their derivation, meaning, and application.

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is written throughout with a sort of loving care which
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the reader so to revise his impressions of Scripture typography as in many cases to throw quite a flood of new light upon a hitherto obscure narrative." -Manchester Examiner.

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An Illustrated Circular, giving all information about the above, will be sent, post free, on application.

Published for the Palestine Exploration Fund by

London: ALEXANDER P. WATT, 2, Paternoster Square, E.C.

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