Imágenes de páginas

what was going on, and he writes with a moderation that inspires confidence. His notes give valuable in. formation about responsibility attaching to the chief actors in a disastrous drama, Prince Napoleon and the Empress Eugénie."— Athenæum, July 7.

Davis, M. E. M. In war times at La Rose Blanche. Delisle, I.. V. Etudes sur la condition de la classe agricole et l'etat de l'agriculture en Normandie au moyen age. 1851.

Dillon, W: Life of John Mitchel. 2 v.

"Well worth writing, and in spite of literary shortcomings is decidedly interesting. It is none the less instructive because as the author admits, the expediency from a political point of view, of publishing just now the life of the greatest Irish Irreconcilable of the century will probably be questioned.' Neither the biographer's generally honest championship nor his occasional misreading of facts proves that Mitchel's career was other than a failure, full of disaster to himself, and if helping more than hindering some remedial meas. ures he despised, only prejudicial to the cause he had at heart." Athenæum, July 23.

Dreyfous, M. Les trois Carnot.

"Un beau volume, orné de non moins belles gravures, enrichi de reproductions de dessins, de peintures, et d'autographes. Appelez-la histoire, appelez-la épopée ou bien encore morale en action, ou bien encore conte de fées, puisque M. Dreyfous y souscrit; ce qui est certain, c'est qu'elle est attachante, dramatique, et qu'il s'en dégage surtout un parfum de haute vertu.” — Rev. bleue, 19 mai.

Du Camp, M. Paris beinfaisant.

"A grave book, but not dull; on the contrary, it contains both interesting and instructive reading. It gives a detailed account of the vast amount of useful philanthropic work which is being done in Paris, by men of the most diverse creeds, and of every shade of political opinion." - Westminster review, August. Du Castéra, J. L'empereur et Rome. Dupanloup, F. A. P., Bp. of Orléans.

1861. Lettre à M.

le vte. de La Guéronnnière en réponse à sa brochure La France, Rome et l'Italie. 1861.

Dupetit-Thouars, A. A. Mémoires et voyages;

préc. d'un précis de la guerre que la France a soutenue contre l'Angleterre, 1778-83. T.

1. 1822.

Précis historique de la guerre d'Amérique, 1778-1783]. 1822.

Duruy, A. L'armée royale en 1789, avec introd. biog. par G: Duruy.

"Originally intended as an introduetion to a great work, for which the author was arranging the materials when he died, upon the French army of the Revolution and the Empire."- - Nation, June 7. Eastlake, C: L. Notes on the principal pictures in the Royal Gallery at Venice.

"In some ways this little book will no doubt be useful to the traveller, but it must be said that it shows little token of care in the preparation, and not much intimate knowledge of the paintings it describes. In spite, however, of many shortcomings it is not without merit, and in many cases his critical remarks are very sensible and unhackneyed." — Saturday rev., Dec. 1. Eudel, P. L'Hotel Drouot et la curiosité, 1886

87; avec une préf. par O. Uzanne. 7e ann. Farrington, M. V. Tales of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.

"Miss Farrington gives in a brief introduction a summary of the little that is known and the much that is guessed about the great British hero. She has done her task well, and the illustrators have helped her to make a volume worthy of the subject."- Spectator, Nov. 21.

Fawcett, E. Divided lives.

Fay, E: A. Corcordance of the Divina commedia. "Really valuable book; contains a complete list of the words used in the Divine comedy' together with much well-arranged and usually accurate information of various kinds. At last, thanks to the careful indus


try of Dr. Fay, and to the generous interest and support of the Dante Society we have a complete concor. dance to the Divine comedy.' His book - the first of its kind in centuries is not for a day: full generations of lovers and students of Dante will place it on their shelves beside the Divina Commedia.' "— Nation, Oct. 25.

Ferguson, W. H. The mystery of a wheel-barrow; or, Gaboriau Gaborooed.

Ferrari, C. La Sicile et la maison de Savoie. 1860. Féval, P. H. C. Les deux femmes du roi.

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Ff., C. J.


Handbook of the Italian schools in the Dresden Gallery.

Except that there are not enough illustrations, this is an ideal handbook. Every picture of importance in the Gallery is described very carefully, with its size and its pedigree; every artist has his short biography, and the subjects of the pictures are further explained by the addition of the legends or myths relating to them.

The compiler has evidently consulted all the later authorities, especially Signor Morelli, of whose critical sagacity this book is a sort of monument." — Academy, Aug. 25.

Fisher, Maj. P. Catalogue of the tombs, in the churches of London; rev. by G. B. Morgan. 1666, repr. 1885. (Genealog. Cur.) The tombs, monuments, etc., visible in S. Paul's cathedral and S. Faith's beneath it previous to its destruction by fire, 1665; ed. by G. B. Morgan. 1684, repr. 1885.

Fonvielle, W. de. La croisade en Syrie. 1860. Gérard de Nerval, G. L. La prince des sots; [pref. de L: Ulbach].

"Whether in any case Gérard could have written a sustained mediæval romance may be doubted. He certainly had the knowledge; but more suitable employ. ment can be imagined for the fantastic, mysterious, intermittent genius which flashes and fades alternately in the pictures of the Voyage en Orient,' and the sketches of the Filles du feu.' This 'Prince des sots' is by no means a precious possession. In fact, it is not above the capacity of any tolerably ready literary ap prentice who knew his Hugo, and his Dumas, and we have looked in vain for any touch of Gérard's hand."Sat. rev., June 2.

Gilmore, J. R. (pseud. E. Kirke). The advanceguard of Western civilization.

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"Any account by a fairly intelligent, observant, and educated man of what he has seen and experienced during a compaign cannot fail to be alike interesting to the general reader, and useful to the military historian. Count Gleichen possesses far more than these rudimentary qualifications, and has the good sense to abstain from aping the historian, or indulging in the diffuse description of the amateur traveller, There is also a freshness, a heartiness, and a‘go' about the young au thor which unstained by egotism, make his unpreten tious book decidedly attractive.". Athenæum, July 28.

Green, A. K. Behind closed doors. Halte-là Garabaldi! 1860.

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Heaton, Mrs. M.. M. K. A concise history of painting. New ed. rev. by C. Monkhouse. Heilprin, A. The animal life of our sea-shore;

with special reference to the New Jersey coast and the southern shore of Long Island. Holyoake, G: S. Self-help a hundred years ago.

"This interesting little work is an enlarged reprint of articles contributed to the Co-operative news, and is founded on the volumes, now rarely met with, which were published by the Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor,' established in 1796, under the patronage of George III, and the presidency of Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham. The society devoted itself to the publication and promotion of suggestions and schemes of all kinds coming within the scope of its comprehensive title, and in doing so curiously anticipated in many ways the develop. ment of thrift which we are in the habit of looking upon as belonging wholly to this generation." Athenæum, Aug. 18.

Hoole, H: The science and art of training; a handbook for athletes.

Ingram, J: H. women.)

E.. Barrett Browning. (Famous

"Mr. Ingram's criticism is better than his biography, though this is not saying very much." Sat. rev., Oct.


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Johnson, R. A short history of the war of secession, 1861-65.

Kipling, R. Plain tales from the hills.

"For the profitable disposal of odds and ends of time or for a cross-country journey in stopping trains on Sunday it would be hard to find better reading. Mr. Kipling knows and appreciates the English in India, and is a born story-teller, and a man of humour into the bargain. He is also singularly versatile, and equally at home in humour and pathos.". Sat. rev., June 9. Lacordaire, J: B. H: D., l'abbé. De la liberté de l'Italie et de l'Eglise. 1860.

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Lippmann, F: The art of wood engraving in Italy in the 15th century; Eng. ed., with corrections and additions by the author. "Dr. Lippmann has been the first to treat by itself all that remains to us of the work of Italian wood engravers of the fifteenth century in something like an exhaustive manner. For this task his position as Director of the Royal print-room at Berlin has given him much advantage, especially as the collection under his charge is unusually rich in Italian woodcuts of the period, and contains several specimens which are unique.

The illustrations are numerous and well selected; many are from prints of great rarity. ... The text. which is tolerably, but not more than tolerably, translated, is clear, business like, and learned, traversing the whole ground in a systematic manner and suppying much that is interesting and sagacious in the way of criticism and comment.' Saturday review, July 28. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. S. (pseud. Margaret Sidney).

Old Concord; her highways and byways. Lubbock, Sir J: On the senses, instincts, and inlelligence of animals; with special reference to insects. (Internat. sci. ser.)


"Sir John Lubbock is always profound and interesting, and he has gathered together an array of facts and observations of the greatest and significance. Contains an abundance of scientific data, the results of prolonged and patient study and experiment." - North American review, Dec.

Lunt, E: C. Present condition of economic science, etc. (Questions of the day.)

"Mr. Lunt's sarcasms may appear not immoderate. At any rate, a little exaggeration for the sake of effect, may be pardoned to the author of this brilliant essay, perhaps the most entertaining piece of economic litera. tures after Scott's Letters by Malachi Malagrowther." F. Y. Edgeworth in the Academy, Sept. 29. McCulloch, P. Men and measures of half a century; sketches and comments.


"The reminiscences of a sturdy publicist, who not only narrates his personal experience and describes the men whom he has known, but makes shrewd and telling comments upon public affairs as he has known them, and had part in them. He shows himself a sturdy hard-headed, and opinionated man whose opinions are well worth consideration."-Atlantic monthly, Dec. Macky, J: A journey through England; in familiar letters from a gentleman here to his friend abroad. 5th ed., with add. Vol. 1, 2. 1732, 22. 2 v.

Mapleson, J. H: Memoirs, 1848-88. 2 v.

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Michelet, J. Mon journal, 1820-23.

"Comprises only three years, 1820-23, but the most important and interesting in Michelet's development, moral and intellectual. The limitation to three years applies only to the Journal des sentiments;' and Madame Michelet has been happily inspired in adding to it 'Le Journal des idées et des lectures,' which extends from 1818-29. It is the richest repertory that can be conceived, and at the same time it is the book that best enables us to appreciate the vast erudition of the great historian." - Athenæum, July 7.

Miller, J. Joe Miller's jests; or, The wits vademecum; coll. by E. Jenkins. 1839. Montrosier, E. Salon de 1888; 100 planches en photogravure et 4 frontispices gravés à l'eauforte.

Morbois, Mme. A. de. Sacrifice.

"Son héroine réunit en elle toutes les vertus et elle est prête à toutes les immolations. Ce qui me charme, c'est que tout cela a pu parfaitement arriver; nous ne nous sentons pas dans le monde de la fiction. En même temps, rien de fade et un style toujours élégant et pur." - Revue bleue, 9 juin.

Morris, C. The Aryan race; its origin and its achievements.

"On the whole a summary which readers who are interested in these peoples will find useful. We cannot well call the book an acquisition to scholars, because in his limited space Mr. Morris has not found room for indispensable references to authorities." -Saturday rev., Sept. 15.

Müller, F: M. Three introd. lectures on the science of thought, at the Royal Instit., London, Mar., 1887; with an app. cont. a corresp. on Thought without words" between F: M. M., and others.


Mullinger, J. B.

History of the University of Cambridge. (Epochs of church history.) "Excellent down the Revolution of 1688. The latter part is not so good. Mr. Mullinger altogether fails to appreciate the greatness of Bently. Then the account of the evangelical school in the last century is inade. quate; and nothing is said of the influence of Simeon in this century, or of the widening of classical studies which Hare and Thirlwall brought about at Trinity. But till 1689 the volume is an admirable sketch." -Athenæum, Oct. 27.

Ober, F: A. Montezuma's gold mines.

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Rae, W. F. Austrian health resorts and the bitter waters of Hungary.

"Consists of some interesting and brightly written articles which were published in the Times' three years ago, and which were much appreciated at the time, especially by medical men, and their usefulness is much increased by their republication in book form, and by the additions and corrections which have been made on a second visit to many of the places referred to. The book is full of valuable hints to all sorts of people." Saturday rev., Aug. 28.

Ragozin, Z. A. The story of Media, Babylon, and Persia; incl. a study of the Zend-Avesta or religion of Zoroaster, from the fall of Nineveh to the Persian War. (Story of the nations.)

"Madame Ragozin is a brilliant writer, and her book shows evident signs of familiarity with her subject; but one may be pardoned for questioning if she has not had it in mind first and last to write an interesting book, whatever befalls her facts," Atlantic monthly, Nov. Rattos, D. Constantinople ville libre; solution de la question d'Orient. 1860.

Repplier, A. Books and men.

"Whatever the subject, superstition or criticism or sentiment or pessimism, the essay has the same sort of interest. There is abundance of anecdote, usually drawn from history or imaginative literature; these illustrations are selected with skill and effectively grouped." -Nation, Oct. 11.


Rodocanachi, E. Cola di Rienzo; histoire de 1342-54; illust.

Romance of the Recusants, A; by the author of "The life of a prig."

Saint-Albin, A. D. H. de L. de. L'Europe chré. tienne en Orient. 1860.

Schauer, L. Garibaldi, Naples, et l'Angleterre. 1860.

Sharp, W: Romantic ballads and poems of phan


This little volume, small as its compass is, contains some of the truest imaginative poetry. There are not It must be many pieces in the book, nor are they long. supposed that Mr. Sharp has written much other verse since his last published volume; but he has saved the critic and the reader the trouble of avoiding the poorer sort and the padding by omitting it. What remains bears the very hall mark of excellence. It is as though Coleridge had published the Ancient mariner,' and Christabel,' with Kulba Khan,' and two or three of of his ballads in one little book." -G: Cotterell in the Academy, June 16.

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Sparkes, J: C. A manual of artistic anatomy; illust.

"A most excellent practical treatise. Our author is an accomplished artist, anatomist, and teacher, and finding as he tells us in his preface that there is no work on artistic anatomy which gives with sufficient fulness what the artist requires, has most certainly - without either extreme minuteness or, on the other hand, superficialitygiven the art student exactly the necessary details for following out his work. The most readable, acurate, and useful work for the English art student which has yet been placed before him, and it is a credit to South Kensington teaching, and to English art literature.". Sat. rev., May 19. Stoddard, Mrs. E.. D. B.

Two men. Rev. ed.

"No ordinary novel. He will read it eagerly for its interest, slowly for its fulness, and he will lend it to those among his friends who have a sense for the uncommon, an ear for the rare and fine melody, an eye for nature's scale of color, a soul to which nothing that is human is foreign." - Nation, Aug. 9.

Taussig, Prof. F. W: The tariff history of the U. S.; essays. (Questions of the day.)

"A useful contribution to the chief political discussion of the time. It is not a connected and consecutive work, but a series of essays, all of which have been published in some form before. The author expresses himself plainly, and shows a thorough acquaintance with his subject in its theoretical as well as its historical aspects. He is a free-trader, and of course treats his theme from that point of view; but he writes with impartiality and judicial temper." Critic, Aug. 25. Trotter, A. M. Bledisloe.

"A very readable and a very pleasant book." Academy, Sept. 1.

Veuillot, L: F. Le pape et la diplomatie. 1861. Waterloo. 1861.

Vogel, H. The chemistry of light and photography in their application to art, science, and industry. 5th ed. (Int. sci. ser.) Wagner, W: R:, and Listz, F. Correspondence; tr. with a pref. by F. Hueffer. 2 v. Contents. Vol. 1. 1841-53. 2. 1854-61.

"Both were independent thinkers, and both possessed the power of appropriate and forcible expression. United for many years by ties of the closest friendship, each poured out to the other without reserve his inmost thoughts and feelings. The publication of their corre. spondence during a period of twenty years must, there. fore, be of exceptional importance and interest. Liszt's nobility of disposition and his unbounded liberality have long been matters of common repute; but his conduct towards Wagner will raise him, if possible higher than before in general estimation. Wagner,

on the other hand, presents himself to us in his correIt is spondence in an extremely unamiable light. with a feeling of absolute relief that one turns from Wagner the man to Wagner the musician. From this point of view the correspondence is of the greatest interest and value. Some of the longer letters to Liszt are nothing less than short essays on artistic questions; and in them will be found the germs of his most impor tant writings." Athenæum, July 21. Welschinger, H: Le duc d'Enghien, 1772-1804.

"Le due d'Enghien n'était guère connu jusqu'ici que par son enlèvement et son exécution dans les fossés de Vincennes, le 21 mars 1804; M. Henri Welschinger nous donne aujourd'hui une complète étude sur cette existence si dramatiquement romanesque. Grace aux documens inédits qu'il a compulsés, l'auteur fait ressortir en pleine lumière bien des épisodes restés encore obscurs ou mystérieux, les premières années du prince, ses voyages et sa correspondance, son mariage secret, la mission légendaire de Réal à Vincennes, la complicité de Talleyrand." - Rev. d. D. Mondes, 1 juil. Year-book of the Unitarian congregational churches, 1884-87. 4. v.

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"One of the best contributions to the literature of the subject which have appeared. M.Audebrand, whose feeling for Dumas is everything that could be desired, writes with ease, vivacity, and point; he has a great deal to say that is worth hearing; he deals with a certain passage in the master's life which, so far as we know, has not before been fully illustrated; and in descanting on the sun he tells of a crowd of minor lights, from Gérard de Nerval and Roger de Beauvoir to swindlers like Max de Goritz and Bohemians of the type of the lamented Pri vat d'Anglemont. He was, in brief, a contributor to 'Le Mousquetaire,' the journal founded by Dumas on his return from exile in 1853." Sat. rev., May 5. Ballou, M. M. Due west; or, Round the world in ten months. 6th ed. Illust.

Bamford, A. J. Turbans and tails; or, Sketches in the unromantic East.

"A pleasantly written record of travel from Bengal to Peking, in which man and manners are the study of the genial voyager." - Sat. rev., May 19.

Bell, A. G. Facts and opinions relating to the deaf from America.

Black, W: G: Heligoland, and the islands of the North Sea.

Bournon, F. Paris; histoire, monuments, administration.

"A young folks' history of the capital of France to be warmly recommended to all parents who are likely to take their children to the banks of the Seine. Here are 13 maps and 150 woodcuts." - Nation, June 21. Brunn, H: Denkmäler griechischer und römi

scher. Sculptur; hrsg. von F: Bruckmann. "The name of Professor Brunn stands deservedly high for exhaustive researches in the records of ancient art and artists. He sets forth with much truth the need for fresh assistance for the student of ancient sculp ture now that numerous and constantly accruing recov. eries of important remains are modifying judgments as to the essential characteristics as well as history. The requirements of comparative study can only be met by graphic reproductions of the original monuments.' Athenæum, Aug. 11.

Buckle, J. G. Theatre construction and mainte

nance; incl. the regulations by the Metrop. Board of Works, etc., with rules based upon the metropolitan, provincial, American, and continental theatre regulations.

"For perhaps the first time we have a practical man sitting down with the avowed object of showing not merely how a theatre is built, but how it ought to be constructed in order that the audience may see, hear, and enjoy that immunity from disaster, arising from fire or panic, which has hitherto been denied them. Although Mr. Buckle's volume is necessarily overlaid with technicalities, the details are so clearly and concisely grouped as to exercise a kind of fascination over those readers who take an interest in the stage. If the ordinary playgoer could be brought to read only those pages which treat of the necessity for constructing theatres on an entirely different plan to that which has hitherto been adopted, an agitation against the oft condemned death-traps and fire-traps would arise, with the result that the Legislature would be compelled to interfere, and to supervise theatres with a strictness now only conspicuous by its absence." Saturday rev., Apr. 28.

Caro, E. M.. Mélanges et portraits. 2 v.

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sion, in the interludes of the serious work of his life, and that into them all the most important results of his researches insert themselves. It is this which makes them agreeable rather than instructive reading. Caro does not argue, he chats. He has a way of exciting our attention, but he does nothing to satisfy it. The second volume The portraits' strikes us as by far the more interesting. We see in them much more the author whom he criticises than the critic who writes." Charles Sayle in the Academy, Oct. 13.

Case of Emperor Frederick III., full official reports by the German physicians and by Sir Morell Mackenzie; the German reports tr. by H: Schweig.

Champeaux, A. de. Les monuments de Paris; [illust.]

Church, Rev. A. J: Three Greek children; a story of home in old time.

Dana, K. F. Our Phil; and other stories.
Daudet, A. L'immortel.

"M. Dandet attacks the French Academy with the most thorough-going completeness, and manages to do so without such libels on real people as disgraced his 'Nabab.' His new work is brilliant in execution and faultless in style.". -Athenæum, July 21. Delaborde, H:, le vete. Marc-Antoine Raimondi; étude hist. et critique; illust. (Bibl. internat. de l'art.)

"Few, if any, of the recent publications ranking midway between the costly magnificance of copper or steel engraving of the old kind, and the merely cheap and popular handbook have been more interesting and welcome than Delaborde's Marcantonio.' The rich illustrations of this handsome volume exhibit in very large variety the masterly style of the great Bolognese. The author has divided his book into two parts, a short biography- for the life of Marcantonio is but little and an exhaustive catalogue." Sat. rev.,

known Apr. 14. Dibdin, J. C. Annals of the Edinburgh stage with an account of the rise and progress of dramatic writing in Scotland.

Vol 1.

Les céramiques de

"In the main an accurate and trustworthy record. The style is neither very clear nor over accurate, but the matter is good, and the book has genuine value." Athenæum, Oct. 13. Dumont, A., and Chaplain, J. la Grèce propre. "It certainly does credit to French scholarship that the two most recent treatises on Greek ceramics, the only two, indeed, which embody the recent results of archaological research, together with the plentiful harvest yielded by excavations during the last ten or fifteen years, should have been published almost simultane ously in Paris, bearing the names of two former pupils of the French School of Archæology in Athens, MM. A. Dumont, and O. Rayet. Rayet's Histoire de la céramique grecque,' a severe and scientific study of Greek ceramics down to the fifth century B.C., is more particularly interested in the description of Greek ce. ramic art during the brilliant phase of its career, from the time of the Persian wars to the death of Alexender the Great. The study of Greek ceramics is no longer what it was in the days of Gerhard and Panofka. Not only have the materials immensely increased; not only have quite new series, such as those of Hissarlik and Thera, been added to the stock of primitive Grecian ware, but the method itself of ceramical study has undergone a very complete change. Vases have ceased to be, at least exclusively, mythological or artistic documents; they have been drawn into the wide sphere of historical research, and made to serve as tests not only for the history of ancient art, but for the history of civ. ilization, commerce, and industry. M. Dumont's volume is a very fit demonstration of the important results which may be realized by this new method. M. Pottier has added to this valuable work a very complete index, and, last but not least, several pages of ad

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Ewart, J. C. The preservation of fish. 1887. Field, H: M. Old Spain and new Spain.


"A somewhat unusual compound of tourist travel, history, and sermonizing. In spite of all his sound common sense, Mr. Field is lacking in the knowledge which alone can make a conparison of old and new Spain fruitful of results." Academy, Nov. 24. Fitzgerald, P. H. Chronicles of Bow Street Police-Office; with an account of the magistrates, runners, and police, and a selection of the most interesting cases; illust. 2 v. "Carefully compiled from the records and the press. Mr. Fitzgerald's chapters on the runners,' the police system, office eccentricities, and cognate subjects, though they by no means form the most important sections of his work, are by far the most pleasant reading." Sut. rev., Oct. 20.

Franklin, A. La vie privée d'autrefois. La me-
sure du temps. La cuisine. 2 v.
Galton, A. English prose, from Maundeville to
Thackeray. (Camelot ser.)

Gilmore, P. Days and nights by the desert.

"Captain Gilmore's field of operations was a tract of land north-west of the Orange River in South Africa, known as the Kalihari or Kaligarri Desert. He describes scenery with graphic fidelity; and, like all firstclass sportsmen, has studied natural history. His volume is fertile in hints and instructions to all sportsThe work is adorned with some excellent illustrations of the various wild animals of South Africa." Sat. rev., July 21.


Giry, A. Etude sur les origines de la Commune de

Saint-Quentin. 1887.

"An admirable monograph, throwing much light upon the general development of the mediaval French municipality. The difficult problem of the origin of the town jurisdiction, le tribunal des échevins,' is treated with much fulness and ability [pp. 31-67]. Since the death of Thierry, no one has made more valu. able contributions to the literature of French municipal history than Professor Giry. He has not Thierry's brilliancy of style, but he excels the latter in accuracy of detail."- Nation, June 7. Gosse, W:


Life of W: Congreve.

(Great writ

"An admirable and most interesting biography of a man of letters who is of particular interest to other men of letters. In the art we practise he was by consent of all good critics, supreme. He was a clas sic to his contemporaries; and so he has continued to be held by all who are capable of judging, from Voltaire to Lamb, Hazlitt, Macaulay, and George Meredith." Oswald Crawfurd in the Academy, Aug. 25.

Grain, R: C. Corney Grain: by himself.

"Amusing book of diverting anecdotes and confessions. The good stories so well told are not only numerous, but occur in a real autobiographical narrative, and spring naturally from the incidents and move. ments of a changeful life. We dont want any one by Mr. Corney Grain except himself. He suffices, and more than suffices, on the platform, before the piano, both by his own engaging individuality, and as the most noteworthy successor to the accomplished and never-tobe-forgotten Mr. John Parry. The title of this chatty book of recollections suggests a metaphysical mystery, and very humourously does the writer set forth the ad vantages of his literary method. He is both interviewer

and interviewed. The dual part is enacted with a graceful forbearance on both sides that would disarm the most inveterate dislike of the loathly practice of interviewing." -Sat. rev., July 21.

Grasilier, L. Causes célèbres de l'Angleterre. Vol.


Gudin, P. P., de la Brenellerie. Histoire de Beaumarchais; mémoires inédits pub. sur les mss. originaux par M. Tourneux.

Hale, P. M. In the coal and iron counties of North Carolina. 1883.

Halliday, A. Comical fellows; or, The history and mystery of the pantomime. 1863. Hariot, T: A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the commodities and of the nature and manners of the naturall inhabitants; a reprod. of the ed. printed at Frankfort, 1590; ed. by W. H. Rylands. Hervey, T: K. The book of Christmas; descriptive of customs, ceremonies, etc., of the Christmas season.

Heywood, T: T: Heywood; ed. by A. W. Verity; with an introd. by J. A. Symonds. Unexpurgated ed. (Mermaid ser.)

Howley, Rev. M. F. Ecclesiastical history of Newfoundland.

"Besides the history of the Catholic church in Newfoundland, this book contains a consider ble portion of the political history of that island. The book is not made out of other books, but is the result of many years' study and research among original sources of in. formation."- Nation, Oct. 18.

Hyde de Neuville, J: G., baron. Mémoires et souvenirs; la revolution, le consulat, l'empire. Ibsen, H: The pillars of society and other plays;

ed. with introd., by H. Ellis. (Camelot ser.) "Works of art with a purpose deeper than to amuse. The man, who, going to the theatre for entertainment, should find himself present at a performance of 'Ghosts,' would not feel that he had thrown his evening away, perhaps, but he would realize very clearly that he had not got what he had gone for." -Critic, Nov. 3. Johnson, C: P. The early writings of W: Makepeace Thackeray,

"The most interesting and valuable part of this vol ume is its illustrations. As regards the bulk of the volume it is incontestable that the compiler has gone very far to bring back very little. It is but poor praise to say that it is not among the worst of its class - a class which in this age has monopolized the bad eminence allotted by Abuthnot to Curll of adding a new terror to death." Saturday rev., Sept. 22. Kelton, Capt. D. H. Indian names of places near the Great Lakes. Vol. 1.

Kilby, W: H: Eastport and Passamaquoddy; a

collection of historical and biog. sketches; with notes and add.

Kirk, Mrs. E. O. (pseud. H: Hayes). Better times; stories. Kirkland, J.

The McVeys; an episode. "Shows not only strength, but a very appreciable amount of art as well. The life he describes and the people he studies are all real to him, and he makes them real to his readers."

Zury; the meanest man in Spring County. "The best lesson Zury' teaches, and one for which we are willing to forget all his faults, is the lesson how, out of very hard and raw materials, the foundations of prosperity are laid.". Unitarian rev., Nov. Latimer, S. F. The English in Canary Isles; a journal in Teneriffe and Gran Canaria.

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