Imágenes de páginas

-mék: -maq is peculiar to roots with hard and -mék to roots with soft vowels. When we remove the ending maq or mék we get the stem or the root of the verb, which is also the 2nd person Sing. of the Imperative; as: JT al' take thou.

: almag to take آلق

A vérmék ́ to give:

vér give thou.

§ 249. The Negative form of the verb is obtained. by adding -mé- to the root when it has a soft

vowel and-ma- when it has a hard vowel; as:

Talmamaq not to take: Tor UT alma do not take. Chang ọr • 59 vér mémék not to give: 9 vér mé do not give.

Different kinds of verbs.

$ 250. There are six kinds of verbs in Turkish: Transitive, Intransitive, Causal, Passive, Reciprocal and Reflexive.

§ 251. I. Transitive (or Active) verbs indicate such an action as cannot be completed without something else becoming directly affected thereby. They always require a direct object taking the nominatival form of the noun, if the object is indefinite and the full accusative form if the object is definite (§§ 83 note, 291).

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sou ichmék to drink some water (indefinite).

souyou ichmék to drink the water (definite). Godin! joj yazmaq istémék to wish to write (indefinite).

§ 252. II. An Intransitive (or Neuter) verb indicates such an action of the agent as is complete in itself without directly affecting anything else. When an action is implied, an Intransitive verb requires an indirect object in the dative case, if motion is implied: if rest is denoted, it requires its indirect object to be in the locative (237); as:

developed, and at the same time most simple and regular in its formation and in the modification of the signification of its various branches. It is a perfectly symmetrical system, through all the ramifications of which the eye or mind can run with ease.

og é-vé gitmek to go home (motion).

jb|og| évdé otourmaq to sit in the house (rest).

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yazmagha bashlamaq to begin to write (motion).

§ 253. III. Causal or Causative verbs. This form of the verb is not much used in English, but it is very common in Turkish. It implies an order or command from the speaker to a second or third person. The action is performed not by the agent or speaker but by the person to whom the order is given. These verbs are translated into English by adding to cause, to make, to have, to get, to allow and to let, to the simple verb according to the sense1; as:


cause the architect to build a house.

Qalfaya bir ev yapdirajaghim. I shall قالفه به بر او یا پدیره جغم

.Mektoubou Ohan'nese yazdirajagham مکتوبی اوحانسه بازدیره جنم .Artine bir chift goundoura yapdirdi آرتینه بر چیفت قوندوره یا پدیردی

I shall get John to write the letter.

He got Pascal to make a pair of shoes. Ol tasvirli kitabi chojouqlara bou' gûn oqoudajaghim. I shall allow the boys to read that book full of pictures to-day.

Bénim ichin bir sétri yapdîrabilir ́misiñ? Yarin bir danésini gétirdé bilirim. Can you get (or have) a coat made for - I shall have one brought to-morrow.


§ 254. IV. Passive verbs. The English and Turkish languages have this peculiarity, that they can form passive verbs from Intransitive, as well as from Transitive verbs; as:

bagmag to look at (intrans.): Talmaq to take (trans.):

bagilmag to be looked at.

.alinmag to be taken آلین

§ 255. V. Reciprocal verbs express an action performed together with or against each other. They are translated by adding to the infinitive the words one another, each other, together; as:

.sévishmek to love each other سو يشمك

The meaning and use of the Causal verb are seen by comparing the verb raise with the verb rise, of which the former is the Causal, in English. So also we may call to set the causal of to sit, the former meaning to cause to sit. Similarly to lay is the causal of to lie, the former (to lay) meaning to cause to lie.

.goshoushsounlar let them run together قوشوشسونلر .Bouroushajaqlar they will beat each other و وروشه جقلر

§ 256. VI. Reflexive verbs. When the action of a verb returns to the subject from which it proceedes, the verb is called Reflexive. These verbs are translated into English by the reflexive pronouns (§ 145); as:

.eortanmék to cover himself اورتونمك

.soyoundoular they undressed themselves صو يونديلر .yiyganajaghim I shall wash myself بیقانه جغم

.Reading Exercise تعليم قرائت

كدی ایله دوه حکایه سی

The Story of the Cat and the Camel.

بركون دوه صير تنده آغير بر يوك ايله کیدر کن ، کدی یه راست

كلدى كدى صيرتنى قانبور لاده رق دوه یه دیدی:

کدی - اوغورلو اولسون ؛ دوه قارداشلق ! نره یه بویله ! دوه - اللهه امانت اول ! اما بن ناصل سنك قارداشك ايمشيم !

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سن نره ده بن نره ده !

کدی - اوكا شبهه يوقدر ! البته بن سنك قارداشكيم . باق هله ! سنگکی قدر ایری و بويوك قا نبودم يوقميدر !

دوه – بلكه ! لكن عجبا بنمکی قدر ده قوتلی می ? کدی وای! نه بوش سوز ! شو ديرتكده يومروق قدر كوچوك

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برشی وار ایسه ، عجبا سوزك اونك ايچون میدر !

دوه - اما ايو باق ! بو يوك سنك ايچون يك بويوك دكلمى ! کدی - بوش سوزلر سویله مه ! شونى بكا وير ، تنبل هريف !

دوه يك اعلا برآز بری کل هوپ بالا ! ديمش و يوكنى كدينك !

[blocks in formation]

کدی ـ آمان آمان ! آمان ! نه آغیر ایمش ! ايشيم بيتدى ! وای !

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وای ! وای !

دوه - ایشته بلاكى بولدك ! كيت بويوك سوز سويله مكى اوكرن ! قصه دن حصه - بويوك لقمه يه ، بويوك سوز سويله مه !

Talimi Qira'at.

Kédi ilé dévé Hikíayési.

Bir gún Dévé sîrtînda1 aghir bir yûk ilé gédérkén2, Kédiyé rast géldi3. Kédi sîrtînî qambourladaraq1 dévéyé










Oughourlar olsoun, dévé qardashliq1! néréyé

Allaha émanet ols! am'ma bén naʼsil séniñ
qardashin imishim? sén' nérédé? bén' nérédé?
Oña shubhé yoqdour! Elbét té 10 bén séniñ
qardashin im. Baq hélé11! séniñki qadar iri
vé béoyúk qambouroum 12 yoq'mou dour?
Belkis! lakin ajéba 14 bénimki qadar da qouv'-
vetli mi?


Vay! né bosh seoz 15! shou sirtiñda youmrouq qadar kúchúk bir shey var îsa, ajaba sedzúñ onoun' ichoun mou dour?

Am'ma éyi baq! bou yúk séniñ ichin pék beôyúk deyil mi?

Bosh séôzlér séoylémé! Shounou baña vér! témbél hérif1?!

Dévé Pék ala! bir az béri18 gél! hop'bala 19!


démish, vé

liênủ lédinin strtina yullétmish” Aman! aman! aman22! ne aghir imish! ishim bitdi 23! vay! vay! vay24!

Words. 1. on his back. 2. while going. 3. he met. 4. arching (making hunch-back). 5. said. 6..good speed! 7. half brother, good brother. 8. thank you! (I commit you to the charge of God). 9. there is no doubt about it. 10. of course. 11 look here! 12. hunch. 13. perhaps. 14. I wonder. 15. what a useless word. 16. as large as a fist. 17. villager, rude man (lazy fellow!). 18. nearer. 19. Heyday! (hoop po loo!) 20. he said. 21. he burdened, he placed (leaded). 22. O dear! O dear! 23. my work is finished, i. e. I am lost, it is all up with me. 24. Oh! Alas!

[blocks in formation]

Ishte belana bouldoum 25 ! git, beoyik seoz seoy

léméyi éoyrén' 26!

Qis'sédén his'sé27

seoz séoylémé!

Bédyúk loqma23⁄4yé, béòyúk

25. you have got (found) your punishment. 26. go and learn the [calamity of] speaking conceited (haughty) words. 27. moral from the story. 28. morsel (of food).

.Conversation مكالمه

بو قرائت درسی نه در؟

بر کوزل حکایه در.

حكايه نك ماده سی نه در؟

دوه ايله كدينك حكايه سی» در .

دوه کیدر کن کیمه راست کلدی ؟ کدی به راست کلدی . دوه نك صير تينده نه وار ایمش ? غایت آغير بر يوك وار ايمش. دوه ایرى بر يوك حيوانى در.

دوه نه در؟

كدى مى بويوك ؟ دوه مى بويوك ؟ کدی دوه يه باقه رق يك كوچوكدر.

اوغورلر اولسون قارداشلق» دیدی .

بلکه بغداده طوغرى يولجي ايدى.

كدى دوه به نه دیدی ? اوغورلر اولسون كيملره دیرلر ؟ يولجياره دیرلر افندم ! دوه نره يه يولجي ايمش عجبا ؟ كدى دوه نك قارداشی می ایدی ؟ خير افندم ! بو پك بوش بر سوز ايدى . كدى صوره دوه به نه دیدی ! شو كوچوچك يوككى بكا وير ديدى . بيور بو حكايه یی صوكنه قدر سویله ! يك اعلا افنديجكرم !

.17 Lesson درس ۱۷

Primitive and Derivative Verbs.

مجرد و مزيد فيه مصدرلر

§ 257. Simple or Primitive Verbs are those which have no letters or syllables inserted after the root:

for instance yazmaq to write, El~ sévmék to love,

ogoumag to read, are simple verbs, because there اوقومق

[blocks in formation]
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