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DESIGNED, his life WORK."


Such a man has been found in Luther Burbank. He was born in Massachusetts in 1849. At that time the effort to develop satisfactory American grapes, which had been going on since the time of the Colonists, reached a notable stage, and the growing of seedling grapes became almost a passion with some, among them being young Burbank's relatives. Also great interest prevailed in the growth of new varieties of potatoes, owing to the failure of older sorts and the successful introduction of South American varieties. Efforts for novelties extended to other kinds of garden plants and the exhibition of results at the county fairs heightened the interest.

Naturally a boy keen for this line of work and athirst for open air, too frail physically to be pushed in school work and wearying of the trade which he chose first, because his people were interested largely in shops, young Burbank began early to indulge his taste for the garden and soon took up horticulture as his chosen work. The idea of producing new plants better than the old ones quickly possessed him, and he devoted his time for years to this work. His first appearance in public was as an exhibitor of new seedlings and as a writer on horticultural fairs for the local newspapers. From the very beginning he saw strange things in the plant world. His bean manifestations which experiments yielded would have enabled him to deduce biological laws if his mind had turned towards scientific conclusions.

But his trend was otherwise from the first. He held the horticulturist view and was ruled by the passion for producing something better. He did not care how things changed under his hands, if for the better, all right. Whatever appeared good was to be enjoyed, and remembered; let the bad perish. Here is shown, unconsciously, the wonderful powers of observation, discrimination, analysis and memory which were the natural gifts of the boy's mind. He can still see the minute forms of various developments in his early experiments even when from his point of view they had no value. He believed the good things needed no record; they would stand as their own monuments. One of these was the Burbank potato, which sold for enough to give Burbank a start in the

world, and which is still the standard of excellence in potatoes on the Pacific coast, although perhaps not so well known in the East.

Luther Burbank went to California in 1875 to secure a climate which would prove an ally and not an enemy, for he had already found out the immense value of environment in plant improvement. He started there in the nursery business; he acquired property, but at the same time continued his experiments. About fifteen years ago he found himself able to break away from commercial business and devote all his time to developing new species of plant life.

It is through the arts of crossing and hybridization that Burbank's most surprising results have been attained. He has held from the beginning that crossing is the greatest agency that can be used to overcome stubborn or dominant traits and bring latent ones to ascend


The crossing of varieties has resulted in striking results which have been heralded in the newspapers far and near. One of his greatest productions came about this way. It is the "Wickson Plum," produced by crossing the "Burbank" and "Kelsey." It is a triumph of selection in uniting the best features of two good things and it delighted Mr. Burbank so fully that his first name for it was "Perfection.” But more surprising results are wrought by hybridization involving different species. The stoneless prune, which has the kernel but not the shell, is a novelty with great commercial possibilities, because it admits of producing prunes already stuffed-the cured pulp having the flavor of an almond.

This result was attained by using an European species which had never been of value until Burbank conceived the idea that he could make use of one habit of the plant which was to place a naked kernel in its scant acrid flesh. By securing a large number of crosses of this species with the French prune, and by a tireless selection afterwards, a group of stoneless fruits has been secured, in one of which at least a plump white kernel lies naked in abundant sweet and juicy flesh.

The making of flowers from common weeds is another result of the interweaving of species,




On this depends largely one's success or failure in life. The way one talks is a good indication of his personal qualities. We display these unconsciously in conversation. A person of refinement is known by expression; a few words, profane words, are evidence that a lofty character does not abide within. Words are also indicative of wisdom or a lack of it.

of which the daisy is the best specimen. The THE WAY YOU SAY YOUR WORDS moon-daisy of Europe, the ox-eyed daisy of American fields and another specie from Japan are in nature rather coarse, unsavory things, more cursed for their aggressiveness than praised for their beauty. Hybridization has brought from them the Shasta daisy of surprising size and beauty and great commercial value. The rays have been enlarged, thickened and given a dazzling whiteness; the stem. lengthened and made more rigid. By selection the chosen group includes a great variety of forms, attitudes and arrangements of rays; it comprises the grace of one specie, the size of another and the whiteness of the third, and all these extended.

Still another result in the interweaving of several species is far away from the last, both in material and motive; that is, the shearing of the cactus. Smooth cacti are very old in nature and horticulture, but the plants have been reduced in size, owing to the fact that the horticulturist had been working only for the fruit, caring nothing about the plant. It was conceived by Burbank to secure the absence of thorns and prickles, and still drive the plant to greater size and hardiness, so that the cactus deserts anywhere could be made stretches of pasturing for live stock. The suggestion came from the fact that the fleshy leaves or pods of the prickly pear cactus are sometimes prepared for cow-feeding by beating off the spines and singeing off the prickles.

To Burbank it seemed more rational to grow them without these appendages. The result of hybridization and selection, secured by the use of five species, natives from Alaska to South Africa, is a cactus from which you can possibly take a leaf weighing fifty pounds and so smooth that you can safely rub your cheek against it. Another of his achievements which is almost past common belief is crossing the genera of the botanists and intermingling their distinctive characters in the offspring. Of a number of such successes the plumcot, combining the characters of the plum and the apricot, is the most surprising and possibly the most valuable.

Burbank has, during his forty years of work, left few groups of plants untouched and touched few to which he did not impart new character and uses. As to the general character of his work, it may be said that he has disclosed material of incalculable value to science. For horticulture he has not only produced a wealth of material, but has accomplished more than any other man ever did in the elevation of horticulture towards the plane of biology.

This story won first prize in our recent contest. (A photograph of Mr. Burbank appears on the cover page)

Pronunciation indicates cultivation and taste or the absence of both. We show embarrassment, indifference, stupidity, courage, energy, delight, and admiration by the vehicles called words. In the same manner our displeasure is exhibited.

Intellectual attainments, great or small, are brought to view in this way.

Words are powerful things-great issues come out of them. The whole tenor of a life has been changed by a cheerful or a cutting remark.

We are creatures of habit, therefore it is necessary to guard well our diction. Talk thoughtfully-talk kindly-wounds are made oftentimes unintentionally. Words cannot be recalled. There is no place for the rude of speech-the world is not benefited by surly discourse. Persons are in demand who heighten life's pleasures; not those who detract from them. The saucy retort and stinging rebuke will gain nothing socially or financially; they are not welcome visitors at any fireside.

The business man is at once interested in the polished stranger; the social circle is charmed with the polite new member. Few are averse to pleasantry properly used.

Many truly delightful friendships could exist but for something some one has said-the way it was said. So many joyous days could be spent but for the harsh tone employed on many occasions. In that way much happiness is marred. Manifold are the friends won by words; our enemies are largely made by the same process—words. It is worth while to think before we speak.

In putting an event before the notice of the public, newspapers very often state that "polite people" are in attendance. Courteous people attract-they can do greater service than the most well meaning morose individual.

The world's celebrated singer, Patti, does not allow her politeness to wane, no matter what the circumstances. The fatigue of long journeys does not change her pleasing mode of conversation. The respectful way she talks to people is one reason for her popularity. "The way she says words makes them attractive, and it is always the same."

Politeness is never out of place. The educated and the ignorant enjoy it alike.


The planning of an advertising campaign is one of the greatest responsibilities and most important duties of the advertising man.

It is needless to say that the proposition or article to be put before the public should be so well prepared, so entirely worthy of favor, that there can be absolutely no question as to its merits. At the time it is brought to the office and put onto the manager's desk it must of necessity embody all the virtues desired in such a proposition or article by the average man and woman. It should be no matter for especial pride on the manufacturer's part that his article is well made-first class in every respect; this condition is to be taken for granted. An article designed to become a necessity in home, office, or shop must on the face of it approximate perfection. If it does not, the advertiser becomes a party to a swindling game. No man deserves or receives praise for not being a robber, hold-up man, or general cut-throat. Neither is it a matter for especial commendation that a manufactured article lacks poor material, underrate workmanship or any other weakness that would mar it. As a matter of course, the article must be meritorious.


The buying public, generally speaking, is an honest public. It has been proved beyond doubt that 97 per cent of the people are honest-thinking people, serious in their motives. When they enter upon a contract they fully expect to live up to it, and in a large majority of cases do so. Credit mail-order houses that accept a small payment down on purchases made by out-of-town customers find that the buyer's word is as good as his bond. Purchases mounting up to thousands of dollars are shipped hundreds of miles to the most remote sections of the country with full confidence that each month's installment will be met when it falls due.

Speaking of the general honesty of the people reminds me of all this hue and cry about graft that is heard everywhere, today. Unthinking people exclaim in dismay, "There is no honesty anywhere any more," seeming not to realize that the politicians, boodlers, and grafters form a very infinitesimal part of our population; honest merchants, farmers, grocers, and business men in all the other legitimate lines form the great bulk of our citizenship. Again, it is like the great cry. raised against football, with the claim that it is ruining colleges, when not one-hundredth of the total number of students ever have an opportunity to kick a bali. The great college game is confined to a few who have a special leaning

that way. There are a hundred earnest students for every football fiend.

Unquestionably, the great public that buys or rejects what the advertiser offers, generally speaking, is honest. So in planning a campaign it is safe to figure upon about only six or seven per cent for leakage from dishonest patronage; this is the smallest part of an advertiser's troubles.


When the article is selected and ready to be put up into proper form, the next thing to consider is the cost of shipping, and maintaining a sufficiently large quantity in a warehouse for immediate delivery.

It is necessary to keep the subject of convenience uppermost in mind at all times: convenience for the customer in buying, convenience in use, and convenient payment plans.

The article must be constantly compared with others having its especial function, that it may not be allowed to fall below grade. You must offer at least as good an article as there is on the market—and a better one if possible.

It is not difficult to popularize an article. Repeated announcements read by housewives or office men produce a thirst or a desire that is satisfied finally only by a purchase. And then the real merit of the article decides its future.

There must not be the slightest hitch in the matter of delivery, as this causes irritation, which can ruin the prospects of the most meritorious article.

The small details of planning an advertising campaign are all too often disregarded by the advertising man. advertising man. To settle the cause of failure on a mere delay in filling orders would seem to him like splitting hairs to find an excuse; but with years of experience he learns the danger of carelessness in details, and looks scrupulously after the small things.


There are two distinct plans for advertising campaigns: general publicity, and that designed to bring direct returns. The former method is on a broader scale, is considered the most substantial, and is in greater favor where products are to be sold largely upon the reputation of the


You see examples of this kind of advertising everywhere, on bill boards, in magazines, newspapers, circulars-in fact, in every conceivable form in which printer's ink can come before the public.

In the 17th century the only kind of advertising known was merely an announcement; and


in truth many small-town merchants seem to think to this day that the 17th century form of publicity is sufficient. Country weekly papers carry the same cut-and-dried card week in and week out, every season of the year. They think that "Smith's is the place for first-class groceries" should be sufficient to attract any man or woman to Smith's counters. The line positively becomes an eye-sore. This, however, is not the type of general publicity I refer to in speaking of this subject; there is a type that pays, and pays handsomely. The type that changes copy, cuts and offers frequently, and always has a newsy message to impart.

I notice, however, that as a rule when a worthy article is reported to me as having been advertised with unsatisfactory results, the advertising was of this 17th century general publicity variety. In fact, all advertising not classed under the "direct results" head hovers under the wings of "general publicity."

As has already been stated, there is a scientific way to use general publicity that makes it of the greatest value.

Some propositions require this form of advertising almost exclusively, but such a proposition must be a large one. The very nature of this advertising requires it.

The manufacturer today has the best hold upon the results from general publicity because he controls his article, and thus does not build up the reputation of another man's product. He receives the full benefit of every cent he expends. His object is to compel the retailer to carry his product, and his plan is to present the merits of his article to the consumer in a manner that will induce him to demand this very article of his local store in preference to others. This naturally forces the retailer to carry the called-for goods in stock.

Whenever a manufacturer indulges in the "direct results" form of advertising, and at the same time places his goods through the retailer, it is done only for the purpose of strengthening the confidence of the consumer and to show an obstinate retailer that his trade wants the manufacturer's goods.

A manufacturer who says in his advertisement, “If your dealer doesn't carry them, send to us and we will supply you," doesn't place any value upon the direct returns he receives excepting as a lever which he can use to get his goods onto the shelves of the retailer. His immediate course is to write a letter to the retail merchant, stating that Mr. Smith saw their advertisement and wrote for the article, and requesting the courtesy of the retailer to deliver the order to Mr. Smith, deducting the usual percentage for his trouble, and forwarding check for the balance. At the same time, the manufacturer uses this opportunity to suggest that


the retailer carry at least a small stock to meet the demands created by extensive advertising. Other inducements are made right along until the retailer has been swung into line and is handling the manufacturer's goods. The latter furnishes cuts, well-written advertisements, calendars, booklets, and such other forms of advertising as the business and conditions may suggest-all carrying the retailer's name.

It is important to the manufacturer that the article have some point of idenification, either a special name or some special feature by which the consumer can identify it in calling for it over the counter, because it is an unwritten law among retailers to hand out something "just as good,' if "just out" of the article asked for.

I am not questioning the relative values of articles-I am merely suggesting ways to forestall the natural tendency of a dealer to sell the goods he has in stock.

The retailer is not particularly interested in any one article more than another, but he is interested in getting rid of the goods on his shelves. The whole point of an advertising campaign, then, is to get the retailer in a frame of mind goods as not." whereby he would "just as soon handle your

It never pays to stock up a retailer too heavily. Nothing so disgusts the average storekeeper as to have a row of goods carrying handsome labels grin at him every morning on opening up, and, still unbroken, yawn at him the last thing at night at closing time.


The failure of many a good proposition arises from the fact that the manufacturer thought the only thing necessary was to "make a sale." This is a most erroneous idea. The manufacturer must take the consumer into consideration. He must see to it that his goods become so strongly entrenched in the household that the retailer will have difficulty in substituting another brand.

On the other hand, the modern merchant appreciates the advertising the manufacturer is doing and will use his efforts to increase consumption.


Advertising by no means does away with traveling salesmen, as some people are inclined to believe. On the contrary, it acts as an introduction, making salesmanship easier. Through advertising it is possible for the salesman to approach his prospective buyer with the assurance that he will be met with a cordial "good morning." The retailer has read of his concern, and is fairly familiar with its standing.

Contrast this conditon with that of former years, when the salesman was met with a cold, "We don't need anything," "We never heard of your concern," and hundreds of other such greetings that required hours to combat before he was

even allowed to show his goods, and then they were shown under the most unfavorable and nerve-trying conditions.

Today the traveling salesman has time to study his proposition, to talk to the retailer, rationally and intelligently, upon points of vital import, on the manner of disposing of the goods, of the help "the house" will give the retailer, etc., and finally makes an intelligent sale. The old way was to load up the merchant with goods that he did not want, and which gave him a spasm of disgust every time he thought of the salesman's



Market centers have multiplied and New York is no longer the only place where buyers congregate to lay in a stock of goods. We have today, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, San Francisco, and twenty other progressive cities ready to meet the buyer with the same facilities that once could be found only in New York. This condition makes it necessary for the enterprising manufacturer to establish distributing points convenient to all parts of the country. These distributing stations may or may not be also jobbing houses in their respective cities.



Being launched into the sea where competition holds full sway, and requiring a steady hand to guide aright in order to avoid the snags and stumps of adversity, a pilot who has experience and tact is entrusted with the manipulation of the ship in order to reach the shores of success safely.

This is his duty, and one which he is fully able to fill, being equipped with a clear, concise and thorough knowledge of the channel of advertising.

This advertising is the key of success, to which all these great mammoth concerns of commerce owe their tribute.

If history had repeated itself in this manner years ago, the exact proportion of business to date would be hard to estimate.

The peg which confronted the merchant in years gone by, was not the lack of business ability, but the lack of promulgation. When, where, and, above all, how to prepare and distribute through different mediums.

This peg, which looked so small to them, has proved to the world its necessity and essentiality in order to succeed.

That advertising is the promoter of prosperity and wealth is proven by the way in which it is adopted by all business concerns.

[blocks in formation]

It is with great pleasure I have read COMMONSENSE, and can see in this magazine a great help to the one who will read and profit thereby. The wide-awake, progressive young man of today must cast aside, to a certain extent, interesting frivolities and devote his time to that which is beneficial, uplifting, and to that which makes and strengthens character, not merely idling his time away in amusement, which will surely bring want in the end.

In this connection, I might add a few lines from my own experience and trust they will be a help to some fellow who feels as though the whole world were down on him simply because he hasn't made the most of his Godgiven opportunities. The first thing you must realize is to grasp the opportunity when it presents itself. Decide on the merits of the thing; don't waver, but make your own decision and stay by it. If you find by experience you have made a mistake, analyze the whole matter thoroughly and let it be a lesson in your memory to profit by.

After your daily work is done and you have had a stroll with a good sociable companion, retire to your room and hold a little council with yourself and ask yourself the questions : Have I learned anything of benefit? Can I do better tomorrow? The world must recognize originality and I am going to prove myself original and learn the value of every passing


If a young man were to ask me the question: What do you consider the best occupation or trade for one just out of school, with a high school or grammar school education, and with no very decided tendencies as to what branch of business to devote himself, I would say, Spend two years at least learning the rudiments of the printing trade, but don't stick to it; read all you can the best magazines on the topics of the day and especially those which advise and help in a business way. Then if you can write a little, branch into the newspaper business, which in itself is a great educator and one must be abreast of the times to succeed in it. The people you come in contact with during this probationary course will all aid in helping you and giving you ideas which will be helpful in your future life whatever you branch into later, and the experience gained will be like so much money in the bank when you are looking around for something to do. Yours for success.


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